and forwarded to the Ontatto Legislative." Gn of Teach Port Perry. This is a step far in the right direc:| qq jtonerancy us conteoted with} The grand centre of ty and re , by imitatodf not aloe | poy + allior iitererosting| Dominion Day will be at Goupils bat by Town. | 4 nob ang sfloct 88 » general [where every inducemel and irf fash covery Hite: principle, still n vety hidiy instances given to all the surroun pager in the Protisce, until County it snaps dstinder cords which it is al: { towns and villages to eome ii Councils xd yoduded! to deven or nine | 'host eruel to sever ; binding the pastor [join in the grand celebration to bo| obtaining prizes more valuable than "ie prosedings of the late séssions bers. to his flock, the Sg teacher to|beld on Monday, July 2nd, The | the finest gold of earth--intsliestusl given further instruction to press the of the Council of the County of York Financial Progress. Lis preciot cheng. Ba thall the [gdmes and athletic sports are so treasures, 1 libel suit aginst $a famous quintete i ae nimerous and diversified that whole| We learn from tho Toronto dailies A alleged slanderers. fairly pulverized the chairman of the : hi than on '| principlé * + hr good as a on everlasting, standing committee on a be a . Te ar -- whole. As «a rule the changes are | hosts may take part in_the compe- that our esteemed young friend Mr, Sr Juge_toniasivoction iar | Staughiter of the Tunodents. hot at by Boor Prisons™ for the incarceration] ze =o ea TU ue "trot too trequent but the instances are |tions and have a chance to win N. Raines, gon' of our respected lavue of wrt aguust wn o HE One of the tiost dreadfal disasters, (n ted nts : " ; proud an en 4 18 41 I prizes. TEV YES <1 '|towpmsman Fi Raines, Brg, obtained 'and Mr. T. W. Augli fiir on record took place in the town of Lips Melicd posieias, 8 of the innocent poor of the' county of | |... 0 11 0 institutions s not few wheredhe © people' would say Ir. J" lander case. gaat () 4 ini j{perity of thelf gHoidey inetitutions ; wlet well enotgh alone I" we wish to * The races will be something good | his B. A. degree at the late session Section re Sonaarland, County 'of Durham, Ting. a a = 2 EL spin. ot i the delicate movements of she bn retain our minister: bit fils as in 900 1he prizes will "be worth con |°f the University of Toronto, The Wes it Incendiary? . . |1aall, on v 3, Inst. A Conj 2 wralay's ses pulse are no" "imore indicative of| : ; : ding 1 young man was an apt and snccess- g Sar 5 Couneil ARE : very many instances partial evil js|lending for. 2 fake was York County last week they, health of the patient than whive nid ood. n of the| The quoit match will create con- ful student graduating in Honors in Qa the cen sn Lt » in institution gets' an airing. are the movements of our mou |. siderable interest some Of our best | Mental and Moral Science, Civil | big and costly ory - Mien i there mo fewer . om orn Loy nmin. a som 15 I some rn won| OT SL ty an Tn, Home| vets ng vo io than 100 pet dition of th vq fluancial slahd: changes take place wherever the pe; " king | Stirling, Hostings Co unty. Gravel! dren eo gallery alon {hres o'clock. "The report of the Standing [dition of the country's financial ste : adh The Lacrosse mulch will be a[c0Urse he succepded in taking > Conjurerhad promised 1obestow small Committee on the Industrial Home was |ing and prospects. : Hened our Hank- has arrived for euch,'and id happens 285 io worth eontendi throughout. £ doubts are entertained that the first yur - ii. Prosited and read : and the Council went |. ioe dusapvedly octupy a pro- that a general change' takés place in | tearer, a $25 cup ie w ol ; nding Wve gees wan eons at the | Was the work of an ingendiary.. The | Presents to the children asthiey retired fnto Committee of the Whole to odhsider it. | ; > ac this entire beotion of. country... The | for. J 8! rred 1 mounts to $100,000 tot one from the hall but by. some means or * e Before it was taken up, Mr. Ashton asked | minent place in every enlightened is si ¥ The boat rkces will be an attrac. Convocation on the Sth inst. oss ai ih Ye Hitos had wot' ht Va ol s J stationing committee has ordered that 8 s : fifth of which is covered by insurance. | O*her.. it got' whispered among the Why Sb omen Boy, broug ommunity, and every friend of 'pro: | ive feature of tlie day's sport AM acquainted with the deserving ! ; detailed' statement of the expenditwre.