Olocks and welry. Queuta examine my Stock of Jewelry consisti GOLD AND SILVER SWISS WATCHES, COLORED GOLD BETS. @QOLD LOCKETS, GEM RINGS, ROLLED SLATE ALBERTS, FINE LINE OF And would now inform' the farming com- munity end others that he can always be found at the Blacksmithing Establishment | Iately occupied by Mr John Heard, where BLACKSMITHING In all its departments will be done prompt-| ly, neatly and cheaply, Repairs carefully attended to, Horse Shoeing A SPECIALTY, and done as it should be, P. B. ENSIGN. Prince Albert, July 4, 1881. BLACKSHITHING Ityouare suffering with low and depress. apie lon of appetite, genet debility i 'blood, weak Soustitition, head- Bie Rop Arca | MSCAW"S JEWELRY, "iver. W ATHCES, CLOCKS, FANCY GOODS, SCHOOL BOOKS, wats STATIONERY, iho. oldest, and a ROOM-PAPER Cannot be excelled in quality or slyle, and Prices are at the very Lowest Possible. : The 'Lancaster' Frei ht saved. * | | RUSH & Port Percy, Sept. 28, 1861." In Electro-Plate, &e. Undoubtedly the largest Stock in the ; > --np County, SL A ES : : : \ ida IN ALL ITS DEPARTMENTS. BOOT AND spoEshk C. B. DIESFELD. Port Perry, Sept. 14, 1881, 0 -------- The undersigned would inform the public that he has leased that Blacksmith 8hop on AVING purchased the Boot and Shoes business of MR. J. G. MORGAN in this place at 8 rateable reduction on the dollar I am prepared to give my customers and the public the benefit of my investment, I am also determined to sell the whole QUEEN ST., PORT PERRY, One Door West of Mr. Wright's Boot and stock comprising Men's Womens' Boys' Misses', Youths', and Children's wear in end. less variety, AT VERY LOW PRICES smithing in all its departments. Repairs #3. CUSTOM WORK p - eS suprised to see tho vapid ime t that will follow ; you will be in- with Dew life ; strength 'and factivity ; pain and misery will ceasc, and you will rejoice in the praise of Bitters. Sold at filty cents a Bottle by A.J. Davis. WALTHAM WATCHES, BOSS GOLD FILLED WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS in endless variety. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Black's Celebrated Spectacles to suit all Sights. Joshors! Mothers 11 Mothers!!! disturbed at nights and broken of Sestby a siok Sy ws chi suff and c; Tying the exoruciati) of oul tog AY TY IR Suse aid gt 3 bottle of M W'S BOOTHING SYRUP. It it Li poor little sufferer immediately -- npon) it; there of no irtistake about it. a g0ther. eaith who has ever * used it, er 'will not ell at 0 once that it will ive rest to the th to the child, qmaveD from the p premises of the sub- ber, Jot No. 3, in the Sid con. of Reach, about the 1st of March, a RED HEIFER with & white star on her fure~ bead ; che is coming three years old. A suitable reward will be given for ber re- covery : azo, HOWSAM. Reach, Mar. 29,1883. ¢ = HEINTZMAN PIANOS, Sold by O. TUPPER, ES Show Rooms second door east of Mr. W. J. Nott's Cabinet Warerooms, Port Perry: Port Perry, March 23, 1881. BAKERY, '|rPHE Undersigned would remind his customers and the public generally that besides Chotoe Plain aud Faucy Breads of Success the ost test of Worth ng Ly is Wonderful n ing acknowledged as great Pain rer and of double anELD of any other Elixir or pe in the world, Neatly, Promptly and Cheaply, done. HORSE BSHOEING A SPECIALTY ! Strict attention paid to the devel6pment of the feet and ease and comfort of the horse in traveling. My long residence in Port Perry and thorough experience in every department of the Blacksmithing business will ensure sat- isfaction to partivs patronizing my shop. A share of public patronage is solicited, po Remember the Place. A. GREHAM. PIMYLES, 1 will mail (Foc) the recipe for a simple TABLE Baum that will remove, Tan, reckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving the skin soft, ar and beautiful ; also instructioa ucing Slizuriant growth of hair on a C. TRICK, QUEEN STREET PORT PERRY. Port Perry, Nov. 23, 1881. A PERMANENT, SURE CURE FOR Port Perry, March 8, 1882. head or smooth face. Address, inelosing io stam, Ben, Vandelf & Co, 5 Beekman No «To Consumptives. +. fue advertiser having been permanently wured of that dread disease, Consumption, by # simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his fellow sufferers the means of cure. To who desire it he will send a copy of the ieseription used, (free of charge,) with the irections for preparing and using the same which they. will find a sure Cure for Con- sumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, &c. Parties wishing the Prescription, will please REV. E. A. WILSON, "194 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, mad all the sivas, of youthful indiscretion, will for the sake of suffering humanity, send ifree to all who need it, the Rr and. direc- tion for making the simple remedy by which BE was-cured. Sufferers wishing: to profic by re experience can do so by ad- ia confidence. PORRD. OGDEN; 42 Cedar St, New York Bucklen's Arnica Salve The Best Salve in the world for cuts, bruises, It rheum, fever sores, tetter, s, chilblains, corns and all aot sin eruptions. This salve is guaran- tagive pa Pariint satisfaction in every case Oo! Juice 25 cents per box. =~ SREY ach J. Date Now the Leading Watch of the trade and admitted by all competent Judges to have no superior, is for sale at McCaw's who is the sole Agent in this locality for the "LAN- CASTER WATCH." H. MoCAW. Port Perry, June 30, 1881. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS. RES EFFECTED by them are radi- al and certain, ae! do not cure one disease They will cure a larger cases, rand in less time than any Pecicine known. PRINCIPAL 503, CURES, 1. Fevers, Souges ion tamation; ~ - "% 2' Neavalgia, ache, Faceache slic, or Test ng of uf, 1 Tore aouth, or 25 § Bierepistors Bilious ous stomach, ay leeding. 21 holgrn, IY Marius: a . 25 a Aare 5 0019 tk pe kd pt als B, reathing rysipelas, Eruptio ons - op Chiil' Fever. A 'eak or Inflamed dney se Gravel, Res) Cal . Nervous De 80. Sap or SER cult 3 13 Lame Back, Piles, Diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder and' Urinary Organs, or complaints attendant thereon. Indi gists, itable Evidence from Doctors, Drug- erchants, Farmers, GIVING ENTIRE SATISFACTION. Picton, April 20, 1881. Gentlemen,--[ find your Pads are givi Come and Inspect my Stock. wares] ny entire satisfaction, and wish you Increased sales for 80 valuable a Temedy for diseases of thre kdineys. ned, Da Red. B. MORDEN. Ask your Druggist for Pamphlets, Testi monials, ete., Prices. i Pad $1.50, Regular Pad, $2 " | 8peclal Pad for Chronic Diseases, $3, Sold byS. E. Allison, PortPerry. Fred J ogers, Enniskillen. A, J. Campbell, . B., Brook Toronto, Sep. 20, 1881, | 41 Ontario' s Chief ONTARIO'S CHIEF is a superior Thorough-Bred Bull. He isa large fine animal, is from extra good fat- Boning blood on his sire's side while on his dam's side he is trom first- class mil ers. The undersigned having purchased the above Bull, begs to state that he will keep him for Service on his place, Lot 20, 2nd Concession of Reach. Skrvier --$2 each for three Cows or under ; all over thiee $1.60 each. Payable on or be- fore 1st Nevember, 1882. GEO. JACKSON. LIVERY lishment QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention charges. A share of public | pationage is solicited. }. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, Ey FOR SALE! comfortable residence, lot STABLES ! HE undersigned woul would inform the pub- » that he bas opened a Livery Estab- OPPOSITE THE MARSION HOUSE HOUSE & 1.OT OR SALE on reasonable terms that 10 Lilla T= undersigned would infor his > friends and the public genérally that his = DRUG ESTABLISHMENT One door; West of the Walker House, PORT PERRY, tage to customers purchasiog Drugs. port Perry, Feb. 9, 1881, Is now open for the Sale of everything in the D ine, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate > 4 2 Dr NEW DRUG STORE The Stock is complete, all new, carefully selected in the best markets and warranted PURE. Parties wanting any thing in the line may rely on getting that that is Genuine. My long experivnce and extensive practice in the Medical Profession will ve of advan- PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty. Come and see me at my Drug Store, one door West of the Walker House. McOLINTON, M. D. every variety, the Best quality of Coufec tionery, &c., &c., he rupplies of outer the Bakery and Coufectionery line at bik | [i h Pprt Perry and Prince Albert. Bridal 'a Supplied on the shottest notice. Public Teas And other social entertainments promphly supplied and at moderate charges. The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM Supplied by measure to the public. + - Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience ot the public, where are. supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and. dainties so pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather. One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. ; C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21,1879. . other Cakes| _|1y on he Liver and Bowels, PHUIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE sa HOUSEHOLD REQUI, EVERY- WHERE Purify the Blood, ipa tone to the Nervow System, and act most powertully yet soothing romoting Diges tion and assimilation, and endowing the whole bodily frame with Stren, moth and vigor. Nere vous Headuclies, Tiemblings with Lassitude and General Debility Suickly yield to the po- tent force of thiese well-known Pills, und they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all \ FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing - all obstructions, skin blemishes, pimples and boils better than wy other fumily medicine known. HAS A WORLD-WIDE. REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound more certainly than any other known salve, 1ts marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in al if Throat and Chest Diseases, curing Bronchitis. Qninseys, and Asthma, re- ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing Abascesses and Fistulas, and tor Alleviutiig hi exer tortures of Ri out an Neuralgia it is unsurpassed. It ab ils fo enses sent ing, Bilious Colic, - 25 %' it intr oi or Chromic Intusies, 25 25¢! ivy 'H Hone F Pal ison 5 = { eart, 