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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 30 Aug 1883, p. 1

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Cs ~ yaa etal' Eade 3 sola bad a pil) ven Taruges a wf A Api {84 1 "BE "HAIRS. 4. PAR 1 OEWY hr for the loving AS 6,1 Se ARH ) b 1 ut wn . Repulet lise of: vases Steins} ----- me -------- 1 Your Teeth with pearls will surely Jouonlyasl ti Ongo used, you never will If # TeseRRY" you Just try one bottle, if you vier doubt it, | No fear of puting] 48d to dread of dying, GEE Co until forbid to | HI N28 nd' chitrged sccodingly No ' ig sedi the year' or A grammes, Bilt Heads, Blank.Forms, Receipt Books, Chuck! 8, Ball Cards, &c., of every style and will in-&11 cases be tnd Bile. P rs, Pro- 8, Books, Circulars, Business r, oxeonted promptly and at lower rates + n or axtabilohacnt in the County. _-- ages from a distance getting hand ills, Ae. ginko oan have them done to take ROS Yith to { HB. PARSONS. "Protesst. nal Caryn. R. CLEMENS, | successor to J. D. D. And- erson_ M.D., Physician, Surgoon and Accoucheur, Office over: Corvigan's Store. . Residence--Third + house east of school ! M. F. Y Honpital, London, Englan buildings. Office and residence formerly occupied by Dr Anerson, Port Perry, Port Perry, Jun, 4, 1883 - - J "h SANGRTER, M. Dy Physiclan, Sur- eur. « geon and Acecouch » Coronerfor the County of Ontario PORT PERRY. . Ofce over Nott's Ruviliate Store, corner of + jueen and Perry mea ows from. a i te12 m, ana 1 No. INTEREST Kio Ny J On Sist December of each yehr. | W.J. McMURTRY, Manager. H, GORDON, Notary y, Bublins Oomiftemioue: in Insurance Agent, Representing the following first-class Fire, Life, Accident and Guarantee INSURANCE COMPANIES : The Imperial, Queen, The Citvzens, The Canada Fire and Marine, and The Travelers. FIRE Palit 1r Ineuping all classes of insor- able property, shortest notice, an at equitable tates, fe Policies pig BH ums payable. until death, or for a nited number of 3 Endowment Polices pay able at a certain date, or on previous deat! Accident Insurance covering death by ucel- dent ad JseRly indemnity In case of non- | fatal'iny ng by Mrs. Geo, Paxton: D% in ecouncheur, Coronor for the Connty of hysician; Surgeon and Ac- OfMce and residence, Kirg Street, Prince Albert. Ont. MoCLINTON, M. De Office, Williamsburg, Cri . as R. (LR, Guy's M.D, M. MoRRIBN, d. The liye R. Oshawa, : i BAY Vv: Hs Pa | ne i» torn RE veyancer, Notary Pub- lie, &e., & VMmee over Brown & Currle's Store. J O4N BILLINGS, Barristerand Attorney- at-Lny, &c. Solicitor for the Ontario Bank. Oftice over Rose & Sou's Store, Queen Bt, Port Perry, Ont Port Porry, Sept. 6, 1883. T K. FAREWELL, L L. B., County Crown Attorney Barrister, Vounty lisitak, de. &c. Notary Publie and Conveyaucer. South wing rt House, "whiths, ons. , Uonvey uuoer, &¢. ! Los, L. ENoLISH, LL.B, Boficitorin A Oise--B8imooe street, opposite the Post Office YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrister, At- a = ag Issued, "GR and Tickets for passage §o and from Great Britain sold at lowest ey. Port Perry, April 20, 1881. AUCTIONEER. T of returning thanks for the very liberal patronage which he has recived as Auc- tioneer in the past, The increased experi- ence and extensive practice which I have had will be turacd to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me: with their Sales may rely on their interests beg fully pro- tected. No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales fn my hands, My Sale Register will be found #t Laing & Mebharry's Hardware Store and at my own residence, Union A venue, Port Perry. DAWES, A . ho WHITE STAR" fom New "York. arn .| Iaverpool ans return, $25. Ticket Office! CRAND TRUNK R'Y. HE undersigned takes this opportunity [* | BEATER: from Quebec, and Montreal, $26 20. A Tssued to all parts of Canada and the United their advantage to purchase tickets from Port Perry, May 24, 1883. Iesued to all parts of United States and of route either by Grand Trunk or by Great Hu HONARCH" from New York. PRIOE OF TIOKET. Cabin from Néw' York to London aud i from Liverpool to Port Perry, LSO Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior line of Steamers. RAILROAD TICKETS tates Parties intending to travel will find it to W. H. MeCAW. CREAT WESTERN R'Y. TICKETS Canada at Lowest Rates, PASSENCERS FOR Manitoba and Western States bave choica Western and Michigan Central, For all information apply to R: W. TWAMLEY, Mipuanp R'y StaTiow, Feb. 17,1883, Port Perry Irs certamvtTy.