--| oo Lo lao * ponpetityins Mr. Goff of Port Perry move to Pick- | live feature of the day's sport, riatohim on bie\ A hundred thousand dollars loss is children that the first out would get There had been, be said, certain rumours | £1¢58 Y4J0 tion and ering and that John F. Ockley of| The Grand Concert in the evening Joung way congrabu Ato 2 iu tertible firiaticial seourge to a village the best/gift and so soon as * the per- abroad relative to its management which The present condition future | ~~ © | : : success and wish him ». bright wed did not reflect any credit on thosé ts of the Ontario Bank . | Pickering move to Port Perry. That |will be a fitting wind up to the dele- i whode population does" not exceed formanée was ovér a rush. was made len: mated die- | 'CG. i | bration. Th itteo h sup. | PT98PSFOUS Career, for th coming riishing 'down Denk, Tia gevévar to an anionied die fail in affording the utmost satisfac- WG Hawn: ® Prince Albert elon The esd mii i ey wid We also find that Miss Nollie |fourteen hundred all told. ee # doe r ent a | at senson, and. be intends 10.go in forthe several of the members that the | tion to every friend of our monetary 0. J. Bishop of Reach go to something particularly good.-- Spendeol'ons High School ols o oN You) stairg in the st manner. ©] breediig of C)jdesdales over the witer; did reser hod bo Togked foto" Sattar 4 | bat of that | Uxbridge and John A. MoCamus, of | Harry W Rich, the well knows. aL 2 pass . Sx Ms. Cuutsrvkn's NEW ABVAR- |}, 00 of the first flight of stairs there] he bas now got ood materi! 5 "This is friend Parker's model insti- a Yona EE a , |Bunderland, go to Reach ; James A. comic singer, has been secured while bl frst yo i oo 08 | yramupnr.--His clearing snlo goes |, y landing and a door and itis ids i ed foe Ban partic » > oc! tution, has been in existence only| 5 Jah b the: fire and Ey McClung goes to Sunderland. Much | the best amateur talent in the town re rouieut bravely on; Goods going ofin 3 aid that one of the gift distriblers so Aen A soto three or four moathsand alréady fonitul i Hine: 'the stotkhollers suxiety will naturally be felt by the | and its surroandings will take part me. Thixintelligentyouug | horry ; Customers ploused with their | 0004 this door that only one could|by Mr. Jobn Anderson, VS. Summerhill, scorching : 3 5 i$ ! as set forth By Mr. Ashton "grave|pnow to their biter experience. A several congregations as to the ability [in the concert. lady todk a scholurship » year ago burgnins and increasing their par- pass through at a time, but in their Aberdeenshire. -- Aberdeen Journal, May 11. i . '|sad now doably proves her title to q fferif : 3 au b toe pos ; ; th the skill of their EEE . chuses. The goods now offering are |}eegless intpetuosity they rushed on| Romo Pris, ~In the complaints are d of its 8 bination of the most adverse ocir- of lie rie gashor,; the o An Uneightly Obstruction. © the distinction, All wish thehighly ih 7 v ee on wavs, Poiss.crin P sols dill not reficet any i % he taut of which was new teacher; but this is a matter: in beauties autl the price pach 0) cln- and in their hurry one fell aid was at peculiar to females these Pills are unrivall- ment which credit } gumstances grea : Lh > Si + : ; . ot ohiiany tomers like, Go and see them. +1 once trampled under, dozens fell hi ed. Their neo by, the fair sex hes become on hoes' somnected with it." The | mismanagement brought the institu- which the congregationshave no voice, | Every inhabitant of Port Perry and| 0 6 (00 success to which ams P! er, dozens fell heap: | 4 sonstant for the removal of their aiments ; i i i : ing one on another until a struggling, | that rare d happy little family is already getting | tion to its knees, but honogable to while they are really the employers | all others who passup anddown Queen |, soperior intelligence and per.| No Here.--The city of Guelph ig one on An eg a of aims at fo ito peas; isturbed. the last. th : they have no voice in the selection of | Street can scarcely fail to be annoyed bleeding dying mass of several hun: g domestic servan| le , the shareholders were if not ho A dred # to the peeress, universal favor is accorded to: "Lét us proceed with the report : directly at least indirectly to blame |' the employee, they must hire a religi- | at the sight of that long, close-board s were piled up, the .young and| yee renovating : Pills; thelr invigorating; ©The report shows that eighty-two ind ¢ t}o mismanagement and they ous teacher bit they have no control [fence now being built along the north: students Mr. Archie Crozier passed a | year depended on obtaining some help gushing life of 202 . sing crushed ont; ju Dusifyibg. Popes on ro tid boos ' a Se wimited, 89° | lone suffered from the disaster, faced {Vth selection. The appointee {side ot the 'Olympic Club" grounds. 