should attend what 18 to undreds of * coda of diy wood, 40,000 feet lumber, also . Theale wi will gah. ot emen! RF nday, Ot. 1. oe. that fin ' LTT a anetiope r- : on oy Kid ip Aa We Gordon I ies iot Bnturindyserher ' JAMES BAIRD, ..PORT PERRY, OCT. 4, 1888. Dirt Cheap! Whén newspaper men undertake "the Sianghter system they make fear: "ful havoo, selling under eost is noth- ing fo their handling The Globe leads oft with the * Nickel" inducement.-- "We remember a party. who slipped around some of the more noisy and disputable streets of Glasgow, Scot- 180d; felling books of a more than aoubtful reputation; he carried some of the books in one hand and some gtraw in the other and went round these strects at night shouting "I dare not sell my books, nor I will not sell my books but, I will sell you a straw and give yous book inthe bargain," snd when parties bought a straw they gola book in a present. themselves with Pewter toys, have in- vested on a treatise on the horse and. this they sell at whatever they can get for it and give their journalin the bargain. D'arties who give a dol- lar for the ** horse book" get the paper for & year and four months for noth- ing. If the white paper is good for anything the ink and labor must be thrown in. Buch slaughtering is a ridiculous burlesque, the public don' wapt .your horse treatises or Nicke indueéments, neither do shey want to squesge:the printer beyond endurance. It is, little. wonder that' within the pole eliink ranks are to be found specimens of the most abject cringing, eomtemptibly mean, typical reptpséniakives of 'the genus beggar, whole hails Are everlastingly in hand, theirhearts in their mouths and a tear in their eyes begging for God sake, that delinquents may hand in Bo the Globe men while they dare sell their Globes but cannot sell all they want offer to sell $8.50 worth of Nickel and give a year's Globes im the bargain, The lesser lights following the example of the Globe but not being able to stock Ah rocoguiand Sh Jordship's right The cases of young Nolan, a Jud wade 15 Youry, and Cleary, Ross ounge: xe iftle Joss made a regular practice of tastening | perty logs to the legs of the inmates as well girls as boys, making them work by day and with-the ever- lasting logs hanging to their legs ; the Togs wore fastened by o hain wld aa. look of which his reverence carried, the key. 'Sometimes the viekima wére A ogling 'these i in two they: become convenient to chain .| to. the legs of the inmates of the ter- restial paradise (hey purpose to estab: lish. Late But -Atosptivle. x It is nsserted "with » Sontder: abledegree of truth that gorper@tions have no souls and . that ingratitude ia -obara¢teristic 'of the 'maltitude. Be that as:it may a facility in forget- ing benéfita-veceivedl is discroditable alike to individuals and 'communities. Such however has never 'been a charaoteristio of the people of North Outario; they may sometimes appear wardy in their recognition of eotial claims but they seldom™let such pass without due recogaition. = Sheriff Paxton is a case in point, reared within the riding trom youth, in- timately identified with tbe people in their straggle tor social, finuncial, commerical and manufacturing pro- gress, he went hand in hand with the formost rank 'iw' the onward march which bas certainly been .s most successful one." In "process of time Mr Paxton is promoted to the honorable and . respecied - - posi- tion of Sheriff of this fair and prosperous county and consequently had to take up. bis residence in South. Ontario, All felt 'that the time of Mr Paxton's promotion and removal from the riding was a suit. able occasion on which to manifest public} appreciation of _his many good qualities 'and the, public only waited for 3 suitable occasion for such a manifestation as the circum- stances called for. It js pow ad- mitted by all that the prosent iss most favorable time for offering Sheriff Paxton some public testi- monial in acknowledgment of Lhe high esteem in which he is held by sdiserning public. With a view to the, accomplishment of so desir- able an object an active and efficient committee has been appointed to put the matter in proper shape and secure its accomplishment at as early a date as possible. re ee A Ohange of Programme. The Methodist Conference recom- mend a most important change in the programme of the marriage ceremony. t 1 "lords of 'ereation" 'if they did not | trample on thie ladies of creation