[3 bo 3 pire which will be g EXTRA VALUE: 8 TE Don' : 4 : 4 pd Miizsle- loadin Breech of Lance:tooth X Cut Saws, warranted, Several makes of Chopping Axes, Buck Saws that will cure dyspepsia, t. forget the Stand, 'Commodious e public -to their LARG: g Shot Guns English, American and Canadian Gun 5 --double, ne I ER emises late ; --singleand double, - powder { mm Bai fteen pain Carriage' Makersh Hardwar " . newest Patterns, also the ~., and Canadian Carriage Ve. Hotel Branswick:: « LIHESADT FOTaY0 dant 'ar = SESAGAN FLAG auf 3 Lae. 1 a rine B 1+ TEDL TENS THON TA a ns BUOBH AT FS gains Sed A 30 oy el 1 b Hoth BubarioBhserher|" *~Ceovoin ie Bans. ONLY ONB DOLLAR A YEAR JANES BAIRD, . . . . Editor, PORT PERRY, BEPT. %, 1863, 15 hy Other Way On, The Peterbots Esamiricr says : * The Tory 'journals seek to brin religion 'into iscredit by Moda calling:Hon. Mr. Mowat the * Chris- tian statesman." J Our cotem. has considerable facility in leaping at conclusions, does he not' see that itis the other way on and that it is Mowat and his backers' that are bring. religion into discredit by' his ion -of the '" sheep's cloth- ing" and the backers endorsation of' the bogus claim ; the vey. best friends ! ofrreligion are they who will unceremon iously strip religious pretenders of their borrowed raiment. Political impos tare 'is 'bad 'enough but when peop. . don the christian garb in order to play off their pranks more successfully it is carrying matters a little too far to be tolerated and so far trom 'bring . ing religion into diseredit" those who strip pretenders of d fleece It will be seen by the: Posters that the Wanderers' Bicycle Club, Toronto, havé generously consented to send a strong representation--same eight or ten of their picked men--to give a series, of , Bicycle Races, Exhi tious and astonishing 'feats on.:the * wheel" .on -onr Show: Grouads, on Wednesday, Sept. 26, being the se- cond day of the Show, Fnis will certainly be one of the most attractive exhibitions ever witnessed in this see- tion of country, and when to' this are added the numerous attractions of the Agricultural Show an unusually at- tractive and popular display may be expected. The color of the So- ciety are certainly not asking too much when. 'they -'expéct such a gath- ering on the grounds on that day as was never before seen'/in' Port' Perry. There will. be no extra charge at the gate ; the Bicyclists will secept of no compensation for their Races;: Exhi- bttions or Feats, they wish: to inter- est the people in that manly,invigorat- ing and rapid mode ot locomotion, and doubtless the public both ladies and gentlemen will turn out by the hundreds and give our enfeitainers a the are defenders of religion against fraud. « A -------- Brock Agricultural Show. The townslsighof Brock Agricultural Society's, Fall Show has. every indi- cation of being a rouser ; the member- ship js much more numerous and more_ interested than on any previous occasion, ., If it were possible the Officers and Directors are putting forth increased exertion wl iy the very generous showing of donations proves that the public interestin the show, is more as patrons and exhibitors will certainly not be lacking in that part of the duty which devolves on them' towards making the Show the grand success which it ought to beand which the wealtl,intelli and en ise of that fine township to expect. Let all who have anything to show bring it right det those who may not show anything ge and see what others Show. 'There should and doubtless will be large representation from surrounding municipalities. 3 Oartwright Fall Show. 1 He itt E g Ww . The Grounds are large and commodious, the track is in first-class order and the weatherbeing favorable all may expect one ot the most enjoyalbledays we have ever had al 'any Agricultural Show or other gathering. Mr. O. Brunell, the Champion Rider whose feats are recorded below, is one of the Bicyalists who will ex- hibit here on the Ty of the Bhow. "The fancy riding contest between Messrs. O. Brunell and Percy Doo- little excited munch interest lasting about an hour and a half. At five minutes the two men hav- ing periorned with their silerit 8 under 'the rays of the electric light, and in "the nce of a large crowd of spectators, were found to tally even.: They were given 15minutes to finish the coutest, at the end of which gence | jt was found that the score stood three tricks to two in favor of Brumell.