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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 23 Aug 1883, p. 4

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_r , TITTY % RR a gil in wring. ~ H - y iy CBHEUMATIEM--E hae | ? 'iowave,LIvaR ANE Anh Souls: 3 mbers at Prices that de Treaitor waiting which : a fe her wy, | N Sto Save Joomesl_ LUMBER VARD. Dh INE' CN LOL. Are Marvels of Simplicity, GBISTING&UHOPPING puted Houvoway's Pmus.--Dysentery, Dirrhcea and Disordered Bowels --These waladies are SR ny f a a 5 EN i Jo the inthe mach or beweln,o of Be oh a NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, a DodeRaily " the Bulonilis: GT hts § and axgmifie nN Goods Po will, bes os to E V ER Y Or U SE matter in ther a, A W. 3. TROUNCE & CO, [7 de 3 = i Purify the Holl 's Pills can ither with |. by & Woman. rp ; hod part tone to the Nervou Eri BE I Eth | PORT PERRY | 4 siliiE) Wi ©. TRICK, IEEE ic fami sing Megree purifying, slerative, i= the ing Siw 45d iL Ux di for Sale with a fo? © ort Borvpaidiies, 39S . Boot, and Shoe mporidn. made adjustable and warranted for five rend td 'and endowin| I ole a ne 4 y 4 5 yous. v; eo ton intoteal angen, the ARENT one fk T= undersigned bess constantly on{ Apply at the Union Mills office. 5 DO Fa Griiemd Ep © hh Oa a ickly yield to winds : yi » 0 sary for Ea $3ouhre action in the| I ™Physicians Use ond Presoribe I Freely 468 hand Wid ar Yaut toigs po Nov. 11861 w. 3: T. 4 C0 3 pres Sm da Ea ¢ of WO T Sentforos of these wellknown Pills, and they humat m: olloway's dich may v - lo Kh. py t adie TD § are n their effica ¢ . | EE we BER re td ol THE "WHITE, AND WHEELER & WILSON. Bell Organs Ne agke. cavr ra E> pina je bot A L J. R cry TRIE " 4 - y ab { "| removidg Cal tions, "skin 'blemish es ? & . Be bin = Fer tho Kidney Gomplainte WES 4 9...) "GREENBANK, 5 &'f 1, \ : : ds BS pim rend be rr (on ay trim mi dicine kuown, Thousands Say So. SHINGLES, POSTS, &C., &C lic that, he hus rented for a tenn off or CE op io i FLT dre HEE repens NE'AND GEDAR SCANTLING, * fe 8 It WE undersizned od would inform the pubs] AGIA Nn 21 thé prensises Jormerly Known as the- Mr. T. W. Atkins, Girard, Ean, writes: Myrar) aspound and Blood Pur: "Jot Gopd | Quality and at years A BERS Yo. TET your Elec- Sn Avenna, Lynn, cnn MOBERATE PRIC BS ql! Cottage Eotel, H4S 4 WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. ; 7 tric Bitters to my customers, they give en: oan yg me phot end. flippin \Y | Greenbank, and having theroughly rend: a heals every kind of Sore, Uiger and Wound v '. tire satisfaction and | age rapid sellevs."-- | foreither. Mrs. Pinkham freely all letters of | + Partigs wishing ood Lumber shingles &p., vated thé 'same he is now prepared to ref a A i fre, Elcctricl 'Biltrs. hb 1h purcst and best | inquiry. Baslose ot stamp. Send 'é pamphlet &c. Oak} will do well to call at my yard. ceive, guests, medicine known and wil positively ome PEHLATRY Te 5 a, |. rt 101 1ON. DYER! 'GOOD' OPENING. p? ob 2 A iy and Chest Diseases, Kidney and Liver atid. Purify the aa Sold by 'all Druggiats. 8 wo | Port Fuk Nov 2, 1882. ' Toei : yn curing Bronchitis; Quingeys, aud Asthma. re- blood ah feghats! kre bowéta, No family TTFELTY There is Con opening in Greenban | HEINTZMAN P gueing Gla Qekdular Fiabe, siosing Bull Tuk jog can afford to be without themi' They' will THE ' ,.)for,ab efterprising man: to open ihe iFarni { 1d b toy tortures lat and Tor Sler are save huprate of doljars jn doctor's bills fuidhia Undertaking Business. A first clase i Sold by Ne ia it is unsurpassed. It never fails to every VOari . Bold dvi! cents a bottle by | Factory at Stanstead, P. QL Northrop & 3 i Shoemaket would, Greenbank a gop ding fOr bis business. The village ir situated on the Center Road, abou{ 7 miler Cs Cc. TY PP FR, remove Scurf and every species of skin dis- ease B&F how Rooms second door east of Hanulustured only at E. All ne ted. vi PAS Toronto, G mere} deo for Ontario. NTT IT cvs sia]. A M AGNLF; ENT - MOST POPOLAI = fo Perry and about he : distance plu re. Cabinet Asgeroems, Rost 9 Sa OF FOI iD STRERF, ORDON; [from Uxbridge village, and 9 Miles fron N a 3 ) all the popular Patent Medicines, go to Pak 4 L-- > V Sunderland. .1t is in. the centre of a Splep- Styleno. 