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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Jul 1882, p. 1

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Bon Chan ey nny ole is Wr H. PARSONS. Cars. ANDERSON, M.B.M.D., F. TMS, OPS. - R.C. Gradnate of the Po HOLS I. oy cof the Un How of Beinit of ui 'Toron Yo ini ay Ooige, Fo Burgeons; a the Edinburg, Office -| Royal. e of Sowticiges oo rgeon eur, jg a Store, Port Perry. mt Emi nn HB. SANGSTER, M. B Physician, Sur -geon ai J; or the County, of Ontario PORT PI PERRY. a Notts Furniture Store, corner of Perry Streets. A hota rom 0a, m. to 12 m. Residence, the Lwelng recently occupied 'by Mrs. Geo. Paxton ol ti ean BR, WAR! ) Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and heur, y "Bice. opraniye jhe town i rt Perry. Ww: A tnd aire R . ddvy Oshawa. 5 3 Business | MAY Te and Oards, Ball Cards, &o., of avery ile and} ihent in Com: ge can have them done to take Coronor for the County, of Ac- returning thanks | for the very liberal - which he has received as Auc- the past. increased experi- need extensive practice Rbich I have | bad will be turned to advantage of pat and parties favoring me with their Bales ly on their interests being fully pro- No effort' will be spared 4 sake parties place their Sales i profitable or My Salo Register will be found 'at Laing & * Meharry's Hardware | an Store and at my, own residence, Union Per A Youue, Tuy 'DAWES, Auctioneer. Rort Perry, Au. _ 1881. . MAJOR, ENSE 2 ONEER. All parties Ifo is Hoi can call at the "Observer" Omics, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales: Fort Perry, Jan 10, 1879. 5 WM. GORDON, uetioneer, Valuator, '&e. oR the Aowaship of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mars, Mariposa and Eldon; | B@" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmost attention Yeing given to their interests. WM, GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. . .T.H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township L of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punvtually attended to. Debts col- lected in Cannington, or otherwise, and s | prompt remittances made. Remember-- WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- eer. iF PATERSON, (late of Beaverto -. Barrister atid Al Atornoy-at Law, 80! Uljanoery, Conveyancer, Notary yer Brown & Curyle's Store. iPore Perry, 5 MPBELL, Barristers LLINOS & OA SO Attorneys-at- &e. 1 and stun Bank. se in Bigelow' Block, Queen Bt, Port Perry, Ont, JORK BILLINGS. port Poury, Feb. 12; 1881. J. FARE Yor Jn colt ratd N Nowa Jab A Office late! nl by 8. H, ne Esq., Brock st y. | me TORY *¥MAN LL. ENGLISH LL.B. a Solleltortn . .4 Chancery, All Sormey: Cos Conveyancer, Moe--Stmooe street, oovonlts the Post Office ee Og OUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- : Yorho Tw Holloitor in C Chancery, 'pd Insolvency; Notary PMos--Moitian's Block, Brock street, Whitby. ia A. MURRAY, ai * al the lst Se 0 a8 a8 the cheap- Crp) ghesp's : Wafer: COLIN Hl. CAMPBELL. LL: B., County Crown Ta Battlstor, Attorney sy trot, Wh. HEZZELWOOD, "| Licensed Auctioneer. HE Undersifnod having taken out & Licenses as A is now: p p! "| Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments' of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &c, &c., parties placing their salesin my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is ible to bring. Pa orders aptly attended to, sale bills made out and sale nates turnished free of charge. Parties leaving their orders at the LOnserven 'Office, Pert Perry, will receive immediate and careful attention, Moderate. huge WM. HBZZELWOO: Raglan, Sept 10, 1976. MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE, Brain and Nerve Food. Sure, and Eftectunt Ex Remedy fo! a se Weak Momo, Lossot Brat les © Seni ition a I repairs haus The experience of thou- Snipa an Invaiua ane, Remedy The 8 mad. mobiet, which we desire Storia fa sold boxes Si = Sptot| ee Ratu takes this opportunity ig to attend to all sales entrusted tohim.-- Having had much experience in handling | ng di dent, and Yedkly rd, In case of non- fatal injury. £4 Marriage Nicenses Issued, "GX oketa for passage to and from Qreat a 3 sold at lowest, rates, MONEY TO LOAN. 'HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money. on improved property or. terms from one to twenty years, Agent for WesTERN Cava Loan amp Savines Company, He has also-been ingtructed to invest a large amount of Pri vatd Huntin, Tutercst Eight per cent. No Commission. N. Ff. PATERSON. * Port Perry, May 30, 1878. Solicitor pees Subscriber is red to IEND ANY AMOONY --ON=-- 0 Farm Securty. At 6) per cent. Also on Village Security at a Higher Rate B&F MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, BARRISTER. - Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY alPrivate Funds, 'I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest, + LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &0.,; Oshawa November 21, 18686. PORT PERRY bb STABLES, LIVERY RIGS vi te, Eefuenatan 5 the ks Jaded" Tatatiech ¥ derteraiits "Tone an. Vicor to 10 the EX] ited C. MK I NZIE, PROPRIETOR. ubscriber having now fully equipped J Lis and extensive Livery Stabiss with a supply of superior Horses and Carriages, is ; prepared to furnish first clase On Moderate Terms. * 0. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 WESTERN ASSURANCE COMPANY, INCORPORATED 1841, CAPITAL $800000. (With power to increase to $1,000,000.) HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. p&~ Insurances effected at the lowest re cuirent te on Buildings, Merchandise, and other property, against loss or di eit bam ot Ths ni 20 Drone Dita on relieves a Samy Po. convinces; a cures, AN EMPIRE'S DUST UES HE undersigned takes this opportunity of returning sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm of Rose & Shaw of Port Perry Marble Works, The liberal patronage received in the past has had the effect of causing every Ceme- tery throughout this and adjoining Counties To Bristle, with Tomb Ston¢s and Monuments, FROM THE PORT PERRY MARBLE WORKS ! The undersigned now takes the business and with iucreased facilities and if possible greater attention to business hopes for a still further increase of public patronage. -- BB. BYBNG, one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic Carvers on Stone have been secured. All orders promptly attended to. Choice Material, First-Class Workman- ship and Moderate Prioes. C. BHAW. hotels. THE WALKER HOUSE, * PORT PERRY, T° COMPLETE in all -ijs. nts Ww. HASLAM, Dec. 15, 1880. RE! i JNO. & D. J. ADAMS, Agents, Port Yass. Port Perry, Jan 22, 1879. - HALLS '| the Port Perry Perr PERRY HOUSE, . The undersigned having leased for aterm of years this comfortable, located Hola wil endeavor by sl strict attention to the convenience comfort to make ose 8 place of entertainment for the general public. plies for the table and bar, smn | "i stable and yard careful! 'of Port Petey, Deo: 9,1879. . DMMEBOIAL HOTEL, The sybscriber ha ed Mr Doin lp iota a bu ng 1t-up bis) to. the _comfort and convenience The 'supplies for. he table and bar care~ Yliy seloufed, PETER HOLT t, March 4, 1819. : On other skies. ad The geld I riled {rom the coller, The blade is stolen from the sheath ; %400has but oue;mors bown to offer, And that ig--Death. Yet well Iknow the voice of duty, And, therefore, life and health must crave, cures | Though she who gave the world its beauty Is in her grave. 1 live, © loss ane | for the living Who drew their earliest life from thee, And wait uotil wish glad thanksgiving. 1 shall be free. : For life to me is & station Wherein apart a traveller stands-- One absent long from home aad pation, In other lands; And I, as he who stands and listens, - Amid the twilight's chill and gloom, bor | To bear, approaching in the distance, The train for home. For death shall bring another mating, Beyond the shadows of the tomb, On yonder shore a bride a waiting Until I come, In youder field pro children playing, And there--oh ! vision of delight |-- 1 see the child and mother straying' In robes of white, Thou, then, the longing heart that breakest, Stealing the treasures one by one, T'll call Thee blessed when thou makest That parted--one. September 18, 1863. S-- What a Sermon should be. I should be brief, if {engthy, it will steep Oar hearts in in apathy, our eyes in sleep | The dull will yawn, the chapel-lounger doze, Attention flag, aud memory's portals close. It should be warm ; a living altar coal, To melt the icy fonts and charii the Roles A sapless, dyll harangue, however read, Will never rouse the soul, or raise the dead. Tt should be simple, practical, and cles; No fine-spun theory to please the ear; Ne curious Iay ta tickle lettered pride, Aud leave the poor and plain unedified. It should be tender and affectionate, As his warm theme who wept lost Sslem's fute ; 'The fiery law with wards of lave allayed Will swectly warm, and awfully persuade. It should be manly, just, and rational ; Wisely