"Wasn't he Invited ?' -- es. Five of the pr "I should think he Ch have liked That." assome of her And each of thot BIPM WH: ie EAR assistants, to him to give 'my table a spocisl men- Mutton." os jes, Inflammation and | ermtoation all Ovarian Troubles, Uloeration, Floodings, all Displacements es and is © "Ho i is going to the Office to write rn ial i, li ol Just Niggas Was shectndsel i ) Sucoudsl «Tlie! lovely Fuces of the fair Maidens in' sttendance on the Tables were Only | i i libe Jlrs. finest of viunde." "Are Reporters ayer. sarcastic Mn "No, my son, never." -------- Thousands Say So. Mr. T. W. Atkingo Ohhit, Kha. | waitds!! I pK YY) fbcoimend your Elec- my customers, they give ghe tire satisfaction and ew 'tapid wollen) -- rT I on the rv pled SRERETreAnTm ness of the stomach, It cures Bloating, 'Nervous Prestration, To ! Pills" he best én He ewid for the eure a 4 " Electri tem (9 abe ofirest and best medi nown and will ively gue Kidney and Liver complairts. Harify tie blood apd 4 hb bods, No family hy. man, Toronto, Ge can afford tobe withost, fhm, yThey with save hundreds of doljats" 'doctor's bills every Boldyn¢ Afty; inks bottle by SE, Ah. ld wl ---- ee + -- Peau, Chemicals and T and pertedt ics Good dit Cheap) iin oe Perey) or a, 2, 1863. . «11 Tor PERE ASHE | not ) i B HE wollieiil sds "on d and for Sale at his Bung quuntities of my =i NT ooh SCANTLING, aRERT TE Hf Yn it mmr | iO DERATE PRICES Parties WE ing good Lumber shingles &c.. 11 do well to call at my yard. N. DYER, | x [LR 3 7 Lon Yard large J i jel Ain N.B. House and Lot fo for Sale with a good J ad Lunivér up to , gantiey of Cheng, oards, canting, J Caw todizmed od ETT W.J.T. & CO. Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1881" Doe fram {3 Cottage, otel, bole guests. T1GOOD OPENING. for a {jure Shoe! enterprising man to o a PH inks Business. te would.find Greenban rch for his Jak i "The ksituated Yd ord r fro from ~ Ux , Boe LH Sunderland. Agricultural district J Vv. , THOMPSON. ee rr GR BEN BANK. HE undersigned would inform the pub- aia Erdethank; tand" having Horobhghly reno- ed the fame he is now prgpared to re) } ible is' kbptondia ore opening in Greenbank en the Furni- Afirst clas Rf En Whigs bin] oad, about g miler t'thid samie distance: and 9 miles fron It is in the centre of a Splen- ted numbers at Prices cOfpetition, at variety and w FINE GOODS: Ad Ee Port ls 4, 1883. © nBootand Shoe Emporium, Y y TF "1 ew No. 8 Machine. Iiberal reduction for Cash: RANE Machines, and Sewing Machin HEAP, | sor Foe all the aa Patent WeSemen [4 Io McClinton's Medical Hall. AS A Bisoores. Physiciang;are'; pften; startled by: sma! able disgover fact gh King's New for Consum AA Throat and Lung Distades 'i any euti patients Shh HES Wave given up to die, is 5% ng - HE undersigned would ini that her Stock has (199% crupletey cabs PROPRIETOR startling them to realise their sensd of mtnty| ea of our best physicians using iP . Allison's racti tHE Dr A RAAT ER Bh. Atco' the 0 | El Rapidly taking the pl of all other Machines wherever HE Subscriber having now folly scuiPbes Stablss wit) his new and extensive Live "Va supply of superior Horses ar ace Prey to furnish first class Drug AlbmabH lon ORES aved]|' Mi his 1if¢ by a simple Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, for Consumption, which eomptetly cured him, when Doctors, change { of climate and everything cise had failed ill Fine Gold Goods! 'The Question has Often been Asked SescRaiture= (Wiominal hernia) be crir- ed? We most emphatically say, YES. That this partot the body offers no exception to ETS, PINS and everything in the Jewelry pre or use and PE of the ith those physiological Ir =, whic] rn the able vn The hi ool sno one of bo sof th i "ove brought y Free Book on Rupture into this hits proof or a 10 the ne Rupture Cure Wf'g Co., oott,Onti ' ® | of Superior Quality, caliwonder of the world. my' Goods on the m ad- ily cure Burns, Bruises, io 3 B= ha at tbe Best M I \t Rhetim, Fever Sores, Can-| can sell at the A ures, And bYatne, Corns, Tetter, Chapp- | the public may rely on getting C hoice and od Hands, and all skin eruptipus, guaranteed sGbdsb Goods. to cure in every instance or money refunded. an elry promptly 25 cents per box i 4! ofa EX 5 moderate, e my Stock. C. B. DIESFELD. A \ CARD. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1882. To all who are suffering from: the errors.| = dudesoretions of youth, nervons weak- ness, early decay, Jois of manh 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov- ed by a missionary in South America. Bend a sclf addressed envelope to the R, Josera T. Inman. Station D, New York City' Er eas 1 Gules 'will regulate the 1s, and, mother; and reife olan Beailh §6'the Shi . Spefuting Hike magic. It 1s perfectly safe to| [IF YOU WANT GOOD, CLEAN ANDY cases, and pleasant to the taste, and is the prescription of one o "the oldest a . HEALTHY Ee WEE BEDS & MATRESSES GO TO te x 3 Belton & Co's | Ei _Opposite the Market Buildings, 151 st] = - PORT PERRY, eafhers ve satiofactionis a i gd a aT process, of buy our will in nd make a special turing Ph p Anti-Moth' Mattresses at a legs price i ks To than you pay for the so-called Wool and a copy of the fa nf ve | oi Mattresses which are sure to have th raid in CHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- New Home Sel pen, Liberal Leueenenis to Peer" 8 30° oRioN 'SQUARE, 20) NEW XORK. Re ofa ARM | charges. HAS MORE POINTS OF EXCELLENCY THAN ALL Nr puma ing Wachné Co LIVERY STABLES! pus undersigned would inform the pub- 2 he Bet opencinl Livery Estab- THE AANSION fobset QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. fond 18g, on prompt wttention, \ Suitable Rigs pd, a 4 share of public petonne | is solicite ed. Port Pe Nov. 2 1880. g CHEN IN THE _ [Devils ils Lake - NORTH DAKOTA, d Free to any address by H.F. McNALLY, General Traveling Axent, 81, Paul, Minneapolis & Vanitoba R WASTED Honest, Capable Men, sell Fruit and Ornamental SalaryjerCommission. ot. esséntial, Adds with velergnce 8, . C. KELLETT b x 97, Port Pe 2 i ee ---- pb Wise: pes PONEreY. fer # Bread, 2 money. AEN man, and girl tol work for start. ho, Whit T-- § sp fhe Jook] | The' busiuesy Wi ments. Regi awed Ba ins nba) Sra od fos einll "No HR er aX ALE iL wk a and in time -- come wealthy ; those who do | mot improve ther apvorinpities remain in a i | yg: m iri ah we RRS wh 2 py ove can do/the ope loalities.« x rT) e ore than ten times the ordins ive outfits furnished free. hot al that ne as | Brinson SQFT Villar a Sn 4 2OAAZI Ri PRL Se ional View of Miller 5. New + itl ndi Turtle Mountain | And Mouse River Country, Tributary to the United States Land Office at CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. Seorronal Map and Fury particulars mail- 28 E. Front St, Toronto, Ont.| Trees, Shrubs, Vines, apd: Small Fruit Plants on "Rr§vious experience arn his sincere thanks for, the arse measure of LY. he rs in which he has held the position of TOWN 3 8 for handling Parcels I am prepared to eart goods from priyate residences to the railway station or from the railway Also a handsome, comfortable Carriage for taking parties to nl and Wood promptly delivered wherever wanted. All.orders agthe Hotel Brunswick, sharply attended to. Goods carefully bapdled n W arrival of t'hibs. VM: TA MTF SON. CARTE from any station aj and from left at m, and Chad | Porto to, fe SHOP. | hrnituté' and New Prices pened out a good a well select -d Stock ¢ of Furniture, goon+ Bus, HE fdersigned has! clivered Free ii all sor) CT L Al , CARRIAGE, MAKER madc to order wil neatness and despatch Particularattention , #. to re- fq TZ HO {lax al ¢ ting, Thresher. fginaq? dyn gd hosel od Ii Wol pairing] t.3 = pill In ode) > oll maize Yo ad of aia 442 Twila woedin? Los es dsilgod Dare jehoio 3 ots i 11% dew) | " asheqd Sano dato nel Posm #10) i ERTEAN PIANOS Mr. W. J Nott's a LEgrt Perry, March , go Choice Plain and Fancy Breads.of Gvory tionery, &c., &¢., he rupplies Yo Sondre the' Bakety' and Contéctionery line at bis establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert |. Bridal" and 'other Cakes] Supplied on the'shortest motte a) sistife of Bupeaus, §delontids, Nefatcndn 0 teasses, (ribry Cindles, Co 8, Looking lasses? ~ Chai of all" kih wood, cane apd spring