jo, Retention, Incontinence, | rave &o., curd by 'Buhupaiba, Fe and understanding ave integrity. "The dunt, is greaier} genius: or courage wir hou a a ote. fer 0%, one Tod er for 13 boxes to Mack' Where 1a:but one curtain cure fu the world * for dyspepsia and livar complaint. Only 75¢ Jor 8 Jaco hokkls of W Ee Equal strength and "in Fmedicine," Sao Hatics sod wold in the month, For malely 8. E. Allison. "The Groat Wahoo Bitters only 75 cfs. pot bottle, "Try it for Dys Liver Come plaint, and General Debility, For sale only by 8. E. Allison. . A Rawarp--Of one dozen TgaBErRy' 10 any one sending the best four line rhyme on % Teangany," the remarkable little gem forthe Teeth.and Breath, Ask your drug- ist for uddress.. ------ en. As a remedy for Sea Bickness or any irra- tion of the stomach and bowels, for canker of the stomach and mouth, for piles and hemorrage and for all varietics of bowel * complaints, Dr. Fowler's Wild Strawberry is. nature's trae specific, © W, H. Crooker, Druggist, of Waterdown under date of June 1st writes that "Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry canno be surpassed, when all other remedies fai then it comes to the rescne aod IT find the sales large "and increasing." . Wild Straw= . berry positively cuses all Bowel. complaints. Decline of Man. Nervous Weakness, Dyspepsia, Impotenco Bexual" Debility, eured by "Wells Health -- ett teeny , Borofula is & depraved condition of the system often hereditary, and characterized by it tumors, glandular affections, bad blood. and low conditions of vitality that { towards consumption, which is really ore _of the Lungs. Burdock Blood ' _Berofulous Diseases from a to A , by purifying the Blood, correcting the secretionsand givinga Leulthy {ove to each organ. -------- # Tgasunex" whitens the teeth like chast- ened pearls. A 5 cent sample settles it. el A eet: "Halls Catgrrh Cure is taken internally-- 3 Toactd difbitly on the blood and the mucou surfaces of the system. Price 5c. - 'Beware of Them. A good article that bas achieved success, and attained 8 pould wide reputation by ita true merits ul resuite, is rn, imitated. Such Is the cast with Dr. King's New Digcovery for Consumption. Coughs and 5 Aestty nptincipled partivs are brag delude an unsuspecting io, by offering ERT of this most Bray , 80d | rateq gtatod in the offer submittedr 0 dangs iad1, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. ThoBest Salve in the In the world Mecuts, bruiges, ' in every case ice 25. cents per box. ness | Port Perry, July 26, 1882. FEED, &C. &C is just such as can't failto please all both in. | QUALITY and PRICE, Fruits i Plant. 'Can't be BEAT. SUGARS, wig SUGARS GF Try my Choice Tea. A. G. CAMPBELL, No. 1 Davis' Block. DRAINAGE. M by-me- ¢ill the afternoon of Friday ' the 8th Day of September, now next, WORKS: required to be done jn the Drainage of ce tain Lands in the 12th, 13th and 14th 'Gon. cessions i n the Township of Brock, in accordance with plans and specifications thereof, 'seen at my office at the Town Hall, Sunder-' land, or at the office of the Engineer, Smith, Esq, P.L, Beaverton, on and after the 20th inst. 'The contractor or contractors must give security satisfactory tothe Township Council Sealed - Tenders !| ARKED "Daniaes" will be reonivill, 0 8, at the village of HE undersigned offers offers for sale that valu- . able town property koown as the Srxron Prorsury, consisting of Lindsay Bajlway. The pro- of three fine lots with the late "family residence ond two smaller wellings. There are now five families Tg tho propetty at a rental of over $200A YEAR. "The location is healthful convenient, and indisputable, and terms to suit .{ purehaser. For particulars apply to LEWIS NeLBAX, Port Perry, Feb. 8, 1882. HE Trustees oT oe the late Alexander's Browne's Estate offer the following W. J.C. BROWNE, Manchester. A.C RROWNE, Pott Perry, Port Perry, March 29, 1882. HAM & HILL, Brokers, Fired Lif Insurance Agents, Rea: Tse Aga Comets, ke. W Port Perry for the transaction of above business and are now prepared to loan any amougt o' money a! the lowest rates of interest. Re have in addition to the Agency | of a first-class Loan Company a large rivate junds to foetal a. Fates varying od the security of preferring deal withprivate individuals, nts, The bo on 3 have the option to pug. th e loan in in- stalments or at the end of term for which |» the loan is taken. We are alse prepared to allow 5 per cent on 'money depositsd with us giving depositors ample security, and will also pay the highest Prise. for Mortages and discount notes on easy Profile and specifications may be Goveyaning prepared with care and rges for the same moderate. "We have sevesal farms to sell and 4o rent fm some desirable village residences. 