'GELEBRATION 5 A Tee PORT PERRY ! GREAT ATTRACTION, 100 yards Race + .ovvee eens werse $8 85 200 yards Race, . « 8 5 One Mile Race ..... . 10 5 Boy's Race--100 yard 2 1 Fat Man's Racs-ovex 250 1b8--50 yards... Tug of War--Sougog on "Reach... . Throwing Lacrosse Ball. ....... Throwing Cricket Ball ........ One throw to be final. Standing Jump Running Hop: opal Time De ow ---- CLE BA TE Band & tition--3 to 'compete. . .26 Fattest under 6 mouths 'old. 10 Prettiest Baby under 6 months old 5 Lacrosse Match for Silver Cup-- valae..., . 25 Base_Bail Match for Silver "Cup, val savive un 15 These are Championship "Cups for the County of Ontario, BOATING. Single Scull Skiff Race, pulled from the gunwale for boats owned on Lake Scugog--2 miles .. ,..... $10 Double "Scull Skiff 'Race, pulled from the gunwale, for hoats not exceeding 18 ft in Jongth, 2 miles 10 5, Sprint Sail Race, 2 miles ........ All entries ten per cent on prize money, to bo made to the Secretary, at Jeast half an hour before each event. Boat Rabes:to commence at 10 elnck sharp, Same on cricket gous imme" + diately after, : AGmiveion to grounds 20 cts, half-price, CONCERT ic IN. THE TOWN HALL! IN THE RVENING | | $5 Children Admission 25 ots. "Ruserved seats 40 cts. Tickets for seats for sale at Mr. McCaw's Book R, HENDERSON, Sec'y, Port Perry, 3s te 20, 1883. MEN& TEAMS WANTED. 3 AR Immediatély's Iarge number 0 and ms to work on the InrARio & Queskc Rainway. $1.40 per day 0 hg Men, and 83.50 PAYAL Rows. QR! Raglan, Jose 11, 1883, -- Sn! more Fr kn vin mer- uently can buy i thelr.own prices as they oo buy in ageh large quantities, and in the next place one-third of the profit will pay' on account of the immenge Juaiites they ko for instance a trader sells, 5 to 20. lbs, per day, phd Company sell from 3,000 10.5,000 Ibs. as the vase may be, and of course 4c. per 1b will oy them better than 20. or even 300, will pay the others, but t pany' 'would sufficient if th. "only made de two sales, So you can see:.at once that it is the in~ terest ot the Com article in order to keep their cnstom- cers and induce them to recommend s to buy, - H. CHARLES, AGENT, at his Store gpposite Ontario Bank, Port Perry. TRAVELERS' GUIDE. IMPORTANT TO TRAVELERS gb CERN, LAE, or BALA W. H. MCCAW r TICKET AGENT for the following Popular Hoes of Ugean Steamers. " WHITE STAR" from New York. " MONARCH" from New York. " BEAVER" from Quebec and Montreal, PRICE OF TICKET. Cabin from New York to London and Liverpool and return, $75. Steerage, from Liverpool to Post Perry, $26 20. Pe L8O Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers, RAILROAD TICKETS Issued to all parts of Canada and the United tates. Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H. McCAW. ! port Perry, May 24, 1883. 'Wan NTED---A Servant for general ANT work, Highest wages to. a suitable person- 4 4 Apply to MRS. W. J. McMURTRY, . Corner McDonald and Lilla Streets, Port Perry, May 8, 1883. BEE HIVES! ! "HOSE 'who are interested in the Eee he Culture, or intend to be so, would do fret to make themselves acquainted with | my Non-swarming and Ventilated Bee Hive, (Patent No. 15,392, "Selim Peltet's None Swarming, Ventilated Bee Hive" dated 31st day of August, 1882) which has embedied in it ill the conveniencics and excellencies con- tained in all the other hives made, which in reality is the movable comb-frame (and that is judispensible to esnccess), and four points ahead of them all. 1st, tbe food chamber ; 2nd, ventilation ; 3rd, non-swarm- ing; and 4th n of GREATER INDUCEMENTS| profita of the Com- | pany to give a good | come. The Spring Beason is drawing to a close and we are offering still THAN EVER "To clear Stock specially adapted to this season of the year. ) We have laid on our counter many Patterns ot Dress Goods at Less than half their original value. A few more Sets of LACE CURTAINS To be closed out at a Great Sacrifice. Btill greater reductions made in all departments. New Goods constantly received and sold ak a slight advance over first cost. Our Store has been Crowded every day singe we opened but still we have pleit of Goods for all who NOW 18 'THE TIME. FOR BABCAINE. Butter and Eggs taken same as cash. " Highest market price Paid for Wool. 0.9, DAVENPORT, CHAS, W, JONES, HUGH