it was only an 'dot of 'elomency, for the ta do 50 £2 a certain extent, i.e. if the Indies refused bo ghey as they promis. | 'to wit [in front of the 3 SER "was nok pinterestng 0 watch ge | fraud. It age, household sufirage, mor pro- worshipper could be_ elected: Thi is |® ° |the Lion of the tribe of Mojat si quite * tickled 'at being told | elected; -and if the short-liv ploasés hima' the 'Oppositi ample, for which I beg phiion of the under- In day's gone by when woman's rights {* 'were, entirely ignored; when {he & Another Farce. having been con 'new principles it wii efter universal suftr. Ey a a Y "well ctiough as far as it goes ; served that ostentation and expensive fonérals are injurious to the people, after absorbing money which -proverty cannot well spare to vanity and. pride, thercfore, by way of ex- takers, let my coffin be a plain redwood box, put together with common nails or screws, witboal paint or varnish, with plain handles, and all else about the funeral to correspond with his plainless. Let there be a cheap shroud and ' no flowers. What is a dead wan but 8 handtdl ot dust? Tnstead of a hearge I may just as well be carried to the grave upon some ordinary vohicle in every day use." We wonder if George ever heard of that eastern, sactimonious, ever- lastingly - weeping, constitutionally chief mourner of an undertaker who is not satisfied with cheating the corpses and skinning the relatives by shamelessly overcharging for coffins and trimmings but tries to cover np his rascalities by pretending to furnish Funeral Cards free of charge. When- ever any such moaning simperer makes his woe-begone, hypocritical proposi- tion to furnish Cards free of cost or otherwise, let the customer twig the fraud, take five or ten dollars off the charge for coffin, &c., and go himself and. get Cards for one dollar or so.-- The sneak has shameless profits with out charging three or four prices for Cards while pretending to give them for nothing. ---- Too Thick. We remember attending an auc- tion sale on 'one occasion ; the auc- lioneer was, unfortunately for the party whose property he was selling, profoundly ignorant of bis business and knew nothing of the quality or value of the stock he was selling. -- But what he lacked in knowledge he endeavored to make up in noise and bluster, the farmers around were all laughing heartily ; the simpleton did not know they were laughing at bim * and stupidly supposed they were laaghing at bis display of eloquence; this only cansed him to make a still greater fool of himself. The. 'next article brought out was a good looking young bull ; the age- tioneer looked all over il, rouhd it and under it, attempted to raise its foot as be would that of a horse bat ot floored in the attempt, when gathering himself up as best be conld he gazed around upon the con- vnleed crowd, and says, "Gentlemen, you need not laugh for I bave 8 thing bére to offer which all of yon should buy it is a fine, thorough-bred grade 'male cow." | had. almost ssid this 'brought down that for we were oateide, but it was |some time "before voice could be hieard | -- roars of Georgina, Thorah, Ho North Gwillimsbury. Bre Gravenhurst were rosa by da gates at a laxge and, influential ing held in the' courtroom, Orillia, on ven g Hori Co above their nominal level, low water mark. The meeting was highly re- preséntativelin [ith cHiaracter, i tepres- he is |entatives from Fagard Je I on need: i oti Works. above which might well be at! to, lakes which serve little other' pur pose than drowning valuable lands. \ ---------- been 'consumated Church is the most numeraus Protes- tant denomination in the Dominion. It counts a membership ot 730,160.-- Of these 582,968 belonged to the C. Ms; 103,278 to the M. E's: Foul, the' bonse, "but 'it "could 'not do but The Dams Must Go. i Ta The inhabitants of the 27th ult., to discuss the propriety no room fo 0 iow. attpactions' 4 wifes ot lat sufeciofel of ing m Be rising 2 municipalities chained together i in pairs and remain. complain, it will . do them: no harm, he oe ya. ' itopes rato in | favoraolu' It will 40 ed so for days sud nights together. ' | for it will require 'something mire nd the desirability, ty, may, She gees ! 