'The Insurance Companies which we repre- sent stand in the front raaks of all 1nurance 4 First-Class Fas for Sale 1} £ have opened an office in the Village eo} dl the forthe uo and. fal performance of tha Uomeavies bef rich Eee te te hot contract, The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, ¥ T. H. WALSHE, Township Clerk. Sunderland, Aug. 12, 1883. Wellnd land rm-- NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. undersigned, and endorsed « Tender for the Welland Canal," will be received at this Office until the arrival of tha Wastorn nnd Western Mails on FRIDAY the 1st DAY OF SEPTEMBER next, for tho deepening and Sompletion of that part of the Welland Canal, between Remey's Bend and Port Colborne, known as Section No. 34, embrac- ing the greater part of what ir called the "Rock Cut." Plans showing the position of the work, and specifications for what remains to be done, can be sven at this Office, and at the 1 Resident Engineer's Office, Welland, on and after FRIDAY, the 18th DAY OF AUGUST next, where printed forms of tender can bo obtained. « tractors Bre requested to bear in mind that tenders will not be considered unless made strictly in accordance with the printed forms, and, in the case of firms, except there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation and place of resi- dence of each member ot the same; and Sorthes, an accepted bank cheque for the sum of fonr thousand dollars must accom, any the respective tenders, which sum shall be forfeited if the party jendstiog. declines entering into contract for the works, at the The cheque or money thus sent in will be Parti uot however bind Hael{1y acoept thepiment or fuy tender. AP! BRADLEY, Secrotar ry. Department of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, 15th July, 1883. FOR SALEOR TORENT andernd off: Bale orto Rent that Fine, New, well Located EALED TENDERS addressed to the' ments. By moderate charges, fair and honorable dealing we lope not only to win but retain the confidence of all with whom we come in con- tact. i £3" Office over Droge pow store, corner Ps Sts. Pos erry. Quen and a F. W. HILL, April 26, 1882. GREENBANK. TEE undersigned would inform the plib- licthat he has rented for a.term' ot years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EFotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the same he is now prepared to re- ceive guests. GOOD OPENING. "I'iére 18 Asplenan openmg in Greenbank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker would find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village is sitnated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Purry and about the same distance from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agricultural district . J. V. THOMPSON. Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 UTICA AHEAD. . TAKE this opportunity of returning thanks to the many friends and cus- tomers who have favored me with their patronage in the past, and would beg most P- | respectfully to inform them: that I have concluded to adopt the In my business entirely, Having gone over the whole of my Stock of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, HARDWARE, &c Very carefully and marked every articlo in the above departments at the ery Lowest Lig Profs 1) CASH SYSTEM !|- lib "of public en ee ~ Prince munity and others that he. dound at the Blacksmithing Istely occupied by Mr Jon Heard, BLACKSMITHING Inallits oT Bopians Hotel. ly, neat) . Re; carefull y, y and cheaply. Repairs y] : Horse Shoeing A SPECIALTY, and done as it should be. +P. B. ENSIGN. Prince Albert, July 4, 1881. lishment QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY, Customers may rely on prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs aud moderate harges. A share of publie | patronage is solicited. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, Es LARDINE HACHINE O11, ARMERS, Threshersand Mill Men gen. erally should try The Celebrated Lar. dine Machine Oil it does not Gum or Clog Machinery and wears equal to Castor @il, In fact it will proloeg the life of a machine if used Exclusively as it contains no Grit o1 other injurious substance which are found in the umjority of oils made nowadays. LIVERY STABLES! HE undersigned would inform the pb ¥ lie that he bas opened a Livery Estab- OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE style Neo: 10. old Machines taken in exchange. uetion fhe bet Sewing Machine Oi; | Nendlon for al the tending Machines, and Sew Machin | N.B.--All kind: of LOCKMAN and W. $2. Please to remem! month's trial, will be ¢ Manchester, March 1 ng Machines and Clocks repa SL Sewing neon ro ood ey jer that a any machine purchased from me, and not approved of upon' rithd exchanged, CARTING:- G00DS DELIVERED PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY. T HE undersigned would return his sincere thanks for stowed on him 0A from 1 d t rei ore Ti Con) and Wood promptly delivered wherever wanted. RTER.' Having increased my facilities for handling Parcels I am prepared te cart arrival of trains. WM. JAMIESON. 1s0_ for" sple Ab wiinbot rE) Hand Machines from, i { HEINTTMAN PIANOS. CARTING. the large measure of patronage be. during the several years in which he has held the position of TOWN Hotels or fr ivate residences to the ruil way station or from the railway ny srilie Hotels U.fom PE a handsome, comfortable Carriage for taking parties to ode Sins ply attended to. Goods carefully handled sud Oharges Moderate. KF" Always on hand 'Mawers, Sulky Rakos, Puxton, Tate & mie ht he dle bye oe nes, plete & Cn ae a JOHNSTON & BEA 2 Seagrave, May 11, i Bold by : Success the best test of f Worth O. TUPPER, BEY" Show Rooms svcond door east of Mr. W. J. Nott's Cabinet Watvrourus, Port Port «Pony, March 23, 1881. i$ CONFECTIONARY, y &C fPHE Uniantgmed ® would vomind his customers and the public generally that besides, Choice Plaiu and Faucy Breads of every variety, the Dust quality of Coufec tionory, &c., &c., he supplies everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his Port Perry, Aung. 22,1882. 