-- Many of the most difficult tricks were 8 | pose--=The Guests of the Evening, A O ' 4 Port Perry is by no means unap- préeciative of gendine worth but she is | neither lavish "nor indiscrimin- até in her praise nnd when a mark ot public respect is given to any townsman bis character as a man and value as a townsman must have been well 'established. Two of our most active, worthy and valuable inhabitants Dr. R. Jones, and Mr, J. H. Paterson, being - about to move from our midst, their numer- ous friends, we may say, the town, for they were universal favorites, . determined to publiclv acknow ledge their genuine worth by a compli- mentary banquet at the Walker House onthe evening of Wednesday, 19th inst. When a whole town favors the compliment it is needless to state that the company was sll tbat could be desired, numerous, in- telligenl and enjoyable, A look around tbe edmpuny as seated in the banqueting hall could not fail in making one proud of the inhabit ants of Port Perry and its surround- ings, while the magnificently got up banquet was honorable alike to the enterprise, liberality, and good taste of the worthy and energetic host and bostess, Mr. W. B. MoGaw and his good lady, the spread would have done credit to any of the best hotels in the province. The chair was occupied by Dr. Sangster, while Major Forman oseupied the vice chair. The loyal and patriotié toasts were given in capitil taste af were received with a spiritand e iasm worthy of their importance and were responded to with excellent ta ste aswell in speech as in song. NOW FOR THE TOAST OF THE EVENING. The chairman ricing ealled the at- tention of the company to the impor- tance of the toast he was about to pro- Dr. R. Jones and M.. J. H. Paterson." The chairman dwelt at considerable length on the many good qualities of the gentlemen whose health he now proposed. The judicious and well timed remarks secured the hearty approbation of all present. Mr. Pat 's plet as ing off-hand a merchant, his pleasi and genuine b tact were dwelt on to good purpose and much disappointment was expressed at having removed from our midst so \! hla a h of the 1. fratemity. The Dr's long and successful career a8 a medical practitioner in this loga)- ity was mot lost sight of and general regret was expressed at losing his val- Daring, the evening, others followed in a similar strain, all expressing their "were field at Whithy on Dulsdip any merit on his part, but the kinaly expressions meant for Mrs, Putersor and fumily were in good tase for they are worthy of all the good thu can said of them, Mr. Paterson con= tinged to' some length but like, thorotgh business man, at no § er lepgth than was necessary. The speaking throughout jwas very good mod lots of it while*the singing though light was purtical- arly enjoyable and most appropriate. | . Parties knowing an) thing of the liberal and energetic management' of the Walker House need not be told that the banquet was got upand carried through most satistuctorily ; and the ronsing and unanimous vite of thanks tendered to the host and hostess proved how highly the company appreciated the stal effort. 