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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jun 1883, p. 1

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wae wali 1g "Tis "Ts only ¢ a fact all people should know-- : |B verybody high, everybody low-= All who, desiring their Teeth to look white, oe Tent of Bros, and fo A BY-LAW to provide for Driining parts "borrowing 4 WEEKL r I TIOAL ic h gman OFF Ton, Tom, TORONTO. 4 Brush with'Teaberry'each morning each night on the credit of 'the Mi the sum of Siz Thousand MoGovern 4 peck of Tartar will yleld'to its hy ORAL & a ¥ is Lido prim ois wer, Hundred and Twenty-Seven Dollars Fifty-One Cents for Completing | surveylog' the same. F Really, you'll find it & very great treasure; 1 |:¥ ou'll, prove by its use--try it at d d the min day of Otober A.D.ass. er mv rica | Capel Paid up, fsa REST, '8225,000.00. 1ast revised: Assess. ERE ol and ic of |craND TRUNK RY. CREA WESTERN R'Y. DIRECTORS. strictly adhered to Job Départment. Hand Bills, Posters, Pro- i terms will in all cases bel' HE undersigned takes "this opportunity ot returning thanks for the very, liberal * |'H. GORDON, Notary Public Commissioner in B.R _ Brace vr--Yoursystein for work. Zopesa, the newDys- . pepsia wand Liver remedy, I have the honor wv oo Gentlemen, obedient In the annexed schedule you will find set forth the proportionate amount of benefit deriv. ed by roads and lands in the adjoining Township of THO! ah. 'SEORGE SMITH, Jr. P. L. 8, with regret that he, in company wil score of stout fighters like himeelf, hud been there. 'MinglTog with this was = ing of desire for vengence. To his es, gl Id f necessary ste Sovording to law for 4 SIR W. P. OWLAND, President. Seven the thirteen Lweihth concession, and twelve} TTC TS LT-COL. 0. 8. GZOW! Reh resident th concession, ane wool) jot Yoh seven, fing; ten aa eleven in the AND en the sal a, Issued to-all parts of Sr a States" and § ing a porn rt elimaien Soe § ETE Eh Cunsdtaifiowest Ruiz, A somo, Pratl, HE ba hy soli PASSENCERS FOR | RAS. HOLLAND, - General Manager a aS anoN Of Relea meron oko portion a To sald Manitoba and Western States re choice et -- By adrossmeh so - re report atthe said George 'Shain In Yospect thereof and of the of xine either "Grand Trunk § Great Port Perry Branc i 4.8 Fy i de pisining regener: Western and: ran: aE tin Ch EVERE Tn Th Rd iol Gon he Pm rch ! wiih wo ot " * For ail information.apply tol df f Ain 2 --In accordance with made ap egamination | in the men's bodies, the wanton destruction Le on er by Sompitie, Mow wancey, SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT, SE PE Ean EIR, TIOCTUSIE | oft wagom, td the ei 400 lial -- | oviied ofl rants 'aud charged pas to the space hey oc- i Mita Ry Sparios, Je Flan of such survey together with 8 Pro fo rhe | Sandy lifted bis horse's rein, and Asp. od of Mss Sod Mr{Branston, | ORpY. enn, | .7,1883; 8 Pogt Pasry Interest ars, at the ¢ ho ighest Surrent \ rates, construction g ray and a ihe mn ao howit my pink ine proportionats enetiy animal he ic. [Dis neice, Miss Edith Hojee, And two friends ioe en with derived by every rod and lotor portion of lot of PLEA pickell his way down the little te- | of (heirs, Messrs James and Fiyon. Sandgle ot hoths 2 feat Eo : A U CT) ONEER Tw ,, No tion of Withdrawal My pei of whaf the work should costs a nm scent to where the fight had been. Here | welcome was so cordial" aod he wate whe 8 an Jon pa te hee sig 4 120. INTERES AD! A PRINCIPALr Sor seine g to 8 Specifications seo detalls so001 74 the oid were Flaivee than ever,and as effeotadly glad to see them, that all formale ! tain 2% i. Dece! each : Sand jong the li 5 i vee 'allowed to 'Merchants |. : On Slats go, yon Printing and adver! i ang ® i 1 Sd #loig tho Hine Whore fhe Uneval iy. Tanised, and before Supper. time, the # ead o fe who advertise by the year or W.. J.