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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 21 Jun 1883, p. 4

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His Estimate, walk a mile ina pouring storm feet is the figure, sir--exzactly ten foot, not, including a ebill and 8' sore throat. be mm 4 Quick, complate cure, all annpying Kidaey, HV Be ZF. Drugs! ESTE New Discovery for Consuwaption and all Throat and Lung Diseases is daily curing Higa m to realise theis sense of duty, and examine into the merits 'bf this wonderful di RAHA TT SE "Drug Store. Regular sige $1. des phat, gophers. -- New Discovery, h caused hig completly c im, when Doctorg, Shang of et ta oye SIP hha Tri led rena I bi uu De ng diseases, it ie guaranteed to cure. Trial Bottles free at{" 8.E. All Stores Lyrge size $1.00 The Question has Often been Asked Cas--Rupture--(abdominal herpid) bk cue- ed? We most Eo say, YES. That this part oad ody, exception to those physioldgical wr Eyer the pric LS wiles es hot A e age of the pried is Brie Re Ses: For mes ne He a i, on_Ruy, rel; to the Excelsior Ruptufte 086 WE100., Pid cott,Ont. Buckine's Arnica Salve! The joat mondur of the world. Warranted fo ily cure' Burne, Bryi Cats, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, ours, Piles, anit ttey, Chapp- ed Handa. fo cure in ns! are, Chaer, 25 cents per bor, For sa) by § 8,E yALLsox nce or money refundedy 3 w..A ACARD HI A To all who are suffering frem the errors and indescretions of youth, herve il oe! ripe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov- ed by a missionary in South America. -- If addressed _enyel, todhe Ray Tai fr & onlor jos EAS a rok, d suffering and eo you Rin the excruciating in of gutling Frid et a bottle of MRS. Lg Fafa SY RUR It nk herale no mina abou i. has ev eo Rob tall you at once 'that 'it ow sand give yest to mother, and Tollef nd fron h to the child, Sher ati like EE . 8 perfects safe to foie 2 Thiase sumo wil} " BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANNACEA" has nh: sar pal for relly eyin, ing pain, Rath internal ant) ox e Bi i, Bada Fok an aan kek Fy Yo ZO a any kind of i on Ariobivid et win most Surely, quicken ood and Heal. | Iw I'l its won 1am ain pop ig Morag" ¢ the of an; sh inevery um ly asit is really in the oan handy for nse when wan the world for Qea: Pains and Aches of all n| dot for, A simple to temove, Tan, Iniphes, : lehying. the nd bea ful; te 8 riant growth of hairon a head or smootb face. Address, inclosing Freeh Ben. Vandelf & ¢ 5 Beek 'his fellow on who desire it he will send a copy of the gresoeiptio n used, (free of charge,) with the{ irections for Dreparing and using the same |" which they will find a sure Cure 'or sumption, Asthma, Bronehitis, Fi or. (ome Fasties wishing the Prescription, Tu ped Vv. 04 Penn St., isi Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered fi trom Nervous Debility, Prematre| a0 snd all the effects of youthtul indisoretjo will for the sake sent free to all who t, n advertise 307 sik wis > hate ardesits 10' meréy. " red v oy they have giver up to die, is * » A TRE that eth AS ove and Jewelry promptly 0 Sh dl St, N : Lausanne 1 C ne ives TT 8 se ks hi anengly [1 | . tion, Py 3 is knogny re. © Le winini - SEE ER ne jk nk {fea ie! aay STATION, fee (DORT PERRY. 0 Stud Haste ot dite yaa check of wou $e han | FRE roses of life's spring and early Ae oo Pemove is tana whoring | wonkpas of the stomach, 'down, osusitg pain, weigh! always permanently cured by its use. FL Complaints of either sex 4 is unsurpassed. | pai | 4 Modicine for Woman. Invented by a Woman. Woman. idéiign ed keeps congtpdtly on 'and for r Sale at his Yard large quantities of LUMBER, {PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING, SHINGLES, POSTS, &U., &C of Good Quality and at MODERA TE PRICES Parties wishing good Lumber shingles &c.. i&c. Cheap, will do well to call at iny yard. Ni. DYBR: © ih &! =e sda rat } Port Perry, Nov 21, 1882. Bobi Li Ro | eI ------------------ "A MAGNIPICEN 1 Ex TK, Ths woddstighedw would inf that ber Btock bas been rei Dow Couplety consisting | JEWEL of he JE Varieties and Ne! Styles. GOLD, AND. SINER /WAFCHES | of the most RELIA BLE MANUFAPTURE. fate trigh Withio 1 flected, your | Tucluding Lumber uj stable ou the lic that' ceive guests, Sunderland. Price, $1.00. Rey & DEALERS Everywhore. Fine Gold Goods! in CHAINS, RINGS BROOCHES, LOCK- ETS, PINS and everything in jhe Jewelry line? f6F use'snd orhament of the most os ,| Faghionable and Desisable Styles. The . Qf "i Stock as it.now. stamrds is decidedly one of LIVERY % STABLES ! Fy nt att; ve over {brought ee : in pall 4 da TpHE undersigned would inform the pub- lic that he bus openéd a Livery Estab- lishment OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE in Great Variety and of Superior Quality, "oD i Asil'purebase my Goods on the most ad- SUFENST, ToRl FEGRY, vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I Customers may rely on prompt attention, tan sell at the Lowest possible figures, and Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate | the gaie may, rely op hoice _agdrchwiges. * [4 <.A share of public patronage is solicited. R. G. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. and neatly repaired. Dhargee moderate, Come and examine my Sto¢ Salary or Com: ot essential, tol We Subscribershivying 18 new and extensiv a a of superior Hoi {prepared to furnish firstclass * LIVERY RIGS an Moktgnge - Term Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1881, FortPorry, Avi. 6, 1878 0 40 Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Office at|" CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. Sectional Map and Fuit particulars mail| d Free to any address by H. F. MecNALLY, General Travéling Agent, 81, Pal, Minneapolis & Vanitota R. B. .'roundiug country. 28 E. Front St., ANTED Honest, mission, iptity Chesp xo] GRISTING CHOPPING * Dene duly at the Union Milly. Wo ovo & CO. == » i 'N.B. House and Lot for al o with a good premises. § Apply at the Union Mills bifce. Wad. T. GREENBANK. HE unde; ened wi d dform for a years the bony formerly known as the Cittage ETofel, Greenbank, and haying thofougbly reno- vated the same he is now piepsted ta re- ey OPENING, There is, a dplendid opening in Freaitank fof an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. Bhoemaker would find G opening for his business. situated on the Center Road, about 7 miler from Port Perry and about the same distanc from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles from It is in the centre of a Splen- did Agriculturaldistrict - J. V. THOMPSON. Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 bank PORT PERRY LIVERY SEARLES| ow Tully ¢¢ fives Stabl x sand Carriages, | RES FREE | IN THE Capable Men, to sell Fruit and Ornsmental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Small Fruit Plants, o Previous experience Address with references, C. C. KELLETT, Box 97, Port Perry, Ont. A first clase RAL: Ee & CO, | Lotks, Hinged's Special attention! is Solid Cast Steel Shovels, Solid Cast Stoel Spades, (© « Solid Socket Hoes,® Paints, Oils and Glass, Coach Paper and Heavy and, Shelf | Herd "We Sell.at the LOWEST PRICES; vailed to the foHotring Goods ||will be found by purchasers to > be of extra value. : fo nf¥ {50d meh 0X Air and English Shot and Scissors | Granite Iron Kettles for Preservin Edge Tools, Saws; Plastésiog T Solid Cast Steel Grass Scythes, Carriage-Makers' Hardware.' | Gelvanizéd and Oiled: Wire tei Bar and Hoop ron, Horse Nails, lly Ternishy Port Raina tk 2, 1881. the pub-| "ferm orf © - a good The village 4x] | --All kinds I'he best Sewing Machine Oil ; Need Attachments kept constantly on hand. C. MKENZIE| 12 = PROPRIETOR FLORIAN and WANZER . Please to remember. that a a month's trial, will be cheerfully exel Wanchester, Vaih 13, 1882, y a + Teg mami Tiberal reduction for Cash es for all the leading Machines, and Sewing Machin SI. HEAP, AT" or Sewin i. ines HINES, mdghine purchased from me, i _ Manchester Clocks repaired. Also for sale a numbe) dh repair at $6 each. Hand Machines oa and not approved of upon Oo = a Q In future DR, Toronto, Ont 1 Port Perry, April 9, 1883. HP: undersigned having opened an one at Williamsburg, of much pleasure in SLE! "GARD. n, would b 1 * | oypuatvu radi Mulicipalities' fomtho. very liberal and still Thore bestowed on him since opening the Cartwright, for the practice e public of Port easing. patronage oh take charge oP Driig Business and 1 fois Be to my Patients and. Patrons in Port Perry and sur- N. Mc®LINTOUN, M. D. C. B. Diese ELD. ¢ Port Pe rrry, Aug. 30, 1882. . : --_-------- i ules | Wang GOOD, CLEAN AND HEALTHY ims & MATRESSES 1 J. Belton & Co's LE aring the Sih SH tel increased my facilities for of w Seal a, gions. Alséa bands An ml pa OF rat os, Hotel Brunswi Always op hand Port Perry, Aug" handlin, Paved 1 am pi 'or from private residences tgithe rai wavs Ba or or ome rtableOarzi -| Hever EEA Bolt ot iy I PORPPERRY, LBA 4 4. Vo anh 1 Mt Micdaot: pe En ona an Ad kes ¥ | or otherwise promptly attended} or 1f you our Ari FRSON. er's:" i } n- |Picture Frames, 'underrold by any in the trade, (Frames, prices low, Everything in the Undertaking line. Give me a call and I will give you Bargains, Nore tae Prace--Queen Street, one door East of Mr. Wright's Boot and Sh Goods delivered Free in Town', ni BeiStone; Port Perry. Ngv. IT i A Important . Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP! New furniture and New Prices HE undersigned has opened out a good and well selects sisting of Bureaus, Bi {Looking Glasses. Chirk lcents, up. Mottoos Franied complete for 23 cents up. Mouldings very cheap. Pictures fiamed and unframed, 7 PRY £ d Stock of Furniture, cone boards, Bedsteads, Matteasses; Cribs, Cradles, 8ofas, Couches, f 'all kinds, 'wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 A large quantity of Pictures and Great Bargains will be given, COFFINS, SHROUDS, &o. Nom . Fort Perrys March 33, 1881. BAKERY, "| Port Perry, May 21,1879. A a kd in I will not be .Bustics and. Walnut Hon pre EE ali ai ord #1 adi HAS 4 woryios en: 'other ce arvel 1) er it 8 Bs rating powers rend Throat and Chest Diseases, Bronchiti i nd -Asthma. re- 2 suth ome dia Compe oti 0 Desi | ang Sia aj 3, a lieviating the | eacruci nd re of it is unsurpassed. It never fails to remove Scurf and every pees of skin dis- i 1d a ease = Réom f iam cturedionly at foe ME, Ww. ios i Chin Warerooms teh Prglen fessor RL raY'S ablishment; FORD STREET; LONDON; and ol 3 18 14d. 2s. 9d, 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s. #hd 33s. each Box and Pot, and in_Canada at 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion. B&™ CAUTION. ~1 have no Agent in the Unated States, nor. are my Medicines sold there. Pyrchasers should therefore look to the Label on the Pots and Boxes.. If the address is not 638, Ozford Street, Londgn, they-are spurios. The Trade, Matkd' of my Medicines are' re gistered in Ottawa. and also at Washington, ghed x] 8 HOLLOWAY. A Herry. +t OTIONARY, &C.. H would rod his cpstomers and the public generally that Degidei. Choice Plain and Fancy Breads of every variety, the Best quality : of Confee: tionery, &c., &c., he rupptivs_everything in the Bakery and Confectionery line at his establishments Pdrt Perry and Prince Albert, Bridal and other (akes Supplied on' the shortest notice, 'Public Teas And other sacial entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges, The best quality of 533, oxford Ses 1st. 198 -BOSTCN CHRYSTALIZED WiLL CURE Of RELIE \ BILIOUBNESS, DI, ICE CREAM] fess, i {NDIGEST 10N, Supplied by measure to the public. pd g 9 By Handsomely fitted up SALT i, THE STOMACH, HEART, W, RYNESS PARLORS ft, "Ee Sep ln rt T. HILBUR & 00; oli TARTLING DISCOVERY! LOST MANHOOD RESTORED. rudence causing A vietim of bo be 0 ramon Ba very known re covered eren ot, which he will send » his a sufferers, 4B. 4% Chatham st. N. . For the convenience ot the public, where are supplied of the best quality, those refreéhments "and duinties so pleasant,' healthful and retreshing in hot weather, [= One of the best Fountains now in use for making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap, | C. HISCOX, | MANCHESTER. HEARDS ee AGreat Cause Bsmealtisery anid We Nave recently ph new edit] 5 a ¥ / well's. Celebrated Esswy 'on the radical and permanent cure (withon Carriage . Works I Sua Se wR a te. t AND ides clon eaulting os excerse! oy y * i ghlod velope, oly § cent: t¥ ba GENERAL 'BLACK- SMITHING ! "The. calalyatad Amyor in his adintrih Essay, clearly. demonstrates, from Jehl ESTABLISH ¥ SHMENT, years' successful Practice, that alarming con | : TING rin Ea orien pairing.; ew . ux a iP ara ase be JPRACTIC AL CARRIAGE: NEAR THE TOWN HALL, R ocK SIREET WHITBY 18 ars jing 201k WOWL & O 4 / 'MAKER maf GOOD Assortment of Buggies constantly on hand made fromthe ev Material. Workmade to order with neatness and despatch on 1! becribor has '| sequences may, be P Lndically cured without the' = use' of much pl inata or the H ing tliat he has secured _ the variatis application ry kK pointing out a mode ' gervices of . of cure at once simple 'certain and effectual, One of the best wood-workers in the Pro. by means of which every sufferer, vince, and {s now better fitted than ever to: fill all orders for Outters, Sleighs, on lalate: or an, y Soterts All x 0 wetnamand od notice © | chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. every yout in aadre th and every _, thé lsaa, gettitig ad vi . } latent styles and ia work. Fost Office Box se. ip. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING he work done soas to secure the ease ons of Fhe} horse in traveling. ried Chai te no matter : {what bis condition may be, may cure himself Zr This Lecture ghould be in the bands o 3, A v EE --

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