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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Sep 1883, p. 1

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ER, | a pi yea Fv lily LOL ny Srey atario Beak FATIIEEE 8 TORONTO. RBS 1 ¥ i / 4 % DIRECTORS. dey 5. 0 ie relent hed dh a Mees Kall ¥ Ki imnrisive. i 43 ! cnas. HOLLAND, - eral anager. an line, first inse $0 08 Subsequent insertions, per line ...... 0 02 ee -- pay 6 lines, per angum, ete 880 Pott, FPerTY Branch. y Arasata to thls Oo, pro. paid and ed, will be Advertisegson op Nonj and charged acoordi: "Wtsoments received for Bubtint SAVINGS BANK D VK DEPARTMENT. t the highest | 'oirrebt rates allowed a hee ig! gt current Ia Interest on. from day of de ted drawal. No ar to withdrawal 4 di IC nd A -- stigtly adhered to nd Job' Department. Pamphlets, Hand Bilis, Posters, Books, CheoKa, Books,. Circulars, Busine: Cards, Ball; Cards, &o,, of every style and hia promptly and at lower rates anil forbid and charged Be Fd allowed to lpuidion: ddvertise by the year 'orf Thes~ terms will in all cases be Pro- grammes, Bill Heads; Blank Forms, Receipt INTEREST ADDED TO PRINCIPAL ? On 81st December, of each year. W. J. McMURTRY, Manager. H. GORDON, Notary Public, Commissioner in R., Land, Loan and Insurance Agent, Representing the following first-class than any other establishment in the County. Lire, la Parties from a distance gettiug hand bills, &o. printed can haye them done to take home with them. Life, Accident and Guarantee Jas: hie INSURANCE COMPANIES : The Royal, _Wrotresional Carus. Jogat, SR. CLEMENS, snccessor tol. D. And- The Imperial, erson, M. +D., Ehyrician, Surgeon and 4 The Queers Aced! ar. ce over Corrignn's Store. ly Remidencee Third house east of school Ths Canada Fire and Marine, buildings, Office and residence formerly | The Sotereign, occnpied by Dr. Anderson, Port Perry. a oy a Port Perry, Jun. 4, 1883: GSTER, M. D, x \ and Accoticheu tats for the vide Ontario PORT PERRY. OMmce over Notvs Furniture Store, corner of tueon and Perry Ktreets. Office hours from 9a. m. to 12 m. Physician, Sur- Fine Poricies Insuring all clas able property, upon the shortes at equitable rates. Lite Policies Py ums payable until death, or for a number of years, Endowment Pollces pay- nble at a certain date, or on previous death. : Accident Insurance covering death by uccl- dent, and weekly Indemnity In case of non- ae msor- and emi. Residence, the dwelling recently oy Mrs. Geo, Paxton. fatal Injury rar ge I "aR and Tickets for passage to and from Great R. WARE, Corbnor for the County of Dinas Physiclan, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur, Office and residence, Ki g Street, Prince A Alberi Ont. MCLINTON, ML By Office, Wil inbanbur, lily WY F. \X7 \L. I". MCBRIEN, M.D, M. R. Huang F. PATERSON, (late of Beaverton.) N. Barrister and Alttorney-at Law, Solcl- shancery, Conveyancer, Notary Pub-L &o., &o. "mes over Brown & Currie's Store O9N BILLINGS, Barrister i Attorney e) at-Law, &c. Bank. 8t., Port Perry, Out Port Pecry, Sept. 6, 1882. 4 8, Guy's Mogpital, London, England. 'tne lye R. Solicitor for the Ontario Office over Ross & Son's Store,Queen Britain sold at lowest rates, Port Perry, April 20, 1881. AUCTIONEER. WHE undersigned takes this opportunity T of returning thanks for the very liberal patronage , which he bas reccived as Auc- tioneer in the past. The increased experi- ence and extensive practice which I have had will be taraud to advantage of patrons, and parties favoring me with their Sales may rely on their interests being fully pro- tected, No effort will be spared to make it profitable for parties to place their Sales in my hands, My Sale Register will he found at Laing & Meharry's Hardware Store and at my own residence, Union 4 E. FAREWELL, L L. Notary Public Conveyuncer. South wing oh ji Whithy, Ont. B., County Crown Attorney, Barrister, Ui Jounty Slieflor ee. A venue, Port Perry. C. DAWES, Auctioneer. Port Perry, Au. 17, 1881. E. MAJOR, MAN I Chances, Attorney' , Jouvey uncer, &c. Oshawa. oMiesRiiions stieety opposite the Post Office YOUNG NG SMITH, Ll. B, Barristor, Tar. vnt-Law, Solicitor in Chancery, G formera Notary Public, &c. ffice--Me srillan's Block, Brock street, Whitby. ENGLISH, LL, B, Solicitorin ICENSED AUCTIONEER. All parties wishing his services can call at the "Observer" Office, Port Perry, andarrange for days of Sales, Port Perry, Jan 10, 1879. ° \ WM. GORDON, L da A OR the Township of Brock, Oxbridge, J. A. MUR R AY, ATE Patterson & Fenton, Surgeon done in Latest and tisfaction. port Perry, March 28, 1877. the very best style and 1 want to give Scott, Thorah, Rama, Mara, Mariposa and Eldon, er Parties entrusting their Sales to me may rely on theutmost attention being given to theirinterests, ~ WM. GORDON, Sunderland, Brock. T. HH. WALSHE, ICENSED Auctioneer for the Township | =-- of Brock, Thorah, Mara & Rama in 0. N. VARS, I.. D. 8. EETH inserted on all the latest princi- TS 103 of the art,andas cheap as the cheap- a as good as the best. Teeth filled 2st, , Teeth, North Ontario; Mariposa, ete., in the County of Vietoria.' Residence-- Cannington, Brock. Orders left at this office, or at his residence will be punctually attended to. Debts col lected in Cannington, or othe rwise, and with. Gold snd. Silver, without. joan. by, p esia. ~~ De block; Street, Oshawa gi roducing local anwmsth- 1 Rooms--in Cowan's new over BO ao Drug Store, King . made, WA \LSH E, the North Ontario ms eer. (WM. REZZELWOOD, Office Eatabilshed- 18 Yours. ee HAVE hogan Licenses 8 ut Port [ve Borry for the oat 197 old. spot, Queen | -- . Ei HENRY CHARLES. , Port Perry, June 15, 1881+ Licensed Auctioneer. T% Undersigned ha 'having - taken out a 'License as Auctioneer is now prepared d to all sales entrusted tobi, -- had much' experience in handling Real a Live Stock' such as Horch, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Imple- ments of all! .' Farm Produce, &c, &c., patties ple r sales in my hands 'may getting all for the property thatis | promptly attended fo, salo bills made --l sale noten. turnished free of Parties leaving their orders at the Onrgvan Office, Pert Perry, will receive umstents careful attention, Cuarges Moderate. 1a } o WM. HEZZELWOOD, 4 Al Raglan, | Raglan. Bept 10, 1878. Ee \ ESTERN % 488 SURANGE COMPANY. damage jin First-Class Styl: . ATOrorauERIOaN HOTEL, ji W. H. PARK, Pate 8 TICKET AGEN Popular Jeon of enn Semper | 4 WHITE STAR" from New York. * .. "MONARCHY from New York. «BEAVER" from Quebec and Montreal. PRIOB. OF TICKET. Cabin from New York to London and Liverpool and return, $75. Steerage, from Liverpool to Port Perry, $26 20. ry A 150 Agent for the Collingwood and Lake Superior Jine of Steamers, RAILROAD TICKETS Issued to all parts of Canada and the United tates. Parties intending to travel will find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from W. H, McCAW. Port Perry, May 24, 1883. Ticket Office! CRAND TRUNK R'Y. CREAT WESTERN RY. TICK BTS Issued to all parts of United States and Canada at Lowest Rates. PASSENCERS FOR. Manitoba and Western States have choice of route either by Grand Trank or by Great Western and Michigan Central, For all information apply to R: W. TWAMLEY, MipLasp R'y Station, Port PERRY Feb. 7,1883. A HE Subscriber is i prepared to LEND ANY AMOONT [ ] FATT Tar. 1 At 6; per cent. Aso on Village Security at a Higher Rate py MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT IL. EBBELS, BARRISTER. Port Perry, May 10, 1881+ MONEY TO LOAN. HE Subscriber is prepared to lend money on improved property for terms from one to twenty years. | Agent for WesTRrN CANADA LoAN AND Savinas CoMPANY, He has also been instructed to invest a large amount of Private Funds. Inter. st Eight per cent. No Commission. N. fF. PATERSON, | Port Perry, May 20, 1878. Solicitor MONEY [Private Funds,] I'o Loan on good Farms, at 8 per:cent in- terest. : LYMAN ENGLISH, BARRISTER, &C., Oshawa November 21, 1866. ne THE 'WALKER HOUSE, oh [PORT PERRY.] The undersigned in resuming A Fair Exchange. Will you exchange a chronic case of Dyspepsia, or to break up a Bili- ous Temperament--to give your torpid Liver activity, and thus strengthen your Di- gestiom, regain energy, com- fort, health and spirits, all for 75¢? A single bottle of Zoresa wil do this. A few doses surprise those who try Zopesa. For Biliousness and Dyspepsia in their many forms Zopesa is a Panacea, and is warranted to cure them. It acts speedily and pleasantly. Try a 10 cent sample. EHAILINS Vegetable Sicilian HAIR RENEWER 'was the first preparation perfectly adapted to curelliseases of scalp, and the first suc- oedsful restorer of iaded or gray hair to its natural color, growth, and youthful beauty. It has had many imitators, but none have so fully met all the requirements needful for the proper treatment of the hair and scalp. HaLL's HAIR RENEWER has steadily grown in favor, and spread its fame and usefulness to every quarter of the globe. Its unparal- leled success can be attributed to but one cause: the entire fulfilment of its promises. The proprietors have often been surprised at the receipt of orders from remote coun- tries, where they had never made an effort for its introduction. The use for a short time of HALL'S HAIR ReENEWER wonderfully improves the per- sonal appearance. It cleanses the scalp from all impurities, cures all humors, fever, and dryness, and thus prevents baldness. It stimulates the weakened glands, and enables them to push forward a new and vigorous growth. The effects of this article are not like those of h tions, but remain a long time, which makes its use a matter of economy. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE FOR THE WHISKERS Will change the beard to a natural brown, or black, as desired. a color that will not oi away. Consistingof a single preparation, it is applied without . trouble, PREPARED BY RP. HALL & C0., Nashua, N. H. Sold by all Dealers in Medicines. FOR ALL THE FORMS OF Scrofulous, Mercurial, and Blood Disorders, the best remedy, because the most searching and thorough blood-purifier, 4 Ayers Sarsaparilla. Sold by all Druggists; $1, six bottles, $6. |< Agricultural Sosiety's Bi . '2 of his property--The Walker Houge--de~ sires lo express his grateful acknowledge- ment of the very liberal patronage bestowed on the Walker House during his former oc- ctipancy, and having now 'resumed posses. sion every effort will be pnt forth to make the Walker House all "that can' be desired by Commercial Travelers; the traveling, public and parties doing business in town. W.B. McGAW Port perry, Dec. 13, 1883. 1 ORT PERRY HOUSE. The undersigned having leased for aterm of years this comfortable, pleasantly located Hotel will endeavor by strict attention to the convenience and comfort of guests to make the, Port Perry Horse a desirable place of entertainment for the general public. Choice | supplies for the table and bar. e stable and yard carefylly attended to. JOHN RUDDY. Port Perry, Deo, 9, 1879. (oneal HOTEL, The having Dewart in the Commercial Hotel, Williams=| a ded view to the coi tiand rconvenience of | fully selected. Cartwright, March 4, 1879, PRINCE ALBERT. PR Ha purchased the above. ove, 2. 1 have thoroughly and renovated the entire rainices the Sheds. he Hotel has been bo Ton ji 4 the 'comfo 'bar 11 supplied. OH, BA 'PrinoaaThert duns 2 1870. OYAL HOTEL, 2 : CARTWRIGHT, R. undersigned would Inform the pub- t having leased that handsome Js hel @ hi ving "furnished and arrang: y the require burg, CastuHighi; intend Sting it up witha | Be supplies for the ble and bar care- | PETER HOLT. _ | opRIETOR,| 388 and Stocked with the SCROFULA and all scrofulous diseases, Sores, Erysipe- Ins, Eczema, Blotches, Ringworm, Tu~ mors, Car , Bolls, and of the Skin, are the direct result of an impure state of the blood. To cure these diseases the blood mnst be purified, and restored to a healthy and ma- tural condition. AVER'S SARSAPARILLA has for over forty years been recognized by emi nent medical authorities as the most pow- erful blood purifier in existence. It frees the system from all foul humors, enriches and strengthens the blood, removes all traces of mercurial treatment, and proves itself a master of all diseases. A Recent Cure of Serofulons Sores. "Some months ago 1° ay troubled with gorofulous sores (ulers) ou my legs. The Minbe were Rady swollen ad flamed, and large auavtities of Sitons fail of my" gover Boa greatly" Tngroned fis Tasos for. the your v, bi RS. AXN O'BRIAX." ' 149 Sullivan 8t., ow Lik June 24, 1882. , 4 0 the the isomfort of od bik uenia and re LIST oF PRIZES "To be awarded at the Fall Show of the 7 Tuesday and Weenie: September 26th and 26th, 1888. HORSES. ¥ {Two year old Tmporsed- 'Stallion, 1 i +. given by J. Dewart, Rail , Port 'Par esse. $4 00 Two yeas ol Ln old Imported ered bran ly. 1st Pise given by. ~ Two year old 0d Craton Draught Colt, ep pe > given by J. Raddy; Port P 0 year old Conadian. Dra Sastre san esnas do is year on General Poet he and 3nd Prizes given by T. Bennett, Revere House, Manchester...... year old General Purpose TY oso otvassmmsimpasnsnes wo year old Saddle or Carriage Colt, 1st and 2nd prizes given by T. Dancaster, Mansion House, Port Perry. Two year old Saddle or Carriage Filly, 1st and 2nd prizes given by J. Blong, Hotel Brunswick, P: One year A Draught Col Colt ..... re xt POY One year old Dranght Filly ........ One year old General Purpose Colt .. - One year old General Purpose Filly One year old Saddle or Carriage Colt .. One year old Saddle or Saag Filly. .. Spring Dranght Colt ...... w......... Spring Draught Filly ..... Spring General Purpose Colt . Spring General Purpose Filly .... Spring Saddle and Carriage Colt . Spring Saddle and Carriage Filly .. Dranght Brood Mare, Ist prize given by Jas. Swan, smith, Port Perry, a Neckyoke and Clevis, value...... General Purpose Brood Mare, 1st prize given by B. F. Ackerman, Harness Maker, a Whip, value ............. Saddle or Carriage Brood Mare, 1st prize given by Laing & Meharry, Hardware Merchants, Port , Perry, a Whip Single Driving Horse, 1st and 2nd Jrives given by W. B. McGaw, Walker House, Pau B BITY sveers si verusessrory Saddle Horse, 1st prize given by John Parker, Gardener . Span Draught Horses, 1st iv 2nd prizes given by John S Buddy, Ju POrry HOUSE. cxessero rs sssvsersstes ose son pan General Purpose Horses, 1st and 2nd prizes give 5 9 i Kd Brunswick ar bo ger by pan Carmage Horses, 1st and 2nd prizes given McGaw, Walker House......... he hd by John Ralph offers $8 for the best Spring Filly, sired by * L. H. Daniels." Geo. Barrett offers Spring Filly, sired by * Kentucky." 8. H. Christian, Merchant, Manchester, offers Colt and $2 for the best Spring Filly, sired by on ae 8 2 8 2 8 . 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8 8 8 8 2 8 * Strideaway." 88 2 8 8 2382333888888 8 88 88 Reach, Sougog and Port Perry - Fall Show, td becheld at PORT PERRY, on Spring Colt and $2 for the best $3 for the best Spring Colt and $2 for the best $8 for the best Spring The Yearling and Spring Colts and Fillies' age to be considered. CATTLE--Durnan. + Aged Bull, 1st prize given by J. Humphrey, Carriage Works, Port Perry, Neckyoke, valued $8 ; Y 2nd prize given by W. L. Marshall, Merchant, a Lamp, value...$3 00 $2 00 Two year old Bull, age to be considered, 1st prize given by WW. Isaacs, Merchant Tailor, a pair of Pants valued $4; 2nd prize given by Chas. YeRensts, Livery Stable Proprietor ...... One year old Bull, age to be considered, 1st prize given by A. Earchman & Sons, Bull Calf, age to be considered, calved' "since Ist Oet, 1882 . 2 00 Cow in calf or evidence of having ealved since 1st Oct. 1882 2 00 Two year old Heifer . 200 Yearling Heifer ... . 200 Heiter Calf, age to be considered, calved since 1st Oct. 1882 2 00 Herd of Cattle, 1 Bull and 5 Females, owned by Exhibi- tor, prize git by Paste; Tate & Co., a » Gang Plow valued ol 6 00 GRADE. Cow in calf or evidence of having calved since 1st Oct.1882 2 00 Two year old Heifer as . 2,00 Fat Cow or Heifer a & . 8°00 . SHEEP Foxe Woorep. Ram, aged .iv....ct iis oe 2 00 Shearling Ram 2 00 Ram Lamb ..... . 200 Two Ewes .. . 2 00 Two Shearling Ewes . 2 00 Two Ewe Lambs rene ww. 200 Pex or Sueer.--1 Ram and 5 Ewes--owned by tor prize given by Johnston & Hobbs, Ontario Carri- age Works, Port Perry, a Wheelbarrow, value 5 00 COTSWOLDS. Ram, Aged..,.. CHARShS Merron dak 25) Deda iy 2 00 Two Ewes seness veeees 2 00 Pen of Sheep--1_ Ram and 5 Ewes, owned by exhibitor, prize given by Port Perry Butchers ... sess 5 00 RWIS. ~Bessanas, Boar, aged .... .. sesrasecy $2 00 Boar Pig of 1888. Sow Pig of 1883 2 2 Breeding Sow... 2 00 f Boar, aged ...... Fg . 