# undersi hi retul e whi ations gh ai hig effort will be Sd . Tiberal | he id Tecuivet us Aue. |T'o Loan on good 'Farma;ab8 Der cent in- tins pn pris weed x, of 'pal : fig) Sergei te 4 'me with their 'Bales |* 1 A v, interests being. fully: pros | N Thaw sted k J ol c Wir wl ion ni at my, own, residence, Union '|'A venue, Port Perry. : i ). S, Auctioneer. _.| Port Perry, Au. 117, 18! BE So ath by' wool | Port Perry, Aprila, 1881 MONEY Sa het { rivate | terest, . 3 tir B. MAJOR, // days of Sales, ¥ Port' Perry, Jan 10, 1870, {ad 1] omen AUCTIONEER. All parties | wishing "his Werviced can call at the | "Observer" Office, Raté Hing Suacrange for WM. GORDON, amount of money, | large'or small, on' morte gage ancurity onion reliable papers ac ok Terms of a8 cannot fr} he borrow se. Farm, Toon] and Village propditles fox kale by private bargain, and parties wish age to plage the same in my Cong PANES ) Port Perry, Avg: 5 1882. pei ems ok i re vol rate of inferest such, to sell such, may find it to their adwmte 8 oie sya i verukagps Sn hr i fa da daily, telling .. 0, hive Bg ivi 10 have. amow ig bh 3 his | While FePossiog this veo, 'he dis- at {covered groatly to hi astonishment; | horror, A SE a 'he the {10 ;dodge «them, he: commenced a ; | serigs of gropnd and lofty: tumbling { »fthat woul, in | tight ne: 2 , | awakened Tn 'the ti i t them oft after a doctor. Some of them went in one direotion Fond in another, and it wid ine" Ton | Bh abe third 'one in: god ho. rammed | a stomach pump down theold man's throat and pumps |! od ap thedrug store. , Jben he re. versed the action of the ,pymp and floodéd thd®ll min wilh! water, an after Eloatifiie t hind® upouid Yor while, same us if he wadrihting out] A cider Jtmrzelbed pum pet oat: the das fast a8 the neighbors, nid d od id Pay itito bim b su od the Ocsasion perfectly, * #1 know | Kiam @beut to 'Ask 2 AR me ne Sqmestion;," shid the i md hat fep you recived for the The" 'olerey nian Teco; obbihized 'the Iman 4s the one' he had" merited, Hand said * he: wonld, 'of covrse): graufy | Him, ince he. was somnxions to know. a Eduili Biri (ibsovningt addi 1 ! 41 received " he then, went. on to =, « gery small quantity of fing cut chewn, oo ee ed in 3 very | snialf Pidod lof Paper." LTE Thi only That was nt The dor: the: euricus 'blinder,' - thing: venlning 16" be done Shs Rpologize. io Inugh_ heartily, atd. mske the one hudred, dollar deposit good, . * should. like to be in-| | replied'the citizen wenrily, re ling'éld Peyton skipping' g 'T'abuut the yard, @atled out' to him to know, what sense he wag, jaround without any clgtha on.' Peyton hoard not; the Jud, and the'Tong black acount he in| have to séttle matte him hesdless of all terrestrial thingaand bis wife, at last becoming alarmed as his strange behaviour, sprang ; aut of bed, and running to the door, shrieked out at the top'of her lungs : "Peyton, I'tay, 'Payton I' what do you mean jumpin' about Thar Gotne in and put your trowseps On." |: "Trowsers, Peggy !, Whavs the use of trowsers when the world's afire 1" ---------- ET ami of common wil wan't" asked the architect. "0 "Tdon't ins gut thar 'danein' | | "What : kind of ashouss:do. youl ST 3225000080 Daliin Say ie) gi de it hi, ra EEane LGO8 Be, ; 5 Hi ! bia Hd bY od ag ean outers, AY nd | ak _-- mem Herr J Tough ong Interest Ey Edi Ep-- INTEREST ADDED 10 PRINCI®ALEi110 KE TRRSF, Thiet McCLINTON, M, D., fain had cCL PHYSICIAN, SURGEON: ap acoovouss, bo { Office, Wiliiamsbugg, Cartwright, viggion 8 | right, andi wentiawhy foeling end i {hore sure there was but one first classi! doctor in the world. A few days ufierward he presented his bill. t Whatials this. for 2 said old equally Matched. : u Dn Vee Twa medical students, the one a very large and the other a very #mall one, were room-mates and bed: want a house atlall, | just. Wani you ¥ build - me. three 'tiors sf closets like goul cells, ane hundred and. thirty . closets in a tier, and puta piorar} ; SR th the me a is r END Wn Hoo en pri -- TE k, Dxovidge, Scott, Th Offtos hours from 9a. mutol2 mi 7! x od le Lg , Mem, Mariposs oe i Parton omar eet] var Parties Xonirmatiog hele alos ti me INPLEWET J WBE. may rely on the utmost attention being given R. WATE, Sororio Sororior FoF the' County