-M TRY, Manager. s og » ng fight had been fought, his mind waar: whole party had become familiar af old friends, Bob seemed to get along very well with Miss Edith; and while "Bandy sad" the other; gentlemen' chatted : together, 'the rk | young people | talked about: anything and hl Loan and i i i enced eyes, the slight which w (olonet a, Band ll owns. Receipt | paironage which he Rag" received a8 Auc. Lend, attends strietly to business in SCHEDULE. I he. gue ak Fe everything that could furnish a fopie.of eon Books, Ghuks, Books, Circulars, Busines 0, 8 10 1h, prcicn whieh 1 hae Insurance Agent,| min the Sime, Va Bi hae to ra 342 ten lors a {ve on: arn dy S58, Boh . 'style and fence aud 'extensive practice whic aye Ye v i 3 ; LUB QF en place, at {nat Mrs. Barnsto Cards, 'Hall Cards, bu,.0f Syety le on | had will be taract to advantage of patrans, | Representing the following first-class iver and Kidneys. Sample Cox. | Lor on Parr or Lor. |Aoass.|Inrrova- most, but two days before, The most hor | ene did néf seems tle fo ke silent, Nd ghat ant other establishment in the County. | And eg me With their Sales Fire > 1 tiles, 10 cents; large bottles . MRNYS.. rible and yet the surest' proof, was the fact | ye young mai's tor) 86 gd 0%, may rely on their interes! ng fally pro- 9 3 8G Parties from a distance fone ake to No effort will be sparsd to make Life; 76 cents. 13 {84 4exceptaw ptofSac| 95 $9 97 that the cayotes bad 'not hd time to finish | pig, with a half: pussled 'aud most anxious bills, &e. printed can have them done s Tose a ident - N34 their work of eating the dead. . Gots with th it profitable for parties: to pl their Sales cciden 12 4 100 | 206 72 og expression until she saw. thas she Wes notic~ home am. ; |in my hands, ~My; Sale: Register will be and Guarantee 12 [Ns 100 | 186 84 As be rode slowly slong he. suddenly | oq 1, . sarin. n pamsons. | 10 mb Loiog & Meharry's Hardware Fe] » 12 (Wie 100 | "86 m1 heard a faint sound. "The. sil To LI the others; wired with: wi:éllort ila 8 Pro FB 1C , D Store and at my own residence, Union INSURANCE COMPANIES: --- ~ 12 [Ee 100 | 7031 ort unas ence of the | would join in the general conversation, - rotessiony AV Avenue, Bol ory. The Royal; -- = L123 (Wir 100 | 29 45 mdi enso that one becomes acclis- | After supper the whole party went out en = = DAWES, Auctioneer.| The Phaniz, Ld = 13 (Wpts 66 6 49 med to it, and apy nolse, hewever slight, | (he piasss,when the men lit their cights and i D Ee, 5 . 2ort Perry, Au. 17, Toor, The Imperial, = ee 13 BI 133, 49 32 attracts the attention instantly. With his | iaiked. At length Sandy. wiio never mite d 3 erson M.D. , Surg - he Queen, 13 6 100 | .164 1a nerves strung by th hich lay bef . . fi r Corrigan's Store. . = g Ly the scene which lay before | 4 chance of sh Accolchent, Dis over © Dorie ed B. MAJOR, The Citizens, » 13 [N38 _100 | 17.09 vain dig ond Sea oe of shawing Lis boy off, called mpem Residence-- The Canada Fire and Marine, | Guy = 13 [S37 100 | 274 02 ais hase re! Bob to sing, and he at once begsm ims ~ buildings. ce and residence formerly J IOERSED AUCTIONEER. All parties The So = 13 [Nwir so | 192 85 always alert, found his attention attracted | peautiful te! aceupied by Dr, Anderson, Port Perry. wishing his services can call at the i eyeign, a wo 13 [Net . so | 181 98 at once, and to ping lis horse bof utiful tenor voice, some simple . melody. Pott Perry, Jun. 4, 1883 p «Observer Office, Port Perry, andarrange for and The Travelers. | == a 13 (W348 100 | 206 24 tateatly. Ta Tpri% I Jiscartoud FAs he sang Mrs, Branston betame more = days of Sales. ¥ w > 13 [E38 100 | 157 28 nervous, until suddenly starting up, she 7 hs jelan, Sur- 1 f inst , J A eat Tivnetan, Fort Perryafan 10,1879, able proper atom hehe oricnt noice, and = =! 