200 Boar Pig of 1883 "0. 2 00 Sow Pig of 1883 ee 2 00 2 Breeding Sow... GRAIN AND ROOTS Two bushels Fall Wheat Two bushels Spring Wheat . Two bushels Barley, 2 rowed Two bushles Barley, 4 or 6 rowed Two bushels Peas, Large .... Two bushels Peas, Small .... Two bushels Oats, White . Two bushels Oats, Black ... Bag Potatoes, any variety, first prize "by A. Reynolds, Blacksmith, Port Perry, a Neck Yoke, valued Twelve Turnips Twelve Carrots a Twelve Bee ! Twelve 5s Mang Wartzels Pumpkins ak To usshes... mn son hs Wheat Flour 2 00 £3388888 HORTICULTURAL. Plums, any variety natoes-- Yell : RE Bf pples cassaeens € and greatest variety of Garden Vegetables. i Wlia DAIRY PRODUCE. DO DO bk rt pt pt pt ot bd pt fd ed fd 888 Tub, Buller & Soh less Shan 30 Ly AE by Brown Set of China, val d prize given by / GC. Trick, Boot and Shoe Retcblisumment ies' Boots valued A «ws 6 00 ra 2 prints of not more than 2 Ts each. ine oy The avenport, Jones & Co., the doners s io ian th bir of sh mri %prioe i ". ese ® Bony 3 $2 00 vee ee I 3 wo LADIES DEPARTMENT.--gor up siNem LAs? a 3 2 00 's Bhi a : Gentleman's Shirt eee 1.00 id 200] Tads's Beullf . PRE NT 1.00)" 1adrs Bo a bee (101% ound REO 3 ia ] y's Mantle or Cape bee wT senses 3 ¢ 400 2.00] Child's Pindfore ... a hak Too 050 00} Onild's Dress ° wees 100 050 2 00 Sample of Hand Stit chi g on Linen re wee 100 050 Piece Work Quilt, 1st prize given by 'W. J. Nott, Fancy 2 00 Cabinet Frame Mat valued sees 200 100 1 00] Knitted Quilt or Coverlet es woe 1.801 Qf) 1 00| Piece Crotchet Work ad yr jweree 100 0/60 1 00| Fancy Netting a ' LA 100 050° 1 00| Fancy Knitting 100 0380 1 00] Embroidery on Muslin 100 060 1 00| Silk Embroidery dn Cloth or Silk wo 100: 050 1 00| Braiding on Cloth or Silk 47, Se 100 0350 1 00| Berlin Wool Work, raised FR i) 100 080 1 00| Berlin Wool Work, flat a - 100 050 1 00| German Raised Work . o- 100 050 1 00| Pair Worked Slippers a 100 050 1 00| Tatting .. . od 100 050 Ornamental Needle Work 5 100 0 50 1 00| Fancy Leather Work .. 100 1 50 Hat, Canadian Straw . 100 0 50 1 00| Hair Flowers ree ne 100 050 Wax Flowers iy . i 1 00 0 50 1 00| Zephyr Flowers .., ' we 100 050 Paper Flowers . | vee 1.00 0 50 2 00| Berlin Wool Flowers. y hie -. 1.00 0 50 1 00| Feather Flowers..ceees « . we .. 100 0 50 Wax Fruit we ase .. 100 0 50 2 00| Fancy Basket .eevseeee : : 100 050 Lady's Knitted Hood ..100 050 2 00| Lady's Knitted Cloud . ..100 050 Farmer's Wreath is . .. 1.50 1.00 2 00 Sofa Pillow we . .. 100 0 50 Lamp Mat a ve .. 100 0 50 Tidies wd ite a Ad vor . 100 0 50 : MANUFACTURES. Lumber Wagon, 1st prize given by Jos. Bigdow, $8 worth of Lumber ... ..$8 00 100 Single Buggy with Top, 1st and 2nd prizes "given by the Members of the Port Perry Council . 800 2 00 Single Buggy without Top. "e .. 200 100 Pheeto .e esr i200 100 Family Carriage ... . .. 2 00 100 'Single Cutter ow vo 1:80 1 00 Fanning Mill FR a ve 11:80 100 Set of Horse Shoes, with Corks v ... 150 100 Pair Men's Fine Boots, Sewed uh .. 1:00 0 50 Pair Men's Cowhide Boots, Pegged + we 300 1/0460 2 00 Pair Ladies' Fine Boots ... .y ... 100 0 60 Set Farm Harnes: : ae 200 1 00 1. 00| Set Carriage Harntss ... 2.00 100 Ladies' Saddle ws 1:00 0 75 100 Gent's Saddle .. .. 100 075 1 00 Collection of Cabinet Ware . es vie 2 00 100 100 Sewing Machine ... ore .. 150 100 ] 2 FINE ARTS. Collection of Likenesses by Dagorean Artists. . .. 