| _ the wnlueot the. personal. property EE "PORT PERRY, JULY 19, 1888. -------- Artful Dodgers. yl it is to be baot that nothing so in- fornally stupid should issue from any, oo oop oq gs sane man, but be that as it may some- The mercenary , tricksters and the {body ¢ ordered that newspapers publish- Stuspers inthe old rut, the "whal- ed in a village, town or cify must Hot! Soh onpes ior such necessary drain as may be sgual bb rive from such drain dk a en one or more of them may call in the popes rq oom, delivered through the post office Ld . | if village, town or city to any in- the i MH Ts jo ny alge ever i pied Wi fsoble ' dfforts' b coun- teract If "possible; the-effects-of the habitant-of that same village, town.or tide which has set in' against tho city unless'a' orie cent stamp is placed | longer tontinuance of that specious. on each copy | 80 deliverad. 'The paper but odstly farce the Counties' Coun- | might be sent hundreds or cils. Some Grit journals are howl- sands of -miles: free of postage but] ing against tho crosado becavse tho | g)onld an inhabitant of the same will thou- | 16°16 be Hilde, when | it is to'be doné nd tho portidi of the ¢ that, 'each' of the parties must |} | The Aekin, exglioh as 30. tho a: pointing 'of an Engineer as appears Mowat ring are the parents of the | age, town or city in which the paper from iheMollowing clause ofan Act costly know, that five members the co=. Quced to one-tenth of ie them = the people will legislature when one-fifth of the |oug order. *: umber would answer (be purpose withdrawn and all * parties will again] goribes who sock to, make iltioal ? &nitely betllr and suve hundreds |yegeive their papers through the post) capital out of the late def4t: of the sousands of dollars every year 10 | office as formerly, oat A to pte, Province. Then when:tbe Liocal | a which papers are supplied to sub- contemptible to deott any one or i wee bas been reduced to reason. |sciibers renders it impossible for the accomplish v i5{ aimed at viz. . neighbe om people will tura publisher to pay & cent on each copy | oe emp badd So are "ss. Dominiop sa Aisbubeen, stil * we are obliged o| Grig mills, The. Globe is bathed in : .ouse and thet will only pay the interest of debibui vii (he pay el bill of the Dominion. Rotonly & forco the demanl. But when we find. Conscrvative journals joining in the howl and raising a political cry against 'the 'change it becomes i ing. The Galt Reporter a|Oome Along John and oy Ee il sickening. . The , Po Down Bribery and Corrup ernor. 10 refuse to sanction - the Bill with Railway Tickets. thoro' paced Tory journal calls the movement a 'Grit crusade," and after prolonged lamentation over the the question : " Will those who wish to abolish Co Councils Eive u us the Teme" for the lis they are supposed 10 en, subject, in days gone by when the mem- bers of Counties Councils were not aro now. before Mowat & Co. so tios Councils boards, that the duties of Counties Councils were then three important than they are sow, Buaperintendents of Schools, the ar- grants to High 'Schools and de- through the post | « ostage is propaid by | (NF. Sua will be re- [by a one cant stamp on each 'copy. | ent! Ese a anne: what il NOW {There is no good in talking the whole | Sati Ee thority aa wll to take as tooon: i Las gue ngs already enter | thing was so ridiculous that there Was | und » their protest against ibe absurdity {much room to question the sanity of | pn i Corie ns Ro Kocomptsh of sending 88 members to the local {lie promulgator of any such ridicul- The order has now been | The very low rate Orange Incorporation Sill is undergo 8 | these parties who kindly camé to the| crocodile - tears snd orying itself thorough weeding; Lhe vast amount | office of publication for their papers. hoarse over the foul ingratitude of of savitig to the country will DOL|guring the existence of the absurd|the Dominion House in rejesting One or two of the "pound of entire educalion- | flegh" fraternity turned up their sup- the public | rder, All this 'i8{ ayh noses because they had td' come a when Mowat & Co. were playing the lvisablo, feasible and pos- [few yards out of their way for their fraudulent sible but most desirable, io fact tbe | paper while these same gentry had| Ontario Orange Incorporation Bill. country should demand it and en-|yi0 oo 40 do than gossip : Parties may now get their Osservers at the Post Office as for- | ation ; they, got into power and made merly. : town, It appears that big: pushes 'in elec- intelligent body of men; but this proposed