ays bo in such a stato | Union. The worthy and faithml pagtor | owing by w schemé of the on a motion of Ww; | for. thbikodorks in. Ses fuck ani: [ongra 'mals as Will Sogo choice stock. In Ksscmbly will be brought on at an thelr show "of hors + the two tharo- early date, this we think is obvious bred yearling 'Araht stallions bronght | from the ation boing taken by Grit from" Soctland By Mr) Earchman in Tesidera. But party or no party wo the flliof 1882, 80) hed theattention | thi nk af] will admit that the Mowat of aif and gy « departed i; they are oligarchy should be driven from + [rally splendid Aminials nd can't foil { Power on the {irst opportunity and a5 exer i Shan 0 beg enenal. Fayorites wherover {If that is to be the resultthe sooner thay je Boen, they: avill owbiless be He elections are on the better. anxigusly songlit aftor! ybroeders Of| | General Moeting of the Liberal Con the diost 'dosifable class of horses, servatives of the North Riding wo ad t know ph navies' of these yargutaes, valuable youhy Slallions but they will certainly orate p stir .the coming songon, All 'wish 1. 'enterprising this issuc or from the postors that overs muelyancecs and they dosove | © general mectingof the L. C. of N. it. AR shold Ho these splendid Oatario will be held attheYownIlull, # 5 or Lind, on Saturday, Feb. 3nd. ancl nos Wy fax amd clieapen of go 1. wilitie' and ing Tabor? the oie avasging nad Jprolon od labar o faconriug lie hoo ost 3 @ xeveic 2 ofskill thao off; " "exhansting p w hile Lie fine i the works greaks [he wbride | from the | 5 Look" to let selt-binding | T:onpex if ihaced astonishing and ihe' adfuntament m otlier Amchines cal "exertion Our Consoreative friends will see from an advestisement elsewhere in Farm" $a pops time; or the notessity for as largo» firimnen Fan, thie pro-| EW horing ascan possibly be securod. Hig. It is expected and doubtless the bi Wo, Beau. expectation will be verified that the coming meeting will be worthy of id on dhe' (bo strongth and intelligence of the the 'east of E aillage of party. » A ---- County Council. d bis following and any of disapproval of managemént and waste were equal to a vote of want of confilence in the Mowat ring,' : 4 It is either right to protect our valu: able et it is mot. If right no threats of ickery even of the Govern. ment. sliofld induce hon. members lo vote against it. If not right then political geonomy must be 'an odd | gsience. | Greasing' the | Track for Ocpgaston. the Messrs. Mowat & Co. are leaving no store unturned the turning of which is at all likely tofincrease their chanccs of a'mew lease ot power. Artemns Ward says, thatjwhen a man in busi- i down hijlghe finds tor the occasion. -- "| of the M. E. Chittvoh presided over tho universal good. One important result will be a large diminution in the number of churches in almost every city town and village throughout the Dominion. One Motiiodist church in Port Perry, one in Prince Albert and so on Will be a most desirable change and cannot tail in'being more satisfactory all round. In point of economy it will prove of great advant- ago, one large congregation willbemore | shonply' vam than {w) or three small ones whild the concentration of in- tolligonce, enterpriseand effort will prove a pad impetus to the spirit and prosperity of the Church. Con- gregations will then be able to pay their pagors a reasonable salary without ping burdened by the effort: Why payfour or five thonsand dollars for tho maintenance - of four or five | sickly | fongregations when half the - money would maintain two active They ave propos- r schools in several ag well as i butter schools they will be unlike' the Yest of Mowat's "The Comneil of the corporation off % the County, of Ontario for the yoar|" 1833 met--pursuant to Statute, atthe County Buildings, on Tuesday, 28rd inst. : Tho gathering was a represen- tative one in covery sense of the term, intellcotnally, physically and financi- ally and erg cortainly a oredit $0 the fai and prosperous County the bust- gs of whiclr thdy are assembled to ot." The only drawback in the is the absolute waste of both goiy and agile 'and the. farm iprosent day with Wat of only a fow, buildings wre all that could bo desired: Feuss ago is ng less seibuishing and sll mrmiged hoi: owtit by « lage and very: calile, | thirty fovr good men to perform a few seattering duties which one third of heir pumber could pak to more ops y FERRY avn conefebug of 850 "from the movements of. "bing introduced into HT Warden, if such were Mor¢ Snobbery. A number of the Little-Greats, the saplings of tlie ; 'genus snob, the xap- idly developing Canadlinn" aristocrats are doing thick "ittle "best to deprive the public df the right of shooting |* game, this must be secured for the moncyed "dremes, the, potty tyrants who suppeso'* that the bheasted pooa liave no right to enjoy any privileges except that of contributing to thie ease and convenience of their aristocratical mightineases; Any legislature who would even listen to such a proposi- tion as deprive the public of the right of hunting in' proper seasons should be disgracefully driven from the polls. Tt would not doperliaps to make game of such frauds butthere gould be no harm in making the country too Lot to hold such; fet theni go and herd | With their follow despots in tyrannical "| Enrope. make this farthor development of thei * 'Mowat: & Co, expect to large a3d prosperous