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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 6 Sep 1883, p. 4

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. Brow: 00 equaldof relievin Hath "Te explanation that.' in the mi - he latest 'of a strike. base ball was sent to the grass by a foul that, which struck him under the |: fifth rib. <A Howl, was: it? oh, sure I thought it was a mule Hettoofs 3, of temperat me and weather freq persons who are most careful of their Ith; and particular in their dict, These corrective, purifying and gentle aperient Pills are the best remedy fr all defective action of the digestive * = They ~ she ment the appetite, fogthien the mach, correct bilousness, and carry of a!l thit is noxious from the system. Holloway's Pills are compos d of rare Lalsams, unmixed With bascr matter, and on thet account are peculinrly well ad apted to the young, delicate, and aged. -- As this peerless medicine, has: gained fame in fhe) fast, 80" will it prescive "it ih (he future by its renovating and invigorating qualities, and the impossibility of its do= ing harm. i e------ /# Thousands Say So. Wr. W. Atkins, Girard, Kan , writes: 1 never hesitate to recommend your Elec- rie Bitters to my customers, they give en- tire satisfaction and are rapid sellers." -- Klectric Bitters are the purest and best medicine kopwn and. will positively cure Kidoey and Liver complaints. Purify the blood and regulate the bowels, No family can afford to be withont them. They will save hundreds of dollurs in doctors bills every vear, Sold at fifty cents a bottle by 8. E. Allison. PERT we 5 An Tvishman, tohing a game of NEAR THE; RAILWAY STATION, PORT PERRY. HE undersigned keeps constantly on A Burq Ce for all FEMALE WEAK. "Iacluding Leucorrheea, Ire regular and Painful Menstruation, Inflammation the Womb, Flooding, PRO- LAPSUS UTERI, &e. E9"Floasant to the taste, and immediate in its effect. Its a great help in pregnancy, and re. liewes pain during labor and at regular periods. PENSICIANS USE IT AND PRESCRIBE IT FREELY. {9"Fom ALy Waa xwmsers of the generative organs of either sex, #§ fs second to no bas ever boen "before the pubic; and for all diseases of tho KIDNEYS it is the Greatest Remedy in the World. (F"KIDNEY COMPLAINTS of Either Sex quantities of LUMBER, PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING, Find Groat Relief in Its Use. > SHINGLES, POSTS, &C., &C BLOOD t Good Quality and at TRAE SET Slt RUASRATRITRR | Good Quilty the system. Asmarvellous in results as the Compound, MODERATE PRICES Parties wishing good Lumber shingles &c.. &c. Cheap, will do well to call at my yard, Dae , N. DYER. £3" Baokh the Compound and Blood Purifier are pro- Dried at 55 and 3% Western Avenue, Lynn, Mass, of either, $1. Six bottles for §5. The Compound 1s sent by mail in the form of pills, or of lozenges, on Teceip of price, 81 per box for either. Mrs. Pinkham freely answers all letters of inquiry, Enclose cent stamp. Bend for pamphlet. Mention this Puper, Ly B. PINKHAN'S PILLS cure Const tom, Buloasnoes ang the Liver. B cube. Port Perry, Nov 27, 1882. AarSold by all Druggists. "ea (0) THRE B&F For Pure Drugs. and Chemicals and all the Populgr Patent Mediciues, go to McClinton's Medical Hall, ------ . A Startling Discovery. Physicians are often startled by remark able discoveries. The fact that Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and ali Throat and Lung Diseases is daily curing patients that they have given up to die, ix startling them #0 realizo their sense of duty. and examine into the werits of thi: wonderful discovery ; resulting in hundreds of four best physicians using it in thei practice. Tria! bottles free at 8. E. Allison's Drug Store. 'Régular size $1. ---------- A Life Saving Present, Mr. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple I'rial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, "for Consumption, which caused him tv'procure' a large bottle, that completly cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything clse bad failed Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Sever Coughs, and all throat und Lung diseases, ii ie pUASAGLEEd to cure. Trial Bottles free af Store. Large size $1.00 S.E. Allison's Drug : fT TTT ee The Question has Oftenbeen Asked ~Rupture-- (abdominal hernia) be cur- ed? We most emphatically say, YHS Thai this part ot the bady offers no exception to those physiological lew, which govern the whole physical economy and it makes not a artical of difference whether the age of the iptuie is one year ora hundred years. For proof of this send for a Free Book on Rupture to the Excelsior Rupture Cure M'f'g Co., Pres- cott, Ont. -------- Buckine's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world Watranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts, Ulcers, Salt Bheum, Fever Sores, Can- cers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Petter, Chapp- ed Hands, and all skin eruptions, guaranteed to cure in every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box. For sale by 8. E. ALLisox -- te A CARD. To all who are suffering from the errors and dndegeretions of youth, nervons weuk- neg early cay, loss of mantiood, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discoy- ed by a missionary in South America. -- Bend a self addressed envelope tothe Rey Vosspr T. Inna, Station D, New York City. Mothers I Mothern!! Mothers: ! Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying With the excruciuting pain of cutting teeth ? If se at once and get, a bottle 3 WINSLOW ROOTHING SYRUP, of eho A share of public patronage is solicited. Tietels not. R. her i earth who has ever R. G. VANSICKLER. it, who tot téll you at on th 1 erry, Nov. . wih regalate the howels, and give. rest po bp! | Port Perry, Nov. 2, 1880. 7 motif, ahi vei f.and health Lo the chill | TTT eT ! J magic. 8 tl, - use Inallcases, and pleasant CT aunt td 4 "MTs came before the is the prescription of one of the oldest and people are always np. to haye thar beat ifemale physicians and nurses in th i ont for ghe- *" i United Blates. Sold everhwhere at 25 cents y | ¥ thee Waiting" with fe 100k z oe : | 9 AY. Pvrwmces to inerease be : ~ IF YOU WANT G00D, CLEAN NP 11673 #141 earnings, and in time be- Le Rest and Comfort to the S uffering HEALTHY A ams wenlil Stock as it now stands is decidedly one of (can gell at the Lowest possible fizures, and ! the public may rely on getting Choice and Cheap Goods. and neatly repaired. Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1882. Factory at Stanstead, P, Q.--Northrop & Lyman, Toronto, General Agents for Ontario, A MAGNIFICENT ' ADI ATI T= undersigned would inform the public that ber Stock has' been renewed and ix now complete, consisting of Choice MOST POPULAR OF ALL-- SEWIN MACHINES | --IN THE-- LUMBER YARD. haud and for Sale at his Yad large Lumber, Lath, 2 Lumber up to 45 feet in length. Also Done daily at the Union Mills, W. J. TROUNCE & CO. stable ou the premises. Apply at the Union Mills office. : W.J.T. & CO, Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1881, GREENBANK. Cottage EIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno vated the same ho is now prepared to re ceive guests, : GOOD OPENING: tureand Undertaking Business, A first ¢lax opening for his business. The village i situated on the Center Road, about 7 mile from Port Perry and about the kame distanc. fi Sunderland. It is in the centre of a Splen did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON, Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 $ -- LIGHT-RUNNING JEWELRY of the Finest Varieties 'and Newest Styles, | \ i W HOM I --p---- GOLD AND SIVER WATCHES RELIABLE TURE, a i of the most RR. A MANUFACTURE Rapidly taking the place of All other Machines wherever intreduced. 200,000 SOLD, ! YEARLY. HAs MORE POINTS OF EXCELLENCY THAN ALL: | OTHER MacHINES COMBINED, | Be. Liberal Inducements to Dealers Gg Fine Gold Goods ! in CITAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, I,0CK- ETS, PINS and everything in the Jewelry line for use and ornament of the most Fashionable and Desirable Styles. The New Home Sewing Machine Co, 30 UNION SQUARE, NEW YORK, the best and most into this county. GLOGKS | in Great Variety and of Superior, Quality, As 1 purchase my Goods on the most ad- vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I attractive ever brought Watches, "Clocks and Jewelry promptly | : Hate. =i ee LIVERY. STABLES ! C. B. DIESFELD. | -- aE undersigned would inform the pub- | | lic that he has opened a Livery Estab- lishment | OPPOSITE THE MANSION HOUSE QUEEN-ST.,, PORT PERRY. Customers may rely on prompt attention, Good and Suitable Rigs and moderate | charges, 5 = EN PROPRIETOR HESubscriber having now fully ec uippe: T his new and extensive Livery Stabls wit] & Supply of superior Horses and Carri ges, is Prepared to furnish first class LIVERY RIGS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE, PortPerry, Aug. 6, 1878 al ACRES FREE | IN THE Devils Lake, Turtle Mountain And Mouse River C ry, NORTH DAKOTA. ' Tributary to the United States Land Office at CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. SeorronaL Mar and Four, particulars mail- d Fre to any address by H. F. McNALLY, General Traveling Agent, I, Paul, Minneapolis & Vantola R. A 28 E. Front St., Toronto, On ANTED Honest, Capable Men, to sell Fruit and Ornmmental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Small Fruit Plants, on Salary or Commission, Previous expencnce ot essential, Address with references, C. C. KELLETT, B x 97, Port Perry, Ont seod3k HovsenoLn FaNxACcEAn hag no A al and Vii 35 © eXwrial. IT Gives Py al. Ciifes ide, Bowels, Sore Th ache i ism, Toot, ache. Heal. ' Brown's now lec 84 an Any ror pi surely auickaiie Hoo an n, Wer is wie old Panes a t. P: be | + . wanbed, "nh i really he gerd Sobre' tl i al. Drugglstsat 25 cents a = 1 will mail (Free) the BOETABLE . recklos, - Alig, 4" oA snhoalth localities. perly from the start. [Fore than ten + MARESSES ! 0 TO | engages fails to mak | can devete your.whole time only your spare moments. 'and all that is needed sent free. Brinson & Co., Portland, Maine. - I "Opporite the Market Buildings, Perry St. PORT PERRY, Where you can get Beds and Matresses| do. ™N\T 1, Steamed and Thoroughly Purified. : ud -- ga . renovate all - kicds-ol Feathers and and gi o ifaction in all \Dtoe satief your work and re~ "al orders from moths -- 'e make a specialty of favufacturing | p Anti-Moth Mattresses at a less price | ou Pay for the So- i Wool and "Mattresses 'sure to have (moths in them, for the wool in them 1s of the poorest kind of shoddy an reeds 'moths and other vermin besides sleep on. : The most perfect Brack Oreex, Sep! 17, 1882 Ww, Glen, - oq. Oshitea : is Pévrtect in in every respect. 88 well satisfied" with a' mach i I coul that this sufficient, Yours very trl Yy 3 HENRY . WEAVER, Xl en ii Dgscriprive CincuLars, GIving. . FORMATION, FREE TO ALL APPT CANS; £48 those who do NG v0 Dot improve their opportunities remain in BEDS AND - poverty. We offer a great chanch to make 3 ~ money. We want many men, women, boys 5 4 and girls to work for us right, in their pwn 5 : Any one can do 'the work pro- F The business will pay .: times the ordinary wages -- \ i Expensive outfits furnished free. No one Wie e money ialy. You fo ihe work, or ult information Address Manufactyres p ahead of any I over saw.in Canada. af c I never was ne as I am | 40! ! & Pickets.] Including a large quantity of Building iRise gonoponyg FINE © GOODS N.B. House and Lot for Bale with a good] -------- ee HE undersizned would Inform the pub- lic that he hus rented for a tern or years the premises formerly known as the There is a splendist opening in Greenban) for an enterprising man to open the Furni- Shoemaker would find Greenbank a goo rom Uxbridge village, and 9 miles fron Z1E. J} cents up, | undersold by any in the trade. | Frames, E with ne 1}° a Rr rel or a be refunded, bv: Price, $1.00. \A SPECIAL @ Call and examine my Rods it will be a how. them, ons ih A Re ee $28 Paws leasure to = £ 2 ¥ ! "Boot ad #8 "0. PRICK, ; D i Port Perry, Jun. 4, 1883. Shoe Emporium. | THE WHITE, . AN)\ WHEMER & Wilson, a 1 y ) SINHOVA BIAS : Stylevo. 10 Newivo. 8 Machine. Jd Machines t:ken in exchange. Tiberal eduction for Cath Che best Sewing Muchine Oil; Needles tot all the leading Md vines, and Sewing Machin Attaclments kept constavtly on hand, ge E\HEA P, Manchester Iso for sale m number i Hand Machines from purchased from me, andyot approved of upon N.B.--All kinds of Sewing Machines and Clock repaired I LOCKMAN and WANZER MACHINES, in good repair at $5 eac $2. Pleasc to remember that a any machine month's trial, will he cheerfully exchanged. Manchester, March 13, 1882. 