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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 14 Jun 1883, p. 1

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3 Ll abba Banstead NH LP TRE ORCUTT EE Basing TE ER Hw hy Rall 3 Tima nant ia mei ta 5! SPRL PRT ty Jen, Sh " 1 y - | » o > a SE EET Febi 7 18834 1 Tym Gil) wow Fra 13 ne CRAND TRUNK RAY. . GREAT WESTERN R'Y. CO ---- : TTOKHET Issued.' to all iy of, is and Eo ATL yo Tt JAS NGERS FOR: bebe EL rd tral. al kn to sybn "Pos gh I In prea dati SELL: ho EB Feary Tio ra ore ve a CT i TE = He) aa oh Laan hoists i hos Tard a a3 init) dbs saul { & EEE weal Batam in ten) sain oat gals Ly Hui di hyd « ¢ yl fi pep RHTE +160 i 3. dade NE BRA E Lan eid 0, wien 4) SE Mh or a P 15 wad Bi Pou ik RY EES ii wre at Tit mi THE 18 only. a fact all shonla know high, every! So 'HEAD ors I0B, G8, TORONTO | Capi Paap, 500 -- Removes instantly all substbnees sour; - % BEST, 4290 ' DIRECT TORS. : V t. u SOLE 5: Gzov a fran, o 3 bial OX Ca ; Bow NALD 11 Mek Esq. Y, Esq. 53%, N |i DAN ik DEPARTNENT. we ry] Tent rates ji » "Avertisements revel val for nie until | forbid and: charged' ave sement will be taken Sut antipeid for. half-year. ~~ ueen and Perry Streets. Residence, the dwalling recently occupied |. 4 Biden, ° ray Ma, Ges, Paxton. BEF Parties entrusting their Sales to me R. WARE, Coronor for the Conny, of | may rely on thentmost attention being given 4 'Physician, Surgeons and AC: iu their interests. % GoRDo co! y WM. G d residence, Kir g Street, - . ' hp Prince Albert, Ont. Sunderland, Brock. McULINTON, M. D. got $ T.H. WALSHE, Fo ly. No seal tjscount allowed to Merchants: --- oes who advertiss by the year or oar Thos + terms wil in an Gases be trictly adhered to Job Department. Coroner for the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. OMmee over Nott's Furniture Store, corner of | y T "AUCTIONEER HE undersigned takes=this opportunity of returning thanks for the very diberal the highest cor "tom, Po RE to, day natal INTEREST ob 70 PRINCIPAL * On 3ist December of sach.year. W. J MoMURTRY, Manager. 'H. GORDON; Notary Publio, Commissioner in{ WM. GORDON, da A OfMce hours from 9 a m. to 12 m. OR. the Township of Brock, Drridge, Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa Office, Wilitasbur, Cartwright. a. de LB, Guy's W 'F. MCBRIEN, M.D., Engioye N. arriba and Attorney-at Taw, Yoltt- tor in "hancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub- lic, &e., Bank. Office over Ross & Son's Store,Quecn St, J orNiie and Conveyaucer. Soul srw Frospital, London, Roglan + asa Oshawn, PATERSON, (late of Beaverton, of Victoria. R ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township Li of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in North Ontario; Mariposa, etc., in the County Resid nnington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctnally attended to. lected in Cannington, oF otherwise, and m Debts col- ber: , &C. Office' over Brown & Currie's Store oy A Legs 09N BILLINGS, Barristerandl Attorney at-Law, &e.. Solicitor for the Ontario Port Perry, Ont Post Peury, Supt. 6, 1883. 1, FAREWELL | LL, Bi, Coliuty Crewn r, lounty SCHON go. &e. T g Court House, WALSH E, the Nor th Ontario Auction- ums able until EEE or for a Fite | = ums payable ars, Endowm ment Polices pi able at a certain date, or on previous dea Aceldent Insurance covering death by ucel- dent, and weekly ludemnity In case of non- fatal injury. 23 Marriage Licenses ¥ssued, "GX and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold at lowest rates, Port Perry, April 20, 1881. MONEY. HE undersigned is authorized Agent of the | WESTERN Saas BOAN: AND BAV- en) patronage bestowed upon the To Bristle with FROM THE PORT PERRY MARBLE WORKS The nagdersizn INGS COMP. and is mow ond to. amount of money, large or mal gage security or on reliable ining Terms of payment and rate of interest such as cannot fail to suit the borrower. Farm, Town and Village properties for sale by private bargain, and parties wish- ing to sell such may find it to their advant. oTh~ The services of BB