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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 20 Sep 1883, p. 4

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E sfrmesy truly is Electric Bitters.-- ; 0 Liver, Bilousn- sx, Wek Kidoeys or goy ) ity organs, or whoever equi ; a faded things when nd will make hem late fe pertelt, Nature needs but gentle help to remove obstructions. A few doc NTAIN OF Hzaurn " arouses the kido liver t healthy action cleanses the blo gud renews life. 8&0" For Pure Drugs and_Chemi all the popular Patent it McClinton's Medical Hall. A Atle Saving Present. -- Mr. E. Allison, Hutchinson, Kan.: Saved his life by a simple Trial Bottle ot Dr. King's New D y, for i which . caused him to procure a large bottle, that completly cured him, when Doctors, change of climate and everything elge had failed Asthma, H 0 "Severe Coughs, aid § g diseases, it is guaran! stiles Tree at S.E. Allison Syore rgesize $1.00 " * : . » te been Asked Rupture--(abdominal hernia) be cur- ed? "We most emphatically say, YES. That this partot the body ofes po exception to those Sradid ed loos w ich gotern the varclons of dit economy ®n kes not a ference Raber the age of the ptare is one year ora hundred years. For yroof of this scnd for a Free Book on Rupture to the Excelsior RT Cure fs Co., 8 cott,Unt. rg Buckine@ AT Sree / The greatest medical wonder of the world. 'Warranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruiser, Cats, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Cav. cers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns, Tetter, Chapp- ed Hands, and all skin eruptions, guarantecd to cure In every instance or money refunded. 25 cents per box, For salg by 8. E, ALuisox eesti { A OARD. To all who are suffering from the errors. and indescretions of youth, nervous weak- ness, early decay, loss of manbood, 1 will send a recipe that will cure you, FREE OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discov- ed by a missionary i h America. -- Bend a self addressed lope tothe Rev Joseen T. Inuan. Station I), New York City. Mothers! thers 11 Mo thers?! Are you disturbed at n and broken of your rest by a s and cryl ' Tn the oe an £ teeth get: & bottle of widows NGL BYROS. 10 wii relieve the le Sufferer Immediately -- epend upon It; there is no mistake about it. There isnot. r on earth who has ever used it, who will not tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest to the mother, and relief and health to the child, obormiih lke han ic. It 1s perfectly safe to bs joel nd pleasant 5 ih the Saste and and a Cae best female on oy Te mn the tates. Sold everhwhere at 25 cents a bottle. -- eee Rest and Comfort to the Suffering " BROWN'S HOUSEHOLD FANN no equal for relieving pain, both external. It cures Pain in the Bid Bowels, Sore Th! Rheumal a Lumbago and any kind of Pai; will most surely quicken as its acti ting ers, won 4 Brown's Housel now] as t A {ig of double strength of any other Elixir or Lintment in the world, n every fam r se when wanted, "as it is Jumiy tl Re Tor, a ewhei Bey of al 8," and for sale b; Druggistsat 25 cents a bottle. x " has no ffternal and Back and thache, Ache. "It ou and Heal. 1 will Frockice. Pimpics. ang | reckles, Pimples and Blotches, leaving t! skin soft, clear and beautiful ; ia te SY the recipe for a Sill ALM that will remove, for ucing jhinturiat growth of hair on a oald head or sug face. Address, in€losing 3c stam hy Bout ender & Co., 5 Beekman St, N. To Co JOS. | The ad Al cured of t : simvle nes po who desire it he will po a or To preseri] of \Y with the i ring and using the game which the ;sure Qure. for Con- sumption rs : iptign, wil ha Higa. 1 nn St. Williamsburgn, N.Y. Errors of Youth. «| AN parties pin wit find square dealing and yenmtaiole prices by getting hal Billoumen 4nd Tor a ineand bids fate $0 equal the Compound in tts -- IRE moder yuders fom || &c. Clgapwill igned keeps comginatiy 0 on § d large SHINGLES, POSTS, &C., &C of Good Quality and at MODERATE PRICES 5 ver 1 th is uy red tagre- Parties wishing food Loaf ufo lee eo. Hon ghe ny be BE Prope 3 N. DYER. Port Perry, Nov.21, 1882. Sean tLe AOI : Fn "Yarge cusntifior' Building Lumber up to 45 feet in length. Also & Quanity of Cheap Boards, Scantling, Joists, Done anily att ° Union Mi , W. J, TROUNC Apply at the Union Mills office. W.J.T. & CO. Port Perry, Nov. 1, 1881, HE