3 2RONN. S€.08. CARTING. ARTING GOODS DELIVERED PROMPTLY AND CAREFULL "THE nndersizned would return his sincer . thavks for the large measure of patronage be | stowea on him during the several vears in which he has held the position of TOWN CARTER. Having inerensed my 8 for handling Parcels | am Prepared to catt goods {from any of the Hotels gr from private residences to the railway station or ffom the rail way [station any where ht town. also a handsome, comfortable Carriage for taking parties to {and from trains. ZF Coal and Wood promptly delivered wherever wanted, All ordera left at myjresidence or at the Hotel Brunswick, sharply attonded te. Guods-earefully Bundled and Charges Moderate. 13 Always on uindon the arrival of trains. WAM. JAMIESON. Port Per vy Aug 2 Important Announcement. NEW CABINET SHOP! New Furniture and New Prices THE undersigned has opened out a rood and well selected Stock of Furniture, cone T sisting of Bureans, Sideboards, Bodsteads, Mattrasses, Cribs, Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses, Chairs of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. Chairs from 34 Mottoes Framed complete for 23 cents up. A large quantity of Pictures and Picture Frames, Mouldings very cheap, Great Bargains will be given, I will not be Pictures tiamed and unframed, Rustics and Walnut prices low, thing in the Undertaking line. COFFINS, SHROUDS, &e. Give me a call and I will give yon Bargains. Note THE PLacE--Queen Street, one door East of Mr, Wright's Boot and Shoe Store. Goods delivered Free in Town, ] Port Perry, Nov, 26, 1879, JOHN - were TIL TH ' A = ni -- 'M. O'DONOVAN, PRACTICAL CARRIAG MAKER BROCK STREET, WHITBY. - ys ? Bio A ; GOOD Assortment of Bnggies constantly on hand made fromthe best Material. Workmadc tg order with neatness and despatch. Particularattention pai: to re- pairing, - Sectional View of Jiller's "New Model Vi at brating Thresher. "By i 4 e i > ¥ m-- 0 y iy the Joseph Hall ™ wt perfeet ator, the most eleaner over offered to the public. ! . Pamior Avsent, Dec. 18,1882. ditor of the Can . » 4 Are Combining all the latest improvements, ad iz 0 due b Marvels of Simplicity, Jhele ay, by thele a nine th 1! Ma 4 ls EVERY HOUSE biLLs BE " are required, 'They. aref _. od. du A a Bland ya gta amy do and Limi 04 fidod, impact is yetac 8 héavy work, sow any kind of thread, are all i Sein, and 201 nog fa, p omoting made adjustable and warranted for five | gon and assimilation, and endow the w) years. ' bodily frame with and Vigor, - Fer ALSO! BE CELEBRATED: ©! 5 y " * AAS ARS of Ty tent force of these we| I-knowh Pills and'¢ y be ! are unrivalled in their efficacy in Bell Crgans FEMALE cour mS : ay [che oping ones ak Dlehliike Jd kot : Li ek ot hela. akin. mily medicine known. EEE Fal 48 A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. ; It healsevery kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound vo | more certainly than any other known salve, va \ ret) [its marvel ne powers render it db | Eh 1 Ay ~ |invalusble fn all TAX 1d 4 Throat and Uhest Diseases, curing Bronchitis. Quinseys, and Asthma; re- HEINTZMAN PIANO ducing Glandular Lumps, closing and healing 9 | Abscesses and Fistulas, and for alleviating the excruciating tortures of Rheumatism Gout and Sold by « Newraloia iis unsurpassed. 1t-neve folly T > move Scarf and every species of skin dis- C. TUPPER, = reno ? B&F" Show Rooms second door id o Manufactured only at aE A . . W.J Nott's Cabinet Warcrooms, Por! Professor HoLLoway's men rd Sone 0 7088, D STREET, LONDON; | and sold at 18 1}d., 2s. 9d , 4s. 6d., 11s., 22s. Port Perry, Mare: 23, 1881: and 33s.'ench 55: aud Pot, and In Canada at - 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger sizes in proportion. ! s BE" CAUTION. ~1 have no Agent in the ¢ i ! United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. | 3 Purchasers should therefore look to the Label | : on the Pots ond Boxes. If the address is nat | CONFECTIONARY &0C 533, Ozford Street, London, they are spurious. | ! : The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ottawa, and also at Washington, fPHE Undersigned would remind his IAS HOLLOWAY. . * | customers and the public generally that 533, Oxford Street, London; et \besides Choice Plain and Fancy Breads of Set. 1st 1880. 