WM. HE Undersigned ha having taken out a Licenss as Auctioneer ir now prepared to attend to all sales entrusted to him -- Having had much experience in handli HEZZELWOOD, Licensed Au Auctioneer age to place the same in my Biri) DAWES ® | Carvers on Stone have been secured. All orders promptly attended to. Port Perry, Aug. 17, 1881. Bveryedy Uae A Il. who, desiring an to Took white, Brush with'Teaberry'each morning cach night | B ach speck of Tartar will yield to its power, Really; you tind it a very great treasure; X ow'll prove by its use--try it at leasure, | | _, Brace vr--Yoursystem for ; work. Zopesa, the new Dys- pepsia and Liver remedy, ~HE undersigned takes this opportunity i | of returning sincere thanks for the very ' firm of Rose & Shaw of Port Perry Marble Works. The liberal patronage received in the past has had the effect of causing every Ceme- tery throughout this and adjoining Counties 'Tomb stones md Monuments, ed now takes the business and with increased facilities and if possible greater attention to business hopes for a still further increase of public patronage. -- YY aRNGe one of the finest Sculptors and most Artistic © Mibby Singlesides. of the Whim Knowe"--old maid though' she be-- * lt as canny and kind-hearted a body a8 you'll find in all broad asd. Aye. ready to lend a neighbors ,|ing band at any time; oor ina v | pal sphere of usefulness 1s, at the home coming of bairns; though; mind you, she'does not turn: up ber 'I nose at marci altogether either. he other week, no farther gone, |sbe was at a wedding, and on being] '|asked to drink the henlthiof he .jyoung" codplé, she stood 9p, and | gpd with thei glass in her' rabid, and | witha tear in her, eye, rosponduti in, theso | words: {Blessin's'an ye, my bonnie bairne/ I was the first that held ye i' my airms when ye came intae the warld, 'an' this nicht I've been present at yer weddin'; bat, oh gude forbid ! that 1 sud ledve tae see ony o' the twa o' ye burried." Yet -this douce, sensible creature has one little foible, and a laughable world like a six week's child when- ever there is anything wrong with the cat. On such occasions the neighbors would salute her with-- "Weel, Tibby, hoo d'ye gn' yersel' the day, an' hoo's Jean keepin' ?" her answer invariably being-- "Oh! I'm wonderfa' mysel' thanks Vye for sperin ,Jand Jean puir thing's as weel as can be expected." So much for istroductory matter 8 | I'll now proceed with the main body of my story, and for the better un- derstanding of what follows, I must explain here that Winny Knowe is neither more or less than a row of houses, scarce worthy of being dig- nified with the name of calchan, situated on the side of the turnpike Pamphlots, Hound Bills, Rosters, Pio hich he has received ag A "Re ALang; dnd attends strictly tobusinessin, one it is. Wise enough on all other ammes, Bill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt | patronage The increased A t correcting the Stomach, 5 > Wi He Chooks, Books, Circulars, Business |tionect 1 Se Dees practlcs. which wxpey} ye 'I Insurance gen ' Li AKidueqs." Somple points, she waa just perfectly crazy Cards, Ball' Cards, &o., of every style and HC will be taravd to advantage of patrons, | Representing the following' firat-class yer anda} ne I or on the subject of her cat. Old - rolor, executed promptly A and parties favoring me with their Sales Fire : pol bottles, 10cepis; large bottles maids, you see, must have 'some erie asians? gettiug hand | may rely. ob Sule Juoreete iL » ? y 75 cents. thing on 'which to lavish the wealth t ted, 0 effort w Tr ake X bills, &e, printod can have thet dong tg take it profitable for parties to place their Sales Accident of their love and care, and a bit cat home with thom, in-my hands, ~My Sale"Register will be and Guarantee |, Sorin opinion $5 much move hbinbl hb Lae found at Laing & Mcharrys Hardware INSURANCE COMPANIES: ud id Ye ely Caves Store and at my own residence, Union ; 3 = and wisq.like beast than either a Ei | ofeasion ATTB. | 4 vende, Port Perry. E-DAWER, Adotionser Tae Foguly 2 : i ; = {parrot oP" 8 monkey. SR. CLEMENS, successor oJ. D. And. Port Petry, Au. 17, Toor, The Imperial ; 2 €2| Auld Tibby, and her cat are sel~ M.D. Physician, Surgoon a - ' Queen, w = Do Office his Corrigan's Store. B. MAJOR, The Citizens, ed frjdom seen Seperate; it generally rans Rosideoe--Third house enst "of school ¥ eyrpdal The Canada Fire and Marine, | iad © |at he foot like a lap dog; bat it's buildings. Office and - dhoridees formerly SosysED SUCHIONERR. 