undersigned would nfo lic that he has rented years the premises formerly, Cottage ETotel, Gleaphank, and baving thoroughly tho- | GOOD OPENING. popularity. nese DAT A8 Angel of .: smbitiontstodegeod ly [Tey Philadelpbis, Fo. 3 P. Scheu ro Ge nat. Factory at Sta Lyman, Toronto, Aghia for Onta: "A MAGNIFICENT AM SHOR TEWELRY of the Finest Va: GOLD AND SIVER WATCHES of the most RELIABLE MANURE ACTUNE. in CHAINS, RINGS, BRGOCHES, LOCK- ETS, PL INS and everything, in. the Jewelry line for use and t of the most Fashionabls and Desiiable Styles. The Stock as it now stands fis decidedly one of the best and most attractive ever brought into this county. CLOCKS | in Great Variety and of Superior Quality, | As 1 purchase my Goods on the most, ad- | vantageous terms and at the Best Markets I | can sell at the Lowest possible figures, and | the public may rely on getting Choice and | Cheap Goods. Watches, Clocks and Jewelry promptly and neatly repaired. Charges moderate. Come and, Eaaming my Stock. +8: DIESFELD. their wants my yard, ang' a g Alto an bt So Fly be! Hardwood ,. Fo ar 11,1883 ob 10 TNG rgess 4 fot sale. Ta of Bf Car JOSEP BIGELOW. pashan 30 tae tld ieties and Nowe CAh: Be ans ® introduced. THE < POPULAR --OF ALL-- SEWING: MACHINES | ' apidly taking the place Jof wil éther Machines Wherever | 200,000 SoLp YEARLY. , Has MORE POINTS OF BXUELLENCY THAN ALL oruER MACHINES COMBINED, Ben, Liberal Inducements to Dealers™ 08 Fine Gold Goods ! New Home Sewing Machine Co. 30 UNION SQUARE, YORK, NEW "Sexe fhe Shadow re the "Substance Fade," ersigned takes this opportunity thanks for the vary' wed Y & Shaw of port bons Martie e liberal p i for an enterprising mag #giopen the' Furni- tureand Uodesgaking ss. A first class Shoemaker gwould fin Geen nk & geod i i 1 village .is situated op the Centep! t-7 . mil from Port Perry and aliout he same distance mm J There is aspleddia opening in Greenbank | * Surrey Wag gon pic Springs, E e stock is manuf aterial in and will be sold atlow prices, for cash ar on time to suit purchasers, Call aod Examine | Are Marvels of Simplicity, before purchasing elsewhere, . p a AWE) Thox P . P FoaA NY A hint Tea -efd, Uroc IL! Combining all e finding their EVER Where Machines are Imost nciseless, light heavy work, sow any of th made adjustable pf to for years. ALSO THE CELEBRATED we 'Room 0 Mr. W. J Nott's Cabinet Warerooms, Port Perry. from Uxbridge village, and 9 miles fro Sunderland. It isi J |daviniorn ick "4. thoubsox. Greenbank, May 3rd, 1880 C. MK ENZIE, PROPRIETOR HE Subscriber having now fully ecuipped his new and extensive Livery Stahl»s with - 2 supply of superior Horses and. Carri ges, is | prepared to furnish first class ILIVERY RICS On Moderate Terms. C. MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6,1873 ~ 0 ACRES FREE! IN THE Devils Lake, | Turtle Mountain {And Mouse River Country, NORTH DAKOTA, Tributary to the United States Land Officeat + 'CRAND FORKS, DAKOTA. I SecrionaL Mar and Fuws particulars mail- d Free 10 any address by H. F. MoNALLY, General Traveling Agent, 81, Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba R R., 28 E. Front Bt; Toronto; Ont. ------------------------------ ANTED. Honest, Capable 'Men, to sell Fruit and Oronmental Trees, Shrubs, Vines, and Small Fruit Plants, on Salary or Commission. Previous experience ot essential, Address with references, C. 6. KELL 'Box 9%, Port P ys font. 1 COUNTY OF ONTARIO: Port Perry, Aug. 30, 1882, . eA Tee {IM K BE N IE Sittings of the Division Courlsfor. 1863; c Z S Whitby --J. 2,Feb.1 1, A 2May 1 hithy --Jan, cl 7 far. ny ¢ GRA TILER Y, aT July 5. 8ept 1, Oct. B, Nov.1 Des 1 -- 1 Brough: May 2, July 4, Sept. 3. or Tal) PERRY ' Poor Jan. 3, Mar. 2, 2. TH FOLLOWING LOW PRICES | Port Perry--Feb 12, March 19, Apr8, May 7 HA 3 ul 1 In Tomas + 3 HOR 50 DAYS onL¥. Junels, July 31, Sept8.0ct 10, Novh, Deel to furni i ocd 2 Uxbridge--Feb 13, Yasgh 20, Ala, 8 19, piot Fam pr J nh at wy; - Gablntt Phots, per dos, . ,.<$3 00] Sept, Nov Decl 3 Lh Ys Bh lay) Card Photos...... .. . © 1' 50" Cannington--Feb 14, Mar 21, y 9, June 20 PORT. PERRY! or FC hoe 17. a KINDS OF . | BmgliPratures enlarged and framed #3 Yearehion-<Réb 15; pag 22, » pach gees Sees Beee8. dof 1K 50] t Deg! + PINE, HEN IANO ED iota | DP 8) pne a, i ol Pebyi --_-------- 36-43 HI43S 'M01 HE uudergignegd would inform 'the pub- lic that b ed a Livery Estab- lishmént # has. oproed PP QUEEN-ST., PORT PERRY. bie: cyhtge of aSpleny TECTHE MARSIOW ROSE t wg ION for the néxt Thirty Days to n « g Fy, "kif. 15, 1883. rei oy , To inaaod Tol 24 iL 5c. DOWNEY, succes Pgni] Kt) 218 Ro kz woe pared to pay the Iighest Price for| prey | all kinds of PROD groghveiie tom. ne, 18, 1883. Nalee siytgdo. 