'srithpupepoclit in antil forbid and charged ac advertisement et wd BF YoWoer Dit nan (aw rill i mllicases bed: $0.4; Saale ¥ ff osiey Be dorms plies) yal aponi ha talyle!! in -roléroxiointed promipth than any. other establishment in the Connty. A LR bills, &e. home wi Pre OLBMENS, mcm Li 3; DocAnd-) A men Residence--Third b aiding. baoficd Wed by DrcAuderson, Fort Beery, Ar oi Bens, dun: Ak883, i yeician 8 pon, and: Be ar Corgan, Bot A Siow | on an y Oe ovr 2! I. Laseon ah apd, Ae H., SANGSTUR. M. b. iPuraan, Sar. mod over EE rte = viet lo Fo voi iy pe distance getting hand : La them n done to take |' Hy isle aid of ithe, Eo LEE mr rn W. 7 MAURTRY. Be H "GORDON, | Notary Pulte, « - Gotnrnissicne B neuronoe A Agent, 'Representing the following firs Fize, aiagly gy oo blo Ae, oy deraent i varisthes wii Hie i LS ERRANCRGARAVIES. wa hh net, 4 : 1 The Phat eh The fri, fig} eh ng Cie Po and Mr pre i Ne Sovetiigh, 24 : The Um . and The Toabelers. able property, upon the Ta gh notice, and, at equitable rates. Life YQhe WP ch] until deat or "oF al ited n % Abie uta eatin fa dd. or va "Provion ath. Accident. Insurance co; h by accl- ad weekly Sader re Shae of 'non- ---- and, Perry, Si dent, ar " Office hours (rom 9am. to12 m. s i ink . : ny Mrs. (Jeo. Pato Ontari ant: w yaw Tooronor for the" Tom of hysician, Surgeon 'OfMoe and residence, Kirg Street, i Prince, Abert, Ont. +: MoCEANTONVM : D., «= ; "s PHYRICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUM. + Offices Wililatnsburg, Cartwright. M.D. M. RC TR thi, 8., Guy's The MyeR. owns rE _ Barris n (ie 5 Pie) o LAW, lcl- hd Ruioriexs af tn & yale. Store RAR an oi dd end OY N BILLINGS, Barrister and Attoroey- eo) at-Law, &c.. Ba k, O os aver § , Port P nt Potry, Dept: jG SARE eiadis Uo pligitor for the Ontario & Son's Storc,Queen wif 18820 Sout 5 Crown T, &C. 1.2 Public Conve, a: wing Court I oy 'Whitby, Ont.' EE tm LL. B., Solicitor Loh La Allo Soieyieer 62 ji Wo OMmoe--Simcoe sumcopumie the Post OfMee! YOUNG 8 claw: Fv satisfaction Jovy fol Pork Bercy, M otk, 0 Street, Sr #ralo'a) 4 18 26d suk ¥ bli 0) warrhnted toxtrs SL TAL B., Barrister, At: Se Chancery, ti p+ rector in Cani n lh Cannon, WALSHE, the Korn taro Aion: ©! Gn and Tiel fo-and from i 'Great | Britain sol i 4 ro rates, Port Perry, April 2, 188%: -------- AUCTIONEER. T of toturning thanks for the very liberal patronage which he has received as Auc: tioneer in the past, The increased experi- be ence and extensive practice which L.bowve had will be turned to advantage of patrons. tected, in my hands, Store and at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Renny eo No. Jwih ded Guaranted | Pre POLICTRS Insuring al] classes of ynsor- HE jundraigned a Shia opportunity and parties favoring me with their Sales | + may rely on their interests being fully pro- No effort will be spar~d to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales My Sule Register will be | found at Laing & Meharry"s Hardware SaerT al de AND will bo Jews <a bas tlawoixre i OCEAN; LAE RAILWAY a abiamanersnisrom tal in dr] . H. MCCAW daria Wa To. York. «REAVER Hoh © hetté akin Montteal, Cab' froth New York i oudh Liverpool ang tet {§teerage, from 1926 RR Lake Superior Hoe, of Steamers. RATLROAD D TICKETS Tedued td all ib of Cilnada'and the Uniled "atus; G hes Parties intending to travel will find it to theiy advantage fo puréhase tickets from W. H, McCAW. 3 y if Port Perry, May, 24, 1883. E os i \ Bdoen to Port Perey, | L8O Agent ¢for he . Collingwood and | with bh mh ese oi le agian Xa wobon Bleg od dun Lg +B wih OF ai ni da st doy | Ht Dyspopeinmnd Biliousness is' 6 n « je Si v. Father Wi The Rey. Z. P. Wilds, well.knpwn city missionary in New. York, and brother at ann ofl pm wh ENER. Tou? Toa wi péa ed, you i y one | on, bit is proved & Wilds Ticket Office GRAND TRUNK RY. 