power they hold. et at 9 snl aljonmedétd blood might be bad J 'shade by the' hront of wer taal nd wry ot sch ot "We know" that habit of arrogating -- fanciful super- ways open to swallow them, to the ex- 'clusion of Deputies. When the elec- ep fe © vy forthe immediate mbilison Of Shel, "ol ands little farther, F: Grit Soros, evywhie Taronghont 'each supposing he is the ian tor the the province, and from prepuk appear position ; but if an unfortunate Deputy Sucos the great pitched bate may help uy Le vole is fouglit ere the wens Sime being taken the Reeves are down upon solstioe. him like an avalanch 'for daring even This is as it should b the "hotter | 4 think of such aposition. IfDeputy war the soonér peace; Ne ike the Reeves axé - willing to play . second manly stand taken by pr Grit' op-| gadle, if they are prepared to be sat ponents, of course we' reno refer: upon by Reeves it is none of our bus- #1¢e ta the pot patriotsto the snitlers| 3... if they meekly admit their in- and camp followers there are $00} forority there ismo help for it. El many of such in all pokical armies -- ectors admit that i Deputies are in every way the equals of the Reeves in Ahot! every particular and as they have a euch positions bring, ir refage around the money chest or eatributions from have a chance to vindicate their per- the go-erament fles-pots, but thei . equality by placing a Deputy opinions of the disitrested ones the| pogye in the Warden's chair for 1885. rank and file of th party ave fo be The eighteen Deputies have only to majority at the Council' board they, Provisee s. vast and unnecessary out: Business commenced with » batch an lay. - But 'neither party appears very fas anxious to adopt the most feasible, ro le of not: only visting the neces: sity for new buildings but save many thousands of dollars tothe Province every year by cutting down the num. ber of members by at least two-thirds of ita present extent, An Intelligent People.' The semi barbarous electors of To- ronto' have left #0 fewer than 201 ballots at the late election for Mayor 80 sbominably muddled that, nothing less than. a Judge ean grapple with the mystery or tell which of the two can- didates is meant by the ballots. How would it do to disfranchise all the electors in the city till at least a mgjority of them become civilized ? ------ Asking Too Much. The German Government is not overly modest fu its demands - when itordors its brave sonsecatiered over the world who may be liable to mil- itary duty w' return {0 the futher: Iand and spend a few valuable years in learnjng the buniness of soldering. Love for fatherland may all be vory well in ifs place and should her safety demand the strong arm of P TH it through joo te it] ought (0 be done -[88 Now that 'the Towoshipof Pick- ering hag so advanced if population |g as to" entitle Ber to: rend all the members of her. manigipl Conneil to the County Council what is to Ye her fature - codirse ing is not to stop hero ss will still advance, still increnso i in population, and_when she basso increased as to entitle ber to anothér ré rerentative at the Coanty Council pr is to be done ? According to" representative b barl \é present every: holdin $5 coff $5.42 f Seston; each for Nott, $2 $7 for 500 | oléctors in a municipality entitios | that municipality to oye Fepresenta- tive at the Couhty Council amd as Pickering bas no more representa- |; tivee to ond will sh Rav to be sat- isfied with a less representation than she fs entitled to, a Tohs representa: tion in proportion to her numbers thun other municipalities enjoy. If anything wonld convince our sapiznt Loval Legislators of the ab- surdity of the present make up of oor respected, thicir intrests are identified say 80 and one of themaelves will be (ber sons they would rash from all with, the prospertyof the country 8nd Warden of this fair County for - the quarters of the globe to hier 'reccue. | are only peforming a sacred present year and the sixteen Reeveir| Botit is a little f00 much to expect. of the new. "| which the bank 3 electors when they seek to] are powerless to prevent it. If abil. juoli rulers as they! jtios rights aud priviliges grade from ; oe the Rsv Bohr i it will be presuaiption he! tor sesind hid and fourty Deputy Reaves to dave to ea When their mon who have bean driven from their | by = pack of tyrannical ral- 'and especially by ag abominahle ilitary. aystent should likes flock of 0 creep back and pnt. their {bonds in the very trap 10 agape A somewhat noted 'Bhooting Mate! now on the tapisisoreating ite snin- out rE To ha BEd =