br their interests. ae TIT Lg WALA a RISER N- F. FATE "ate, of | fi gor in Tr ides Hover Ha Corie Store. J at. Ee EERE Sitios: LE RE an: an ¥ on Bos & Sou's StoreiQuuen WM. GO DON, pi. Giorno Brock. WALSHE, f Brock, Thorah, Mara & North Ontario; Mariposs of Victoria, Rusidence--Canningto will be punctually attended to. . Del lected 'in Cannington, or 3 mpt remittances iran WRI on icitor for the Ontario | eer, | ah ENSED Auctioneer for the Township L TL: te., in the County i mn, Brock, b- | Orders left at this office, or at his residence bts col ET i At 6} per teBt. | -- a Monza AGES BOUGH HUBERT I. ns, Port Perry, May 10, 1881. MONEY TO LOAN, e to twenty hi WM. Having had much experien: Gaitle; Ale; Short ie the, a in ies placing their Farm, Pr my a ie pacing 'all tor fhe props possible to bring. Snieh 0 d Chasen ) Soom 1 ! H EZZE LWOOD, ' Licensed: Auctionesr HE Undersigned ned having taken ont a | Tiicenss as Auctioneer in now prepared to attend to all sales' entrugted 'to him -- in handling rss, Real - Estate, Live 2 Po gir an? e billy "free of} at, the Teoely Muadaiwgon, i Rag agin tet 10, he 24.3 sa Savines Company, large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission, N-F. PATERSON, Port Perry. May 20, 1878. THE WALKER HOUSE, 2h Jroers rhny. i J on the Walker House: duting his former oc 'eupancy, and having now resumed, 8- sion every effort will be put forth to. make the Walker House all that can be by Commercial Travelers, the 'travel ng, PYblio and parties doing buvincsnin town: Pork Perry, Dec. 13, 1882. Fo ask 1 A SuSTRONG HOUSE; TRO ; Marni es. por PERRY AT . Tiigenses One door west i) 'bs. Walker House i Port i The undersigned hvu emsed fb attra} Sua TR ALBID 'WHITBY, ONTA +E. ARMSTRONG, P! i, TTT Petryy v0 Bort Percy Ho: sea dbsirab for the genergl wy eo table and bar. ie and yard carefully atten JOHN x port Perey, ee 9,1879., MERCIAL BL becriber | having : th nasal et nds site Hur te Aso on Village Security at a basi ler Rate | Agent for WesTERN Camapa on nl He has also been fristructed to. invest a! Solicitor "The of his aE ulker TH se--do~ J sires (0 express his teful "ackno ge. ment of the very liberdl patronage' wed B: Mega wy: ! this comfortable, io tne located ; will endeavor by sti to; ie and comfort of foe Hy a prrohed] 4 nein hopes for of 'public patrondge.-- The services of BYBNG, : one of the finest Sculptors and most Actistic Tsnip ont Modorate Prices. Port Par, Avg, hoy. ny Substance. as ky! ; RI - ORT SCARY, map; was rdead, g Fight to say. he wasn't. 1 Santi wn = i to I" 'DHE | igh --_ (PRICES | | Ee tions te the iden 'thas thio oyster iv {ihi wi # may be true," spid the wit 4! be Noxonuigiseg «For sasing your life the other ay JiepyeQ. ul " Wall, Fdidn't' nak vyon Re neversemployed you,and I'll not pay ir. "Youn hind no business coming in here ind jambing your »old' pump} down my meck: Brown is my family L physician, 'snd T'1 not pay anybody Ise," guys Nogon. "80 away went @---- to Brown's office and tried to ges him to get old Noxon to payithe bill, "Qe ways 'Brown, looking out over 'the top of his Apectacles, you hare done a very foolish thing, and it 8eryes you right to lose your bill, 8 8 good leason to you, and I hope you'll profiv by it, Didn,¢ I | say he was doud 7" 4 "88." sags Q. « Diin't Smith say he. was '|dead 2' i Yes," says Q. + "Welly, that, settled. it 4+ The and 'you have no 1 When! two like Smithiandd, says "Told a ma ifigad, it is. unprofessional and di agteous for.a Xoutignan, a 5d "who persisted in talk- Lip him on natural history .-- lip "Yhere is the oyster," at Wé'boro | "what's-your Ho: t. resson #" FE abink Ne Suodyaser. knéwsenohighrto epit ail finde EE HH 0 fellows. On a certain warm pight Jos big mink; who was on the "ipnor pe 'awoke "10 the' donaciotisness 'was 'being efowded 16 the' wall, his eam panjom having taken up a |good-sized . resevyntionyin the middle of the bed, By way of pun- ishing the encronchmont with neat. ness and dispatoh, he gently adjosted his soles; and-ousred-the: Tittle fellow so effectually as to land him on the carpet. od signs of "resentmént until several nighta later, when' finding bis "Bulky comrade ocelpsing a similar posi- tion to theone,in which he had given offence, be