'CREAT WESTERN RY. TICKHTS o Tesued Jo all parts of United States and ' Canada at Lowest' Ratds. « PASSENCE RS FOR' 'BR: W. TWAMLEY, Morano R'v'STATION, Port PERRY Feb. 7,1883. m HE Subscriber 4s prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT ON-- ' Farm Seeurty, ); At 6; per cent. Aso on Village Security at. a 'Higher Rate pay MORTGAGES BOUGHT. : HUBERT L. EBBELS, : . Banuiarea, Port Perry, May 10, 1881. DAWES, Aucti Port Perry, Au. 17, ig B. MAJOR, ays of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879; Li sed 'Anctioneer. YOR R the 'Town ip of a Booth, Thorah, Rama, and Eldon, eir Interests 'WM. GORDON, | Sunderland, Brock. rere biorp H. WALSHE, North Ontario; } n, Brock. fwill be attended to. Debts' Remem! - ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his seryicea can call at the #Obgerver" Office, Port Perky, and arrange for Mariposa $F Parties' entrusting thelr' Sales to me RE the utmostattention being given CENSED Auctionéér for the Township} = of Brock; 'Thorah, Mara & Rama in poss, Shou | in the County S oi atsiias 'office; or'at fe residence] pis is ] col=|of hig property--The Walker House--dey r, otherwise, snd ET MONEY TO LOAN.. from resist blood Bold HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved: property for terms from | MON KY. « (Private Funds, 16 Loan on good Farms, at 8 per 'cent in- terest. LYMAN 'ENGLISH, BagmisTer, &0., Oshawa, November 21,1866. THE V w LKER 'HOU SE, | [port PERRY ] The undersigned in resuming' occupation sirés 0 express his grateful ' acknowledge: ment of the, very liberal patronage. bestowed on the Walker House during his former oc cuphney, and having now resumed . sion every effort will be aut Jorth tc to, ynke : Jutiatvet House all that cani"beé mercial Travelers, the: oki i pg and yoities Soiog business in fown. 1 WB: MoGAW 1 (tik PEERY : y oat dl amie oes gust bavi ey odes Jf B ) er Sianfots athe ay {conver Shines and comfort of Srtle ae Port Parry Horse a editable pl of! i He general public, ;Choice, ded to; The stable and yard So i to Port Rory; Dec 9,187. © MMEROIAL HOTEL, | BY Shing nt Ths ir dee" Het oa ea d ue merciakHotely Wiltinmss) KR ment oy tice, Shy : i Cortureht crib ae ung with ce 'of vd 'Supplies for (He table 'and bar cares | fully seleated.i: of up ! pr Te CANE 3 yr wpa uted ast on ALB RT. a " sod PERT be winter 1 gt led more Cm my tmbs, ly, that Tr ores res EERE RL Een a' FE these facts publication may. do' AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS act these organs, and are especially designed to Eo the diseases, caused by their derange- it, hy bales only, | Some any Seka ve ne the desired of th Wilds, of the sachusetts 89 Court, writes Saptari pepe 'ork, May 16, 1882. Gime which itched burned | 80: fu 4 oon. Resly oy ale of WA oe of Ee and itching. were pol irritation hg the bear any clothing hati To for it Jor ihe jn fsatarth and cough The same 1 yeti, and was. a 8 r. from hx Bn hy BX, "pe ose. ho, I hl Tarently improved, it 5 how llents feel a rol per Manitoba and Western States have hols BH an gory these Tews of route éither by Grand Trunk or by Great thy RSAPARILLA, which fic 1 Western and Michigan Central, : Pl r dev ied, Fock Me in #/ three times a day, ui For all information apply to AY used, in aR pod hy I Thliea your, service, hoping thei Yours respectlly, Z. P. WiLD8."" The above Instance is but one of the many eonstantly coming to ofr notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AYER'S SARSA- PARILLA $0 the cure of all diseases arising impure or impoyerished blood, and a weakened vitality. i » Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, siiriches, and strengthens the blood, stimulates the action of the stomach and bowels, and thereby enables the system to and overcome the attacks of all Scrofu- lous Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, Rheu- matism, Catarrby General Debility, and all disorders resulting from poor or corrupted and a low state of the system. p PREPARED BY Dr.J.C. Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass. by all Drugaigh; price $1, six Tottles bus to i i Warne Canapa Loan Awp AYER'S ai instructed to invest a > Erion ps SaTHARTIC amano ude, | Best Purgative 'Medicine Port Perry, May 20, LT EATEROR Matera A EE AYERS PILLS. proportion of the diseases' which large cause human suffering result from derange- of the stomiach, bowels, and liver. upon including * "Constipation, 'Indiges- , Headache, Dysentery, ier ailments, for all of Dyspepsii a host of which they: are a safe, sure,' prompt, and pleasant remedy. The extensive use of these P1Lgs by eniinent physicians in regular prac- shows unmistakably the estimation in ohio they ake held by'the medical profes. ann Pui atefSonpoinded' of vegetable' e absolutely y fee fr from a ing nti 1 117A Sufferer from Headache writes: AVER'S PILLS are invaluale fo. tare' vorm and my | ©! wf ing. 1 VA al i] Ba BH ten te 1 ym Soni lish we t., Richnion ow Sad avis id instanges a8 epi} ds ako hier dori Aa } $ | Safe onthedishrt of d soldier, 7 5 Tal nt Siniy wil) shidw hina Astoitdotal nad #40 D.¥ FRE DA hii wad Sumida Noh 10 tim iSDAY, 0 AGH fas te gaiisiolng 9 find 0981 | 1 pr Eval, iy ier fg osbet in the Moor of thos wh dds io their sacred name. sve But i ipoy a we ASR 5 e Colors were Ea je Cas : Qrerthe ot as, une) orl Thay bao te onto, lms wc te .- @n;thé Qolors they: thought werd lost: ' hand. tow to its furthest Hamit '«' They will listen and bear out cry; "How could the colors be lost, I ny, J * While Uné was 161646 dey } it . Where should the culotgbe l . I do not say they were found For owt Werd oat, you. Safe on 'te Bust of a soldier, ioe I+ Kuotted stose to his'side; Proudly laid gp the: quiut rests Washed in the crimson tide | For the heart is silent forever, + Stirred 1bgpmo fittings breath; And the Colors he saved are a fitting shroud' Aud meet for a Soldier's fleath ih, yl What more oy know. in, England 2 The wre were lost, they said ; Aud all the'tife they weré safe, of course, Though the soldier himself was dead.' / | The hand was stiff, and the heart was cold And foobid thé 'stalwart limb; But he was 00a of the 'Piwenty-otrth, So the Colors were safe with: Him. THE MOMENTOUS QUESTION. Mowe ia AT Least T0 Youna Mzxn AND MArpENs--How SHALL, A Mani Propose? = (St. Louis Post Dispatch.) '""How' shalla man propose in order to be successful in his "suit?" repeated one of our most intelligent society ladies, whose silver locks only served to enhucce the beauty of her still youthful face. "In my opinion, though all men know well enough how to 'make love,' there is not onein a thousand who know how to propose." My husband spent six months in protesting and con- vincing mo of his love, and which, by-the-way, I was well aware from the 'firat, without once asking me the important gaestion;, "Will you marry me?" and finally one day he said to me, with a disheartened air: "you are like all the rest a perfect enigma. I have spent months try- ing to win you, and I do not know that 1 bave made any imprassion on yon; you ure us bad to unravel #8 the scarf you wear around your throat, " "This," I exclaimed most innocently, "why, 'tis no difficult | 12k € unravel it, if yo only get belo the right string." He saw the point, took hold of 'the right string, and--' 'His arm' took 'the place of the scarf"! "Well neither of 48 have ever regretted it." ON HIS KNEES. IOné lady; the wife of 'a foatnod judge said : -- "Tis eighteen' years' singe that dear man made '# fool of me,, and after so great a lupse of timg@ you cannot expect we, lo re- member how he did it. T'llyow be went down on his knees, though. you! ®ouldn't believe it to look at bis rotund proportions. ANAT Was siligfenough Lo belidve bvery! werd he said, and when «he declahed 82]: lemnly that he woul shoot himeelfi I did not marry bim of I sented, just to save his life; bat I'll noti be é0'silly' anotbér time lif be fionly gives me the chatice" "Don't believe word: iof: tht] .