--To, oure Dyspepsia and Biliousness is not speculation, but is proved with letters from persons of high respectability constant- ly coming in. ~ Zoeesa absolute cure. is an Rev. Father Wilds' EXPERIENCE. The Rev. Z. P. Wilds, well-known city missionary in New York, and brother of the late emingnt Judge Wilds, of the Massachusetts Supreme Court, writes as follows: pL = gi. and urns Sia 3h New York, May 16, 1882. R & Co. Gentlemen : 80 intense- roely bear any clothing ould was. also' a sufferer from a 2 and nd my Sough Epp was poor, and my system do a "Ki 4 the val good deal Aves SAAR BILLA, oR der ation of i former yearn tbo Bogen TIAKIng 16 ere were lh, ered 8 my general heal th "t 1s mow excellent. jo Sever big itching of irritation of the ecatarrh and cough same means, and ved, ul und; nal it id the My a) petite (ii Aue ntil per cent Stronger, ha I attribute these results use to the SARSAPARILLA, which 0 I vonorend with all confidence as the best blood melising ever devised. 1 tool it in small doses used, in all, less a two battles. these Puviioation may do rs respectfully, Z.P, Y ingo facts' at your service, hoping their 'WiLps." oa above instance is but one of the many HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT --ON-- 0 Farm Securty. ol At 6; per cent. Aso on Village Security at a Higher Rate pe MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, coming to our notice, which prove the perfect adaptability of AYER'S SARSA- PARILLA to the cure of all diseases arising from impure or impoverished if and a weakened vitality. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cleanses, enriches, and strengthens the blood, stimu)ates the action of the stomach and bowels, aud thereby enables the system to resist and overcome the attacks of all Serofw- lous Diseases, Eruptions of the Skin, Rhew- Catarrk; matism, Port Perry, May 10, 1881. Port Perry, An. 17, 1881. B. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the bserver" Office, Port Perry, andarrange for -- of Sales. Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879; tary bine, de; itlaghe biog, Brogh street, Me! "whig J. ATE Patt Fenton, Surgeon .. Officeover Corrigan bell's tore,' Perry. done in MURRAY, & Camp- Port. All, work | the "vi fatestand host style and warranted to.give ENSED Aucti for the Townshi Port Perry, March 38, 1877. ot JED Thorsh, Mata & Bama in 2 North Ontario; Mariposa, etc', in the Cotmty 0.N. VARS, L. D. 8. of Victoria. 'Residence--Cannington, Bi per ETH inserted onall the Iatest princi-| orders left at this office, or at his i plea ofthe a, To cheap- Jill be péiotintly dit attended to: Debts col- ont oh Tooth filled} igoted in, Cannington, or otherwise, and "local ansmsth-] ] ith out acing dba | WALSHE, ne Noi nisi Anti to helrintereute, WM. GORDON, a A and in entrusting their Bales to me may opr theutmost attention being given WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. I. = WALSHE, R the Township of Brock, Uxbridge, Boots, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mari posa. MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years, Agent for WesTeRN CanapA Loan asp Savings Coqpany. He has also been instructed.to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter st Eight per cent. No Commission. NF. PATERSON. Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Bolicitog MONEY (Private Funds,) T'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per cent in- terest. LYMAN ENGLISH, BarmsTeg, &c., Oshawa ) November 21, »1866. THE WALKER 'HOUSE, iil PERRY. ] The WM. HEZIZELWOOD, {Licensed Auctioneer HE Undersigned having taken iit a License'as Auctioneer is now His fo tiend in ll sales' entrusted 'Produce, Ec, hands' uch oxperisiice in hm rip also F Faring Tupi le- e i 'arming Tm) of ail Kinds, Farm: | éonivenience and comfort of guests to make isthe. Port Perry Ho:se a desitsble place of entertainment for the general public. Choice] of his property--The Walker House--de~ sires lo express his grateful acknowledge- ment of the very liberal patronage bestowed on the Walker House during his former oc- cupancy, and having now resumed posses: sion every effort will be' put forth to make the Walker House all that can be desired by Commercial Travelers, the traveling, public and parties doing business in town. W.B. Modaw Port Perry, Dec. 13, 1883. Debility, and all g from poor or corrupted 'blood and a low state of the system. PREPARED BY Dr.J.C.Ayer& Co; Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Drugglats; rico $1, six bottles Eve Best cure Const, Tadigostion, Headache; is priv Billions Disorders. Sold everywhere. Always reliable. ~ So. pS For C AYER'S. .CATHARTIC PILLS. Medicine A FEW HINTS Dose. -- To move the bow- , els gently, 2 to 4 Pills; thoroughly, 4 to 6 Pills. Experience will decide the proper dost in each case. or PILLS are invaluable, and a sure 088, NO remedy is so effective as AYERS Pra. i They insure regular daily action, and re- store the bowels to a healthy condition. For Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AYER'S cure, Heart-burn, Loss of Appetite, Foul Head and cured by AYER'S PILLS. od : ache, Numbness, Nausea, are all relieved RT PERRY HOUSE, =~ | The undersigned having leased for aterm of years this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the lies, for the table aud ber. i free of | "Fhe sib nd yard carefull att, ded bp, 3 J Whos JORN RUDDY. | ws sipftios for the table and rare fully sdlectod: Faery PETER HOLT. Cartwright, March 4,71879. ; AToi-aniay HOTEL, SUBRINOE Ar ERT ARK, Murih vd In Liver liver and bowels, and remove PruLs are unequalled. * 'Worms, caused by a morbid PROPRIETOR. oo pra.c: rion Lov Bish Le and Jaundice, AVERS Pris shold given fn doses Jatge enough to excite the be An clearing medielns 14 tho Spring, these condition of mde NG moral or he ot no angplshed ory eiltitg e i The , City of the. Living: it 10,0 Jong read age whose ested story | 85 0h ago apn spit id glo, ed faraway... if", Ins broad rd rn whos bt ur Pp the war,' : the speaker continued, 'was a great 'gambling house. The "The be ih Smbadintely before | P! Could ever enter io ing Made any face Tess i. and stock with: equanmity.. I went d Memphis to New Orleans. At Nat- own on the Belle Kay, in 1859, from | night us all be could no replace, "Ruin was be- fore him. % And And never any died To feel. no} death damp g: colder, and sever. treasure, And ever any died. striving livin; Forsook their pleasant stellling Outside the city wall, cit Without the city wall death reigned as graves rose side, by side ; « Within he dwellers Naan red at bis endeavor of all earth's favored places-- to dwell therein : To) n 4 in the sweetlight of loving faces, And fear no graye between .v: chez a great planter got aboard with fifty slaves, He chipped into a game with a northern jodge, 8 New York merchant, and an army officer The stakes amounted to fine propor- tions--something like $20,000in one pot, when I saw the judge win. He held the best hands, and before we Them from their loved apart, Where Shey. might work, and will, and live With unabated breath. And other years still found and left them 'Where never any died. Disputing life's 's warm truth, To lives never lonlier or older Radient in deathless youth | And hETviE from the world's remotest q A tide of pilgrims flowed, Acroes broad plains and over mighty waters, To find that blessed abode. There never death should come between Sul holding heart to heart, And L% othey lived in happiness and phos A grow in power and pride, And did great deeds and laid up stores of And many years rolled on. 3 And gave no hope of death, Yet listen, haploss soul, whom angels pity, Craving a boon like this-- One and another who had been concealing The pain of hife's long thrall, places and came Craving with wish that brooked no denying 80 long had it been crossed, The blessed possibility of dying, The treasure they had lost, Daily the current of rest -seeking mortals Swelled to a broader tide Till none were left within the city'spor- And graver grew green outside. Would it be worth the having or the giv- ing, The boon of endless breath ? Ah, for