13 |Wio 100 | 130 43 ogain, and noticed that it came from one of | jeft the piassa: Her husband followed her, 2 Coroner or ne County of Ontario i: sce T Lite Policies with (Piel: | = - 13 [Eo 100 | 124 68 the wagons, Dismounting and walking to | and after a short absence retutned: | Turning T PERRY. WM. GORDON, Sond vale oh dead of or 8 lm pay- | Fj HE undersigned takes this opportunity 13 (W310 100 | 113 68 the placé, he listened once more In another | to Sandy, he said : oes over Not 4 Furi of | en a A eer, = nats he able at a certain Sat the Gea by. sel 1 of returning +incere thanks for the very | 3 in 10 oy 2 minute he beard it again, It was some- go You in excure my wife, Mr. ueen al or, pt 2 the Township of Broc x! hy ccident Insurance t "liberal patronage bestowed upon the late | thing like a faint cry, and it seemed to be vern, but she lost her first husband - Office hots Teor 9a. m.tol2 m. Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa dent, and weekly indemnity In ease of nog- | _~ 13 [Wiof thenw}12 25 6 30 ) her boy y y fatal'in fi-m of Rosé & Shaw of Port Perry Marble be thered i e many years ago under parcullfirly ypeped and Eldon, eri Nicénses Tssmed, "BX | Works. The liberal patronage received in the u 93s 2) a ernrmy " distressing circumstances, and your son's inn a Parties entrusting their Sales to me nd Tickets for passage to and from Great past has bad the effect of causing every Ceme- Ee 100 | 121 00 y clese by the wagon, his hands | singing reminded her se of her first hus & County of may rely on the utmost attention being given | Fi iy oat Eton. tery throughout this and adjoining Counties 1 y + Ty 100 | 217 41 resting upon the footboard in front. Again |band's voice that she wag uusiile to stay hans to their interests. WH. GORDON Port Perry, April, 1881. To Bristle with 'fomb ls. i = 4H 55 he heard it, and this time more plainly than its - id UERSNE ufone, Ki g Stroet : ' mr ney stones and Monuments, 14 [838 100 | 41435 before, Fairly leaping to the foot board he| Sandy paused a moment before replying Prince Albert, Ont. Sunderland, Brock, B Y I FROM THE EY . 100] '387 21 opened. the long boxt in front, the top of and then in a deep tone, said : MoCLINTON, M. D. 14 [849 100 | "262° 40 which form ire ach th ar a . ERI 1' ~ ich formson a pral BC a Ll . PRYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEU. - T. H. WALSHE, pu undersigned is authorized Agent of Pe RT PER RY 14 A 100 226 97 a ati es J ee . om a 1 thoushin bug I jatnsburg, Cartwright. SED Aucti for the Townshi 14 343 46 : ) : Ofte, Wildiasbure, Cartwright. |_| | ICENSED Ajutloneer for the one in | Westar canapa zoan ano sav- NARBLE WORKS ! : 14 [E410 100 | 310 08 _ The big rosticrmman Wie ths bay bor | Padonts rtatod" sud, Sends, nba; Da, Mo R.LS,, Guy's s 14 Nd 11 100 95 60 t was scarce! --out i ously, "What 1 mean is, I ain't Bob's W oui i ER MEE The liye eR. YE | North Ontaria; Mariposa, Stein the CORY and is now sepated to secure io of any | Phe undersigned now takes the "business 14 [8 } 11 100 | 287 a resting Ho ny: Suner Hes Ty sou in aficotion ad a vadiy amount of money, large or small, on mori~ d i ased facilities and if possible Ei ». ! ve, but he ain't my natural son." Ly '. Oshawn, Oraete left =the offic Put Jie reridense gage secarity or on relinble y ne A cation i i or a $5266 88 saw that (he child was very weak from its | « Well, if ycu/ll excuse my euriosity, where it ¥. PATERSON, (inte of f Beaverton, )) ee ain Ci co I as "na | Terms of payment and rate Ofinterest such | Gi) further increase of public patronage. -- Chargeable to Municipality for Roads 955 04 long fast, and, placing it gently upon his | did you get him 7" : fori Attoryey-a a an I bart cannot il to suit tie hortawcess " er The services of ts blanket, he began te search for something , "It's sixteen yearsago now," said Sabdy, Erm & Currle's Store WALSHE, the North Ontario Auction: for wile a 2 2 ug REN 8 DS ---- $6211 92 St for it to eat, Fiuding a bag of flour, he Howly, *ag 1was. riding along the South eer. ing to sell such may find it to their advant. ® . - 2? TOWNSHIP, OF THORAH. made, with a little sugar, a kind of thin | yp, eh i? devil od boo Sighting. is age to place the same in wy band. { one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic : F509 hentmg it over Br he iad bast) Spar e red devils had been fighting a train, 0dN BILLINGS, Barristerani Aitorncy- C. DAWES Carvers on Stone have been secured. VALUE OF ! g had bastily | When I come thar the' weren't ne man alive oJ Gala, ko. 