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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 5 Apr 1883, p. 1

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oI Hiscount owed to 'Merchants advertise y, the. year ot} . b Dep rm es J Books. lars, pessint ory | 'style and at lower rates in the County. di ce getting hand have them done to take © "H. PARSONS, # Fe £BNCOPRNOT D. Aint "Physician, Birgoon. ai De over Corrigan's. Store: Re ird house east of school buildings, Office and residence formerly occupied hy Dr. Anderson, Port Perry. Port Perry, Jun, 4, 1883 J AL SANG <M. Di, Physician, Sur- + Reon and Coroner for i County of Ontario PORT PERRY. OMos iver Nott's Furiisare Store, corner of Queen and Le! reets. Office hours ke Sam. to 14 m. , the walling recently occupied oy Mrs. Geo, Paxtol R. WARK, Coronor for the County of aaric, ysiclan, Surgeon snd Ac- 'seusheur, Ontos and residonce, Kirg Street, + Prince Albert Ont. WwW . MOBRIEN, M.D., M. 8, (* £5 Honpita a Bngland. Oshawa, el te meee LF. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton) N. Barrister and Attornev-at Luw, Soliel- nee ry, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- Ho « er Brown & Currie's Store ry. 0 i BILLINGS, Barrister and Actorney- oe. Sulightut for the Ontario Store, 8, Guy's liye Re Quen REE L. B., County Crown Barrister, Uouilty solicitor veyanoer. pif Ing loan Whitby, ont. ENGLISH LL.B, Solieitorin Er fn hanecery, Attorney, hdr &o. Oshaw once lman street, pontte the Post Office pe AP SU om YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- GF, Yarney-at-Luw, Solicitor in" Ohuncers; and. Ioivency, ofary Publ ie, ko. Omog--M willan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. - "3 MURRAY, * ATE Mat : 1 Surgeon HE wndiigied keh this opportunity re" of roturning tha nks-for the very liberul patronage which he has received as Auc- tioneer in the past. creased experi- ence aud extensive p which I have had, will be turavd to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their Sales may rely ou their interests being fully pro- tected; No effort will be sparad to make it able tor parties to place their Salus p in my hands, - My Sale Register will will Bo found. af; Lab & 'Store' an Ang & own args, Hard Union Avenue, Port Perry. . DAWES; Auctioneer. 2ort Perry, An. 17, LS 3 8. MAJOR, , Filing AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the Observer"! Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales: ort Perry, Jan 10, 1879, WM. GORDON, censed Auctioneer, Valuater, &e.| iw OR the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, 4 Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mar, Mariposa and Eildon, BED" Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmostattention being given to their interests. WM. GORDON, ., Sunderland, Brock. T. H. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township of Brock, Thorah, Mata & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc. in the County of Victoria, Rexidence--Canniogton, Brock, riders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to; Debts col lected in Crmnington, or erwi prompt remittances made. m Thor w ALSH E, the North Ontario Anetio - pur. pr ER Res WM. HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer HE Undersigned having taken out a License as Anotioneet is now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had much experience in handling Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses Cattle, Sheep, &oy, also Farming Am ments of all kinds, Farm Breduce, parties placing theis 8 - rety on gettin all for the posi big bie Allorders prom made ott and sale notes she bil roe -- oh 5 ¥ es leaving bE, at the |the Walkeé House all that éan be desired Osssrvse Office, Pert. 'Will receive ng, immediate au.i eareful attention' © Charges Wodgrate, diseases that. 8 tors of {dpa ury, 3 2% Marrisge Bdeonses Yssned, ax and Roe on Puisago to and from Great : p Ly Perry, April 2, 1881. MON LOR. (Private "I'o Loan on good Farm terest, 4 oe cent In. LYMAN ENGLISH, Bagimaran, &o., "Oshawa 4 November 21,18 -- MONEY... T the WESTERN'-CANADA LOAN AND BAV- INGS COMPANY, and is now prepared to secure Loans of an! amount of money, large or small; on mors gre secnrity or on reliable paper. Terms of payment and rate of interest such an cannot fail to suit the borrower, Farm, Town and Village Proper (£2 for wule by private bargain, and parties wish- ing to sell such may find it to their advant. age to place the same in my hand, ©, DAWES, Port Perry, Aug. 22,4882. HE Subscriber nl t Rate EBBELS, BanmsTEn. Port Perry, May ' HE goign is prepared to lend ney on improved property. for. terms from one to twelity years, «Agent for Waerann Caxasa Loan AND AVINGS ANY 'He has also been tnvtrncted to invert a ire amount of Private Funds, Iuter.st Bight perieent. No Commission. ! « N.P. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor THE WALKER HOUSE; [Port PERRY] © The nadersigned in nb nee! in - of his property--The A gives (0 exprest his Sik acknosledss 'ment of the very fiberal patfonage bestowed 18 [on the Walker House dufing his foome -épaucy, and having now resumed posses. sion every effort 'will be puttorfh to make by Comineércial Travelers, the "trav public aud parties doing business in town. MeQsw Port Pérry, Dec.13, 1882. A TRONG HOUSE, 4 irs ALBION = WHITBY, ONTAJ Lol ARMSTRONG PR! Bro. Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the nveniovce and comfort of guests to muke HE undersigned: is dete authorized Agent of [with it sin oxiensise practice, pro- 2 | fitable alikein fame and pecaniary| t Nesom. for a man hold~ responsible a position. The onspienous personage known gain ; a man whose eloquence bent | juries to his wilt,'and whose logic manufacturers have 2 to hear ofa sie" cs case yoy Dyspepsia, or ioysness, Zopess 'was used as divected, in which it was not more 'than satisfactory. Many write that it is a wonderful * remedy we can show where as high as forty pounds were gained by its use in breaking up chronic Biliousness and: Dyspepsia. Its friends in- crease very fast, and all who use ag directed are surprised at the result. "M0738 03YHINA3S "HE nnderglgned takes this opportunity of returning incere thanks tor the very |liberal patronage bestowed upon the late | firm of Rose & Shaw of Port Perry Marble Works 'Phy liberal patronage recived inthe past has | he bffoet of Lansing every Cen tery throughout this and adjoiiiing Cont To Bristle with omb stones and Monuments, ROM THE : PORT PIRR MARBLE WORKS ! aigoed 'now tekes the -- he with Snags aged facilities and iT possible: "greater attention. fo business hopes for a till further increase of | blip patronage -- The serv » DYN, one of the finest Sc: ulptors and most Artistic + Quivers oh Spone hive teen fecured. gi Alborders p ot BE cided | 1 © Serie lie Shadow Ere hel » Substance: Fads," The wend big ie pad REN ZIE'S |! e, | tha. Port Perry Ho. se 'a desirable place of£ hs jantsrtuinment fo for the gener! public, Choice' 1} subscriber Niviig sd watt in the Commercial Tote Coincieh intends ads Sttfog Ji o "the Comers ang ike ETER How? wight; hin 1000, NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL, PORT PERRY, LAT. THE FOLLOWING: LOW PRICES FOR. 80 DAYS ONLY. ig pinned 'them fast; whose, invective and pointed sarcasim blenched the cheek of the witness or the prisoner, | as wight be necessary to gain the case; nnd wis alike dreaded and hat- "Jed by his fellow. practitioners. The attorney referred to is living yet, one of the moét prominent jurists in Southern Ohio, His ability was not diminished nor bas his knowledge that he posses ability, = One day the young prosecutor had a rict case to try, and. to his consternation: he learned that the gentleman referred to hind been retained by the defense, The prosecutor handled his case with grout care, but from the first did not hope to convict the prisoner, -- He wi 8tirrel up somewhat; by the sneering allusions 'to him during the exgmination, by the imported counsel, and so. when he came to miko his opening speech he indulg- eda littJo in bombast bimsolf, He expected to bétorn up somewhat by the imported counsel," but was ut. terly unprepured tor the simoon that swept through the court-room whon the impobrfed ¢ounsell gat, fairly underway. Ho paced up nnd down in frontof the Jndge ; he suwed the in'tront of thejarors; she shook his finger in the fuce of the young prosecutdr and shivered in imagin- arg horror at the thaught of 80 youth. full youth undertaking 10 measure swopds wath him, Tho. voice was loud und bitter in its. denuneiation j' the gesticnlations. were violent and demonstrative; the "manmer threat. enitg and awe-inspiring, and. with fage of acorn hesat down with folded arms nnd awaited ithe yerdiet, which [ie did oot. suppose they dar el. to refuse 10. render.