the weariness that comes of living, There is no cure but death] Ours were indeed a fate deserving pity Where that sweet rest denied, And few, methinks, would cate to find the The Pauper's Death-Bed. Tread softly--bow the head-- In reverent silence bow No pasting bell doth tell, Yet an immortal soul Is passing now. Stranger | however great, With lowly reverence bow ; There's one in that pvor shede-- One by that paltry bed, Greater than thou! Beneath that beggar's roof, Lo | Death doth keep his state; Enter--no crowd attend , Enter--no guards defend This palace gate, That pavement dark and cold No smiling courtiers tread ; Oue silent woman stands Lifting with meagre hands A dying head. No mingling voices sotnd-- An infant wail alove ; A sob suppress'd--again That short deep gasp, and then The parting groan, Oh | change--Oh | wondrous Change-- Burst am prison bars' This moment there, so low, So agonized, and now Beyond the stars! Oh | change-- stupend: There lies the soulless clod | The sun eternal breaks-- +The Immortal wikes-- Wakes with his God, ng - cold and I saw them Bl hth "No," said Mrs Smyth, "we didn't cele= brat All Fools 'day at our house, The laquiite 'never 'pays any atténtion to lega hollow days) aiid as for Wish Just as foolish one. diy as another." wit 'At the commexicement of the last' sport ing season the fol lowing information was exhibited at Lord Camden's seat, the: Her- wilages near, Bevenoaks--'This is to give otice that Lord Camden daes not mean, to shoot bimself or any of his tenants till the 14th of September. yo He "that | knows mot, giores pid fF wasted ime. hed the Crescent city, owned 40 of the planter'sdarkeys, valued at from $1,000 to $1,500 each. But by all odds the most interest- ing game I ever saw, was played on tho Belle Lemar in 1857. There were cir t ted with it which-made it an all absorbing event to the people who understood what it really meant, The players were two only. They are both dead, and probably all their descendants have followed them to their grave, so I mention names und tell you about the train of events which led, to that game and its attendant tragedy. In 1858 there lived ina small town in Kentucky a beautiful young girl named Alice Crayton. She bad them two only seemed to meet with passing favor in her eyes. One was a rich young planter named Horace Ellison and the other a young lawyer Hk) bow the dwellers in the Wondrous ecently from the north, named had destroyed their fortunes and teen' Grew weary of their bliss, Converse. Ellison bad the. advant. | lives. age of hiswival in looks and accom- plishments He bad traveled exten. sively, was well: read, polished and bore the reputation of being a dare devil in affairs of gallantry, and was said not to be over upright and hon- orable in his affairs with women.-- He was the sort of a man to attract most girls But Miss Crayton pre- ferred Converse,a plain young fellow. and finally married him. Ellison ufter swearing to be revenged went abroad. In the course of a year Converse and his wife went to New Orleans' to 'live. Two years aftpr the 'marriage. Converse, returning home from a business trip north, discovered old rival, Ellison, among the passengers. All fecling of re~ sentment had died out of his heart and he greoted Ellison heartily, the tho latter returning the hand-shake with well stimolated warmth» For a day the two men chatted together agreeably, to all appearances good friends. The next evening Ellison proposeed a little draw to while away the monotony of the voyage. Converse roadily assented, and they started a game in a large stateroom. four or five others were present but they didn't join in, At first the ante was trifling. ' As Converse steadily lost, he in- nsited oh raising it with each deal and began drinking a rare thing for him to do. His ill-fortune continu- od. and after 'a séance of two hours he began toborrow money from his friends in 'the room, having lost all hia own to, Ellison; The latter was cool and firm as a rock. He seldom spoke, and then in cutting accents '| which added to the fsst growing enmity his" opponent felt towards him. + Perhaps if Mr. Converse would finger his glass less and his cards | more, his game would be more