'Sulicitor for the Ontario _ WM. H EZZELWOOD, |, , = ue 22, 1082 =| All orders promptly attended to. Con. | Lor or Pastor Lov. |Ackus. Iurrova- kindled. Taking the baby in bis arms he | Bor noborsce nor noibtin'. I rode along én' . - y . 22, . , b .. ed it : % earn'a kind o' wail, feel! e. - 74 Baal Office a Ross & Son's Store, Queen Licensed Av Auctioneer el a Material, FY at Clare Workman Mey TO xy attinvar. Wah Joaaite fa cd whar the sound came from, and I found Port P ) y ° i roug Bob. tha, notnin' but a kid he wha fees -- Sort Parry, Sept. 6, 1882. us Undersignut ned avin MON EY TO LOAN. ort Forge 37 1003 C. SHAW. - Sy Joe $3 id his strange task, until, after rome time, a--" a, w - censs ns Auctioneer is now p! ed fe yAogi 17, . std H ' XL K. FAREWELL, L L. B., Bounty Grown, to attend to all sales entrusted tohim -- | Fr VHE Subscriber is 16 prepared © lenimbney. TTT em he had the satisfaction of secing the little| "You found him in the wagon WL Autorney, Bareisier, Goutlty oliclioh 46 Having had much experience in handling I A $191 94 one refuse to swallow any more. Then | for God's sake, say you found him there oa bwin Gourd House, Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horees, | one to twenty years Chargeable to Municipality for Roads 12866 sitting on the tongue of the wagon, with And Ms Branston fairly san fiom the doatiin | Whitby, Ont. : Cattle, Sheep, &c., wlso Farming Imple-| Agent for WasTERN Canaok Loan AND | $315 69 the dead lying all around him, Sandy rocked | about Bob's a re 5 rnd ments of all kinds, Farm Preduce, &¢, &c., Savinas COMPANY, the baby in his arms until it went to sleep. on improved property for terms sir I | Sandy as she spoke. | YMA. L, ENGLISH. LL.B. Solfeltorin | parties placing their saleain my banda may | He has also been instructed to invest ail GEORGE SMITH, Jr., P. L. 8. ha 18 4 Chan , Attorney, Conveyancer, &c. rely on getting all for thé property that is | jarge amount of Private Funds. AND WHEREAS the sald Council are of opinion that th Rue f the local! Placiig it in bia blankets and coreriog it Sundy starter and half rose from his oshaws. ND P 9, of the locality as up carefully, he examined the box in which Then looking at Bob with an eye 'fall of A ora stn opposite the Post Office Poufile to biingl H. ded le bill Tuter st Eight por cunt. 'Notimpuitsion: Re erctons enacted by the sald Municipal Council of the said Township of Brock, pur- | hy 3 i fection for a moment he stlowed his to All orders prompt 7 atten to, sale bi . N F. PATERSON. suant to the provisions of Chapter One Hundred and Seventy-four of the Revised Batutes of of ehod fond it, nthe bottom was a rengh rest on the eager face of the woman. hon Lik By Barrister, made oul and sale notes tarnished free o Port Perry, } May 2, 1878. Solicitor 0. horse blanket. Thrown over the edge was & oman. j Q,) forme: oh ol liso? in Chancery: | charge o o) "Bia the sald report, plane, and csimales be adopied, an | hg sad drain and the WOrks | 4 piggo of rope fo prevent. ft shutting tight ho said slowly. br an 0 EEA By (£84 Parties leaving théir' orders at the fonllecte therewit made and constructed In aca he « Thar wer' somethin' as I found along- 4 | Ree f the sald T bi bo i & : Office~Mo amass Boks Broek street, Onswnven offs, Port Perry, will 'receive T™ E "WA LKER H OUSE, sd pi roms hip of on the Simo OW hy 'thousend, Five, fA root een of the Alovgdie of the soiig oe ov half a brace- | side o the little one," te ani careful attention. | a) -one