10 New No. 8 Machine. Port Parry, Moreh 23, 1881, wo a aoa at 13d. 2s. 94, "4g. 8d., 11s., 22s. and 33s. each Box and Pot, and in Oanada at 38 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger MoCl{pttsTs Medica! Hall.' did Agricultural district 21d Machines'taken in exchange. Iiberal reduction for Cash oe {] £5 SEWING MACHINES | J. V, THOMPSON. ein Jat Bewiig Nughine gis Neegloatora all the. leading Machines; and Sewing Machin sizes in proportion. op 1{ GroanbeEi May pd; 1880 ttaclmdentakept onstantlyol hand : 9@= CAUTION. --1 have no Agent in the A Startling Discovery. a IY ad i A E. HEAP, | - [, United Staes nor are my Medicines sold hee. Physitjins dre" often 'siartled by remark | quprg yndersi a oo the publi oy = JB Al indy of Sewing Wickiogs 'and Clocks repaired. Also for sal ber Furshaters siouid therejore look a ihe lpbei able discoveries. Tha fact that De King» | Tr 1 spartan om the wal LIGHT-RUNNING PORT "PEARY WIVEEY San LYGKHAN and WANZER MACHINES, io food repair at $6 each "Hand Machines from i n } (athe Forts Bs dross ile inn New Di for Congumption and all now complete. consisting of Choice ' LL ° Please to my r that a any machine purchased from me, and not approved of upon "CONFECTION RY, &C. they are spurious. gedvery plete, 5 ve fe vy 0p OR | [month's trial, will be cheerfully exchanged. : he Trade Marks of my Medicines are re Throat and Lung Diseases fs daily curing} RK Manchester, March 13, 1882. '| gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington. patients that they: bive 'given tp to die, ir] E Ww R HE Undersigned would remind his Signed, startling thew to realize their sense of duty. ol, customers andthe public generally that! $3, ohid rd AS HOLLOWAY. and examine into the merits: of thi of tho Finest Varieties wd est Styles. {des Chace Plain syd Fancy 'Breads of etd in Tho hy -ondon, wonderful as in 'hundreds --,---- 2 KX] irs stv the Best quality of Cou - \ Cr pg r tionery, &c.,&v. he pupplies everything in fo 2 of Jour best | rye clans wing it in their GOLD, AND. SIVER ATCHES heed' HE Subscriber having now fully ec uippec the: Bakery. ! and Cobfectionery Hoe at his practice. Trial bottles free at' SH Allison's | of the most RELIABLE' WANSracTUSS King place] Tm 4 ee HH Gi a gs Rit X establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert, r h first cl +X Drug Sose.; Regular sis $1. ;, Tra aa king viirey prepared worn pit clam! 14 A Bridal and other Cakes ARLE TET LS 00 Sul r i § Wherevér IL: 1 Vv BE R yy R tr 5 . How, Lou. How Kestored A Life Se Fn | Supplied on the shortest notice; © hig rijey / We have ® recently pul On Moderate T Ee new edition of 'n - Mr. El find! 5. -- Kan.: Spved i ee MCKENZIE. | Public Teas = well's Celebral a his lifo by » simple Trial Bottle otDr! King's] O Diz Port Perry, Aug. 6, 1878 oo on the radical and permanent cure (withou New Discovery, for Consumption, which And other social entertainments promptly | medicine) of: Nervous Debility, Mental and caused him to procure a large bottle, that a supplied and at moderate charges. Physical Incapacity, Impediments to when- Dectore; chunge ' x EARIOY. " ATR ES ACRES FREE! * The best quality of Marr age, ete, resulting from excesses, : mate and everything else had failed " A S 29 Price, In asealed envelope, only Scent: A Bronchitis, Hommscnces, Scvere Has uoww vornIw op EXvRILENCY fa ALL 18 Taw oe B STON CHRYSTALIZED or two postage stamps. FE an J thro, guid Lu apy it. | oTHER MACHINES COMBINED. : 4 paris) | Lowery ! 