2H panies The Sereighy = ©! not atall an unusual sight to see rt Pel wishing nim, m a . i Ag gan «Observer Office, Port Perry, andarrange for and The Travelers. | a= Ee 4 Tibby trotting about the doors with : days of Sales. : 0 Le 1 J iH. SANGSTRR, M.D. Physician, Sur-* port perry, Jan 10, 1879. : Py ror ac eg ioriabt motice, and z = | the cat rol'ed in a shawl, for all the « Re : rates. late Part Perry, Aug; 24 188%; Choice Muterinl, First-Class Workman-' road about threo quarters of a mile ship and Moderate Prices. MON EY TO LOAN. c. sgaw. |from tho market town. Well one dgy last week, as Tibby was making HE Subscriber is Teprepared tolendmoney on improved property for ,. did from the best of her way into town on an errand, who shonld she meet fuir in 7 health ?' "Bir," glowering in the dibs Whitby, Ont. ' Attorney, Se LYALL. Le ENGLISH LL. B. iolistoris v Oshaw ofce--Simooe street, vite the Post Office G. and Insolvency, Notary Public, &¢ OfMoe--Mo \iillan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. NG SMITH, Ll. B., Barrister, mye "YOUNG aMiTH, Solicitor or In Chancery, Real Estate, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all kinds, Farm Peeduce, &c, &c., parties placing their salesin my hands may rely on getting all for the property that is poseible to bring. AW orders promptly. attended to, sale bills wy out.and sale notes tarnished, free of Al Parties leaving their 'orders at the Osserver Office, Port Perry, will receive diate an.i careful attention, °° one to twenty years, Savinas CoMPANY. ~He hasalso been instructed to Invest large amount of Private Funds. Inter.st Eight per cent. N. Ff. PATERSON. Port Perry. May 20, 1878. THE 'WALKER HOUSE, [PORT PEARY : Agent for WesTERN CANADA Louw. AND No Commission. Solicitor wSecure the Shadow fre the the face, but the new doctor. Now, as Tibby had seen and spoken to him two or three times in the 'bouse of one of her neighbogs, she thought it was as little as she could do to make him a curtsey, and, ho seeing the little creature hobbl- ing before. him, could not do less bell"s Store, * Perry. done in et tatustand satisfaction . sia. % block, over Atkinson's Dru "J ATE a & Fenton, Surgeon Dentist." Office over Charges Moderate. . WM, BEER 3 Raglan. Sept 10,1878. The nudersigned in resuming occupation of his property--The Walker Houge--~de~ D. {gives to express his grateful acknowledge ment of the very liberal patronage bestowed Substance Fade," a Port Perry, troet, Osha HIE £5 lif : : by fire, |"! WESTERN "HEAD. OFFICE, TORONTO... Tusutances' effected . at. the lowes mites oni Buildings, . Merchandise |; i other propery againat loss or damage | con JNOL& D. J. ADAMS, .. { ing dh arte e Arvnts, Burt Bercy pia v;Jan 32,1879. . . jain COMPANY. 185 INCORIORATED 1851. "+++ |OADITAL , . ie power to {noreass to $1, 000,000. %. 83800000. on the Walker House during hia former oc cupancy, and having now rest ion every effort will be put for wd AT y Commercial Travelers, "the trav # a GAILIRERY., : ies dojng bein: in tok - public and parties dojng busin oak PORT PERRY, Fos Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1883, | ORT PERRY HOUSE. .,. FOR 30 DAYS ONLY. Oabluet Bhatt, per doz... THE undenigutd: havin Teas for aterm' ears thi¥ comfortable, Hleasantly' 'Tocated * [by endeavor by sfriét attention to Se venjeoce and "¢omfort of to Sma the Lov Perry Ho:'sé o des ble pl rf f 3 the Walker House all that - fi ative] ZIE'S AT! THE FOLLOWING ' LOW PRICES than inguireafter her henlth,thongh he conid not ask 'how Jean 'wis keoping, seeing he had never heard ofsuch an animal. Tibby, however, taking it for granted that the doctor knew