conceived, and well expressed, withal; Not stuffed with silly notions, apt to stain A sacred desk, and show a muddy bin. 1t should possess a well adapted graco, To situation, audience, time and place ; A sermon formed for scholars, statesmen, lords, With peasants and mechanics ill accords. It should with evapgelic heauties bloom, Like Paul's gt Corinth, Athens, or at Home; Let some Epictetus or Sterns esteem, A bleeding Jesus and a Gospel theme | It should be mixed with many ap ardent prayer E To reach the heart and fasten there; When God and man are mutually addressed, God grants a blessing--man is truly blest. It should be closely, well applied at last, To make the moral nail securely fast | # Thou are (he man," and. thon alone, wil make A Pelix tremble, and a David quake. Health Hints, ; Nothing fumnishes Tess brain food than Notwo persons should habitually sleep A delinto stomach shoud nc, take fit and vegetables at the same meal, Life js not worth much to him who batty Tobe in makes L Syseyshjug 'We ky tkckoct of " my brother, the captain," sof ber lieved thas the adventures of 8i were tame beside those which we imagined for him. He was, in short the one heroic and 'brillant, though unseen, figure in our commonplace lives, upon which we bung sll the romance and fancy which came to us from other sources. My father died when I was a boy of ten. Capt. Douglass came home io time {to see him betore he died. I remomber being Jed with Jenny to my father's bedside, where a tall, bearded man stood, who put his arms about w, and with a broken veice said : " Before God, father, 4 promise you that they shall be my care." He wag compelled to join: bis ship 88 800n us the funeral was over. The next week Jennic and I were removed to the town of Clinton, where we were placed at different boarding schools. For nine years this invisable bro- ther was our guardian angel. No: thing that mony could supply was wanting to us, His letters always full ot eailer's rollicking fun, were also tender as a woman's. There was a strange sonsitiveness, too, in his affestion that{might havo bolonged to a mother, Whatever school we wentin, he always insisted that we should be to pass ang day in the week together and on that day ws usually compar= ed his letters, or 'messages, and brought him before each other in yet more heroic colors. There waa a certain mystery about | him, too, which added to our romantic affection. Why did he never come to see us? Surely in nine years Le could have had a farlough. We begged him in our letters to come, or at least send us a photos graph ; but instead came only play- ful excuses, "All very bandsome men are modest," I said to Janny, with the authority of a college senior, "and my recollection of brether Douglass is that of man of superb presence and the bighest type of manly beaoty." At last the day came when I was to graduate, and Jenny fo leave her 8chodl in the samo town. It was impossible for Duglass longer to re- majn wholly seperate from us. We both wrdte to him, + Surely," 1 said, "you will no longer yefuseto come to us. Yom have been father, brother--all to us, Let me show yon to my friends," 1 tried to tell him how noble he seemed to me--how 1 bad made him the model of my own life. Come to us." Iurged. "Help meto be a man like yourself." Jenny inplosed a nets, which I readfand bad half a mind not to pend, so simple and girlish did it seous to me, ..¥ Dear brother," she spid, * we have the right to be with you, God 'has - given 0s-to each othor. You aro alove, anc. I feel that you need ove fh that we. bs Tn ya, Let ust least make 8 homa for yoo {you bave dons pverything for ue? - As jf Donglaes sould nped poor . | little Jenny and mel" I thought of | wispet and best 'man, 'the most beautiful woman in the opuntry, as *|only aconrt in Whisk be Beved like aus goniouty obeors nd he | proce ately Donglass conld not be very _ | distant, It was yay enough, ad: the campus was dotted with gy groups to hear the addresses of the. graduating class, Ba still no Capt. I glaneed along the row 'of diguit- aries. How they would shrink into insigni before my hivthar's apleadid figure in bis uniform.. He was every inch a man. My torn came. T was the last speaker, I was well known to most of the audience, as I had been a long time jn the college. The applause, as I began and ended, was vehement but Iscarcely beard (it, A train had arrived just before I mounted the rostrum, Surely he was in it. Surely he woald claim mg before them all, I stepped down