-- The- young prosecutor wus mud, 1. he would like. to thrash the imported counsel ait: ot his boots. € arose 10 his feel, uncertain for a ent what to de. -A hap though' srack him, and, throwing his Lead back, he cust bis loft arm Behind him and thifist his right and i in the breast of his veat, Mbit , oven ching fey roped on itn an instant. So Judge, saith the rpuctelops movements ol. the Sinan ality Who hud Siprogecded ht Hesnor ted and cavorted ang ned oiled his eyes. Ho strode up "down in front of the Judge and July, following 1n bis gestivalutions pespisely: those of which they had lo "seen the copy. He shook: hin finger, | menucingly | dnder, the Y "of the eminent . gentle. ih, and then, assuming the stules- Gian like pose, he looked: down npon him disdainfully. Then he woald stop and twirl on his fiviger a mnrt- agate ring, which. he hud drawn om: hiz , hove, which was interno LO roprés sont he lurge seal and rer of eit ate t Thi the Judge linxhed ravallol dinen Nit eheaks 1 1 ined his Live 1 NOH C gid wot deem it adel | more. - That Atvinston ut ig the Jorge The o the lefts (po | While ther, and ander the influence of SS ---- pound at once and a claim. lodged | equal to the damage, if any damages has been done. But if no damage bas been dono the party may efther retain the animals or send them to pound, but ithe retains. them on the promises hou must write to the owner where he rebides, but if be' 'does not know the owner he. must at -once writé to "the Clerk of the mu cipality informing him that said animals have been rotained, st the same timo giving as clear a deserip- tion ag possible of. the animals as to age, size, color, &e., &e. The Clerk is required to enter the | notice in a buok to" be'kept by bim for ihat purpose. 'and to: post a notice in a 'conspicuous place, or near the door of his office, for one week. If the animal is worth more than 810, the distrainor must also publish u-notice in nu County news- paper once a week for three weeks. The distrainor must feed the animal andeanregover value for the same, as well as for time, trouble andutend. auce. If the stray animal is not elhim- within the time mentioned in the notice, an affidavit to that effect must be mnde before a Justice of the Peace and notice of sale given. The sale can be conducted by any pound- koeper, but not by private individuals and the animal must be sold by auction, Notice of sale for pigs, goats or 'sheep, may be 'given one month sfter'the animal is taken up; though for horses and other cattle the notice may not be issued till after two months. All charges are deducted from the amount realizied by the sale, and the surplus, if any, must be paid over to the treasurer of the municipality. If the charges of | the distrainor ure'disputéed, any three fence viewers are empowered, to sit us arbitrators, Seiad wth Another Draco. -- The St. Thomas Times says 1A couple of cases of infringe mont of the game laws were tried before the Alvinstone, P. M., Friday, Nathau Stone, a farmer of Dawn, was charged with having three live deer in his possession, caught since the close.of the season. A lengthened investigation showed that Mr. Stone had happened to come accross the deer the morningafter the freezing rain storm in the early part of Febuary. The deer not being able to travle, Mr. Stone easily took posses- sion of them, and carried them home in a hand sleigh, shut them up in a stable and mare pets of them, For this comparatively trivial transgression of the statute Mr. Stone wag fined $30 and costs, amounting 0816.95 should have 'thei, A writer ys: he of the apposite sex who ly pn other; but" when forced' artist, she did her work with energy, between speeches he * «Yon nevd not swallow me." : "Yon are too bitter a dose." While holding her band in a fond: embrace wraped in a deligious transport, he growled in a whisper: "Don't lean so hard agninst aman." With-her bead in a tender repose upon his beest she retorted : "You are paid for holding 'me, and I intend you shall earn your galary." They never made up and married. © She married another actor, and clings still to the dislike for the man with whow she plays. Too Much Married. In 1866 Frank Lue sad Eliza Bussey were ot married in Troy, N.Y Four gears later he went to New York in search of employment, (Hiquor We entlited with was en to Avision, Abont two yenrs later he was taken prironve by the Indians. Mrs Lew, who fond em- | ployment iy Tdew col lar factory, one day received a luiter saying that her husband had 'illed: Boon aiterwhids she married Merrit Cody, ot West Troy," When. Lee re. || he wrot 0 | hin mother, whe Tooth, Ear and Headache; Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other. fuing md Aches. coms OTL N NL py "Baltimore, Mi, U. 3. 4 ----------------------------EI-- '* Britons Never Bhan} Be Blaves, | Daily experience goes far to. convince att, impartial witness that the above proposi= | tion is by no means universally true. The | following clipped from an exchangs ior far to prove that Torouto at least isan exe ception from the rule. PITIFUL STATE OF GIRL SHIRTMAKERS IN TORONTO, Last night a heart rendering story of extortion, tyranny and SutrE was poured into the ear of a Tel by a gicl shirtmaker who works in ho factory In this city. ' Her story would be almost incliisive were it not corroborated by reliable witnesses and by parties who know the whole, facts: Last evening a lady who keeps a. boarding house in this city sent for a teporter, and on his arrival sho stated that she had some- thing to tell that the whole world enght to know. A story of suffering, misery and wretcéhedness that is perfectly HORRIBLE WITH UGLY PAOTS. « Phere is a young woman , boarding with me," she said " who is up sthire in her bed sick with down right misery. BNG came home from the shirt factory. crying in ber wretchednoss sud was so heart' broken and hopeless that she could net eat her 'supper tho' she had been working all. day at a sewing machine snd had quly one sandwich and a glass of water for lunch, * Ob, T wish I was a man so that I could: take her part sotnd the wrongs of those @nhappy girls all over the country." 1 want you to. see this girl and bear her story from her own lips ;» Gome with me, and tbe lady.led the way to a little attic at the top of the house. wheres a thin overworked, half-starved "looking girl was lying on her bed." Her eyes were red and swollen with weeping, and there was A LOOK OF UTTER DESPAIR. gn ber face, Her story was simply this She with a large umber of other girls is employed in a shirt factory, all working by | the piece, * They get 85 cents a dozen for makifig shirts, or a fraction over 7 cents for each shirt. The soattess girls in the slop can make on an average six shirts a day, thus getting 42 cents for a Tong. laborious wearing day's work. Bat here's where the unrighteous extosdon comes in. The girls uave to buy all the thread that's used, out of their slender earnings, and have to procure all the neddles used in the sowing machines If they break a needle they hare to buy another, and sometimes if their is any thing + | wrong with the machines they break agrest number of needles, thus reducing their slender pay, Besides this they are fined 5 cents for every time they are late, proprietors' collected $5.45 in fives last ok and with the money they, intend to buy. a stove to keep thé wirls warm, "Some girls can only make two or three shirts a "day, thug earning a miscrable twenty one. cebts he poor ngoriv: the ety, worked for two The girls barely board--and how necessary to the. horrible vm ptatiol uyers "there ina society ruclty to animals of the grent oor 1 diiry interest to the farmers. province of Ontario, and thei Sl hd of encouraging the' produ of an improved quality : this council "desires to expr passed in the Inte session: Legislature making provision. ! the estublishmeut of public e ies in the province for ins all the process of bu {both in the dniry and creamery tem, and that the council will cheers 5 fully co-operate with the 1 Com: sioner of Agriculture io givi tien effect to the proposed the Creamery Aot.'-- Cafried The receipts ot the. Society. 1882 were as follows--we don't 're- 000, Dominion grant $5,000, taken at the gates at tho late Provincial Show $6,055, Prince of Wales | tion $800, interest on balance. hibition ax] : income making up the total to $33,049. : The expenditure for the year wits on a liberal scale as follows :--Prises $11,736.50, miscellaneous $265.80; postage $407.50, salaries 2,300, in terest $350, Sceretary, petty ah. $79.67, Secrotary's office prize farms $209, herd book $951.40 3 stationery $15.10, farnilure $290.40° exhibition expenses $5,785.88, Council exponses $826.45, library expenses, $13.50, Veterinary sol lege $125, legal exdenses $22, Ma itoba exbibit $1,525, medals $1,083 45; total, $26,078.56, lenviog'n bale unce oh hand of $6,975.43. © A Costly Blunder ~The vase Gorringe:and the Great North Western egraph Co. was heard at the Cotmty . Toronto, Vefore Jndgé Burnbain anda; In September last th intiff enter correspondence with I. B. Eby procuring a situatin in his hotel Tn reply to Mr. E by's request tos ary required, Gorringe telegraphed month: - The figures in the drspuch ele ed by Mr. Eby only rag $20.1 wai not noticed until they cam: at the end of the month. placed his loss at $200 dx position for this one. The ge. r 2 | vedio of §130 for the phantitt; wand all hat was Coming fo her wa |

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