plotted A, revenge. Stedlthily climbing over the hoge form), 'he'braced 'his back aginst the wall, and placed 'a foot on cither side' of is. friends "spine," collecting all hia forces, he gave a/tremendous push... The effeet was inst The ejected one showed no |, roof on, the top tier. I want 10 pat| ap a house that will contain enongh closets to gatisfy my wife." ' Bat the architect wheiis'a! Iman of broad ex: perience, told him he would have jto put a thousand clpsets in a tier and #nd make the edifice six stories high, and then his wife would say when it was completed that there wasn't a room ia the house big enough for a cat 't6 tarn round in. An extract from the letter of a re 'cent emigrant :--"I'm workin' on 'the roads here at Saratogy, bat I don't; intend to. ido it longs + Sere' Mike Malbolly, who left home. three years ago come noxt Aister has a rich young wife to drive him around the city in '&" beautifal coach, an' he siftin' upibeboind; an' his arms fold- ed like a fine gintleman 1ntoirely." "OH}yes;" said madame, after the and if nat just what, bad been -anti~ Gipated, was certain Jn, strict, ac- gordance with 'nathre's Taws. The big man moved. bug a vie ord with th Btw, openin, tween' it and he Ho bia. Bred the lilite Init Hel i) Wes I { {Lite - Gade | 8 IA gentleman 'whe' drraigned be fore an Arkahsds'justics on charge of fehiaining money, ander false: pri. peti He had entered # store, pre- to be a cus nL proved unit lobe Hoge. b ' "You hime id Tin Hf { id:the Fuarigaud wen eid « 5 Yon, sfmal todro8 1 des oh And OW sare; ebhrged sitwith of] ferime that m. in the). panirentihr ypu ih 68's ben Ww. Yor, sir." titi Hladigor And are: you 'guilty' of iy SrimeF" " i ) u "Iam" : al "And you ask for mere Wo ¢« No'kir." & , "You Nave 'had &° gro [trouble within the last two Jia Lb wi Ly Yes, sie, I bave: as AR fou 'have often wishe $ia lod tha "IL have, please yourchonori™: Xow wanted to ike rpugh oré 1° la Lite" usual d racket had got itself well under way ; "oh, yok, you gen- lame want your angels I" "&Not'at all," pd | Dusenbérry, wipiag thé: dish-water we don't want then to be angels at all; we want ithem' to' be ladies." -- And, then the, row began all over sigain, then the cat crawled softly in- , to the cellar to drop anchor until the storm shiouldbeoter, NERS SITIO {re TE 'A' Blessing to all Mankind. itis gratifiping" to. know' what to procure that will certainly gure you. If you are Billious, ldod oat Bf order, Liver inactive, or generakly, in the 'world as Biotticmittéuerk oan, go b had jo foy ouly fifty BE. an A wide awake in article iy bis line. eg Lid the pave Dr. prin Ax ough, for Consumption, Fever, Ae tis, or any affecton hve you «Tend Borie head Regular size $1. i oo FREE wives te be | replied Mr. | from his head and face; "not at alg In these times Wheh our newspapers are flooded with patent medicine advertisements obilitaget there is nothing it will cure you go quickly | They are a blessing Re Vodinessi 480 'wpares no pains to eens] Hoban |, Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Hay Sold on a HE : VA Lite Saving Present! fimiglal E. ADikos, Hutchirisen, Kénis Saved ho . Trial : 3 cg IE El ek Simple' So rk why ci New Home: Sewing M AGENCY 1 OPENED IN «101, . ! oe 5 Lid PORT. PERRY! oi HE anderalye natiaving entered ipa he 3 T py § Jn Agency Bus- iness 'has opened a Depot at his de, 1 a! ST, Airaid THE T OWN : RY, where J hn keep constantly on hand and for sale the best and most approved Mach. ines, Implements and Repairs. Farmers may rely on being supplied with & the very best and most a pproved omit and Twplements ead at the lowest ponitie'S 0 figures. 1am Agent for some of gh best | and most at {reliable sift as: tics "HARRIS, SON & CO, Brantford, whose Reapers, Mowers, wad: Suit: Binding Bikers => arg unequalled in the Dominion, main AlsoJ O. WISNER, & CO., Brantford, Seed Drills, Horse Xakes, Spring: and other fa s of fihag ~ reliable establishment! 1J.DAFQE,. f wr Port Perry, Dec. 14, 1883, He LC MOST PIPULAR --or, Su SEWING MACHINES Je ll RR Far LIGHT-RUNNING. - 1 apiaty kip pltes ! (9% 8 other. Machinew, wherever | introduced. if devi 900, 000. 0 SOLD. YEARLY: I His wots boris of 'Exémucaxcy Tay we oraz Macmass oviisinss.' i wniadi