3 Cheese and More Cheese. Between the first of January and first of August of the present year no less than 400,000 botes of Canadian cheese were exported from Canada, realizing the handsome sum of $2,- 500,000. The report shows an in- crease of 99,000 boxes over the high- est figures for any corresponding period last year. Canadian cheese is highly prized in England. The ma- jority of the buyers cannot distinguish it from the best Cheshire cheese. The Assize Court. The Assincs for the Connty of Ontsria Wednesday, of the present week but did not amount to much as the docket was light. Chief Justice Hagarty presided. In the case Espin v Weir the pif claiming damages from def. for the seduction of def. his (pifis:) daughter. ' The pit. got a verdict for $300 damages. Next followed two very lame forgery cases one from Uxbridge, the other from Whitby, Botb fell through. The Globe of Wednesday says :-- "The grand Jury threw out the bill against Royal Macdonald for assaulting Andrew J, Harrington, a constable, on July 28, whilst arresting Joseph Graham for forgery." Of course tbe Globe gives the report as it gut 'it but fortunately for the young men neither of them was guilty - of soythiog worthy of making a spread. Royal Mc. Donald's luterfering with the constable was of the mildest type and did not merit a moment's cunsideration aad would wever bave been thought of but for the terrible far seclng legal protontivus of 'dokething which takes money whenever {Gul get it. The constable bad. no dusire to make a rumpus and put the county to unnvoessary expense and a young man to dl '© Sia=A good a andi reignéd came acenox and dispatched) Death to the Snakes. Ed. Observer. ' deal has heen said of ete] of Snuke slanghter In varions localities but) their snakeships do not fare better on Seago than elsewhere. On Monday. last the A spmewlat prolific m-ther of the water] snake frahanity ; after she' was killed #t Vie fondly Tht she wan about to be the mother of 19 vonug o On passing the age place on the following day T toand and killed another representative water snake whe had no fewer than 31 young ones ving and active, They did well to be active for| their life was short, Thus, Mr. Ed,, in two brief attacks no fewer than fifly-two snakes were made away with, - GEO. NESBITT. Schgog, Sept. 18, 1883. --_---------- The Voters' List Aot. Coart of Appeal for the Township of Cartwright. Judge Benson took his seat in the Town Hall, Cartwright, on Friday, 7th| inst , as presiding Judge of the sid Court. -- The first cane called was that of 8 J Cartwright Council. changing, wlio orien wie J 4 478 ROTA3 life he newer lost \t of 'the br 1 GE Obed 4 Towx Haw Cre | 0 is childhocd, guide of bis youth Vinee. Opric, Bept 307868, 'EPT. 3RD «| and tne consolation of bis manhood. . AlLFa Ty oneerns | 05 . Council met pursuant to adjournment who koow him deplored the Wea of thus Spring heat, . 1 L 08 members all preacnt the R evi in the Chair, | pasting mith %0 worthy. a young man in|Goose' 0.0 ), ; ry The Clerk read a icatiun fromt thy mofning bloom of if, and Wik ulgont [) 9.052 . the Clerk of the Township of Darlington| and devoted parents securid the 070 to" 01! in 1 ference to the apuning «f the boundary| gill with & v warding off the: on Q.40t0 040. tine between Darlingion and Cartwright. | march of the 0 psy 'But 'tha die w, T8040 160 © Ordered to be laid on fhe table, © cast ths young man must now go home. |Hay perton . 700t0' 800 Mr. Bradbuin brought in his By-Law| Lo poard a voice we could hot Leas, Yiore 755 nccording to previous notice) to levy and 'Which sald he must not stay; ; 20010 300: collect the mite of the Municapality for the) Be saw a hand w ould hot hee, - 700to 849 yet Ieee rend 1 fret time; And when the grim messenger clitmed 218 hig xe a ' The. Council" went into committee on sthe|, "hat was mortal of the young' man' there SE 035te 040 second reading of thé By-Law, was no struggling ; with the calroness of a 300to 600 Moved by Mr. Devitt, scconded by Mr, tiring guest he sbook the bands and bad: 04040 060 McKee, that the rate of taxes on all ratable, Mico to all around. - Then taking the hand oboto 070. property in the municipality of the township, of father and motbet amt committing him- Cheese... viene vesases 011200012, ot Cartwrightfor the year 1883 be three aod, 841 to Nit ibck or iim wie Bin Meg he ny ! hood, 3 ------ two tenth mills in the dollar and that the 1 for the said icipality shall pay over to the persons duly authorized, to] receive the same, the sum of six hundred and, thirty eight dolars for the County rate, the, #nm of three hun lred and eleven dollars for | School .rate, and the sum_of ome thousand, Smale. The nppeal was made by David{three hundred and sixty-six dollars and Bork Simpson, Barrister on the ground=*that Smale's name should be on the Voter's List although he was not a resident of the mun- icipality at 'the time the assessment. was made but has since that time become a resi. dent and an occupant of property, the val: of which entitled him to vote, Ordered tof be placed on Voters' List. Mr. Simpson made seven other appenls on) behalf of the Reform party ou acount chitefly of clerical erjors but he did not sudgeed in disfranchiving one vot r. Mr. Parr appealed to have three parties) whose propertiex were wrongly described set right on the Voters' List, His Honor mad the necessary corrections, and Mr. Parr' appeals were sustained in every case Gam for the Grits 1, who slipped in after, the Voters List was printed -- Com. Anniversary Services.--The An- niversary Services in connection with the Scugog Zion appointment of } the C. M. Church will be held next Sunday and Mon- day, September 23 and 24. Sermons will be preached (D.V.) on sunday at 10:30 a.m by] Mr. McCulloch, of Marche by the Rev. J. J. Reddin or Port Perry. Tia will be served fiom will which Addresses be delivered by Reve, J. F. Ockley and J. Jb Redditt off 5 3 5to 7 p.m, after] seventy-eight cents, for Township rate, Carried. The total value of real and pertonal} property and taxable income of the township of Cartwright for 1983 is $726915 So that three and two tenth mills on the dollar will amonut to $2,326.23. Moved By Mr. Spinks, scconded by Mr. Bradburn, that the Clerk be instructed to, place opposite the nam 5 of all persons in| default of performing their statute labour; the amount for which they are in default on the Collector's Roll, and alss to place the amount of default of partis who sre not otherwise assessed upon the Collector's Roll for 1883 Canied. Mr. Bradburn brought in his By-Law (in| accordance with pervious notice) to appoint) ja Collector for theRunicip lity of Cartwright for the year 1883. In committee the blank for the name was filled np with the nume of John Tiiewin and the blark for salary with the sum of fifty-five dollars, Ow motion the Reeve kigned orders on the Treasurer ax follows : Treasmicr of Port Parry as one Richard Johnston, work on quarter Port Perry and W. K-nner of Prince Albert. Excellent music will be furnished bo the|Robert Wilson indigent mid. .....,.. choir, Admission 25c. Nobody must mi 8 David Galbraith, Pathmaster on Div, it.-- Com. So SA | *,* "Men often mistake notoriety for fame, but they ue ver mistake Kidu-y-Wort for any, quack medwine Kidney-wat in univer sally recognized as a standard remedy tor all discases of the liver, bowrls and kidneys, et tt BEF Diamond Dyes will color any thing avy color, and. never fail, The easiest an best 'way to economize. 10 couts, at al druggists. dollars worth of the Vegetablc Compound and Las 'gone on her way rejoiciug and praicing Mrs, Lydia E. PinkLaw of Lynn, Mass. eee eee # Blood-food" is the suggestive name often given to Ayers Sarsaparilla, because of its] bleod-enriching 'qualites. linein3rdeon oo... ...... LLL. 4 25 Wm. Spinks, indigent aid 4 00) Mis Loughead, indigent aid 4 00] No 24 sus oon lf aie delenie Robert Martin, to assist him to. em. igrate to the township ot Galway 10 00 On motion the Council adjourned to the firit Munday in October next at one o'clock p. m. WM. LUCAS Township Clerk 15 00 -------------- BIRTHS. Township of Cartwright, on Thursday, Sept. 13th, the wife of Mr. 8, Dinsmore of a| DIED. Near Utica on Saturday 15th inst., Nor- man eldest son of Mr, Seth Claughton, aged 23 years. Deceased was a vety worthy, intelligent (and active young man snd was much respect. vd by all who knew him. Healthy and "he had good hope of long fife,bne thi Try Ager's Pills and bie cared. . Misery il a mild word to deteribe the mischief to body) <corching fever crossed hia path and cut him oft in lites early morn: y six wonths ago) and mind tamsed by hab The regular use of Ayer's Cathartic Pills in mild doses, will restore the torpid viscera to healtuy action. Holloway's Ointment. [2 