Cen ng the funds necessary for the work, and may issue ntures of | let, evidently a cheap imitation one, which | «I know," said Mrs. Branston, "the Shelf [porT PERRY] $ i i i f ih t t unt, in sums of not less than One Hi and pay. ' ' on any "She, vical ant IN MURRAY, Charges Moderate. WM. HEZZELWOOD, The undersigned in re gutaiag posupation | 6Cuie 6 d ow 16 B Reto a Years from the date hcreot wih: ho interest. a the rae 0 of Five Ter looked as though it had been torn off from | of a bracelet." . ATE Patterson & am of his property--The Walker House--de~ | 1 Salita pores, § hat 13 a ert day ne gf such det dae your Do payable at hed andar the other half. At the lower end of the box Sandy nodded, and in alwild, inarticulate : # Penton, Surgeon Raglan. | ious to express his gratetal acknowledge. | st d RIK, ot 'to them cou Eo tore years, ave: he found f ory ol delight Mrs, Branston fell faintingto a e Raglan. Sept 10,1878. "ment of the very Hberal patronage bestowed | ll ance: d B autnel 0: them coup ite pay es lo a confused heap of baby clothes, |, va png spectators toSthis intensely Dentist. Office over 8. That for the purpose of thrust "in hastily," All these things Sandy f Five Thousand, - Corrigan & Camp- WESTERN on the Walker House during his former oc- --AT---- Bix Dollars and EI ney eign ane 'the oie charged TA ed ine: eng scene hastened to her assistance, bell's. Store, Port fa \ cupancy, and baying now resumed posses. ' : of aforesal other than ros rouds 8 belongi ng 10 ihe Municipality, and ta 'cover interest | 100k. He found even the water in the |and when she recovered it was to find her Perry. All work ASSURANCE: COMPANY, [sionerer mort io int forth to_make McKEN ZIE'S hereon for Firicen years at the ate of Five per cont, per annum, the following special rates | spring beside which the train had camped son's arms. around be. She hugged him, in the very : the Walker House all that Pas De desiren same time as Laxes are ioviedapont} the undermentiord res neninel Shh lots. and the amount to give his newly discovered treasure a beth kissed him, laughed si) coforl a the same A LN tb eaten warms vel n,m eet GALLERY, Et SE SE SARI SARI pe do te os wo irom oo . * n 1 =] yg Perrys Mareh-28, 1877: Fo ,W.B. McGAW PORT PERRY, . | which vied a2 ator in aach Year Aen y . passage o! By-law during | deal of good. ment ever heard she lavished upon him.-- = OADITAL 8800000. | Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1882." i WING LOW. PRICES |3 -- : For one week Sandy stayed there, spend. | Bob, or Willie Thorndike, as his name really , Te D. B. (With power to increase to $1,000,000) | - 'ier |AT THE FOLLO } Value of I 3 t Vat Avs, | 08 BI whole time looking after the baby. | was, behaved well. While it was impossible, Taserted on'afl the latest princi- ORT PERRY HOUSE, i FOR 80 DAYS ONLY. J Stor Part of Tot. Nacren re tiorentororines Sr Ar Ho saw the child grow strong and bright, | lor him to renlino at ve had found a new v bi 3, : Al mol T showed a 4 w axtysndagohion EO : HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. The undersigned having leased for aterm | Cabinet Phots, "per doz. . . $3 00 p ts|years at 5 per| Rate. eat for 8 Joars, % | and found that the feeding, washing and De affection Ee the first piel 3 god as the best. ES #6 Insurances effected at the lowes | r. , iq this comfortable, pleasantly located Ord Photos. ..... 1 50 cent. ours of uoviston | dressing of the "kid, as he had already however, that Sandy had left them. ~~ 3 ver, eth {Single current rates on Buildings, Merchandise | gi.) yi) endeavor by strict attention tn the | Ambrotypes, 4 for. ves vanba seal BU hristened it, & source of ever increasing ae- | « Mother", he sid] "ther must bé fold oa ~ and other property, against loss or damage convenicuce and comfort of guests 40 make | Small Pictures enlarged and framed vob tet of 5 ac. 3 30 7s 34 i: $is u $1 9 light. At the end of that time, having the | that this key oa on : 8. by fire. Port P Ho se a desirable place of | fOor...... cocoer saves conee 4 0 0 76 * Y difference, + Comé with block, over Atki y INO.