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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 17 Aug 1882, p. 1

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tl) by 98 hg wig eo wid, "1 think lk Tad ; InsuranceAgent,| EE en ho ee re 1.0 og he omapniie Representing euetng op % : D : I with a twinkle in his eye. gn ; y. - "Isa notion spi : iid wot somehow." {from 010 to another of our aoquain-{ mi, Iaughing. : "tAnd whens pad ferply. onsense mid Mother, tances, but always with the. Si er PL. ede ly we vg eK . % unsatisfactory result. Ji be ¢ Well, said om, heiting sss, $ "Do 0" doa bo id Tom, « 1y passes *moy comprehension," + ills with me: ky aparently. oubtful, but no in the typ q said to me dispairingly.ono day..." How nice!" Foxolaimod, { «How a nol i "I am positive, I could tell tholsoon-can:l-hagefe® © . ... 'yu Es § : -- 50 now " What in| git one by Tom's face in afew | «The sooner the better, sa. far as | mother! : sgnet a go 3 Ou, " Conia , ho work a you want with a wife. | minutes and yet I have mentioned | am concerned; *seid Tom, and.with | mess 0 to ay it an hg hla you "ho. line Feosived. Aue Pest ein Pend dhe Beamiir : an' rtaigty of | Aller ese years we have. lived everybody we know." that he torvied around and Toked: at were thinking of.all thewbile?? the pus. nerehsed. | ant i 'upon the shoriet notice, and Us fora Phenail) cites comfortably" together, to bring| "« Perhaps it is somebody we. don't .mo, ;and > diroctly I-met his oyes I . 'ithe: lo a ton eath, or ome Dyspepsia and Biliousness, ie Somebody to turn 'the louse know," I saggested, "some friend of | knew. somehow, all. in. a moment Tom, simply. 2: ap bl ao es a JE.oB previous aeuih. Dottie convinces a FO Cont | ro ons And, then, What's to hist we have never sen," what it was he meant; and I know, | * Well,' said motherc::'Lought to dent nd find yoekly snes erverin In case of non-| bottle cures, a bosome of that Poor child 2 « What, a porfect stranger ?' said | too, both that T.could not pass ail | have remembered: you never did do A Sicha' amet, "on neve: i poor Rhilg, that was I--rod- | mother, sharply. "Never talk 10|my life with Will Bromley and why [#"¥thing life aiybody. else. But, io Hardware and Ticketa tor passage to to ahd tom Great Ie Rane Heine hihgat ut te mo, child; Tom's not capable of}{I'could not. still, why in the world :do you go to Ey own nion : t is: way, was about to | a1» . 1 Lol work in such.a roundabout way' au. Ny i! ] am sure Letty Wattors, who in- | i Port Perry. 0 WES, Audiioneor. | alone TO TI. 0. snd ha es rami herself, 'when interpased | * 1 wag ailent, for I did not want to |terrupted us just then, must have| "I Wanted to soeshow you took to Port Perry, Au. 17, 1881. Na bi i i idea,' said Tom. « «=n: ALLE ON Rup Tt aire May Knows I. would worry her; but that was my opinion | thought my wits were wondering | MY idea, rom . ; all the same, that evening, and, indeed, they were{ 'And how do: you: suppose we E 8 aoriber Ts prep red to 1 Cut talk ) y Thvotemtonal Eaton. | [ opm serie. a ete TUR EEO oS RAGE a nove ara ih 130 wend mak)" re aos va ther fr wo oul As Pe gh ou a mung wa Fa AN EMPIRE'S DUST is "M0738 _03HHIINA3S once. anything but a joyful tone. "Soit's| - « No, sir," replied' the ouimaster, ¢But the ways of my time are|as I suspected all along. Well, you | after taking a look. old-fashioned now; "young ladies |have my best wishes, Tom; perbaps| « Well, den, I' 1 take one." now-a-days take matters into their |you may be happy, together atter all, | * « There are no lette?s for you.", own hands. If she cared for you |I'm sure I hope so." «Isn't dar a ii ih " a gel 'less' a homo for' bh g : to twenty years, . at least one 75 cont. Bottle of [it less a homo for or--don't you | yore tian & weel since Tom had |sudden turn thingshad tok Bug | mother asked. . = ¥ B..M D,, F.TMS,, | "Observer" Office, Port Perry, Sndarsng for one opesa tell your neighbor " ings nken. Bu in TPR dia ntibs Tanto . ) i, oat Sr Warm Oaiipa Loan awp| Fore it aud Io is warrante course," said I. huFlod (hat thunderbolt of his at us | Tom, who had the: advantege of me| * Who else could it bo? repeated Unive ly of Toni Jatin of the Soh Port Perry, Jan 10, 1 bi RE Insiutoti to. vest. w{ Jo_cure Dyspepsia an. «And Puy sure she k % -- mother Bogan about it openly. | there,took it quite cooly, and laugh- | Tom, falling back on what be avid. Hear Ady ty Collen, x LO el WM. GORDON, _ large amount of Private Funds, iousmess. ____________ re she knows pot ing « When 'aro yon going to intro-|ed and talked with Letty just the ently found to b3 an "ananswerable. Physicians and Surgeons; Licentiato of the | Licensed Amictionecr, Val pila, e.| Intercst Eight Per cent. No Commission. of the sort;" persisted mother, "nor|qyce your wife to us, Tom? 1 sup-{same as ever (ill she went a argument. - It was no use talking to > iene of Physicians, Edinburg, R. the Township of Brock, rides, N. f. PATERSON, you oither, Tom Dean. How can y > i oy SWAY. hi Moth A with Su nd Acconcheur. Office K Beott, Thorah, Rema, Mara, Mariposa Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor | ', aa pose-you have come to an under-| It was pretty late when we went | "1M or. - gavel: r a Rn Store, Port Perry. and Bjorn, tate 2 : 5 ] Jou il for What a wife may|ganding by this time." in, Mother sat where we bad left [shake of the head.' BES Parties entrusting thelr their, Sales 'PIHE Bubscribor is 0 into her head todo, once you| Oh, th b 1m, id Mer knitti th light. *And you. rh walk another GSTE! MN D., Physician, Sur | may rel. on the utmost attention belng given ' A ere's no hurry," Tom said [her knitting in o tw! zl ar JE goon hd Aces i: $0 Chott putorests, JBI: -L prepared to gother fixed? You can't expeot|ny ho had said before; but this time| "Wasn't that Lejty Waters with |house, thon, - Aunt: Anve Paid ' Coroner for tha Gail of Ontario ' WML Ss : i LEND ANY AMOUNT ber toi forget as you do, that May |p did not speak quite so cheerfully. [you a while ago 1" Aho said, as we |Tom, suddenly. That get mother b ~ er] 3 » $ . 8 OMhes hae Ne ER Rarossarnoror : Sunferiand, 8 Pat rie hd hg Foal claim on you. "The fact is there is," he continued | eamo ups off again. . Tom joined with her, and, anaehand berry Suresin, T.H. WALSHB, at Ihave no real claim On | with u little hesitation, "there--thero| + Yes," mnid, I, with a confasea | altogether I don't 'think we over | Residenos, tho Awolling recontly oocupled 1 cryseb. A Towmip At a per cent. her, {suppose you mean, ima'ma," liq o rival in tho case." feeling ofan explanation of. some- | Passed A morrier evening than the by: Mrs, Geo, P a onturi: Maripoe, oto. int the County | Also on Village Security.at- a Higher Rate 58 Tom put in for tho second time, just| «a yigal, Topeated the mother, | thing being mecessury. "Sho just|O0e that made us Sequiivng with R. WARE, Coronor for the County, of | of Victoria. Residence--Cannington, Brock. r as T was gotting thoroughly u | wi th br % ; : | DE Fe fi, ip S| sar soasosostionorr NT iit mo pgs L102 208 rg en ath siting ee cama id bring the now crocbat. pat | Tom's wil fo "opposite the town hall. will Bepunebuily attended to. - Debts col HUBERT I. BERS i 1ibernl: -patroringo bestowed opon the Info| tend 10 keep. hor. that ia' Sat "Yos a young fellow--youngor | tern she promised me." -- mM Ft Fe MEE rrr tr 0,0 EE Re toe cay rai sorely graf' tis Tom" | "TRF it suits mach] Gung te Sort lice TMOBRIEN, M.D, M. R. 0. 5, Guy's M : oy wi x , : i Cn at YA hat i % ENCE England. The liye BR. WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction- | MONEY pat Jashnd 148 effses of cAncing ve Ceme-| blinks sideways at me, "as long gs To Loe seam i an ve wrdly ori fle ih BA ber own fice a Tus Snes Fay or ue Vaeniase H oshawa. : (Private. Fands,] i a . sho'll stay with me, oh May? And |now 1 oonfess I don't - Ww Tim "Bad ben. iwondévin bout Toney fo ET PATRRRQN, (aie of praveriond | WH. REZZELWOOD, fo Loan on good Rarmsyab8_pér cont in- re, Bristle, Me iin a OMB whoover han anything 10 say agains | lear. Tin wating for hb biogliiid Minti, Wann San ¥ , Er ohveyaneen, otary Pub- Licensed Auctioneer. terest. ones an onuments, |, arrangement will have to go lor Serb mac Joo y . 