Pita ~Thew trouble ; but mightier luminaries in the legal the case sent down, The Grand Jury how. to manufacture legal bricks W where he should bave been and from which be should not have" * been taken. Grand jurors are useful if ft we « smid ever, not relishing the experiment of trying , straw or clag, threw out 'the 'Lift 'and' sent | e for no Jd 3 are . world for bad legs, wounds, foul sores and, alcers. Used according to directions given) 1 led to the altar a fair, amiable] young bride with every prospect of A long, huppy and prosperons life, and all sympa- thise with the tender, miursing ahd bereaved) one in ber Dx | Be stepped into the rolling flood which youth aud the comfort of his riper years, divides that heavenly land from ours Loving parents held on to their dear one til) they conla almost hear the rolling water, aod when they looked their Edwin had gone, leaving only the sweet echo : Kind friends, Farewell to you Heaven ve Air 1 bid you gil a short adieu And hope to meet you there. The funeral took place on Sunday, 16th) inst., and was very largely attended. Rev Mr. Redditt, pastor of the M. B. Church, Port Perry, condncted the services and followed up the service by a most appropriaty; and instructive sermon to a large attentive and appreciative congregation. A 000 100 ACRE FARM FOR SALE. HE undersigged offers for Sale that fine Hundied Acre Farm being the South- half of lot 20, in the 1st Con. of REACH. The laid is all cleared and in a good state) "All Persons Indebted to me sre. requested to.call and wettle their accounts on or before | rst of October mest, or 1 ball be compelled to for a place them io other ®. JONES, M. D, Port Perry, Sept. 20, 1883. a STRAYED ROM the pr. mines of the undersigned, lot 16, 4th con. Brook, on or about June 1st, A YEARLING HEIFER, Roan or Grey with small white spot on face. Any one giving such information as will lead to her recovery will be auitably re- warded. WM. GORDON. Sunder)#hd, Sept. 4,1888. DAWES Home Again, and Ready for BUSINESS. of colts There are on the premis "Duin good Frame and gy bearing Orchard of good Fruit Ss The quality of the land is ood and the location pleasant, healthful and convevient, five miles from Port Perry and tea from Oshawa. Title indispntable and terms easy. One thousand dollars of the purchase meney down, the bulancein 'seven vqual annual justalments with interest at six per, cent. For particulars apply to WM. HARRISON, Reach, Ang.-33, 1883, Pi * og -- & 5 . r| undprsigned would take Pay { gor "of thanking fi Tad fhe extensive patronage bestowed | patrons for the e: on him In the past, and has much pleasure in informing the public that he is prepared to go into an active Business Auction Sales and all other oully tended to. C. DAWES. Port |Perry, Sept 13, 1983 0 [OR SME OR T0--BET, ptly and car P HE andessigned offers for Sale or to Ren T was iy Jocated House and h by the FrenchA for Inflammation eof the Urinary vii od by Indl he present residence of Mrs. B.' H. in the village of Prince Albert, a ew, House is a fortable - and of Medicine| Frame Cottage 36x36, two stories 11 feet ceilings, up stairs -dnd down. v J Btove, 9 large rooms. There is a Pos- {foundation under the buildioz and & Hotel Dien tal, Paris, T good. itive cure in one to three days. Local treat-|Cellar. There are 8 Choice Fruit Bearing ment only No doses d, a Well of good , 8 Stable snd Cupebs or [otber Decessary. 0 'on the INFALLIABLE, HYGIENIC, CURATIVE, Pre-'pre VENTIVE. Price, S150, Bulbe| Purch will be offered a Bargain Syringe. Sold by all Druggists, or sent free] For particulars apply 1] by by mall securely sealed, on receipt of price. (letter to the Proprivtor, 3 ' free on ii EUGENE AMERICAN AGENCY '"¢8" MEDICIN ©Q., Detroit, Mich., and Windsor, Ont. Ta I Sunderland, Sept. 3, 1883. affliction ; mothér is str for lite in the burn grasp of relent fever and bis! father far away in Dakota. eel with them thérels no wound, bad ieg of al: however ol sympathy of the whole comuinnity in their The disconsolate: ones have the hearty] fo th LADSURITI eA Th e] Seii00 rE RUEEE O: -- i [|