church in com- fort answer every purpose in- finitelypetter. Ofconrsewhenthenew i {regim ygnes into operation much of the chiFch property now in use will n upon the market and the sof the sales will go to swell: nds_ of tho new church - A eduction will ulso take place in the Ministerial staff but the pran: ing 0cess will nlso add to the rea: sire ath, vigor 'und usefu'ness of the chueh as the enttin find! (0 thio Joss Hk hdsygaff, the intellectaal dwarfs of Miistoral culls so to speak, so thu (hfstock will bo ull the moro vigok ou and yield better frmit in conse. qence of the pruning. The culls |. £5 matter of course, will have to] a «$k positions in other fields of Idor for which they are betler apted than they aro for the pulpit 4d ll will move on much better for day, 9th inst. for tho present yar resultedasfollows will John McKee, D. M.; JH. 'Freeborn, 'a. Bradburn, D. Chap; J H. Devitt, D: Sec.; J. W. Mahood, D Treas.; Jus. Parr, D, D.0. C. ny ae Bort Perry Derb; The members of thie Port Perry Tur#Clab, or Trotting Association are unuary 6th say : 'thonsand dollars in gold was mado by the sub Treasury at New York, through Measri. Wells, Fargo & Co, "to the United States in full feather on the bright prospects faut oa the Bacific, by the steamer * City of Para" which arrived: at Aspiowall con the|" of the mecting on the ice on Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb, 6 and 7, prot- ing the most successful races ever held under the auspices of tho Asso- ciation. A handsome sum of money has already been seoured and placed i1 tho treasury, the exchequer was uever in a better condition to offer desirable inducements to superior horses to enter the lists. A splendid showing. of extrh fast horses is being' yuaranteed, and throughout the at: tractions will be such as to secure a vast gathering 'of the lovers of the sport from all the surromndings.-- Several of the races and matelies will create an unusual intevest in the results and vasts crowds may be ex- pectod to attends. The, management is placed in the hands of an enorgotic| and hLouorablo: committee; a fair field and no favor "will be the' motte throughout. The horseg that takethe prizes will have to win their spur making the bos time ul doing' ; tho Sorsed and not: the ove ; Remeniber nd gro two days of tho races. Every effort will. be put dorth "to. secure the coms fort and convenience of allavho attend, and all are invited to attend. Mowrit's Reciprooity. A delegation waited on the Ministry the other day to ask a Goverument bonus for the Ontario and Pacific Railway. running from Cornwall to Sault Ste, Music, 50 as to von. nect with the Northern Pacific and from. Conwall to ee conngeting 4 ' | tlie: Midland system forprising proprietor of the| Valkor ~~ House is displaying ach onergy in extonding 'the | oligarebical - proclivites an' additional] source of strength, thie office of g ~The, Prem tot that ne. Honus could be granted this session but would receive due tention nextyear. 'Mr. Mowat is too old a roaster toeell his chickens on @ wet days "If the. wiluay advocates wat Mowat to givs. the peoples' money in way of 'bonus' they must give him a substantial consideration n way votes ot the coming clection. : | young mast, "Iam, Mr. D--, a 28th ult. small kegs, weighing two hundred pounds 'each, They were storedin Panama Railway |, vault. 'When the money was to be-deliverd ob the, 1st Vast, it was. discovered that one keg Was missing. No locks bad been broken, bot it was learned' that one keg had been wpened in the freight, but neither the keg nor any vestige of its contents could be discovered, Bevoral arrests have been made, but nothing is yet ascertained. Another Idiot. Boston, Jan. 15.="T'he Mayor's clerk was sent to _ the Postoflice this morning for 8 letter retained Hera for postage. The letter was postmarked "January 13th," and read as follows :--"Mayor Palmer, Iam going tol gq kill old Governor Batler in five months and | The money was packed in two| twenty-eight days from to-day, ~ Then I : will choose you as Governor of old Massa- chusetts, I have sent him warning, I have sworn it. Signed, Cus, Gommayar' | L rr ---- A Cheap Swell: "Vanity Fair of Dec. 30(h; says'--The nancial experiance, A wi § to their original b Perfect aud, simply, | A mab with a sufficient swagger, walked into oe down wd ordered luncheon, While this was * being got ready, bowever, the waiter, | who did got recognize his face consulted with another waiter and then came to him | saying ; "Beg pardon, sir, aro you-a member of tho club, sir 2" have just joined the Coldstream." The doubt be- ing thus allayed, tho luncheon was served, aftér which Mr, D~: asked for a blank cheque Rud draw a cheque on the Guards' Club or bearer for £10, oat of which he paid | "md on Sunday he again Ard od, dined, nt {the Clu hung up his Tat, put hia stick In' sh Sorobutic AA : validies. may, Myo, both thi Oh' yes replisd the | SUCCESS, providett a modei bestowed on thir accom ing of White Rose Degr , 5. 0B. for Ty tora bo 'The most earnest and affectionate Ihquidies | have. sine been made about Bim by Ihe| stub, Lut have only resulted in surrounding | 'him with mystery which 50 often bangs "| over great. in their youth, | Meantime 'some strange tiischanee, both cheques ve been contvmptuously returned (n= paid) by the Winker on whom they were |. 2 x wo be tions." Both the preparaf a and purity The ony Ng he $