10 «| New No.8 Machine 0ld Machines tiken in exchange. Liberal reduction for Ca Che. best Sewing Machine Oil; Needles for all the Ieuding Machines, and Sewing Machin Attachments kept Suns S ou lsu, 2 OfiLa 4B FET sro ral B. N.B.--All kinds of. Sewing Machines and Clocks repaired. leg, of LOCKMANuind WANZER H 2G HEAP, d5x Manchester for sale a number AC S, in good Mepair at $5 ei apd Machines from $2. Please tofemem! that i pure d from mé, apd gt spproved of upon_ month's trial] will » pow Bach : Manchester; Mart! . y orf3 v lway si io 0 my] we. Also 8 handsome, comfortable Carriage for taki wherever wan! ee a at my.residen s M Port Perry, Aug. 22,1883. i porta NEW 'N w arniture and New 1¢ HY gh Kinid of Coal, salt fod Plaster for Fort Berry, yey Ho 03 Is 4 YHE Undersigned would remind his customers and the public generally that {besides Choice Plain aud Fancy Breads of "ws the Best quality of Counfec tionery, &c., &c., he supplies everything in 9 Bakery and Confectionery line at his. {astabiiahiments Port Perry and Prince Albert, {every Bridal and other Cakes | Bupplie on the shortest notice. Public Teas | And other social entertainments promptly ! supplied and at moderate charges. The best quality of BOSTCN CHRYSTALIZED OR CREAM Supplied by mearureto the public. Handsowely fitted up PARLORS For. the ance of the public, where are ww the beat quality, yd refreshme Jud dnintics so pleasant, healthful and wircehing in hot weather. One of thebest Fountains now in use for making coolig drinks. Childrens' Toys, good and cheap. C. HISCOX. Port Perry, May 21,1879, | "MANCHESTER. HE ARDS th Cirriage W hy ! SAND. a iwi Sul asmuch plone in stat g that a» has secured the valuable services of il1 all orders for ers, Sleighs, Bo Eoin pairs inWoodgr Iron ex and on short notice Al a Moderate and Ton work , [achi; Fy a 1 = to gi a I five| JV © HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION. more ce! Its marvelous invaluable in al! $i Resi 10 RB 18 od 36 cents, 90 cents, and $1 50, Ry the larger Unuted States, { the best wood-workers in the Pio. , and is now better fitted than ever "to on ihe and in blemishes other family ' TE; It healsevery kind of Sore, Ulcer and Wound rtainly than any other known salve. jpenetatios powers render it M anufactured only at r HotLoway's Establishment, STREET, D Pro S55, "OX FORD anada at izes in proportion. BE CAUTION.--1 have no » Age n 0 ww Medi i The Trade Marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ouaxe, and also at Washington. ed, Se oMas HOLLOWAY. 533, Oxford Street, London, Sept. 1st 1880. well's Celebrated Essay on the radical and permanent cure (withou medicine) of Nervous Debility, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Marr age, ete., resulting from excesses. Z®~ Price, In asealed envelope, only 6cents or two postage stam ps. The celebrated. anthor, in: this admirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from thirty years' successful practice, that alarming con- sequences may be radically cured without the dangerous use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cureat once simple certain and effectoal, by means of which every sufferer, no matter | what bis condition may be, may cure himself chiefly, privately and RADICALLY. #2 This Leeture shuld be in the bands o every youth and every man in the land. Address ~THE: COLVERWELL - MEDICAL ©0 , 41 Aun St., New York Post Office Box 450. A CURE.CUARANTEED. JAguEri MEDICINE. FOR QLD AND, YOUNG, MALE Xs o FEMALE. a Positively cures Nervousness in all its stage Weak Memory, Loss of Brain Power, Sex Prostrasion, Night Sweats, Spermatorrheea, 1 W, and & inel eakness, 'the Jed B Nerv- 1 rain and supplies "ton to the E; Generative 0 in el or 8eX. e Win each order for TWELVE pac) Fiend N ed with five Sellars, we we Win se out hn ni fir | Satundas Jud ie now prepared to secure Loans of any ey, large or small, on mort- or on reliable paper. Farm e Ly private bag gain, and parties wish- di way fhd ito ana, "Abe [ jing to,

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