200 100 Pencil Drawing ... Res gre «. 1 00 0 50 Crayon Drawing .. 100 0 50 MISCELLANEOUS. 1.00 Jar Pickles on we .. 100 0 60 00| Jar Ketchup ..100 050 Six pounds Honey ir in Comb ose +2100 0 50 Pair Turkeys See ve .. 100 0 50 Pair Ducks vs > .. 100 0 50 100 Pair Geese «1 00 0 50 100} pyir Black Spanish Fowls . 1:00 © -.0:60 100 Pair Brahamas : .100 060 1 001 Pair Game Fowls .. 100 0 50 100 Pair Hamburg Fowls roi .. 100 0 50 1 00| Pair Cochin China Fowls ... «100 050 Pair Fowls any other variety fo ... 100 0 50 Collection of Confectionery we 1:00 0 50 Loaf of Bread, 1st prize given by S. "Netherton 1st $1 075 0 50 Jar Plums, Preserved i in Sugar oo ... 075 0 60 100] Jar Peaches do ~07 050 100 Jar Raspberries do or .. 075 0 50 Jar Strawberries do 5 i J | 0 50 Jar Black Currants do hs .. 075 0 50 Jar Apple Jelly do iv +07 - 050 $1 00 Jar Currant Jelly do ve ods .07 060 1 00| Quart Home made Wine ire «. 07 050 100! 8. H. CHRISTIAN, Treasurer. J. BAIRD, President. F. EARCHMAN, Secretary. ) i se. Fancy Goods, Stationery, druggists' | These are Solid Facts. 1 00| gondii, ete; cheap, at McClinton's Medical The best blood purifier and system regul- 1 ator ever placed within the reach of suffer- ta. Ex press aeons only T5c at Mc- ing humanity, troly is Electric Bitters -- Clinton's Medical H. Inactivity of the Liver, Bilousness, Jandice $1 00| PE Don't wear dingy or faded things Constipation, Weak Kidneys or any disease 1 00 | when the ten--cent Diamond Dyes will make | of the urinary organs, or whoever requires 1 00 | them as good as new. They are perfect, | appetizer, tonic or mild stimulant, will al. 1 00 ways find Electric Bitters the best and only 1 00| Nature needs but gentle help to remove | certain cure known. They act surely and 1 00 | obstructions, A few doces of Fountain or | quickly, every bottle guaranteed to give en- 1 00 | Heatran " arouses the kidoeys and liver t|tire ion or money refunded. Sold 1 00 | healthy action,cleanses the blood and renews | fifty cents a bottle by 8. E. Allison. 0 50 life. , Prry tae Poor Dryerermic.--Poverty with 0 50 Excited Thousands. pertiet henith in , 2.2 » Shore that the land are going into ecstasy and dyspe) magiceffenc 0 SOY AN Sver the Tans Dicorer fo const of a dollar bottle of « Fountain of Health." 0 50 tion. Their unlooked for recovery by the 0 50 | the timely use of this great life saving remedy | Denparing and hoplers sufferers, deapi= 0 50 | causes them to go nearly wild, in its praise. | pointed in other medicines should try : 0 50 |1t is guaranteed to positively cure Severe | poi oy op Heatran" We will relieve 0 50 Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bron- food th : chitis, Hoarseness, Loss of voice, or any | OF cure you or rel the money. 1 00 | affection of the Throat and Luoks. Trial Bottle free at S. E. Allison's Drug Store. Large size $1,00. o" 'BEE HIVES! 0 50 HOSE who are Toate i 0 50 Culture, or intend TELE on: 0 50 well to make themselves : 0 50 my Non.swarming and Ventilated Bee | 0 50 (Patent No. 16,392, «Selim: Pettey 0 50 Swarming, Ventilated 0 50 0 50 \ fo 0 50! LLL Bo 0 50 fancy article casily | shade. Black, 1 00] Carateal Red, 1 00 Green, Torr "Warranted Fast: 'color one 0 weed Dyes Said by & olor and = sot 'WELLS, RI 2 50 and Bronze P: 1.50 10

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