in- teresting and less casy to beat," Elli- son remarked. "Mr. Conversa can take care of himself under all : circumstances," . [Converse retorted., "Yes, ho demonstrated his facility] tor looking after bis own interests two years ayo, when he won a great stake, but not by 'fair play." I saw Converse's'fice flush. He understood the "allusion to the. old ricalry between him and Ellison and ith covert insinnation. He started a8 jthough 10 sdy something, but stopped. "The game went on, and the' privilege he"was invited to bazard meant s dishonor worse thao death. What thoughts passed through that man's mind ina few seconds will never bg known. He graspéd the back of the chair, stared wildly around and boarsely muttered "yeos"» ly we bent over the players now,-- They shuffled the cards in silence.-- Ellison. won the first two deals.-- The next Converse won. fourth time, amid a silence in the room decp as the tomb, Ellison dealt and gaveConverse two queens, a jack and two nine-spots. The latter drew one and announced him- self ready. Ellison glanced quickly at bim and laid down four aces. always thought he had stacked x band. Converse, and then, quick as'lightning, crowd- ed itinto the barrel of his revolver. a number of suitors, but of all of; "Take it," be said, and pulled the trigger. car on the Lake Shore road the other day was a handsome woman, whose husband shared the seat with out as a quiet, sedate, absent-minded ed by a flashily-dressed young man, 'mark : of youth: d phar oh Aid anal tn J. A. MASON, Proprietor. Cartwright, July 3,1882, fini Ea Hope is the bighitents star in rity the frm Suet! Al itn ito woos i Ike dough. -- |P : "Hilison Inaghed snoringly. "Mr Ootverse should apply his methods {in Tove making to card playing, hg he *{ said. |," What do you Sloth; sir ?Y fit 1 continue the game?" | Tho gambling: spirit, Ju hate and rage wus on him. |soon after Converse ' had lost every.| penny and _his watch and dismond |. a What! you please. Shall we 'Converse. 'was white with fury.) CR A SONI 1 a TREY Walt ev. FR lack a stake. T will ran all my winning against 'the, of i house. We, will gd in five for it" is | proposition stuck a founded from oly fa and wide, splendid steamers plying between | bis 'chair ahd gesped. 'He wae un the, dwellers lived n pote and g Dot Baar i New Orloans and thenort were load. | #Peecblessi Jafast, the emotion of Dover any died. f od with mem! whose interest was |this reat re deprived bss an pin aod dst, tho torn ms. deep in games of chances. Tha bifo of the poser of wards, Bilison + hich man oby, Tok mle fe planters were the moet reckless tons wa sn He sat quietly Never encroached plospent borders |g . "They seldom bad any |*0eeing b 38°14 before him}: 'Of that Nea Bind ay money, bat would lose 'their cotton with his ingers. ," Do you copont I" ke asked. | « The loss Converse had sustained On the other band, Af Ne lost it, You may imagine how breathless- The "You have won the key," said He drew it off the ring, Then he turned the weapon upon himself, and fell upon the corpse of his antagonist, whose brains bespattered tho cards which ---- Being Kind to Stranger. Among the passongers in a palor her and who would have been picked man. Lhe seat opposite was occupi- with a lady-killing twist to his moustache, and he was consideably | 4 sucprisied when the husband hand- od bim a daily paper, with the re- "Have a glance at the. news. Plenty of excitement arcund tbe country, I observe." The young man was busy with the paper for half an hour, and then the husband offered him a popular magazine. This entertained him for an hour, and he had scarcely closed the book when the good man reached over with: "Have a cigar. These are prime Havanas, and I know you willenjoy ona." The young man accepted with thanks, and naturally made his way to the smolsing car, wheresho put in the others company. returned be was greeted with : I assnre you." next station, and added : your many courtesies." "Oh, dop't mention it." "You never suw me before 7" "Never." "Don't know my name?" "No," very courteous, lo an entire: strang. "Young mah, T will oxplain. In times past when a 'lodfer sat and stared at my wife ds'w- steady job 1 got up at. ibe end of .an hour and broke bis neck, This made me mach trouble. and expense, and I changed my Programme. 1 now curry books and cigars to bribe them Had you been"going a hiindred miles farther I should have offered you' a drink of brandy; a new: puzzle, two more dailies and another. cigar, and {WHOLE NO. 1840 nearly another hour, but without When he "Perbaps you'd like to look at the latest novel? Very entertaining, He read untill weary, and upon being offered another cigar replied that he was to leave the train at the "Lwant to thank you again for| "Then tell-me why you are so "Tickets fir." FSEEFL ION } nq vadbinly made' 'one ruti'down | hore," said our Gonduetop om: our urney, in. New. Mexico, when passing, on. the sidings, wa jgok on & Simon=pure, double- one of the Sonbie- ted vill who have lived 's/IifoTii'sdvinee of civiiization, making the 'way dasy for others, but siwaye loving in dently he had 'never before ase the interior of a ¢dr, 'for' it' was some moments before he concluded to seat himself, which he did canti- ously, and with' that quick, nervous . twinkle of the'eye which men 'éon- stantly on the slert of danger exbibit. Let me say here that in this conbtry every man carries 8 pistol, and generally in bis hip pocket. As I had already seen the others passeng- ors' tickets, I took 'my time 'about matters, and slowly walked vp to my man and pus my hand 'withthe usual guick mofion behind me to get my punch. But before | could say "tickets, sir I" quicker than powder, the muzzle of a éix-shooter swelled under my eyes, and a hedrty voice rang 'out, '* Pat her back, stranger, i've got the drap on ye I" You may laugh, but I shcok bands with him over a free ride,anyway." pe Fancy Goods, Stationery, druggists' snodries, etc., cheap, at McClinten's Medical Hall, pg. Express Wagons only 75c at Me- Clinton's Medical Hall, pV 'Don't wear dingy or faded things when the ten-cent Diamond Dyes will make them as guod as new. They are perfect, Nature needs but gentle help to remove obstructions. A few doces of Fountaly or Heaura " arouses the kidneys and liver ¢ healthy action,cleanses the blood and renews life. Desparing and hoplers sufferers, dsapi- pointed in other medicines should try 'Fountain or Hearn." We will relieve or cure you or refund the money. An Answer Wanted. Can any one bring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Electric Bitters will not speedily care 7 We say they 'cannot, as thousands of cases already permanently gure ed and who are daily Mri Eleetric Bitters will prove. Bright's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Back, or any urinary compluints quickly cured. They purify the blood, re- gulate the bowels, and act directly on the disensed parts. Every bottle Fntied, For sale at 50c. a bottle by 8. E, Allison Pity tas Poor Dryepgpric.--Poverty with perfect health is rather to be chosen that riches ana dyspepsia. Trv the magic effenc of a dollar bottle of " Fountain of Health." These are Solid Facts. The best blood purifier and system regule ator ever placed within the reach of suffer ing humanity, truly is Electric Bitters,.-- Tuactivity of the Liver, Bilousn-as, Jaudice Constipation, Weak Kidneys or any disease of the urinary organs, or whoever requires appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will als ways find Electric Bitters the best and only certain cure known. They act surely and quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give en tire safisfaction or money Sold ms fifty cents a bottle by 8. E. -Allison. fanded Excited Thousands. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr, King's New Discovery for consump tion. Their unlooked for recovery by the the timely use ot this great life saving remedy canses them to go nearly wild in its praise, 1t is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron. chitis, Hontwgnens, Loss of voice, -or say affection of the Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottle free at 8. E. Allison's Drug Store, Large size $1,00. HOSE who pd | Sl or lated 3 t's argh wan right FI wag cheaper than throwing yom o [the window, and, in answer to his unspoken thoughts. fe Ellison said in bis cold exasperating \ N

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