8 whole army of children who but one Gges they may seven w] 3 ve > . eR ao ! : most sucoessful first yeai's examina | from the County of Waterloo bo ished § be when by females of all ir for any. dis. died, eleven have been discharged, two ab- | the music like heroes, swept the rub- may not be worth Netoulbly to but the | This Inyeternie obstruction entirely tion at the same time as Miss Spence. [to which the city belongs. The | 10% 280 in the beams of 'he iii at) restoring econded, and one sont fo the Blind Institute |.) fom the institution, forfeited people must take him for better or for | cuts of the view of 'one of the finest Goon! Brave ones,keep on the intel-| city applied to the County Council} Hsing sun of & hop fitture, i » robust health Hable. for Jaghly : at B y ' . 4 medicive they are % : Parker got | "07h of their stock o_ plas the in- | 7 "0 snd pay bin all ho same, , In {latscapes anywhere (0 be ound. 18 {1eeryal oontee. gf : at 18 bust sitting for's grant of $1000] p10. sevie waa: terse, and vo effort] dou'el 'We wonder where friend er gob | + tion on a sound and reliable basis, | Sl Other occupations the obtaining and, this fair county. Parties going down pep -- : The alleged Soandsl man and whole salé and retail 'dealers ¢ | the same arehaving the eirele x od around thetn and Mr. Shields th 'object of their latest attack is bou to make them play or pay and jos re g vi customers sen't resist and the goods are made to skip at double qnick. (8ée their New Advertisement, ) tl en. promise, with-grand feet and The yearling colt Craigievar, bred by Mr. Alex= ander. Duncan Bepheusyniy Toy sire Young Clyde (1309), dem Ghieatain' (149), grand dam Jipr by A 1 . A" town colt of good quality and fair size. The, yearling flty Lady Lorne, bred by Mr. Anderson, Mamet: lab, Summerhill; sire : Lorne 111208); dsm Lady: Inverarieby Lord Inverarls! . Cy ¥ - f intellectoal young lady the full severance fo justly entitle her. have succeeded in securing fhe hold- Another of -our High School [ing of the Provincial Exhibition this cpuld stop the mad rush of afirighted chil- duing the natalie of : a i s : ¢ i Sep---- to aid in making the necessary pre-|dren. They came on. pell mell, though conte. at ay his authority for stating that his pagel te iropustors. : Seom ipod retaining of office depends entirely 'on | the hill on Queen Bt. or going up 'to~}, A Welcome Visit. ° parations for the exhibition but the strangely without much shouting, and soou 3 Dee psi hoe a model institution already exter- ; 4 in whi i i i : ro 202 of th he Diamond D; : x asp had J XWr" [ions of trust (every man is sn im- the manner in/which the duties are | wards the west cannot fail to admire} po RB 'Monteith, formerly pastor] Waterlooites absolutely refused to nay us hocks) stata ~-- Only 10 cont. hy niinated or diminished the paupers of postor who holds a position the duties porformed ssid the selection is made |the beautiful landscape which presents of the Presbyterian Church, Prince [give a dollar so that Guelph will lave |them. The greatest number 'of bodies, Doth to the ithe : ed ' SE the county to one-half the number.-- of which he cantiok: or 'will ok' Uffici- by the eniployers and not for them, itself away fo the south and east. 04} Albert, after angifiars absence posi fo. fide the susie single handed ; it | hich were badly mangled from trampling, | = Vo 00 TES pak : duritiod : A GAAY a a 3 I ight deop. M i = - Ro Hed a 2 dre ently perform) and placed the conduct Wine vous an employee Inhous sey Je delighted as be gazes on the finely |g flying visit to this locality at the| will take the tender city all her time re --_--_-- jai 7a ne i broken out smauget the Inmbié Hh the town ny Al ay o6 ""|ot the instution jin the bands of if an incompetent workman were sent | diversified landscape over to the waters | lose of Inst week and preached in| but she will get through in some way [torn from thelr bodios, and tnis together a Plies Hh setanon rive : to his shop and he should be ordered [of Scugog nestling in the bosom of ; . i with the bleeding bodies of the un fortunates| when it was found that 'they were ~ 4 - | thoroughly competent and reliable P 808 Prince Albert' Presbyterian Church, {and should the menibers of the County | g . : . : : ae the terribl ture of th le, | With tape worms, aud in the cannot have made 8 fortune in 8 fow | | Coy ony ore tying vesulishave | © Ploy bim and pay him his salary the picturesque scenery of the Oa |p Gunday afternoon. His numerous| Council dats fo step into the sity dor- BE owe x oa av found balls of 'wool. Mr. months, they: must be pastpers still and been realized trom the change and to- no matter how incompetent and worth- | wright and Scugog shores and away : gd : Aberfoyle, lost thirteen fi ' the public will have to maintain thm as friends were much pleased at secing|ing the exhibition they will stand an |been killed ranged from four to fourteen Sento sured by the Woring if there were no Poor House. 