innovation winds op With tion times are' being made with free|sdme Globe which .was a party to rides ; it appears by the evidence that thas. bypocritical fraud now roars unty [the Midland section of the G. T. was | in righteous indignation against the exceedingly liberal in the 'distribution Ea to engender I" Does | eno, passes to Grit 'Votan 'at: the the writer know anything of the |g Victoria Election for the Local [paring in his Does be not know that|prouge, The following letber from the | put up indignaton against "Tories," successful candidaté "in - the South | there is not an Oraogeman in the Victoria election smells rank of intim- onal} in number to what they idation. (Loe bison rter of Fair- bim od "DEAR aménded the Municipal Act that cinfmin i, Be i d 1nfl th hi first, second, third, and even fourth {so and use sour is finoncs Wilh mim, Let him to deputy reeves get seats at the Coun- taints How be will vots: Brivis) ! A. MCINTYRE." Such a leiter would be regarded by times 'more numerous and more ordinary mortals as a complete dis- Then | qualifier, - but this only shows the Counties' Councils bad the appoint. | the dullness of comprehension of the ment of Inspectors of Weights and | unprofessional : mind, for the learned Measures, the appointment of Locul {judges eould see no harm in it, in fact they waxed eloquent over the purity ranging of High School Districts, which characterised the acts ot the re the option of giving or withholding | spondent and his friends. ; Of course the judgment was all termining how much should be square and proper; but in future it given. They bad also the annual | will be difficult for the unprofessional equalization of the Assessment Rolle | mind to determine just how far brib- of thie County; but all this is now ery and intimidation may be carried done 'away. with. the overgrown |and keep the election pure, Councils bave nothing todo with such, | for the Grand Trunk-Midland's gush- lo" The equalization was a "bone of con- ing' liberality in "loading down Grit peop teitiofl '8 dompleie intrigue. Al} | electors" with free passes the yaltisl that je now necessary is to appoint would have less to say if they were a 'couple of suitable. valuators 10 | Lionestly dealt by, but the, treatment make' a valuation of the real estate of the public by. this Grand Trunk. of the County once in ten, fifteen or Midland | combination: is ridiculously |. it may bo {wept years, then all'tbat i is unjust, and the honest travelers are further necessary to be done to com- | made to pay sweelly for the politically plots Ehé equalization of 'the rolls is dishonest troe-passers. It would be tn sou of the Vali of the ungrateful in hie Midlanders ok io greater influence 'on the 'private prise is thoroughly established where- nearly 600 in two 0 real estate of each, municipality aa [all that they oa $f Mowat &' Go., for buildings snd private grounds, of 8 ! the, Mowat have been to | comingnity. than most people; 180p-)| large: oF ae xing gongrogs fo) The Towd Hall and ground +8 Portion' y them with ofher.oqple's properly. in ity while he was' on 'this' market 'but : of the Township of Book,' iia ho proved: a terror fo as 'well as of thé beral' 1 teaver of any confrerewhotsied to steal | . » march on him. Sotrsihl Hamil lot And as : than one iusipnpe, th FTES fang are a'credit o the oodtly ahd ush 4 ring. ¥ Just Mawp ri speak wall for the. intelligent, © the torpriseof that fing township; N 51 the county of Ontario, and'when' the i and i ie FORD ica 8 crowding system 'and they is published wish a paper it cannot be assented fo Fbruary 1st, 1688.* when Counties Councils delivered to his shall hive beon redaced to three or | office unless the 1 g oc hiarhct ba Samosnd Rt commenced The childish prattle of the Arit too the Orange Incorporation Bill.. But that same Globe stood with its thumb on its nose and a leer in its eye burlesque over the To get into power the Mowat party promised to give the Orangemen of Western Ontario snAct of Incorpor- ashow of passing such.an act bat at the same time asking the Lieu-Gov- and this of course killedlit. A greater insult could not be offered to any Conservative party in the Dominion House because they failed to carry a like measure. Let the Globe be manifestations of Province so dull of comrepbension a8 not to detect the transparent fraud in the Globe's little game, ---- The Mail of the 13th says: -- "The principal people of the northern the pleasanter seaside,' The Majl is slightly i in error here industry and they must stay at home, they cannot