0 The. celebrated anthor, in- this agsirable ME reid) Bottles free at oo. Devils Lake, --_-- | Essay, clearly Fownnd dts: from thirty ru, Budre. "Larges size $1.00) -------- T years' successful practice, that alarming con- | urtle Mountain " A ---- eS ih "CARTING. CARTING Ey The Fri ha8 Often been Asked Fi ; : - nd Mouse River Country. ¢00DS DELIVERED PROMPTLY AND CAREFULLY. | Supplied by, measure to the public. application of the knife ; pointing put a mode "I iid 7 : 4 > of cure at once simple taih and effect y re asatty sty PES. To tne Gold Goods . ' i ' NORTH DAKOTA » HE undersigned would return his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be Handsomely fitted up by means of which aS aren is i id this partot the bady offers no' exception to |in CHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- New Home Sewin Machine Ki} Tributary to the United States Land Officoat| 1 Stir on him during the ceverat yore one oe I"m prerared to eart. goods what bisicondition may be, may cure himselt those physiological le ws which govern the | E73, PINS and everything in the Jewelry CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA gar rs Bete oF oe ha Nod entes 40 the lft son br rom raiway shisily, privately and RADICALLY. Thole HHT rence her 5 hse 7 1 for aa god Troms of Be Most 30 UNION SQUARE Sgonionat Map and Fou particulars mail. [station any where tod down Also a handsome eomiopable Carr {age for taking part vo! re gd o 'ashionable an i Styles. Th "land from trains. oal and Wood promptly delivered w! ted. All . s oro Tr ak Stock as it now stinds ig Sirtes one of wd YORK, d Fuze to any address by 4 left at my esidence orat the Hotel Pearson k, sharply attended th. Goods carefally arr For the convenience of the public, where| Address i Excelsior Rupture Cure Wg Co., the best and most attractive ever brought . H.F. MoNALLY, [nd Charges Modgrate. 13 Always on hnudon W arrival of trains. {mre supplied of the best quality, those THE CULVERWELE: MEDICAL €0., toot. oo into this_county. General Traveling Agent, Tb etn V M. JAMITI® SON. frefrountncbte and i dainties so" pleasant, ian se, NeW Yorn } IT 8, Pail, Minnéapslis X Vanitoha R k. Port Perry, ug. 22, 2. ealthful and retreshing in hot weather. Post Office Box 450. Buckine's Armica Salve. | 28 E. Front 8t., Toronto, Ont. One of the best Fountains now in use for EL > he greatest medical wonder ofthe world. | making cooling drinks, rranted to Bpeedily cure Burne, Bruises, in Great Variety and of Superior Quality, ANTED Honest, Capable Men, to Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Can-| As 1 purchase my Goods on the most ad- { sell Fruit and Comat] p reek, Important 2 Annovncement. C. HISCOX., ours, Piles, Chilblaing, Corns, Tetter, Chapp- | vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I Shrubs, Vines, and Small Fruit Plants, on| | Bort Perry, 'May 21,1879. ed Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed | can eel : at the Lowest possible figures, and Salary or Commission. Previous od hd to ure in every instance or money refunded. the public may rely on getting Choice and ot essential, 25 cents per box. For sale by 8. E. mR t 4 oe Address with Telsrenny i 1 MAN CHESTER. atches, Clocks an Ly ® . C. KELLETT, A ry o = om REDE Eo En rg Oh petals, . B x 8%, Port Pory " .~ New Furniture' 'and New Prices LE we 4 3 3: HE undersigned has opened out a good and well selected Stock of Furniture, cons H xfoute, i 5h ol io ig the errors. Port Perry, Aug. 30, a DIESFELD. LIVERY STABLES | f T sixting of Bureaus, Sideboards, Bedsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couche, on ou DeTyOns re : dh Looking Glasses. Chairs of all Kinds, wood, cane and spring sseit, Chairs from 34 ness, , : Sr | Is B £ I cents up. Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and iE will cary Xm, FREE 'OF i 1 pe would Sutgiag Se pub } | S i ! Picture Frames, Mouldings very cheap. Great Bargains will be Evin L i fot i ty I 'a ny aay: ale tl us opel a Livery Estab- p ; E undersold by.any, inthe trade, Pictures fianred and diiframeg. Rubtics' and alont Bond a self add, env. to Ev 3 i A EXE Frames, priges low. + | os Bf Soong LF fn Dik Prk . 2 OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE - WY > Phemonzal pine takin the | line. © COFFINS, SHROUDS, & 1k 4 » QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. 4 NE ohe Tre PuicE-- | Street, one Bork Et of Mr, Wright's 'Boot and Shoe Store, pa Mothers! Mothers !! Mothers?! . Customers many Yelv) oi Dlompt dttenkion ) : Goods delivered rr 'Pown. (Curr * tage ~Hords + Are you disturbed at Vid and broken ! . y your rest by a sick chil ing aod og aod wim " i Dod and Suitable Rigs aud motleiate azn ne JOHN NOTT {oa i hs in oThdhel 1 gp, pee' charges. & 3 2 (hd rin kgor ho i SHOOT 5 SYRUS. oi i A sharo of publio patronage is solicited PortPerry. id an} 4 x rv ' « Cou? Rd By GENERAL rl Pham BoE Eh i ir Tolleve the poor litt ¢ pute r imm, G. VANSICKLER, -- BETA | pra tits a WBS P ook or 8 boxe (0 Port Perry, Nov! 1 1880. © : I 2 = =e FE] © $rasmumr. é pa Rr a or . . 3 r rr wol bo Lot oC hii E551T of praddressi; = wil) regulate the bowel a DI By ones a It eas Nett fn, lle 2) i ' - [HOTA ™ . gE Subsci] rons ze in stab! Rita Cony an. BE : mother, and rellef and] health to the gh mld, h98. 1 ie aware on the lack a i M. BON: ov he } 1c] Peet] vt Fo he 'taster and jout, far c to ine 4 | oO N AN, oc Bf io ' bon at a raat DEES 5 IF. QU, vy B $%p! | WISE fons wit in me be ok i; " One of ine ue bres i) Semen i Le ety € col ithy ; t d p ! f 'than . PETE oo Fito Blates TT Repnenl vary £59 LH ot A improve their obbortanities" pematn y } . 3 i vipch, an i ™M 0 N EY. Paani rty. We t to i tl £52) q : met sof eure) of Lite mosey. We Sr ogi p! vomen, bobs hove h r | Butters, » m-- asi Rest nf ome) Suffering MATRESSES isle to Pra tor: i 9 ¥ hy 'thei Ge ig ; | "2E0 Flap On BRIAG ES MAK BR! Alam Qescription.of Camiagawith. dispatch: on undersigned Is authorised Agent of ae o a Apeungps.ve «i doTO. oe start. The busiuess will pay na Sein BR TOWN HALL, paca inWoggpor Tron Lonesevutod with WRSTBRNGANADA LOAN AND 8AY- he Bude Suc Lh more than fen times the ordinary wages. BROCK STREET, WHITBY. RB INGS GOMPANY, a Broken tls tm, Foothach he, 9. = on & Co' S Bxpensjte Sak Saruisi 5 0'one who |e, Tr : ' ea ret on gating the vest and is now prepared to secure Loan fany o he | Af i 'material; latest st, superior work. amonut of nion largg'or small, 'on! arly RICK ihe Bat and Heal. oangion Shp u te wate i : GOOD Afsortment of Buggies sonst on Hand made from nl beat Material. 0 vr Prey | go rampage Siang vi : all that is needed sent AY Addy, \ a re Workmado to,ordes with ndatness and despatch Particulayattention | ai to re-| Casio' } | SHOBING Terms of-payment and rate of interest such : Srinson & Co., Portland, Maine. 1 Em pairing. Jord eaten iit] as -- to suit the borrower, Ji 0 1! p p arm, Town and Village p ries } S e oti Vi oI SN Ww M Aa) Vib "sar A Arges ie oa gare all work | oa by private bargain, and ai vong IEW, C 0 e 0 Warranted. | ing to sell such may find:it to théle advant. Qppoeite the Market Buildings, Perry St. | | Docu ji, SAE age to Pegs lhe an same in:my hand. (-/ ou PERRY "2ORAR1 WW % : J hve. N » PT ease, 2 . "a 5 i aN Toh air wW/ i loentt iY i 4 er . a. L ssemith A oe eon | | T SIRE J& < INEORET FE ETI SsaE0T iS = 1 s ", { . ~~ aati A ST a] Vie ots » oj of FRA INT al nus ne , 2 at A -- NG T aa i we renanate Linde Mice Fusthers und i wd lant ahsieN + Wins ove APO a 9 7 & ceria in : ; of charg de' obte : aR as x f | BLIS ; n : 3 r Ti i N God Tin ad toca Bron i ry or ARD | ro find) RL A or ama MAG Beagrave, Oct. 10, 1882, ' >

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