11 more . te i less. Buch tention would be | beyond these grandly rise the bold out- |; ) ; tod yems. The excitement fa town when the prescribed by a neighbor. sel part day the Ontario Bank stock is justly Soca at a HY ) _ ec I) y rs it him look hale and hearty and to hear | excellent chance of free lodging Inthe sovead wan serif | Of fOrpentine, 1 part of. Onty part. found in the 2 regarded as one of the best securities i It 538 neces. 09 Cartwright apd ny by lis preaching that he had lost| police cells till the exhibition is over. | Great crowds of people rushed to the scene ang 2 porte of linseed or castor EE a g gree, ? "% in the market and the stockholders |®8ry--and who will deny thatis--that alternate woods and fruitful fields, ving of Lis former energy audzeal,| pvonitl is be akel a ot Fhcie Saou SA gue gh id Tine and customers feel pro od of the insti. | employers in the ordinary walks of | which skiri the distant horizon and a reduc 25 out of 82 or" over 80} per eent. The report sets forth : . until at least 20,000 persons surrounded the | ti!l it operates ou them snd then' coptiuug, el hall. h 1 i doses Sethi, : 4 4nd while the irresistible hand of timo Smoxc Compemirion.--One of the The feeling was so fatense that the| in lighter a tation. The management of "the life should have the selection of their | complete & landscape unsurpassed if{) gq leftZits imprint on his countenance to preserve older. The work of getting' out When dl sun Wiki ; "That the sum of $3,450 had been paid ont dar connection with the home since the streets in the town of Windsor, On- authorities ordered out the 68th Infantry Port Perry branch is no exception employees how much 'more is it|even equalled in approaching anyig,q fipsted the auburn locks it has tario, hasbeen named Cameron Avenue we Satin of the Vicki was begun im- ; i i i é mediately. The, from the rule, the courteous anid necessary that conztegetions should other town in the Province. A xiot impaired his mental vigor oF. 1 land Mr. plone Sapo the A oe . x i is out in the bet Inst report, the darger portion of which hed |obliging manager while carefully have pavionk freedom nthe selection wiranger coming down. the Jill cannot | a 3 dour in-his Master's cause. | gentleman after whom the street, I] mitten forthe of Toeatilying; taf ® i been for stoek and implements for the farm. guarding the best interests of the in- of their religions instrutors, the |fail in admiring 'the beauty of the | named has very generously oftered 8 | bodies of their children. The most heart: The ovat war-34.30 for tack patient), Ff i jeoti i iki (In a Bad Condition. f F hild rending scene transpired while the work of i i sii The committee hoped to be] Stitution is affable and accommodat- selection or rejection of the men on |landscape and taking a liking for the { & Ba ni series of prizes: For every child born RT ons" k of able to reducs this to $4 before the end of | ing to customers and has secured the whose ability, devotion and tact, the [town. But if this obstruction is to| mpa¢ portion of Bimeos street from | On that street he gives $8, and for mothors' of déad children constantly uttered the year, present comfort and future hope of the | remain the view will be cut off and |p iia to the 'northern boundary of | €¥ery pair of twins he gives $15, it is piercing shrieks, and many of them fainted | is -- but increas "A giod desl of discussion took place|Tespect aud esteem of all doing bus: ; : . : Fn oa the discovery of the bodios of. thult Tittle) ction, thus curing all. pons i 1 of the clauses of the report, |iness in any way with the Bank.