1t is made solely by MccoL of Toronto, No bie 0S & CO. BROS: it. Ask your local ie .or it aod take no other. FOR SALE! Lumber, Lath, Shingles i & Pickets.' Including .a large quantity of Building Lumber up to 45 feet in length. ~Also a quantity of Cheap Boards, Scantiing, il GRISTING &CHOPPING Done daily at the Union Mills, W. J. TROUNCE & CO. N.B. House and Lot for Sale with a good stable on the premises. Apply at the Union Mills office. W.J.T. & CO, Port Perry, Nov. ], 1881, OHN CHRISTIE, - -TOWNSHIP OLERE, suer of Marriage licenses--Conveyancer "HE undersigned would inform his friends and the public generally © that his Di ESTABLISHMENT One door; West of the Walker House, | PORT PERRY, Is now open tor the Sale ofevory thing in the Drug line. carefully selected in the best markets and warranted PUR the line may rely on getting that that is Genoixs. tage to customers purchasing Drugs. NEW DRUG STORE My lopg experience and extensive practice in the Mudicul Profession will ve of advan- / PRESCRIPTIONS made up with the utmost care and certainty. Come and sec me at my Drug Store, one door Port Perry, Feb. 9, 1881. N. McOLINTON, West of the Walker House. M. D. HE undersigned bas opened sisting of Bureaus, Sideboards, T cents np. MM, Pieters rn underrold by an; Ry F A os i 28 rames, -- in the Undertaking Vino. Sire mag megeali nnd Girth gos ou § z ode dvd ian Town Looking ay ids oF alt kinds, wool, Ad wi ry Important Announcement. ji NEW CABINET SHOP ! 'New Furniture and New Prices out a doit and well asteoted Stock of Purnfturs, cons , Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, cane and Shring seats, Ch from 34 f Piet and Winks and. Wagon The Stock is completo. all new, B, Partics wanting auything in ts Port Perry and Prince Albert. Supplicd on the shortest notice, Publie Teas supplied and at mbdorate charges. The best quality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM 'Bupplied by measure to the public. Handsomely fitted up PARLORS wre supplied of the bust quality, refreshments and daintics™ so pleasant, Lealthful and refreshing in hot weather, making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap, ©, HISCOX, Port Perry, May 21, 1879. MAN CHESTER. HEARD'S Carriage n" 'orks #0 GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING . ESTABLISHMENT, ing that he has .orvices of fill all orders for b Outters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, of any. description of Carriage with dispatch, Al neatness and on short notice ~~ manship. Special attention given to HORSH SHOBING | and the work done,so us to secure and comfortof th fort tg : © Bridal and other Cakes And other social entertainments promptly For the convenicnce ok the public, where those One of the best Fountains now in use for IE Subscriber b has much pleasure in stat secured the "valuable 8 One ot the best wood-workers* in the Pro- ines, and is now better fittcd than ever or in Wood or Iron executed with Customers may rely on getting the best material, latest stylés and superior work als UNI VERSAL, LULSEHOLD rs gis EVERY- ETE Purify the Blood, impart tone to the Nervou- Syatem, and act most powerfully yet sootling ly on ihe Liver and Bowels, promoting Dives. tion and assimilation, and endowing the whol odily frame with Strength and vigor. Now vous Headaches, Tremblings with Lassilude and General Delility quickly yield to the : tent force of these well-known Pill andy axe uuriy, ralled in their efficacy in al . FEMALE COMPLAIN: removing all obstructions; skin pimples and boils better than any other family iredicine known. REE 148 A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. Tt heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer apd Wound more certainly than any dther known salve. Its marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all hroat and Chest Diseases, curing Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma. re- ducing Glandular Lips, closing and healing Abscesses and Fistulas, and tor alleviating the excruciating tortures of Rheumatism Gout and Neuralgia it is nosurpassed. It never fails to remove Scurf and every species of skin dis- ease Manufactured only at Professor HoLLoway's Establishment, 533, OXFORD STREET, LONDON; and sold at 1s 13d., 2s. 9d., 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s. and 33s. ench Box and Pot, and iu. Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion, RE CAUTION~--1 Pave 3 no Agent in the United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers should thergfore look to the Label on the Pots ond Boxes. If the address is not 5383, Ozford Street, London, they are spuriofs. The Trade Marks of my Medicives are re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Wasliegion, "ibis HOLLOWAY. uss Ogfond, He