afford to go to the sea- and find food and raiment for the "|idlers by the seaside and other wheres, whenever the Mail can show .that the industrious ones, the producers, the country's support and defence are of less importance than the consumers, ihe drones, then may be dub the anproducers the "principal See ind Property. There in perbaps no better criteri- on by which to judge of the good taste and intelligence of a comman ity than the character of their publie halls and' public grounds, and: the ohardoter of these hits a very" mitich all is scrupulously clean; in 'first-class 'order." The" grounds magsificent' [cosa 1 Shall apon the the principal people of that or any |F* elorhoro, other city are the toiling ones the|stocked with first-class machinery, | pgired, sons and daughters of thrift nd and having every other facility for|g.q you will purchase nowhere else. the rapid, economical and'advan- sri lineinisefiml tageous manufacture of everything side, they must stay at their work connected with lumber manufacture. His fine 45 horse power engine is supplied by two large boilers.-- "Principal people" indeed; And while Mr. Bigelow has moved ly séoured the good will ar sumerous friends 4 § Carry, Incamben och of the ited distifiokion ly ork pn ema | D Cry is postessed of r abilities b highvst degree "cred honor of D. D. all the more grace! as it wasnot a | Dootor ootor of Divinity: C--O --rrr honor to the position. , Stull Amongst Us. ities for business, Of course Mr. within the corporation toget his well tried and long estab His new mill, bis manufacturing business and at moderates p : advertisement in thie issue) i everhe is known. * Mr. Wri the srobitectn mber, varlety and ee Perry, are well pleased at the will- ol Siarpd aoquired gud with po Se sucooededin. 80. climbing thé] ocolesiastioal tree 88 10 gather Kuit from its topmost bough; be bes bad conferred on him the distisgnisbed | thousands in' the most The deserved | places throughout the Demimion, ii: - bonor of Doctor of Dy iyi a ple giftbat a "re- ward of merit The rev, gentleman like an intetectaal bero entered tbe lists and40bly won bis spurs at the Conyndtionof the Lennoxville Col- leg» Quebec, held at the close of xst month where he passed the trial 'in the most successful wan- ner and 'thus fairly established bis which are gare to follow, olaim to the distinguishod degree of Honor to Our Townsman. ple of yooks 7 (bam, Bag., the deserv- edly esteemed Cork of the Division | wants. He has made generodpre- Court here had been gazettedNotary | parations for the fruit presving Public, and we think that all will | Season, whole piles of sugarjust agree with us in congratulating the young man on his preferment. The appointment is a judivious one, Mr. Burnbam is worthy of it and will do Excelsior appears to be the watch | ®A™8: --Béo their dashing Bargainin word with our professional men, When Mr. Bigelow found it advis-| and sugars.. Read the adverlisemen able in order to secure greater facil- to move his lumber manutacturing business from Port Perry to Co. Peterboro much regret and disappointment were ex be 80 opened; but short as the time wa pressed by the entire community, | and in the absence of any publionotio all would fain have had him remain; | a very handsome addition was madé bat his new location possessed facil-| to the subscribed stock of said Bank. ities for the lumber business which could not be secdred at the Port,-- Bigelow's extensive possessions of valuable reul estate terest in the welfare of the town will always identity bim, with its rise and progress. All will be pleased to learn that he has now got thore @ oer) portion of Toronto are leaving tho city for | oughly established in bis new loca- tion in the Township of Hapvey, Co. is 96x36 lumber yard in Port Perry will be be carried on with, if posible, more vigor than heretofore, He owns a| mutter of choice Bt tug and six scows which will keep larde numbers of wh bis lamber yatd constantly supplied | with everything in the lugider, line poses. % Sous Our. --Jostius, Weight, Eva. has sold out his grain and general | intended for his ranches in. the commission business and. the premises | nd North-West, and will got onneoted therewith $o Downey, Esq., | the Grand Trunk. The of Whitby, a gentleman' whose reputa- tion for honorable, persevering enter- | certain. favor of &|' omni: are j folds of the British flagi*s The: gathering at. - tive of Western Ontario. __ The celebration at rr the numbers present, es or the hap The belebration at Carty ,1{not quite 80 largely att | previous years butit was uo rears. ot Too --T. 8. is always on time to suit the wblie what's wanted and lots of it forttle money. He ofters extra inducemts in every thing. See his new aer- tisoment. | Buowy\ & Cinmr's GaeAr a] Dry Goods. Bargains in everythg useful for wear, comfort and orname. ! | Bee how they are . selling their Te: Lots or Casn.