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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 Jun 1883, p. 3

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x Fast Amma! " "Royal : The Great Sale at. the. ------AT---- YL = PAINTS, OILS, GLA S, 4 a a + 9 Sone Ga mr EL Stock of a : J K N| BUILDERS. Davenport, BRO oti TUOERS, ¥) : which T ams offering at Exceptionally Low Prices. Garden # | Jc -e & New Silk and Satin Parasols bought at Job) sed from tu the bok Manatagtarrs, : JF ones 0. Prices and to be sold at Wholesale Prices. F R ; SHC a te " : New Prints--Cheap. A MERS. + TE GREAT CLEARING . SALE A tho wiso oni aro sailing themucive of tho rave opportunity now afer | Piles of Dress Goods at Job Prices from Te| iether mis eres arcs pause om me eng of the bet gusty, ot thy fo 25c¢. M@ CALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK Save them from 25 to 85 cents on|The Newest styles in Scotch and Canadian| po yey, 4p 15, 100s. W.T. PARRISH. : every dollar expended. Tweeds. : el = = wi ol hea hs AT : i » : ; os a Men's Felt Hats. | to Hand Monitor Co 'Coal Oil Stoves Lax Fits : t t i : li : BE ims, Woe ERTS Men's Tweed Suits from $5.50. ; BOXALLYS. So 4 but the solid truth which you can verify as have hundreds of { others, y. visit- vr . . RE you in want of Tinware, if so, - . g Tug Sale and comparing Prices for Ives. Boys I'weed Suits trom $3. ' Go to BOXALL. ISTI ANS LS i 11 Also, just received a cask of Printed Tea Sets Mx CANS, large and small XL : 2 : t A L'S. ML Tr. Hua . Yam e to be sold at Wholesale Prices. : * 4 . ] . 5 £ P Printed Toilet Sets -- Cheap. EE TROUGH of the best PAY iis i : Has be adinitied bet of the firm would be Jonsed 10 11 WwW. LOP PAILS aud Jars, t 4. . Ta en in hed pe them a rs he on bargain. Bees BROCK. Ir. S At BOX ALL'S. 'M A N C H E S T E R. a Port Perry, May 24, 1883. BUTTER AND EGGS taken same as cash, at the highest market price. . B*" Milk Cans can be had At BOXALL'S. [0A DEPORT, CHAS W. JONES, _ UGH S. CAMPBELL ) I§ ( | | | I | | | RG) is i, for ald COST PRICE. : : I Yves Goods by Express arriving oe Talli : Se LL TINWARE warranted --AT---- Sesotwrintomiomais rym AEW ETRE AES NOW I\ TE OLDEN OPPORTINIT. FORM ANS | VTER of he be LS : A Made and Repaired 4 PRINTS at 5%ents per yard worth 10 cents. . At QrILise and reliable SUMMER GARMENTS for Men, Youths, Boys BOXALLS. and Children at Prices which can be had at no other Houser|* NOTED" CHEAP HOUSE. He mt Plambing and Furnace work done by , While maintaining the uniform STANDARD of iy in excellence of work and material, COTTONS at 8 cents per yard worth 12} cents. ix 00 d M ana 8 e ment, The whole Stock has been carefully gone through and T S CORRIGA 5 hi Careful Buying, and Small Margins % 1 8 GOODS, " I bo Segtes 2nd Bost Qulisy Seniipnu (with which we are satisfied) we have Raised the Standard and Lowered EVERY ARTICLE MARKED DOWN the Price until it is a positive fact that : | a i ' The Best Stock of Clothing to some extent, some more, same ow Serving 10 ratio of profit, and we 1 1 |} é Tr . can confidently say that to-day ; HANDSOME TWEED SUITS made up in the Dates Style and a Fit ' - Guaranteed, the In this vicinity is now being sold for the least money, at Our Prices cannol be equaled 1 mn this Town. J W. ISAACS' We show the largest and most complete Stock of Dress Goods, Silks and 5 . : Tweeds we hive ever exhibited and guarantee every one a Bargain.-- MeroHANT TAILORING : ESTABLISHMENT, sis ia iim : TAT APES MN TAT AT ) : Ossosree is Watzsn Housk, Port Denar, See our big drives in Grey and White Cottons. CHEAPE T IN THE MARKET ! N.B. Also a fine line of Straw and Sumer Hats and ight Summer T. C. FORMAN & SON. : Under-Clothing, &e., &e. = ; Now Open with a large Stock of ' oe -------- 2 a2 the Revert and most Fashionable gs oods in the Market. WELOOME, SWEET SPRING ! | 2: a J EER o oo SE» = "8a 2 -- Mi gs gs! ie ol SS HISCOX id |= @ i = op : . Sul iv olan of tie depupiavent wich is a sufficient guarantee that all The Highest Price paid in CASH for all the "EGGS that can be got EN ()) wn f the Spring I h t - = 4 : : . Wrens My have got my new a i 2 5 > al Inspection Invited. : : ; : | 1 £3 top T. S. CORRIGAN. TandliSalt: Land Plaster. Field and Garden| MAGNIFICENT ST 0CK S * P =3 Rt Sm Port Perry, April 19, 1883. . i wi Of Jewelry, in Gold and Silver Ware, Fancy Jewelry, and es g am Soren 4 eo s : ' everything in the Gold, Silver and Fancy Line for use and 5 3 mem . - Seeds at the very LOWEST PRICES. ornament. £ = = © ---- of ap BOOKS, STATIONERY, dC. EO = b> Beg oots g 0€es ; : : ; . The quality, style: and prices of the goods cannot fail to @ 7 2 «< 3 < #a@r-Parties willido well to buy when they have such a chance. . Salisy onsiomers, T= a CD In endless variety and unlimited numbers at Prices that defy Hi +32 Bal ' All are si¥ited vo ooumo 2 spent the Stock and Prices. 1 Oo g | f-- competition, at a S. H. CHRISTIAN. ni 2 || Coe T I EL CHRISTIAN] rrr em 2 le. TRICKS 4 yak ; ON if : hi --- r 7 | = oo NewStor 5 ® bo » hy, x ot 28 | = a Poi EB 2 2 F cover or nevmon. | 123 SS FINE GOODS A SPECIALTY. News hereby given that the Court § -Q, fm Call and examine my Goods it will be a 'Pleasuto, | to of Revision to revise the Assessment E * AS. USUAL mesimmesiatiinn =n © a bo io% Me OC. TRICK. wl x Haus, CHESTER, ° " . 7 WITH A 'CHOICE LOT OF |, Monday, the 11th day of June, : 2 gq Beall oo 'Boot and Shoe Emporium... Tiki 'naw next, One o'clock p. m5 of which all so o \S -- Port Perry, Jan. 4, 1883. : 3 persons are hereby requested to 3 : l | take notice apd gevern Hetitet! oo aison E=W0 " ! fine go \@® B DS!" | © JOHN ORAISTIE, 5 3 TR May.13; 1883. Township Clerk. : = . Br DUTCH CLOVER d ~ i ® - a BEC an = HET OL nie | BEE HIVES! : gO CAMPBELL. , Mar, 28,1883, © y uw of Rovision! oo 4 LS OAT S| rei a Sys [ma = hy tnion, naws| + CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND. FOR SALT 3 * p REL 4 A [ ; Ta d : . . Port Perry, Apr 17, 1883, Port Perry, May 83, 1883.

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