2 every. "u the Best quality of Coufec tionery, &c.,&c., he rupplies. everything in 4 the Bakery and Confectionery line at his 4 | establishments Port Perry and Prince Albert, Bridal and other Cakes How Lost, How Restored Supplied on the shortest notice, 2 Frere have rbeently Phish . LE well's Celebrated Keany Publ 1c Teas on the radical and permanent cure (withdh And other social entertainments promptly | medicine) of Nervous Debllity, Mental and : f Physical Incapacity, Impediments to supplied and at moderate charge Be Marriage, etc., resulting from excesses. The best quality of 2 Price, in asealed envelope, only 6 cents or two postage stamps. BOSTCN CHRYSTALIZED The celebrated anthor, in this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty 3 years' successful practice, that alarming con. I C EK C R KE A M sequences may be radically cured without the \ 4 dangerous nse of interil medicine or the " ie . : application of the knife ; pointing out a mode Supplied by medstire to.the Public, of cure at once simple certain and effectuai, Hundsomely fitted up by means of which every sufferer, no matter what bis condition may be, may cure himself chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. Z2~ This Lecture should be in the. bands o every youth and every man in the land. For the convenience ot the public, where #daress « r : are supplied of the best quality, those THE CULVERWELL MEDICAL 00 ' refreshments. and dainties so pleasant, 41 Ann St., New York healthful and refreshing in hot weather, Post Office Box 450. One of the best Fountains now in use for : » Carriage orks ! making cooling drinks, Childrens' Toys, goud and cheap, C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21, 1879. ESTABLISHMENT. HE Subscriber has much pleasure in stat] T ing that he has secured the valuable a services of One ot the best wood-workers in the Pro vince, and is now better fitted than ever to > fill all orders for Outters, Sleighs, Bob-Sleighs, or any description of Carriage with dispatch, neatness and on short notice Cnptomers may rely on getting the best material, latest styles and superior work- | an manship.. Special attention given to HORSE SHOEING and the work done so as to secure the ease and comfort of the horse in traveling, ; '. §@¥ All Charges Moderate and all work ated. I Wares oi .. W.C. HEARD. | Manchester, Dec. 17,1874. DISSOLUTION DF PARTHERSH NOTICE iw éreby Elven that (h¥ pag ship heretofore "existing between the! | signed 'under the name and Sota, of. ee & BEATIIE, fe Seas Seaghn ave. 3 enlers in Agricultural Impleay A " nes, &c., has this day, a dissolved tual consent, The 'books and. . All debts due to me and I will late firm, 3 Beagrave, Oct. 10, The only true grain saver. HS - T = Rac dali 4 re i 1s nufacturing Company, Oshawa, 'Ont. 5 3 i wilt "reap onl ape you last ness ing makes, given me notice Jac ri always on hand or supplied GENERAL BLACK-SMITHING | Fissi S 5 ints at 2. cel netic Medicine Co., W. Canada. ------ MONEY. - Tek undersigned fs authorized . Agent of the All repairsin Wood or Iron executed with | WESTERN CANADA LOAN AND SAV- Port Perry, Aug, 22, 1882. --_-- 1 A lace CURE CUARANTEZED. FOR 'OLD AND YOUNG, MALE AND FEMALE. Positively cures Nervousness in all its stages, Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Prostration, Night 'Sweats, Spermatorrhoen, Leucorr] i Barreness, Remiuel and Senor) Loss oF, xr ous Was nates the lect. Sty S6-4h6 enfoshled Braih and supplies surprising tone and Vigor to the Exhausted Generative Organs In efther sex. 2B With, Power, Sexual eRe, rs Nerv. Intel re) each order for TWELVE pack: 1 ed with five dollars, we will send our Witten +| GUARANTEE to refund the mo: the treat- = AND ment does nou eflect a care. It is the Ci ; nd medicine 1n the market.-- 1 Medionng pores b, metic ] 38 cts. por. Box OFS bora 1 , or will be mailed free of: Lage ON res of money, by addrensing Bnei Se n '. 's M INGS COMPANY, d is now prepared to secure Loans of any amount of money, large or small, on mort s ge security or on reliable paper. Terms of payment and rate of interest such cannot fail to suit the borrower, © 0/1 Be, Farm, Town and Village properties: J fon by private bargain, and parties iwidh- ing to sell such may find it to their advant. | age to place the same in my hand.» / C. DAWES

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