--The stock books ¢ previous noticeof their beingabouat ok bers all firmed. fullest confidence wherever he is known. Inspect Mr. Reciprosity. his Wm. Cook, of Chicago. They immense importation cattle of thefinest straing Friday 250 were' A. A. Allen, Esq., being the cashier of the new Bank will secure for it the ME. Humpueey, Wick. ~The very Ah | guperior, work tarped out of Mr. ud in- Humphrey's Carriage shop, Wick, as well for materiul as workmanship is highly creditable to alt concerned | anjot and ig bringing Wick to the front us a reliable place to purchase any thing in the lineof Wagons, Buggies, Sulkuys, or in fact anything in the carriage line, or to get the same re- Humphrey's While the British markets are al- ways open for all the fat catile and sheep the American Continent can supply and is not unwilling to pay bandsome prices forthe right sort, stock dealers on this side of the Atlantic are ne lesrliberal in their dealings with the Britishers in the animals very b are brought to this country for. breeding pur- Dominfon line stosmabip | . (So0 his Quebec landed 826 head of magnif- cent pure bred Hereford cattle at Montreal on Satarday last for Mr, bcd not satisfied with epesin to urts of isi that hl . x the plaint an appeal to WE (Qunty | sim : FT The brethren turned: aE pvoiadi ot. was het than ] ot | digches ont] sides of roads while advantago-) ounds, ous to the average | : % the Gowan) 2e, 18! ipbued was grohte} | than' their | Brding - a! | ment. Appeal dis , | which he Mig100. I ry Belleville, for Ril) rid E.| The offered $50 for of an acre Sh ir Xp. oF orin. ! "1% | bat Mr Wad'{ said that no less thin $100 ---- nda. it appes| ' Brook The Council of the corporfion of the township of Brock met at the Tuwn Hall, Sunderland, Bi Saturday, July A, « Mem~ The minutes tthe past regular and sub< sequent special meeting were read and con- A commnnigation 'was read from. the "| Dmnivage Engineer regarding a balance of ee for professional services, From the Connty Clerk setting forth that Brock's portion of the amount to be raised for general County purposes for the present year is $2,913.40 and for County Educational purposes $577. Aon application was read from Mr. Smith, PLS, for the position of township Eu. Rineer as the amended Municipal Act makes the appointment of such an officer obligatory on Municipal Copucils. Mv. WIE Taroold had 15 a witten "p= | the Central Bank were opened ai Pot| plication for the same office. Perryon Saturday last,and withoutan] From the Midixnd Ruilway 'Co'y inform- J ing the Council 'that 'sn appeal hag been | made to the County Judge against the find. ing of the Court of Revision in thé matter of Assessment of said. Company, = On motion of Mr. Brethour, the sum of | can F11.20 wae. ordered. to be paid being $7,70 ot 154 loads. gravel ond $3.50 for right of 'ay for carriage. The matter uf gravel supply now came uw ad the recve reported verbally, the action tken by the Committee In examining pits ; ty bad gone fo the several places where vel might be had convenient for the use ho corpuration and they had found that] thhgravel where the Council had proposed to was botter and more convenient than they had seen, getbr favor the idea of purchasing as much as $00 worth of gravel all in one locality and t one time but the question is can the Counil do better for the iuterest of the muniépality by withholding than by mak- ing th purchas~, will the purchase be in the interes of the corporation or otherwise.-- As to he quality of the gravel he canno say so 'much but Mr, Brethour | who familiarwith the spot and had exam] the grave had recommended it as g > such being the fact i may. be better ger 81! to make the purchase; gravel coming scarcer and will 'in more expensive and it wigpld ous for the municipality to convenient supply of gra Mr. Brethour says vj the members of this ogf*® will find that mucl paid for gravel certainly if a g be purchased the interest purchase | > coun examine d oo ould nol Riss the Purchash Fon i mt be ang He did oot alto. 01 the . [would i than $100 but he' 'been 'put on the roads which should have been the roads would now be in such a state in thelr sfflictiods Te $o Mc 5 John th pl drawn mith, P, L. 8, wade iho suth- TheCowil authorised the app go on ind ox propor bot and pos 1 to the Cougl, > = Mr. Stlohn' vemarked "iat. Opening ining lands was alsgof much ructed: were found to 'be a m to open' the pitiand if be not consent to take less tion half an acre for $100" ; Mr. St, John suid that the Gono owned a larger number of gravel pits' throughout the township than bad been nade good use of, had the quantity of gravel of repair that very little gravel or labor the municipslity had owned gravel bat had used it too sparingly. 