all about Jean, answered with with her usual smirk: --"I'm just wonderfu' mysel', doctor, thank ye' for .speerin, but Jean's no 'weel, enow, un' I'm rale sair, concerned about her." : "Indeed," he 1eplied, thinking she Wy she spoke of a female relative, Slam i very" sorry to hear that. of. what | does she complain of nment for the gétierhl piblic. * Oe : fy bar. ro i DE ue iw 3 "Phe utable and gued care | =. in| THOROUGHBRED. ta dE Sl bi 2 PEA goth bit ec 9,1879. Lhi! a © 10t 24,n; the )4th, gon: of Rench, that ova hebred Bull," fC ROSENOND." / of. i ch aps ai wif i DURHAM BULL! th pi andersigned wil oo for: sevvive=< | during the season, 1883--at his place, JOSEPH" 'WILSON. "Weel, T canna' jast rightly' sir," answered Tibby, well pleased that the new doctor should speak so kind and feelin' like about her Jean. «] wadna won'er But shemay be' the 'wanr of something sho wag, eaten senseless thing. Sbe's awe stappin' some dirtor ither down her throat, CR os HOLT : wiv A 10 wb RTS AER Jeon NU [4 01s she your!'--gaughter ? bo. was They say,™ she continued, «That if 1 could sok her to lick a raw saut Nerrin' it would" do ber a power of ol gude; sae, tae tell youn the truth sir, I'm on my road the the toon . agen's errand lag seo if I can get one S$ for ho." he checked him- self just "in time, as be remembered _| hearing that sho had 'never been nd 'said i ad, "How old: you | bad rey with' br Lb PE ® 10 '4roon' an' roon' they ram WASIT feared there wadpa HE"h' haJ8 dish musta] of ig SH in S81 the cart} roa] {ofl In --_ s'nate wha'is Jean P RL Fh stance --doea fuce like a wull cat. * goodor bad ?" answer yongain i the | comely,' 'neck are a rale bonnie Fallow." | Took : ditnfounded. proud as I can be: my Jean." the fireside very downie like. "" Well, gloves carefully on the dresser, that ye wadna come." Tibby Toterrupted him with-- horrified : tail. of where she spent the night ?"' jaud never let on she beard me." . "1 quite pity you," favorite, comfort of my life." had a brother ora sister." Deed, si replied, Tibbs: | my. raid' 1 ken mysel'. | H loft A"the hoose. . bh, I was 18 rin fot the: ngebora tas hel 'm tao. put him oot "agaio. thing, "il earry the 'minrks 0' OX fieshslond oot 0 ber Ings." man I" shouted t| doctor; ye bad kent a' "Her * color, then tho," dustor prin fhestoned fpexplain; "is. ber oolor ""T'dinna exactly ken what ye mean by a: 'good*eolor or 8 bad she, doctor," replied Tibby, "butI may Seripture, 'She's' black _bnt. she's No, that she's juist clean black: a'thegither" her face' and ber ~]1t was - now the. doctor's tarh" "After" this, he found it 'impossible to -continuetho conversation 80 he 'tufned away merely remarking as he. did so-- "I am rather pressed for time this morning, but to-morrow, J shall be 'passing Whinny Knowe, and then it you have no objection, I will call in and see Jean for myself," * * "Objeeksum I" cried Tibby, " my certie | it wad suit me weel tag hae ony objeekshun, I'm just as proud as It's no ae gen- tleman dmang a hunner tha wad fash his theom aboot either me or The next day when the ton true to his word called to see Jean, 'thé found Tabby sitting all alone by how is our patignt this morning ?"" he cried briskly, at the same time depositing bis bat and "Oh! doctor, this is kind 0' ye," cried Tibby, with a heavy sigh, an yet I was juist wishin' within myasel "Surely," he cried with astart and a quick glance towardstthe bed, the leaves, or sliding doors wore all but closely shut--'surely she is not ---- dead, he would have added, bad not "Aye doctor, ye may weel look 'I'm sure I think black burning shame tae tell ye the un" grateful besom slipped oot yestrcen just as auld Lucky Liabesbeard opened the door taspeir giushe were keepin ony better, av, if you'll be- lieve me, sir, frag that hoor tae thisI haena beenable tae lay saut tae her " Dear me," said the doctor, "this is dreadful. "Have you no idea,then, ¢ Oh, fine hav I that--juist amang a whee wild rin-tho-gates like her- sel', I've no the least doot. I coodna sleep a'wink a nicht for 'thinkin aboot her and twa three times when I