01 Bi dh SL Physical Weakn y Druggist does not keep ean ee 2 I | be sent by mail on pt of for Manual Hinde hi Shenfe a WA a Shirley. Jan. 27, 1882. CERTIFICATE OF REGISTERED PEDIGREE: ONTARIOS CHIEF, calved Jan'y 31st. 1881, Soler, Datk Red; bred bye Ek £, ooper, shawa, the property of eorge Jackson, Shirley. y x Street, Port Perry. The House is ua good | frame building containing seven well finish- ed rooms, There is a well of choice water on the premises. The lot and building are in fine order, Pan i The location is healthful and pleasantand - A. 0. B. | convenient to the business centre of the Got by Scarlet Poivet Ady town, and to churches and schools. For particulars apply to the undersigned, FRANCIS HOLMES, MANCHESTER. HEARD' NEW CABINET SHOP ! Now Furniture and New "Prices remove Seorf and every species of skin dis- ° ease. Manufactured only at Professor HOLLOWAY'S Establishment 533, OXFORD, STREET, ime; and sold at 1g 1id.,2s.0d, 4s. 6d., 11s, 22. and 33s. ench Box and Pot, And fn_Oanada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $150, and the larger sizes in proportion. BE CAUTION. --<1 have no Agent in the Unated States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pols and Boyes. If the address is nok 633, Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Gttawa, and also at Washington, oe ImportantAnnouncement. Dam Emily * James 1st 24202 G. dam Columbine " Young Duke of Cambridge 17708 3rd dam Cowslip "Rivers 0 4th dam Raspberry ** Mozart HEH 5th dam Cherry Btirlin 5330 6th-dam Wilde 2 2nd Predrie 2338 TELEGRAPH LINES Eold by A.J. Davis, Druggist, Port Perry Selkirk to o Edmonton. ---- ih dam Old Wilde * Fav : Port Perry, Nov. 23,1881. I UTICA } AHEAD, 3768 NOTICE. , i Tathwel) Studley 5401 Increased Pubic m-- EALED TENDERS will be received by . « Wadingworth 668 und up to Noon on WED- J JAKE this rvortecity of returning {bs NESDAY the : day of May next, in a thanks to the many friends and cus- Restaurant Jump sum, for the purchase of the Govern- | tomers who have favored te with their ment Telegraph Line (embracing the Poles, | patronage in the past, od yould beg ost NW lres, t oa Jutruments), betwen | conpeatiully. 20 Jhiorm Hh te. ae In the premises opposite the Ontario Bank where every thing supplied in a first-class Restaurant will be provided and served in a concluded to udopt the manner which cannot bé excelled as it will CASH SYSTEM ! be conducted by first-class hands. my i entirely, Having gong over the whole of my Stock of ITot and Cold Meals AT ALL HOURS, SERVED DRY GOODS, OYSTERS sere GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, | A call at Cook's Restaurant will satisfy all that this is what the public require, HARDWARE, &c JOSEPH COOK, 4) carefully and marked every article in Port Perry, Sept. 24, 1879. ly gin in ll 1] LARDIN i Carriage: Works ! AND HE undersigned has opened out a good and welliselected Stock of Furniture, con. ATEN sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, GENERAL BLACK- § & Looking Glasses, Chairs of mil kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. CMirs from 34 ESTABLISHMENT. gents 5 Mgtiges Framed etmplete for a3 cuts hi oF. ; «A large quantity of Pictures and | i ure Frames. Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be given. I will not be | pyr HE Subscriber has much leaynre in stat undersold by any in the trade. Pictures hamed and unframed. Rustics and Walnut] | ? Frames, prices low. : pr Ingthat be oe i fhe Yalmble Everything in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, kc, One of the best wood-workers in the Pro. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains vince, and is now better fitted than ever to Nors ThE PLacg--Queen Street, one door Ean of Mr. Wright's Boot and Shoe Store, = fill all orders for Goods defivered Fuxu'in Town. «| utters, Sloighs, Bob-Slelghs, | L088 » NOTT. Sign Hows HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London, Sent, 1st 1880. widaiighed. 1 would Tnform he | public that he is opening a 'The conditions to be that a line of tale. EEE communication is to be kept up be- Winpipeg, Ho Humbolt, Battleford and ted frog of of charge. . bf a. Sendering oust name, in add sum they are - Tine, the i transmission of mes- Eow Tost, How Restored! EEE) have Se es pblished a - ny on the radical' porns cure -- mediging) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Itcapacity, Impediments 'to Marriege, ote., Yesulting from excesses. mb asealed envelo] stamps. or any description of Carriage with ene, | EBT) All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with | neatuose and on short notice Sastomers may rely on getting the best rin), latest styles and superior work- manship. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure. the. ease ' and comfort of the horse in fraveling.. =. | Wan All Clisrges Moderate and all a the e public. : F. BRAUN, prices will bear comparison wi is Son baat. iar - ¢ Nady eh in the trade, Lg BARGAINS in Cottons, | Plaancls; Windas, and iy . | 1 have no hesitation in affirming that my J We Ng for dhe harvest of 1880, the Implements ps 4 ti orgs Farming]