| chimed in, the, judge from behind bis paper. "I was actually compelled | to ask her to marry me (0 get rid. of the trouble of taking,' her or, some other gitl'around; T sat she was'i love with: ie, and thoughtshe woald Pre asiany other: ' Now that sums pp the, whole history of this 8 " Cad0y tucansoe od! | , FIGRQUS, , GavREsSER, wd bon A bright. -eyed girl, who is nolill ful ang] lor for ons ybinks AYRE | b : man i303 hould Es bs) propose). aftor a pyeay or WT gaan ng Brain ; 0 propasa I s he .eeurtship; lots: ot | flowers andsbion boris," theatre Ee en dhe Be bol sa nog {4 51ho 1AHOUND | SEB WAIST! say ing. anything when all avente, Fo od 188% song lo iey, 4 uve abides 100 |! J rhwatiithoutte Bd th | eg Inia 0 mos son E : ost apo athod, | or \moye, ; yr bappiviesst | Matoinge a thier thivg, © ib quite éndily' doetle when ong; finds a saitable poronded +A merried] lady in Whose libuse a.tbe polr.o , suggesaful, \pro- position of ich she knows .any- thing wis fade "without a word | be- ing éfioktén."* "Joh hha T bat idok- inguin the: fire a' lohg" time" Without. he, puthis arm araund me. dedw. mo to "him, and Kaoed me, hen, father cume ina To Iator 9 said, Major," PH' "34 ag" teal "you ian! od yo 'daughper.' "i! "lost WILY WIDbWeRS. A-dorloybds BES TWIH'R ight of sot brown hainshading her brow, says, 'if a, fellow.ist,deapenatalysin love with a gig, , and persistent dn bis efforts to win ber, hei is sure tg Fgdin "bis "ddit. Widowers underd wtand this polnt, ard' khOW Hoxactly bow to make lowe arid: propose, and you will. observe: they are: slays sucqessful." , She knows..one:aase where a widower went in. and bang |! up. his "hat, announcing his intention | # of Yetaining until he was accepted, and the girl bad 'to' 'murry him to got rid of him.» The widower 'benn makes her: nervous buat thes re sult. veld i ' MARRYING IN HASTE., "The quickest, courtship. on: re- cord," says one old resident, 'was that of Dr. Nick MecDowel, who, driving along the street in his buggy oneday, saw # beautiful girl stand- ing atthe window. "He immedia- tely stopped and hitched. « his' horse, rang the bell. and ingnired.the.wo- man's name, was ushered into the parlor, annouficed his name, said be was 'pilesised' with her appear- anco, and ; wished to marry her at once." Nothing but the knowledge that she was_ in the presence of the celebrated physician kept her from fainting. To ber plea of 'sur- prise at this unexpected announce ment," 'he only replied, 'now' or never. When she asked to take o week to consider," he said, "I'm go- going down street to attend, a criti- cal cas6 ané have no time to spare right now Give me a day, then." "Ll tell you what I'll do" "When [am through with. this professions] visit I'll drive around and gets preacher ; if you 've made 3p your, mind to mary "me by thal t time, all right I" 'and 'he'left ber breathless and unpble "tor articulate another word. . When be ratarned they were 8 [quietly marin, 1 Noigards," "RABLOR'; BEAU. A oR &iph, who gyidently has 8 head for bysiness ag w well, ag beaux, says i-- «No ¥pdifor | bean' "need ever propose 'wiih diy hope bf suscesh) '| for after a githiinoontpelled to bend | ber whole. energied: te theitask of' entertaining him, '{quieuly ab home| 4 for six. months he would ba, appslls od at the propgsition to spend the, Lodlance of her life 'quislly at bom | Shigexplatns' wit a "prior bed' is' ¥ is 8 " | selfish; egotistical, *individdul"' Who! he; wants, .and thipke:himeelf lpadi- djently inkecmine. 19. OneTLain A, gir wit! ou y Japistaney in the yt | ih aia, pirties, buy deavay 'ottior fellb#' 16 inte or dnithut-way) I 000 sia gostre by! hae 1i6} TEEeEEmSmaw ohaal ore Jod he Hd Fah Sirs he he we streets. we and pross' the Brooks Kedron, and Lob. erry pedsoit! OR WED 1ive "| but Hu deat [being a man; basas much' changes t "and drives, i sharks oR: kben Sas ids ; d Ro che iAP SAE EH 0 : i A selene fy a per | \ibethio-dpestinir rh 5 19a20, oR: amis pon he ibs | the godief Joye cantainly -makds his|op Oligats [abode sos in the -- Stephen's Gate Fp t the St. ide tW carpets; In and children mounted op'vH fop" of an 2 » 1bg-jonds, langhing.