thoucht I heard her an' them gal. ravishin' aboot the roof I opened the door an' gied her a cry, but I micht hae hained my trouble--the cunning suid, the doc- tor; il must be a'great trial to have the charge of so wild a greature." "Nay, nay, doctor, yea mauna say. that" cried' Tibby, whe could not bear that anybody bat herself should shay a word of disparagement of her "She's no a grain waur than hor neebors, it'sna aften she gives me the slip likethat, min' ye; for the maist part she's sae courtin' sn' kind:like'thag 'she' s juisl the very ¢ Perhaps," observed 'the doctor, musingly, "perhaps she feols the want of a companion of her own age, it might base been (different if she wh sii ince thocht 0' that tae, se 1 got Tam in trae the néist door there thinkin' he wad be g kind oa com panion till her' but if I dinna' rug |) © wana woel wishin the door' when 'the| dirdom commenced. Jean flew at). hig, and seartit bis faces: Of course he geo ber as gudo ag gh fedng, an ed, till Tn 0 'OB, |, that tiie. tae 'ber deein' day, for, Tam, the troscherons loon, had ition of their Sabbath kirk suits, lage." The, ¥ 2 OT Waisicont was especially the centre of thigir pride and Vasily. It had a combination pt ingyoi : Borealis. Abodt forty yohrs ago, in a border parish.on the South of Seot-f, land; the principal bérhdy ind patkon according #0. the law and custom,' was | allotted 'the chief seatin the gallery opposite the Minister's. pol. pit. . He, however; : was a 'non' resident, and was an Episcopalian. He therefore; dedicated his seat to the unmarried plowmen of the parish who fot many years availed them- solves'of 'the privilegs* Generally, their number folly packed the seat. So soon: as a member left the parish he of course ceased his seat posses sion, and 80 soon as; he entered the holy bands of matrimony he had to provide accomodation for himself and bis wife elsewhere, as the pew was held-to be of the kind of the "limited (mail) male." Sabbath after Sabbath the juvenile rustics vied with each other who could show the newest pattern in design and color for his chest covers ing. Often have clergymen who bave never beforesacended the pulpit stair of this parigh been startled as the opposite gallery brilliantly flash- ed on his wondering, eyes.. The , | rustic band got the title of the "robin ,| red breasts," or "the canaries," and their sout was commonly known as Aheir "nest" or "aviary." A change, however, did occure. The heritage fell to a brother of the late "proprie- tor, who, "knew not Joseph," and was rather displeased at this weekly display of foppery. The new laird granted the pew to a new tenant, who had become possessor of the home and farm, and bad a numerous family. It was easy to grant aod posssess, but not sp easy to. annual {agrant, and dispossees former occup- ants. The dovans refused to remove, pleading agrant with long possession even for the prescriptive period--in fact, that they had acquired both figuratively and literally a 'vested interest I" The Sheriff had to be ap- proached by way of interdict, Iu was, however, more by persuasion than by force that at length matters ware peacefully aranged. For many years the display of colurs which once flaunted from the gallery ceased from the memories of the parishoners of Sunnyside. The epidemic which prevailed in the South spred to other portions of Scotland. About the same year a trial wap proceeding in the old Court- House at Glasgow. Lord Succoth, the presiding. judge, was vainly endeavoring to get an unwilling or stupid witness to state what distance he was from tho scene of action. He could not say whether it was ten, fifty, or a hundred yards, His Lordship adopted a very happy (though .in' the sequel unhappy) thaoght. "See," said his Lordship, "that man with the large red waste- coat," at thesamé time pointing toa tall, stalwart, Joan, mounted over- head on a'seat: 'As might have been supposed, the wearer of tho red- vest 'did not care tbe made a monumental or sopulghral, épectacie, and became] the, "observed of all obsirvers." '8o 1| be and his vestment simultaneously