2 Mr Baird said that owing to the position of MY. Waddle's pitand the quality of the gravel Mr Waddle ought to get more for his than is paid for most other pits. Mr. Brethour said he would prefer paying $160 for a suitable gravel pit from which the corporation could fur many years rely on a supply of good gravel ; but if $50 is paid for a 10 year's lease of the pit at the ex- piration of the lease the gravel would not be balf exhausted and when the corporation came to renew their lease the chances are that $150 or more would have to be pai for another tea years lease, Me. 8t. John says the imp ti fa E I score and ten by three yoais, aod. while jot i 0 thy bod bog smc hr advantage fn road dnd such ditches when | possessed of mnch of this worlds goods be * Fall ahi aesivene en, Spring Whe; oose Wh lr aons ¥ THREE a of . by » st * ~ ras ono ht te cre | ronan Tow 10 sac 19 ft 14h) en Tease the oorpora- and dark abode, 'Another adto dolor hag fabs ord vk many wrap him upin' non amy ra turd. The Tous, apa mourning widow and. the sorrowlog childéén have muah sympathy. RS In the township of MTom: on That i i¢, | ny, July 13th, Mg; Donald: #:Douaid aged would be required to keep them in repair, OA Te THe ie Marketa. Osanivan Orrics, duly 1 £ B 55883% : - oom fhizissf * Pe }e g 32gS8 fd on ® oo, - 38855788 8553 |i ace cow amo RL 38010 erons supply of gravel on ovr hi cannot well be overated, he gave poration the use of a gravel pit small sum but it pleased hig ve see the gravel taken out of it in tities for he knew that whereveyit is the roads it is forming a provement and putting/the condition for public fravel Mr, Brethour sstl he the parchase of ty half Acre for $190 as be- ing the best invatment for the gorporation as they would bave a supply of gravel wi.enever the manted it. The contioued purchase of said that he agreed with Mr. 4 that the purchase of the half acre is the best investment for the tion and is better for the municipality even buying gravel at 5 cents a loud. r. Frankish came before the council re. - ver may compose fair price it would be 'to h e mon ity to make the but he is unly one member it for, themselves and he b | to bave their a au com. |" ons locality, A bi dedon rded yn the corporativn; | tow Reson Ee Jee Hishvuse orth towniblp every year | that | Ei ng pi i Sula Baaan the Cotueit {for EReAn and wht Savin } wf ftw aided adf vi d | there is a swall" house on the Jot which of | whes- bie intends to commence said work. garding the acre of gravel which the Council is avout to purchase, he represented that course will be the property of the corpora- tion if the lot is purchased. On motion of Mr, Glendinning, the basis adopted in 1878 for the equilization of the assessments of Union Segtion No. 4 of Brock and No. 3 of Misty 0 adopted for ¢ the preseiit year, On motion of Mr, Bt. John, the Clerk was fastructed "to notify the Midland ira F Co'y to repair forthwith, the railway cross. Adam Stiearer, contractor for the drainagé works fn the 13th, 13th, and 14th cous fob Brook snd ascertain. from said contractor Aud when be intends fo Saish his contract oa the 30d con, » On motion of Mr. doh Glok aad tnstracted- to notify the Council rave) at 5 cents a load must | | Togs 'within the municipality and to make LUMBER. AVING my Mills in nas of. » Harvy, on Pigeon Lake, in full tion 1 am prepared to furnish at my in PURT PERRY! ALL KINDS OF PINE. HEMLOCK AND HAREWOOD LUMBER." All parties wanting lumber will find square dealing and 1easonable prices by getting their wauts supplied from my yard, HEMLOCK, a Sines and Tengthe, PINE , MAPLE " " BEECH " " BIRCH " " ELEM | . hd BASWOOD bid " ASH " " Aoy Lumber not fn stock will be cut * order, Also any quaniity "of weed avd . Hemlock Slab Wood 22 inclies long for sale. Wanted, Forty Tone of for Cash or in Lanaber. Hay exchange for £1 St JOREPR BIGELOW. ' Port Perry, Joly 11,1888. -|FARM FOR SALE wiviodi bei SABES neh "the ins batwéch Thorah add Brogk Brosh oni = iio 5. Book 0 cumple the work or dighiay pi ~~