0, sortof fastiion, | Ono of the pidest sights in the } % ; LYMAN ENGLISH, FROM THE ofit of tho | ' : up her mind. taking up and putting wn in the South is to seo the negrnws hang 24 reliom Te Undersigned oT Taving takeh out a BARRISTER, &0., \ ; 23 house to say it--not that, «Ang ghe is wating most likely wrong places «ll the small objects | about the Post Offices. They are the Port Perry. «1 License as Anctioneer is now prepared Oshaxs PORT PE RRY am afraid of any such result in this ki id | that fell in hi H i i TLLINGS & CAMPBELL; Bartistors | to" attend-to all rales entrusted tohim-- November 21,1866. Gagan. oi' tho whol for you to make up yours.' sai at fell in his way. He came up| first ones to call in the moming and 7 A Attorneys-ni-Law, &@. Solicitors | Having had mnch experience in handling Td ho whole, - Aunt | nother, forgetting in her propensity [and took a seat by mother. I: be-|the last fo leave at night, and it is by "or the Ontario Bank. Office in. Bigelow's Li) i Liss, Stock a Flores, pis PERRY LIVERY SEARLES Annie, 1 should like 10 try the ex-| (5 right matters, that she was play-{came of a sudden very busy with no means rare Novo: them enquire eep; . 4 1 : » 2 los, Jigen Sx , kart Fortin. oAMPRELL. . of all Kinds, ' Farm Produce, &¢, &c., The undersigned now takes the business pamiment, . : ing the enemy's game. the plants in the window, for I knew | for mail fifteéh times aday. I was in Ferry, Feb. 13, 1991. - ES plating Shel snies bv my huadavay 5 with ines frcilitica and if possibla| Mother smilod grimly, but Tom | ¢ppere is something in that nover ho. was going to tell her. the offi Matietts, Ga, when 8-pork hi 2 | rely on getting all for the property. thatis grenter attention to business hopes for al wag go evidently bent on his "ex- a s «Wi : reals yihouice at is, Gay Tan 3 FAREW. LL, B., County Grown | 1 o.ifile to bring. c Sill further increase of public patronage.--| . . a y s occured to me,' said Tom, his face Wish me joy, Aunt Aon?" said | aged darkey limped in snd inquired, er Yo TN Z LE, Freep mb sn TH, Mi 0 ly Stn bf, abn i forte 8 gd ourind 37S B. Gosneanen aa. "Brock street | made out sud sale noten furnished free st PROPRIETOR. 18a¥e ups the argument, take and made a counter-move at| Settled, is it?" said mother, in Junebroke Duke 2% . 1 Whitby. charge: Toaving® tele Gren. at. ths Bo BT BNG .-1*You can dana if you aro ready } 01 THA Lo ANOLE, ier RE fli Oe Bers Perry, will receive or A one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic to! pay the piper," she said shortly. Onhawa. immediate and careful attention. Ia Supply ofen prior ores and Carriages, 1s Disvers on Stone have been secured. "And pr ow soon do you mean fMoe--Simeos stréot, opposite the Post Office Charges Moderate. All orders promptly attended to. to be mar "m WM. MBzZELOOD, - G BMITH, LL. 2: Tartistor, 'L IVER Y RIG S Pg Material, First-Class Workmafi-}. "mom's face foll a lictleat that ques- bh: ip Oso; ° Om Moderate Terms. i pari Raglan, Sept 10,1878. C. MCKENZIE C. SHAW. tion. t| Thi 't i , Broek street, G ; » oie ; y you may be pretty sureshe wouldn't is wasn't a very encouraging| «No," Hargiye | MACK'S MAGNETIC MEDICINE. a BOT pares Ave. 31, 18), le said bo, "I'can' say ex-|y oo Gaited until this time to let|sort of congratulation, and Tom | «Hasn't I dun got nuffin' 'tall 2" 1 A JAURRAY, ; foods WESTERN : | ity DS Wh we will have to you know it; that is, Ijudge by the seemed rather taken back by it. « Not a thing." ATE Patterson & Eo : ASST RA NCR® COMPANY. hotels. ; 2 gaged Arata girls Tam in the habit of seeing; but| *" I'm sorry you'renot pleased," he | «Dat's curious,--werry curios," Fonton, Surgeon, ; 2 ¥ EE ore ot What," said mothor, opening|i (}:ii one'ia a stranger to me--'|8nid, after a pause, "1 had an. idea ) Sp muttered the man as he walked out. *, '"" h " INCORPORATED ist, THE WALKER HOUSE, Boner you Toe Re Chore mother Fiveted her eyes upon SOmERTwP del Jon