disappeared, and , ould .nowhere be found, so the distance required' to be. ascertained by som mare tangible to street, "I went to arrest , [his own hair, You ¢4i sky, Tike, but, be. took. thes Try meanness. © Padus pik Tro. : "& no," wérghanty inking whe Betaniian "I on discount your aly. ik "| after putting away my horse,' at. to wait for suppers "Tha old women "replisdita. Hebrew The , Baptist Chureh iat Sanday ot tw What do yon mean: by ~ "Well I'it tell you. Tstopped a poor farmhousd 1 outdont find any place else; had just begud'to eook some "meat. , in a stewpan, so 1 concluded. to watch her, and sce how: or areal'bome m| gh ha 4 meat was cooked, agli atewpan wi 'anth 'then - cabbage, and? fast With coffee, d supper wia 'ready.' AL ihe' A pry suppor table th pervs: bo Li nd sh of pupper' sho Washiad the idjeshes. in» 8he. pane. 1) That looked to me like stretohirg' Bea the usé of culinary vessels; bat. when 1 was ready fo go up to the loft bed, Isaw the -old tady bring out the stewpan again and strike me dead With a baggage check, if she didn'§' wash the baby in'it right before. my eyes | Now, that is what T call % »| mixing things, and I didn't Mike it -| well enough to siay to breakfasti-- Cincinnaty Commercial. Advice to a Boy. Get away from the crowd a Tittle while every day, my boy. Stand 'one side and let the world run by while you get acquainted with your« self. Ascertain from original sources if you are the manner of man people say you are; find out if you are al- way8 honept ; if yon always tell the squire, perfect truth in business deal ; if your life is as good and up- right at eleven o'clock at night as it is at noon; if you are as sound a temperance man on a fishing expida, tion as you are at a Sunday Sehool picnic; if you are as good a boy when you go to Chicago us you are * at home ; if, in short, you really are the sort of young man your father hopes you are, your mother says you are and your sweetheart believes you are. Get on intimate terms with yourself, my boy, und, believe me, every timo you come to one of those private interviews you will bea stronger, better, purer, man, Don't forget this, Telemachus, and it will do you good. , Safety. One hundred lives are at once destroyed by a terrible explosion, Every eye turns to the scene. In the dark winding passages of the mine, an 'enemy has lurked, whore spring has been instant destruction, Accu- mulated horrors shook the sense. Instinctively we dread the hidden danger, more than an opea fou, yet with strange perversity, we arm to meet the one, and re. to guard against the other. The miner stods in the jaws of death, yet despises security, The inevitable catistrophe comes, and horror Is intensified by the reflexion that necdless misery might have been avert. ed by the use of one of the simplest little instsuments in the world--the safety lamp, The explosion of fio damp Higstvated, with the cle of i! tion, the sudden combination of certain gases, and with preisely the same lucidity may be pointed out the slower but no less ruinous union of pernicious and poisonous particles with the blood and bodily tissues: by which Auloterjous charge, ; fevers, inflam, gout,rh skin complaints, &c.,, dc..are generated, the constitution is undermined, and death itself is threatened, Holloway's famous remedies are a safe- guard » ore effective than the satety lamp, for their field of operation is immeasurably mote extensive, Skillfully contrived for 2h od uid atoms existing either in the:blood ov*systet, they constitute the traveler's best filend. Holly oway's Pills 'are the finest medicine. ever known in those het aud insslubrions mates, whetv colonists and natives alike Ive © live fu dread of thefr "eutbebled', SE succumbing 'to the' insidious attacks of death dealing miasmata. ib 0 be From the tropics to the-poivs no untidote * con be found to'compare with these Pills, -- In the East' or West Todies, 5 'Anierica or the marah) % countries ot Euzopey + fk other | di and foand bite ii a shit papi ig CLE Be] ad) poly GA

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