& D. J. ADAMS, the Por Per | me abe holes i, ie ina N 4 Ton Toole 8020 | 28071], 18 71 broken braclet stowed away in his saddle, | ™e. Oshawa Agents, Port Ferry, supplies for the table and bar, | Port Perry, wie 100 93 42 37 31 130 79 8 12 bage, Sandy mounted bis horse, and, taking Mrs. Branston got up, and holding ber Port Perry, Jan 22,1819. The stable and yard TORN sy to. THOROUGH BRED, hr i » oe 3 x 1% 9 1 58 the kid' io his arms left the scene of the Hoi0xs yah eng wath Mer ri ee : . 1 massacre never to see it again y outside 4 M.RPENCE, CoxyracTOR, BuiLoen,&c 7 Wopt 5 7 00 2 80 9 80 0 66 ! a | house, Jy Semon. whe Bont fury, Des 3,1 : DURHAM BULL ! is lEms 133) 5300 21 ra3B| 496 RE petite sistem som tat Se Soa loves eisepiie is Sdvacive Fiber in" retrning hig singe, OMMERCIAL BOTEL; ---- 41 11 13846 100 176 62 70 65° | 247 27 16 48 " Ee ye 4 | father, , He has been a trae father fo mall; bet tronage i HE undersigned will, keep, for. ervice N16 "100 18 40) y 2516 1 73 | +|makein menor women The glossy brownbair | At the soupd of the title the long ed o the tM hhe subscriber 'having succeeded Mu during the season, 1883--at his s place, S37 100 294 81 117 94 12 78 27 63 may have become thin in that time, and on | been accustomed,Sandy tur_ed t ewart in te Cominercial Hotel, ed te Tot 24, in the 14th 'con of : Reach tha t fine Nw}? 80 207 54 83 02 90 56 19 37 the once' smooth face time may print more | * "1 donot kuow what to say toiyou® Be- burg; Cartwright, intends fitting up witha | thorongh- -bred Bull " ROSEMOND. Nei? yd 195 82 78 33 .| '27418 18 27 than one fine wrinkle telliug of the deep | X20 Mm, Branston ; 'words Jroold. poe k-jview to the comfort Inns ygouveniende of}. JOBEPH 'Wrtson. yi 100 220 B4 88 24 | 308 18 20 61 si had P land weak. God bless you,, avern, , 4 | Reach, Api} 26, 1885. is 100 169 23 6769 | 23692| 1580 faroWs 10 come, Sixteen years had somewhat | agq He I bless'yon for. what you eve . Wo 100 14) 35 56 14 | 196 49 13 10 whitenéd Saudy McGoven's hair, and bis | done. I cannot thank you, but I Edo 100 134 16| 53 66 | 187.82 12 53. | figure. was more portly than when he rode | to Him snd He will. Dy not think rs A Ra RS, W310 to| 233 4s es | Ti 13 VL 41 || away fromm the sosne of the. massacre. | Ang | Ti2b _to take Will away from az 10 100 45 44] 18 18 2 424 : have heen a . ; Nill 100 257 30] 100 52 | 361 82 23 45 |siateen years had transformed the 'kid'intos | athe should be your som, But be is my : RESHERS. wot Sul am | am 08 | tniltalwart lad of sightoen, full of health | boy, my durling--" 3 x UE | ° 136 0 90 38 15° 2 54 and strength. Robert McGovern, as Sandy | = "Wa'al, marm," said Sandy, his Pi HR pros Pe 14 [Eqs Joao m1 13: 1215" had called tho baby he found fa the old | softened: fntoa'smile; as fall of Ncabebinens nck > 4 a Jt N 122 20 8s | 1m o08l 3 3 wagon box, looked maguifieently as he rode as a May . morning arasphug: on he; spd, iy opal Rags LOWNE IR S 14 Se 14 41 579 | 20126} 135 | upto the house, crossing thedittle stream in So aompoie [14 83 EE [Ea BE I oe % pelo ARbetit 1 years had brought wealth io Bandy with 18.3 282 35] 122 6 . | MeColl Bros. & on 405s olebased 14 244 24 or i 341 94 | 3 3 the grey hairs. Ey really seemed as if every- | it » EY '369.87 14783 | B17 40 34 49 thing he touch prospered after he fescted £333 65] 133 456 y 31 14 the' baby. ~~ He' made. wiore money | out: "Jos oh Yor 20+ BBN uh oy: 7] 1k mpping: thats yee jcani da; dnp $65.04) 322.02 |, X77 06 51.80 |two before, He got contracts, supply stage lines 'with--horses, and beh 1 a god 71 '19869660 | $879 77 | movey out of them. -Habbught a sharin a |, ? T claim for coy Shaky bar a al to be enormosly ndy,"

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