wokld be. I followed: after, and. whest Fasiod aor" Tom's face; ob, dear my unfortungte| "I don't know from .whbat you |him if he expected an important letter {yet words #) 'if obs is an entiro strpngor judged. Bat there it's no nse crying | that day he replied : THERM T cannot pretend to form any opin- |over spilt milk, Youwllbo married | « gartan I does. ,Dat's' why Ize (ESET feb horh d JE Insurances effected 'at the loweet| 0c 1oq0 . W. HASLAM. fully. ; Shanks that, Jou ion of her, of course.' directly, Y presume ? I must bo| walked fo' miles dis mawnin." ¢ Sv oe Spermaio: io as Louent mates on Buildings, 'Merchandise,| 0°15 . Hadid r ter.I hava spol on to you. «Of course,' ropeated Tom absent. looking out for a house," and mother "Where. was the' ter vaising es i : docks Jou Waste, so, Heunnteaic Jacl Tntariocs, in property, against loss" or dumage Se SEEis ROTOR. ----= 5 Mother, asa minister's widow, y. stroked ber nose reflectively with a | gum 1% {ngerted ona Surprising ok one Ad Vigor 10 tho ixhansted, ye: a P "edwan not much given toidlo mirth | * (xro¢ 4pag Ihave any such iden,' knitting needle, «I dunno." P the art, sndase heap as the cheap- JNO; & D. J. ADAMS, 4 . ea o ' The undersigned having leased for aterm thus is us the, erackling of Jin restmod mother, growing warmer;| *" What for 1" said Tom. "Il ype did you expect to write fo o 'bast, Teeth fill | anda proves a ea Remedy: The The Agents, Port Perry, and. ee Toeth extra we wicks maak 2 pert poe, Jan 13, 1879. a of years this comfortable, pleasantly located under a pot, but now she leaned thought of keeping on here all the you" same." «Td wif unnao, tains suf : 'I have said, and I say again, that ny producing local anmsth= n, and a Bali rye Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to 1 y ? "Cowan's - new ; pF Hotel whi endeavorpy sisict Shiention to the 'and langhed till the tears stood in to bring's perfedt stranger ides me i rons never supposed 'otherwise,' «Did. you ¢xpéot . ns said mother. "Of course I did not}, ¥ Sh : fone Tem) |OADIT, 8800000. "Hraim and Nerve Food: . AR to $1,000, 000)... PORT PERRY, : : IF COMYLETE in all its 'Departments |" «Not yet," answered Tom, cheers Ts Sure, Prompt and Bleeiy Ro 3 "HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. : od the Port. Perry Horse a desirable place of! her eyes. RG ML PEGs Vt dhe aid, fie wa 7h 4B opto of on i supplies for the table an body else 1 'should say h * t to turhiyou out of your own ho, stable and yard carefully attended to, | ®"Y y 8 ould sayihe: was oxpect to turn you 0 tof yo As The, stable and ya "SGN RUDDY. racked; bus yon never Weto like 1 folt mother's words liko 80 mAYY Lhouse, , & ¢ «Deed I did, sah. 'F id dat Port Perry; Dee. 9, 1879. 'people and" you never, will bo, | pine if neadlee; for Tom. was ho i Bubwhat 8th need of looking eter igh it 980 is it = , : t, at + ing m ively. across at me, # for another then ¥' = : OYMEECiaL BOTHL, © Tom Dean. iy 3% lousy yeu bare though that was just._a way of his, | Sg or es Wns | 1dunno, bub kdepested, +" Ob, yes," said Tom ; but. if you! {it ssemol ro ug if ho was reading r, Fouteetf I" répbated Tom, in | De Hote], Willats 2 'my Yuoe "tbat opinion was mine, atone of utter amazement. gin pe ides sil exopsemay Aunt Annie, I would and. thats] hi@ * boon' meddling in Tedve. nl linet" now | A ng 0" comfort' Gonyonionibe™ fiber: 'not say anything about her | Ann, I 'Bédard of si ra ant i; for if--if anyshing should what did" mot concern 'me. I felt|An% never of sich thing! : Tk Ww Eg myself for vory vexation getting 2% Nowy Tmt 'mother, speak: n ith which very moment, ill it grew ing, vouy./ fasty hd making. her ory needles fly in concert, * we might as : ore' said forap | well come to sn understanding at ce on this subject, 1 am folly wards the p rope Sensible of your pust LT now 1 say 2 ciate, At and have : ) oH duty' by you in ihre oo 1 should always be ready to do. RE. ever I can, but to live house with her is what ae © Bing mH ng us, and young,

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