when I bad finish- ed, and took my place in the class to roceive my diploma. It was given, 'There was a short prayer and.all was over, Carryiog the rool of parchment in my baad, proudly as ifit had been a marshal's baton, I went out,;with Jennie cling ing to my 'arm, to the campus,' crowded with my friends. Leaning against the fence was a bloated, bloar-cyed man, whoke worn cloths showed tbat he had walked a long way. Two of the professors were talking together behind the pillar by which I was standing. " Yes that is he," said one. "Gone quite to the dogs. = Rumh yum, Bat be has.one redeeming trait, For nine years he has sent his pay to support this boy and girl, and has lived himself on a mere pittance of bis pay, but they never saw him. What induced him to sacrifice bim- self on a mero pritange of his pay 7?" "They were all he bad, The only drops of his blood in the world ran in their veins. The poor wretch bas never bad anybody to care for him, and perhaps be thought these child- ren might have some real affection for him, ryined as he is by bis ap- petite for drink', I stood stunned pod dumb--I--I! --It was--it was my brother, my hero, that they meant! At that moment the man came forward trembling, He had not drank that day, and was unsteady from excitement and {he want of liquor. Robert!' he beld eut his bands sppealingly. "I am yowr brother Douglase," 1 made no answer. 1 glanced 'sround in deadly terror least some one would hear bim, They bag all heard, Then I looked him full in the eyes. This man is mad,"{I said deliber- ately. "You are nothing to me-- oothing. I can own po relations, with such as you." Ho staggered back as if he bad teen shot, ; Great God /" be mpttered, #] did not expect this, But--I--have deserved it |" * There was @ spdden rmsh and a sobbing ery, and Jenny bad bath her arms 'gbont his neck, * Dogglass|] brother Douglass |" she cried I bave you at last," - Then she drew back with one arm about him, and turn ing to's party of her friends who lees, i My heart bost high with anxiety. sometimes be cured by love and; practical common se She did cure him, * He li many years, snd died in her last. She hud, it is rue, material to work upen. Bat ¢ is almost always good material the .dronkard. His ailment. is physical as well ns a moval di and shoujd. be combuted by phys as well as moral means, + When Iatrained full manh recognized the meanness and er; of my position towards them. went to my brother sud hu begged his purden, He forgay but I Lave pever forgiven wi The remembersnge of (his obange I lost to show myself u n bumbies me with regret aud morty fication, \ ------ GP ---- em. " Have you had Jone ears pie ed?" used a young lady of B cham, who lived sext door. # should think 50,7 wus tie crushing Lroply, "bearing yousing vary 4a¥. There is now u great gull <of <0 ness between tho two. ee "My frens,' "said the officiatio clergyman at tie weriage of ts colored persons near €.oeinuaty ; few Sunways ago, * my a serions thing to i specially when bofe parties is phants au' buint got wo parents tall back on, us am dd present case, An utterly 100 young married } with & still tooer hustund, living in one of the fashonalle Tomes of t day, worked a motio with the scription: « God Bless Cur Fiat, And a neighbor to whom it Ww shown bud the bardihond 16 ask hee whether she referred to Les reside ence or bec hugband. : A contempormiy weks; © How shall women emiry their purses to frustrate the thieves 7". V hy, ef them empty. Nothing iruatratis thief more than to search a woman! purse, after following her bali a mile; and then finds the ii vostdipa na ing but a recipe for piped pies and # faded photograph of het g motber, ¢ Angalioa, dearest, canst tell n wherein the mariner resembles t beautiful sunflower under w nmbrageons bjossms we first pli od our first troth 1 asked Aduly his whole being tremulons with tion. "No, Dolly," replied lina, toying with her obewing "Tell nte, Dolly." "It is b the thd sunflower goes to seed; the midbiner goss Lo ses, dens: " Heart disease, ! esid Jetami; he assisted Phtrick toup-end a of cement, Beart Gisenne is ones the worst of dispases, Some vivir now they have it (ill dbrop down dead," This for Jemmie," replied Patrie; # oops who know that they baveto ahi careful selves. I #100d near, said, with a calm dignity: 1 owe everything I am i the world to him. I have never me if I go with him: now," : Loto gol honid, stroggli seen him brfore, Yon will excuse be

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