seats. Chairs from 34 cents upfl Mogtoes Fragd complete for 23 dpits up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture James. Mould§s very cheapt Great Bargains will be given. I will not he il indersolby any in the thde. Pictures framed and unframéd. = Rustics "aud 'Walnut Frames grices low. cm ------ to rylfing Ti the Undprtaking line Tine. COFFINS, SHROUDS, a call and 1 wif give you Bargains. : E PLace--Qued) Street, "a AF Bast of Mr. Wright's Boot and wi ge Store. ( BROJK STREET, WHITBY. hod Se AEE, ma 3 0. BRR hes ott) os TARO TAA OB 507 ey Bold: by told Cn ZY rorp FR, re how Kooms second door. est 0 Gabinet Warérooms, Po customers.and the mind thet| "+ the Best quality of Cau § 5 1 tent, 131 30 dase 3 Publics eas And other social entertainments promptly supplied and at moderate charges. { The bestiquality of BOSTON CHRYSTALIZED ICE CREAM 6G. by measure to thei public. Handsomely fitted up "ip ARLORS ® curing HSronchitis, ducing Glanduiar Abscesses and Fistulas, a) ease Mannfuctired on P | | and 33s.'ea {| 8 || on the Pots and Boxes: gistered in Ottawa, and nd also, of try od iw J 533, hora Sled Lond "REIT ANRs ara 3 Li > wo Sr es FR a pr Tavate in all 1 ~Thidat and dbest Disdhbed, 1 i d Asthma. re- a ua, osin, and praise or ove he = 4 a EXT pgeieof skin ats only at 3, [8 Ee ato: Shay and Poon Lig in Anat at and 5} and 8 gol nis, $0, 7 RYH T= CAUTION ~1 have no at the United States, nor are 'my Medicined'! Purchasers should therefore look 1b'ihe nial If the addresd' i met 538, Oxford Street, London, they The Trade Marks of my Medicined rd Ie. at Washingt HoMAS wouowsr om; WH of AGreat Cause of Human M wma Viet viii ani oF. nal hol say ure (withon on "evan arn medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impedimé: Marr age, ete., resulting from ex #2 Price, in a sealed envelope, ob! or two postage stam ps. The 'celebrated anthor, in this adndirable Essay, elearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous 'use of internal medicine or, the application of the knife ; pointing out'a mode of cure at once simple certain and effectua:, by means of which every.sufferer; mn ke what bis condition lay be maxed chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. For the convenience ot the public, where are sypplicd of the best quality, those refreshments and dainties so pleasant, healthful and retreshing in hot weather, One of :the best Fountains nowin nee for | making cooling drinks. Childrens' Toys, goud and cheap, C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21, 1879, ite ADIT RAR 4d vind idiom' ; ESTABLISHMENT. «i po ope has much pléamre in ing that he has secured the valuable services. on a a §y Outgers, Se 'Bob:Sleighs,r or and dsacription of Oatrisge with dispaten| rR i oi neaghi n 8 i Ofetoters hay vil rt ek (fig the Ab Ri SA aon Te en and the Si TR -- One ot i hw vince, and radon to' SR secure the ease traveling. a ! sa ~'W. C, HEARD, - Manchester, Deo. 11, 1874. 2 . is hereby given that the erotofore existing betwellp "under the name and fil TON & BEATTIE, at Scagrave,N in Agricultural Implements, Mach - &e., Jan his day been dissolved consent. ln, hg Pro- at fu, i LRAT Perry) Aug, 2) 1882. Moderpte "ad gi) work, a! #9" This Lecture should be in the bands o every youth and every man in the land. Address THE. CULVERWELL MEDICAL 0 41 Amm St, New York Post Office Box 450. . i iv eylel bo . Endorded by the PrdichAvadenty of Medicine for Inflammation of the Urinary! Organs, caused by Indiscretion or Exposure Hotel Dien Hospital, Paris, Treatment. ik? itive cure In one to three days) | ment only requ; {No na Hvis | Cupbbs orCopd da heb Ph rend OTE CURATIVE, PRE- VENTIVE. . Pi 84.60, « Including 'Bulbe 8 rice, ; Syringe. Sold by all Druggists, or sent b] se: on of A A LE! D] ©0., Detroit, Mich. and. Windsor, Ong; ---------------------------------------------------- NADA LO. ' ENQAN, BABAR AND. BAYS. anid, 8 ow SPAR Bo secure of an ny ; . amount of money, large or (a 7 gage secdrity oF ob reliable pag | Perm vat in, vy dogte sell such Le ie Tn to' place the bathe a 68 oi FA RMELS: rr FOREST KRS, . LOWNERS SHOULD BUY 0 «& Oo s Celebrated dt: