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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Aug 1882, p. 4

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bas Cs single case of | pe of the nervous . Ly drmggists, or sent receipt of the price, §1 per Sarah $5. Address F. >: , Druggists, Renfow, wie * «Wo have sold Fowler's Wild Strawberry for a number of find Noting egal to it, for the whiich it is designed," Dr. Fowl- Wild' Strawberry cures all firm about bringing out a Patent Medicine el 'complaints Tncidont to 'and Fall, Flies and Bugs. Flies, , roaches, ants, bed-Ligs, rats, pice, gopher, how, hipmunis, cleared oat by Rough et the general, public" fon reat many have: weakness 'and and again to thelr great loss and huge self abuse, as disappointment, Twe, a Patent Medicine , mental anxiety, | 1) results from a_ prescription written on depression of spiriteand , y a BppUAIR casier--no i readicr at" hand-- nk necessary; and ed the thing "over I HOULD exam examine wy Stock of Jewelry | consisting of GOLD AND SILVER Swiss WATCHES, ooL ORED GOLD SETS. GOLD LOCKETS, GEM RINGS, ROLLED SLATE ALBERTS, FINE LINE OF piece of paper--but then the thing must prove itself worthy of the coufideuce of the public, and its verdict depends upon the efficacy of the medicine--in a word its suc. cuss in the cue of disease. Fortnnately, the " rise of the far-famed: 'Holloway's Pills and Ointment was like that of a Napoleonic idea --a design that nothing could withstand in its warch toward: i | When Professor Holloway, some forty yearn ago, spoke to the principal of an cmivent the old gentleman shook his head and asked ths Profussor if he had any money. *¥cs" was the reply. "Then you had better keep it," rejoined he. In epite of this discourag. ,ing hint, however, Holloway, conscious o of the. importance of bis great discovery, knowing that it was not a slip of paper with Br. Pavs, Minn, Aug, 13.--S8ir John Rose and par(y have returned from their tour over the Canadian and Northern Pacific roads threugh Manitoba, Dakota, Minnesota, and Mountana. Bir John expresses himgelf aa suprised af what Le has seen, He had Jormed » high idea of the North-West, Lut €ays it exceeds his most i expecta- ap ipti upon it, but destined for 'a great future, persevered aguinst all opposi- tion, and very roon discovered that not only | the entire British pu' lic, Lut all the world were ready to support him in his great de- sign of doing Lattlc with disense in every form, and with the most cfficient weapons, although only in the shapeot Pills and tions. Ho {found the resources of the country and its development far in advance * of anything he "had. expected, the crops * both in Manitoba and this side of the line, ibe finest lie ever saw. Oats are six feet high, and wheat up to a tall man's chin. In 'Manitoba he found people living in tents ¢urrounded by fine crops 'of grain. The vast resources of the country will, he pre- dicts, draw an immense and coustantly in- ing foreign immigrati Sir John said the quality of the grain everywhere is first class, sind says that the closing of the Sues Canal'and Egyptian troubles will curtail the supply of whoat, and increase the European demand for American grain, with a natural advance In prices, and thus chéck the natur- 'al downward tendancy of prices caused by over-production. As to the.relative merits of the two Pacific lines he would express no opinion, other than that cach had special features of attraction for the tide of immigra- tion now coming in from European and Eastern cities. Mr. Rufus Hatch, of New York, who is on a tour of inspection over the Northern Pacific road, expresses his sur- - prise at the resources and development of the North-West, and prophesies that the Northern Pacific preferred will go to 110 be- fore anybody Sapects } ih be ber) be he Julle or bear, ~ «Rough on os Rate Clears out rats, mice, Rate" flies, ants bed-bugs, skunks, chipmunks, gophers. 15¢. Druggists. Angwer This! Can you find a case of Bright's Disease o the Kidneys, Diabetes, Urinary or Live Complaints that is curable, that Hop Bitters * lias mot or cannot cure?" Ask your neigh "bors if they can. Kidney Disease. Pain, Irritation, Retentiog, Incontinence, Deposits, Gravel, &c., cured by 'Buhupaiba, $1. 5 * Traseray" liens Tho focth ik thie teeth Tike chast- enod peatls." AB cent sample sottles it. | her instantly. Oi t. The prog of this Patent Medicine was not slow, On the contrary, it was commensurate with the greatness of a object and its all-powerful «fficacy, and to. the present state of flolluway's Piils Ointment, according to the statistics of Patent Medicines, we may truly declare that it is astounding. sent oceasivn tu point to the fact that the number of druggists and medicine vendors throughout the United Kingdom with whom Profussor Holloway is connected is over fourteen thousend, and that not one of them | would remain for an hour without a supply of his Pills and Ointment.-- The Plalosoplic- al Advocate. CREEL OT) Bought Them Over.-- The Lord ary depot at Dublin on the 3rd, and addressed | the then on the subject of the recent agita-' tion His Excellency announced that £180, 000 would be immediately distributed and any grievance enquired into. His state- ments were enthusiastically received, ol the men expressed fid It way sufiice for the pre-' 1% Lientenant of Ireland visited the constabul- | = WALTHAN WATORES, BOSS GOLD FILLED WATCHES, FRENCH CLOCKS in endless variety. Watch Repairing a Specialty. Black's Celebrated Spectacles to suit all Sights. {In Electro-Plate, &c. Undoubtedly the, largest. Stock ia the County, A call is respectfully solicited. i C. B. DIESFELD. (Port Perry, Bept. 14, 1881. HAM & HILL, Brokers, Fired Life Insurance Agents, Real Pstate Age's, Conveyancers, &¢ Fhave opened an office in the Village of W Port Perry for the transaction of the above business and are now prepared to loan any amount o° money at the lowest rates of nierest. We have in addition to the Agency of a first-class Loan Company a large amount of private funds to invest at rates varying iil the security offered for persons preferring a) with privateindiv iduals. The borrow er x wn have the option to yep the loan in in- ! stalments or at the end of the term for which | the loan is taken. We are also prepared to allow 5 per cent on money deposited with us giving depositors ample secnrity, and will also pay the highest price for Mortagea and discount notes on easy terms. Conveyancing prepared with charges for the same moderate. We have several farms to sell and to rent han sonde desirable village residences. The Insurance Jompanies which we repre- sent stand in the front ranks of all Insurance Companies one of which gives the fery best rates for Farm Residences, Stock and Imple- ments. moderate charges, fair "and lionorable aohiing we hope not only to win but retain the of all with whom we come in con- care and th? promiscs of the Government. expressed themselves as entirely eatisfied with the arrangements made, So the constabulary uuion has proved a grand success the threatencd strike has' brought the employers to terms and the men are to bave about nine hundred - thousand please them in the mean time and all thei, other demands are to be enguired lute aud satisfied, BE Eg a Cricaco, 111, August the 12.--Pau Tollner, a machinist on Davision street, who took a bloody method of ending his troubles Tuesday afternoon. Taking his wife aside in their home, he asked, * Will you b me after this?' Receiving nn cvasive reply h pulled a 32 calibre revolver from his pocket and fired two shots into her breast, killing Then etepping into an Halls Catarrh Cure 1s taken internally-- | It acts directly on the blood and the mucou surfaces of the system, Price 75¢c. ttt ~~ ------ ee Beware of Them. good Aiticle that bas' "achieved success, » world wide reputation by its ro) wonderful results, is always Suah 1s the vase with Dr King's Consumption. Coughs und nay Jnpeinciploa partivs are to delude unsuspecting joining room, he put a bullet through his own heart, The men tas in other quarters of Ireland have also dollars divided among them. This will had frequently quarrled with Lis young wife, | 33 Office over Brock's new store, corner Queen and Perry Sts. Port aL W.R. HAM. . HILL. April 26, 1882. | GREENBANK. T= nndersizned wonld inform the pub- lic that he has rented for a term ot years the premises formegly known as the | Cottage XFIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- | vated the same he is now prepared--to re- "ceive fests. GOOD OPENING. G Tank There is asp for an enterprising man to open thé Farni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is situated on the Center. Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It isin the centro of a Splen- did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON. bank Beeux, Aug. 12.--the Grenzboten, an offici- ally inspired organ, says that Germany can- not risk the loss of the good-will of the other Powers by paralysing er counteracting | theis policy, unless she is absolutely forced to do, 80. She bas neither the wish nor the right! to play the part of a European censor. She will never giveper mandate to England to act or 'rule, or hinder her from doing what she may think necessary for British interests + | The iuterests of Germany «have not been | menaced, and if they are menaced hereafter, | she will have ;plenty of time to take her re- | solutions, Her only aim is European peice, which will be maintained. "at Calsrth has destroyed your sense of smell and hearing, Halls Oaterrb Cure will cute you, 75¢ per bottle. Druggists sell it. Bigs Rol Aral | May 3rd, 1880 UTICA # AHEAD, TAKE thie opprtibiiy of returning thanks to the mauy friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their i patronage in the past, and would beg most respecttally to inform them that I have concluded to adopt the ~*~ CASH SYSTEM ! Po my business entirely, Having gone over the whole of my Stock of 'DRY GOODS, "GROCERIES, : 'BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &o Very garcfully and marked every article in _ the above departments at the Very -Lawest Living - Profits | 1 Lusvean tation in a ring that my ar comparison w le by those who hh continues ally ie g and boasting that they . rad 'everybody else f 1 Sut oa and od be Wiocies, and. Winoey jus. 1 ncies, Shirlings, and Shoes, Rubbers abd Over Shoes} us -- i ens oty, having been, pide, il fo o | very liberal shave of public, pat stowed on him since going into inet good value and a a large |X i ng e-- undersigned takes thi of returning his sincere, ti i spporualyy 'his own accountin Prince Lilbert, And would now inform the farm munity and ofhers that Le can al found at the Blacksmithing Rh i Iately occupicd Ly Mr Join Heard; where BLACKSMITHING In all ils departments will be dois oni ly, 17: Dastiy = and cheaply, Repairs ly ed to 01d Machines taken in exchang, "The best Sewing Machine Oil ; Ni Attachments kept constantly on han Horse Shoeing A SPECIALTY, and dono as it. should be. "N.B.--All kin Machi of LOBKNAN md ys des ' $3. Ple any. 0 month's tril, will be chi Thy srnged Manchester, March 13, I ale Jo a wuishe hh wlth 3 of Won LIVERY STABLES ! iE vindorsigned woul would inform the pab- lic that L¢ bus opened a" Livery Estab- lishwent OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. Customers may 1ely on prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate, charges, A shugo of pie | patronage is solicited. r YANSICELER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, Ry and the public the benefit of my ii - I am also d '800TS AND SHOESE= HA purchased the Boot and Shoe bLusiness of MR. J. G. MORGAN in this lace at a rateable veductign on the dollar I am prepured to give my customers LARDINE ACHING IL pen. CUSTOM WORK promptl ded to and Satis to sell the whole stock comprising Men's Womens' Boys' Misses', Youths, and Children's wear in end. less varioty | AT VERY LOW rrrons ARMERS, Threshersand Mill Men gea- A erally 'should try The Celebrated Lar dine Machine Oil it dous not QUEEN STREET Gum or Clog Machinery| Fort Perry, Nov. 23 1881. and wears equul to Castor C. TRICK, .PORT PERRY. | Bridal and other Cakes | BES" Show Rooms second oor sat of Mr. W. J. Notts Cabinet. Waterooms, Port Perry. Port Perry, March 23, 1881. Cg HE Undersigned wd wild remind his and the publicg ily that besides Choice Plain and Fancy Breads of every variety, the: Best quality of Coufec: tionery, &c., &c., he supplies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert. TRIS UNIVERSAL ong 75.4 11ULSKRHOLD EguIst 'E EVERY- 2e a 1 ort Dil, 3 In fact it will prolong the life of a machine if used Exclusively as it contains no Ggit o1 other injurions substance which are foutid in the majority of oils made nowadays. 1t is McCOLL BROS of Toronto, No one else wholesales 0 ® Rsk your local dealers .or it and take no other. | FOR SALE! Lumber, Lath, made oo by dorsi M HE would inform his. fiiends and the public generally. that his "RUG ESTABLISHMENT One door; West of the Walker House, PORT PERRY, | Bhingles + & PicKets." Including & large quantity of Building Lumber up to 45 feet in length. Also a quantity of Cheap Boards, Beantling, Joists, &c. tage to customers purchasing Drugs. Done daily at the Union Mills, W. J. TROUNCE & CO. N.B. Housé and Lit for Sale with 'a good ort Perry, Feb. 9, 1881. Is now open for the Sale of everything in the Drug line. carefully selected in the best markets and warranted P the line may rely on getting that that is Genuine. My long experience and extensive practice in the Medieul Profession will ve of advan- - PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care andicertainty. NEW DRUG STORE The Stock is eopiets, all new, URE. . Parties wanting anything in GRISTTH 4 &CHOPPING Comeand sce me at my Drug Store, one door West of the" Walker House, IN. McCLINTON, M. D. stable on the premises. 3 = Apply at the Union Mills office. . W. J.T. & C0, Port Perry, Nov. 1,1881, « OHN CHRISTIE, TOWNSHIP OLERK, suer of Marriage Licenses--Cony eyanon, Commissiorer &¢, Ofice--Manchester. sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Hed, Looking Glasses, "Chairs. of all kinds, wi | | cents up. Pietro Famer, Mouldi very She i y oy inthe trade. Pictur Frames, og ot Mottoes Framed complete Yor 23 cents np. ne a Important Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP ! Now Furniture and New Prices J Lit undersigned has opened out & good ig well eons Stock of Farilors, cons Mattison a, Sofas, Suchen, 8. Chairs from 34 ty of Pictures and will not-be! pplied on the notice, Public Teas And other social entertainments promptly pplied and at moderat The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM Supplied by meagure to the public. Handsomely fitted up PARLORS For the convenience ot the public, where are supplied of the best quality, those refreshments and dainties so. pleasant, Licalthful and refreshing in hot weather, | One of the best Fountains now in use for Faking cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good aud cheap. ©. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21, 1879, ° MANCHESTER. Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nye System, and get mos iat powerully yet yet hiding ly. on, vheZiver and Bowels, promoti ag bi tion and assimilation, and endow bodily frame with Strength and . wous Headaches, Tremblings with and General Debility quickly yield to the po~ tent force of these well-known Pills, and they are unrivalled in their efficacy in all * FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all obstructions, skin. blemishes, pimples and boils better than oy other family medicine know LE ole IIAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. It heals every kind of Sore, Uleer and Wound more certainly than any other known salve. -1ts marvelous Jeneimting powers render it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases, curing Bronchitis. Quinseys, and Asthma, ducing Glandular Lumps, closi And Tealing and Fistulas, 2nd forallevipting the excruciating tortures of | tism Gout and Neuralgia it is unsurpassed. Tt over ula 10 remove Scurf and every species Pekin dis-' ease, Mannfactored onl Professor Ys Establishment, | 583, OXFORD SURERE, LONDON; and gold at 18 11d.,2s. 118,, 22s. and 33s, each Boxand bor i in a adn at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 , i the lacger sizes in proportion, = CAUTION --1 Hv no "syn in ti United States, nor are my: Medicines sold th he. Purchasers should therefore look 10 the 1 | on the Pots and Boxee. If the address is nol 533, Ozford Street; Jondons they are Jpurious. The Trade: Matks of my Medicines-are re glstered in Ottawa, and aiso at Mastisgion,/ - h ned hi 65,0 Oxford fst Hi oLLO { 'ux ria a ge © AnD GENERAL - BLACK-SMITHING | - ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber has much p in stat ing iat he hns secured pn Yalunble, services of - t One of tne best wood-workers in the Pro-! vince, aud 1s now better fitted than ever to _ filial orders for Cutters, Sloighs, Bob-Sleiehs, 'or any description of Caria with dispatch. Al repairsin Wood or Tron éxecuted with neatness and on short notice Customers may rely on getting the vot material, latest: styles. 'and work. manship. - Special stiention dgteanty |

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