- Bud: were Lanse Siar wi b i Leach ather "'We are going: toietay: night on Olivet, Arg you 2 Others } are running along, A, merrily, carrying hage tontaining + delicious' Oringes and vatous eatables, "00 EY We leave the city with the crowd to wond our way up;the mount. ..Sever-| al young men dressed lin the fantastic |: Brientil ga¥b are {ry in fo outstrip: eteli othor and be first Up. A j party on; Plivet, pass us, endryinge ov their heads large circlan.; bablels contain- ink. their purchases, ; They are gaily trod. A group of Frahoisghn Re Jéening on theirstaves" to reét from their toiling up the roundrod; 'théir costum and sandaled feet areiso well adapted to the wild surrounding scenery, representing a good picture of pilgrims. As we graduully near the top, 'we see' that parties'hiive alreddy 'taken possession of most of the trees, for carpets are apread under: thom, and the owneraare uploading thedonkeys and arranging the baskets of; provis- ions. "Flere We dre At Inst on the summit of the mount #f Olives, where there is bustle and naise, people "hurrying to and fre, jostling each other ; some decaratigns for the services. enter the small chapel supposed to built over'ths spot from whence our Lord' ascended." It is beautifully out, and sitting under an ancient olive tree wHtEl "the sun set. There lies "ThéCity of 'the Great King." a most imposing vies. | Jerusalem ie' literally a city:set lipon a bill.' Deep ".nareaWo gorges separate it from, the surromnding: mountains.' Lia uplifted towlers are 2560 -foet above the level of theMediterranean, The evening is beawtitul the air pure and balmy. "A'8weet odor pertumes the uir, ariging fio the blossoming' hawthorn trees 'and | rose bushes. The pommograaste, trees are io full' blossom, and the: lust rays of sun shine ling er lovingly over its beauti- fat" Lb 4a y an nestling heir BrighY gfben Toaves: | Pld wlin haga und its reflotLio' onthe windows, panes of "the 'old Hb gives, them a fantastie: mente 1 Appearance, sahhel | tad ot io o ort duration, fo appearing. is. pemion; is truly (wquderful. very pact Of th | Lidterns at torghey are ligh Lon he ay has '06m Off iL" he with pladier of Paristwet cowie' little water, and will be as siremg ; as ever. pla apy, orp Fit (HE Bled { attmosphese dnd: ielondlesys sky of t lights, son dnt tod fans rte oF nly an vot So Car fast Nidgering: 1b glory and a into, 11, [ord Ts risen {he reply. os 0d 1" AH Wil Bur pish If Toth, SEH To beat the whiten of sags put in a pinch of salt. , {shee we: may be'l conated I 7 lo, be partakers of th entreaties ro jOn, Thon be will sppearcinsiallbis wers and. his, feof shell Moun of of Oliver aT tae vow 3a! oil \ Getiing TatoiSooletysw: iod g|¥® Foun Won HERP Troy Nw [Yoh econtly joined Sh Church, for the, purposé ofleygening society.) Q ber tashutgh from a gentleman pik fh- the usnsl.tgeod matming]" theeggs he qaitker dy EEE Salt cool nd so fresters them In caring for fornitore' ti? to. keep. water' away from every: thing soluble therein, oit fram avery- thing porous, alehohol from; jvarpishy and acids from , able. I i hie ' uo lagrpe When one has a fever; and: thé bair is falling of, take, a teacup of sage, sleep it in a Juari, of ft water, strain it off into a tight bo! Sponge' the'head with' this toa fre- hair, An Answer Wanted: Can any one bring us a case of Kid quently, wetting. 'tho Toots' 'of HE FY) ar putting up. tents, others arranging | Liver Complaint'that Etectric Bitters: whl We | not speedily cure?, We say they cannoljas thousands of cases 'already permanently cur- ed and who ate daily recommending Eleetrld Bil q Piry THE Poor Dus 'Wastanted astend. eolor one to four 1bs. of goods. If used {7 or gilding Feocy aT Gulty Ares tent t No. hl Hit a 20 lA i ning. bet & 2ud) venti! He) cyan derwied:ib ag a sonra, ate prim #814) Be it ho thin finer a be cap Ayo RE a A i i J pon gueeng Voibhlni FI me bive and 'at t i . tters will prove. Bright's Disease, Di Weak Back, or any utinary compli uickly cured. They purity the bleed, --- decorated swith flowers. - Then we go |gulate the bowels, and act directly on the, parts, ; Every bottle guseanteed.! For sale ga 50¢c. a bottle A 8. E. Allison { i with perfecthenlth' is Fatticr to' be chosen tha in. i Boh pho Dyes try these Gide. io duet 14 'WELLS, RICHARDSON.& 00., Ve. 90LD "ant SILVER VEL PAINE. HOSE wha nu interested tn the Bes SA or intend. to a RA, Sie Sada CRE Sagi i LEVEE