-- congregation so much depend. Of our town willlose one of its most in- | 4}, Pijnee Albert best is perhaps the not yet known how much he will give nen. ety of the bodies of; thelr Jitt 91 ey orgeas Eo i « «Mr. Brown said he had been told that Tho gencral sta nt for the year course none but thoroughly competent | portant attractions. Better present | ,.qt piece of road fo be found in the for triplets but something very hand-| Fay, who gave the entertainment was Bright's disease. | RE ' eg on ; a. a eading 81st May, 1888 tells its own tale men should be tolerated in so im- | the Club with $1,000: than allow the County. It was sunmer- fallowed two | 50mm is expected. The street is quite on Sa ind 2 > pust rs ® Bditor ot pr ive was alleged: that 'this was the cause of|and that a most emcouraging ome. portant a position, but so long as in- | fence to remain. years in successisn at considerable | in 8 flutter and the most active com- |, = Wisiatsr "vod dia i fd enomiams but observation and enqui + AN] Sar 3 : ially for the satisfied us that the preparation of - sovera] demi. The total profit for the year was competent men are allowed to remain "A Surgion} Operation. cost but this only increased its sus-|Petion is going on especially for speechless in a fit. Some of the families 2: Hilburn & Co, styled " Buirdook : The inmates of the "paupers' par-| $208,712 ; the balance of profit on|if the rduks congregations should | Phar * |ceptibility of minng &nd it certainiy| higher prizes --Fz. 1 Whidus fuiusey pn gp Ryn ir UT of the high "wpvation' 1 aioe adise' it appears are sumptuously fed | hand on Mey 81, 1882, was $1,459, | have the selection of their own pastors. C. Thorn, V.8., Port Perry, per jug got badly, mixed. The chances| ' Le Die | Pushed their way Vato thehall In which Tey|' ro col eg on $4.50 per month and it is expected | so that this added to the profit of| -- formed an intricate surgieal OPera- |are that unless something is done to| °F © ERFECTION OF WIEANESS. RAC | ih bodies of the victims, and without ahd = that they shall be sorewed down 10 the year ending May B1, 1868, makes| ~001%¥ Sehool Anniversary: on, a few days ago, on. valuable | give tho slough at leas] the appear. | Yife of Dr: Bowlby, Bertie 2 fy braves Jou hi isha" 6 ses Yoo athe, Arps. lu a Wi 4. , 1888, £0 : f=: on lurch 1 p izing. the face of Wi 07 $4 per month and very likely thea total profitof $205,172, But during| The Pinedale Sunday Scliool Anm- mire, the property of 'Mr. Thomas ance of a road somebdly will be in- been organist for Bt. John's )C ono it SHEE ATs mater org a eve its foat 'will bo accomplished ; all they | the year there were dividends paid to | versary which takes place on Sunday Smith, of Port Hoover. For some dicted. © = = Shere for the past twenty yeas; the | ui, ugar exclaimed, "Toat's one," passing . i have got 0 do is to diminish the sup- | stock holders of 6 per cent, of the and Monday next will be an interesting time past a film had been observed = mf congregation in token of her salable $m Swine soogoinct snore, and then a ge : Eval A ! tatute 2 ) Wedn f Tast . Staggering in a fit of h ; ply of broad and inerease the supply |smounk of their stock, that is per snd profitable, ime, every necessary forming over one of the mare's eyes, 2 So 4 big rit = ctiéd My God! al) os Ione ge B of "black strap." We suspect that cant. on $1,500,000 equal to $90,000. efort is. boing. pub forth lo make it 'a [Mr: Thon was called and 'fier ex. | Pothmastersare alf on the run these | prosented the lady with 8 Wel S76% aud overmbelmed with grief saa to. the} k whisk strap" bears the same relation | Now $90,000 taken from $205,172 |suscoss and enjoyable to all who st- smining the eye administered chloro- |times and statute lapor is being push- Purse. The following night 'the resi oor « Tn some homes there are fivechildfén| * Di NE : ih i i d larized ire | to the food of the poor ones as "long | leaves » balance of $116,172. Of this |tend. The Sunday's setvices will bo form fo the mare'and on thorough ex- ed with commendalfe Wifi. . . es uo burg aud 4 PELL Tho moss of thé dead ehidren werd afmont| ¥ oats" (the whip) does to the food of | $110,000 has been added to the rest, conducted by Rev. L. W, Hill, B, A.,| Suination toand that the sight of the |" Mr. Park is good work on the | 21% * contents: carried away in every case. black and swollen from} of the horse. It is tobe hoped, how. |. s pel away bo heared of tho share a4 2:80, and Ror. 5. Acheson at 60 agai deteosod and worm abont| roads, no has na got the sidewalks bieves ut the same time i is mat ever, that the ' allegation is not well for any Wick may | Haree inches long lodged in the eye; [in s good - state ki repair and is : bleeding, and parents rashing wildly about foundid fis 400, litle Breed and too found advisable ia 'the interestiof the he succeeded in removing the worm, | turning 'his a would fall tipon'the bodies of dead: ehifldren tanch #sieap? have .alréady besn the | Bunk. The balenes left afler putting he eye will soon etl Rak Twill nivel te she so i : away the rest|i8 $5,172 carried for- f | sightless. Mf. Thornstates that in in| making a ihorog , (ward as o balaines of | ott io th contr Ui de when | 1 his prastics ho never before bed s Mr.