S, CAMPBELL BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Highest Price Paid for WOOL BUTTER. BEGGS. &c., &c., at T. S. CORRIGAN. Port Perry, June 13, 1883. BROC CORRIGAN S New Silk and Satin Parasols bought ai Job Prices and to be sold at Wholesale Prices. New Prints--Cheap. Piles of Dress Goods at Job Prices from Tc to 25¢. '|The Newest styles in Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. Men's Felt Hats. % Men's Tweed Suits from $5.50. Boys' Tweed Suits trom $3. Also, just received a cask of Printed Tea Sets to be sold at Wholesale Prices. Printed Toilet rE DIG CLELRING SALI FORMANS "NOTED" CHEAP HOUSE. Port Perry, May 24, 1883. The whole Stock has been carefully gone through and - EVERY ARTICLE MARKED DOWN to some extent, some more, some less according to ratio of profit,and we can confidently say that to-day 3 Our Prices cannot be equaled in this Town. We show the largest and most complete Stock of Dress Goods, Silks and Tweeds we have ever exhibited and guarantee every one a Bargain.-- See our big drives in Grey and White Cottons. T. C. FORMAN & SON. a= Wanted Immediately any quantity of Tub or Roll Butter and Eggs for which the Highest Price will be Paid. T.C.F & =, *03u0I07, Jo 3x) orgy [<3 whereby four queeris may be raised in the same hive and at the rame time, For fur- ther particulars enquire at my manufactory, Union; Avenue, Port Perry, where with the best machinery at my disposal, I am able to manufacture and keep on hand a large supply"of these hives. All orders left with me wiil receive prompt attention. Indivi- dual rights to manufacture can be had for $10 each. SELIM PETTET. Port Perry, April 17. 1883, POPULAR GOODS! THE CHINA HALL True fo Its Name. A T.arge Variety of DINNER, TEA AND CHINA SETS 'just Arrived, also a New Stock of = Call Solicited. thing in the own. TERMS--Cash or Produce. First door east W. I ML Port Perry, Juno 18, 1868. LASSWARE. away Down | Down! ! DOWN: ! Below any: "uommedoq Ltoutiiy ou3 Jo emo 11 99 PUB JBM "AQYALVS NO ----hV 7 PUB SOpBYS 1SOMAN oT} IV 4.1, 1S JO AVAL"T'TOH SSI JO SAdIAIas ay) paindas SUlAREH KISUIIITIN ail NAIND § wnoag 2) 0) 'sew 20/GUOu 0} POSS *OROIPEIIOD ROTA '9q [BA TOA SALLI US og8w oy wo fox Lum [iv serfy X have Jauh one aos Extensive Aaditfons to 1 kf Goel Raden nd eng Sa inducetnents. ae Block of ah seiieg requ Lom Piz; My Bock of Garden FARMERS, & and oon webs Aiteto parttoesd from me being of fhe tt; fad tr i ec Ate gt om me bin ot ae MEFCALL AND INSPECT MY STOCK . W.T. PARRISH. Port Perry, Apsil 13, 1883, UST to Hand Monitor Coal Oil Stoves J At BOXALL'S. RE you in want of Tinware, if so, AE 'Go se BOXALL, IK CANS, I and small ge At BOXALL'S. AVE TROUGH of the best quality At HoXALL'S, guor PAILS sud Jars, At BOXALL'S. EST Milk Cans can be had At BOXALL'S. H! have you seen the fine Granite Ware, At BOXALL'S. PRESS Goods by Express arriving for i BOXALL. At BOXALL'S. LL TINWARE warranted ANTERNS of the best-make At BOXALL'S AMPS Made and Repaired At BOXALL'S. N. B.--Plumbing and Furnace work done by Boxall. NOW 1S THE GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Qs and reliable SUMMER GARMENTS for Men, Youths, Bogs and Children at Prices which can be bad at no other House.-- While maintaining the uniform«SrANDARD of quality in excellence of work and material, by Good Management, Careful Buying, and Small Margins (with which we are satisfied) we have Raised the Standard and Towerey the Price until it js a positive fact that The Best Stock of Clothing In this vicinity is now being sold for the least money, at J. W. ISAACS' Mercuant Tarmoring Estasristivmwy, OrrosITE THE Warxez Hovsg, Posy Paar. N.B. Also a fine line of Straw and Summer Hats and light Sammer Under-Clothing, &o., &e. JW. IL WELCOME, SWEET SPRING! VWs oe the Sening of the Boring J 1 hive got o Sot jue ew pe MAGNIFICENT STOCK ! Of Jewelry, in Gold and Silver 'Ware, iy. Jowslsge wd everything in the Gold, Silver 'and Yuuey Jim ornament. To = . Wg Dies BOOKS, 'STATIONERY, 40 | y » 5 "at (ei) The quality, - skyle sud priv of the goods. cannot 'allo : satisfy customers. : cow rg SHAE Ww. +B MAW Port Perry, March 28, 1888, TA A ars vied cot sd spot th Bloc andEBeb Fiedd wax ga 1 ne ait grids ho pie adie, Heide for eambi Paszbouat