1 Such are some bf the beauties! of |jnst than Mowht -sufifage to sBoure a | for "preventing the » is sferer will "help te) the' poor house wystem, adding torture | seat in our legislature, the Lion will above low, i was: decided Le ro 3 , of the unfogfun-| have to step down and out. Letthe|™ FU es alo Oartwgih ccm is poverty. Mowatlings shout - themselves * hoars a to Ovid i take| Tbe Lr We advise, the. "philanthropists" | they will haye time enough to' mourn. tion the On Bt 0; ** | culiaral Society's Fall who are scidghenven ond earth] © 7 em---------- the matter in| tig oe held onthe Agrica'tral Grounds, with: a View establishment of A Wise, Injunction. putedion from, every Municipals bor Willismebarg, on Tharaday, and one of thoss bos within this| ©Geoege.P. Barstow of Sah Francisco, |dering/on the lakes wee to , Oct. 11 and 12. The degree county a supply of 'east offi who left an estate valued at $30,000, gave interview the Commissioner of Piblic of success of any show en! rely these injunctions in his will ; * Having ob- depends on the amount of There are hn lakes beside the Mobilizing Now thatthe Methodist Union like the Methodist army. 27,286 to the B. C's; and 25,680 to the P. M's, The Presbyterians muster 829- 280, while the Chureh of England counts 574,818. The total stock in trade too is some- thing handsome, The total value of church property is $9,180,000, besides Lies, colleges and academies. Quoiting. The quoiting tournament held at Toronto week before last was a spirit-- ed, interesting, affair, brought many fine 'pitchers together and large crowds of the admirers of the try | manly and scientificgame who gathered around as interested witnesses of the sport. Handsome trophies were com: peted for; a vauable gold medal and the championship of the province were the inducements in the light weights, and the éhampionship and -a fine gold medal were the inducementsin the in the heavy weights. The former was won by Mr. James McTague, of Galt, 'and the latter by Mr, George Walkinshaw. What has become of our quoiters ? we lave lots of good ones. Cannot there be a quoiting tournament got up in this locality? Mr. George Cameron ; now - holds the champion- ship of the three muaisipalitios Reach, Port Perry and Scugog, is ° he to be allowed undisputed possession sof fhe honor for all time to come ? Let us hear from some of our qHoit- ers if there is tobe a tournament: this season. We must look sharp: * Building Op 2 Zion's Walls, Our Church of Brgland "friends pave displayed commend ble liber- 3 8@The blished . the ters leaves as publis n pos! 3] Nr jo ade { to secure an atiractiveand successful | "show ; Brook friends are good for a grand diplay as well jn the hall ns. on/tbb grounts. ad vot and Curd may { be relied on for com- las fortable accommodations. as well for '| day is 'the principal day and if the ! | patforth every mnevessary ort, to $445,000 in denominational universi- | Tall Show: Our readors Townshi bets, ensive prize list ry ¥ 8 Tucker | throng horses. as people ; 3 of course, nes taken by the parties more ma ately concerned, the officers, ¢ di- | rectors, members and all longing to the eve 2A ve that thie officers and "dir secare success and it is "for the members to do their part to 'make the show mot only dftractive but creditable to. the intelligence and enterprise of the township. = The attractions in the floral hall may be confidently left to the enterprise of the fair competitors of thateownship, whilo the supply. of stock for. the sro vil bo seen to by the per- ngtarmers; This should be the 'best show ever beld in that township, If weather prove favor- able Reach and Port Perry will be well represented. Open the Ranks. It is with much pleasure that our mercantile force opens ranks to admit a new, energetic, and thoroughly equipped firm to enter the business arens. Messrs, Curls & Henderson have gone into partnership for the purpose of carrying on a general Pro- duce. and Seed business in all its branches. The new firm require no recommendation at our hands, both its members are well and favorably known by this entire community as active thoroughly reliable business men possessed of abundance of ineans ;- but their manner of doing business whieh will doudtless be both energetic and straight forward will prove their chief claim to * 'patronage.-- See them in their place of business one door east of the Walker House.-- Advertisement too late for this i issue, will appear in onr next. Sougoa For Color Srock. The reputation ot Scugog tor choice, thorongh-bred stoc! stands deserved- ly;bigh and is still rising as it becomes better known, Two weeks ago Mr. Joseph Watsoo of Greenbank, bought from Mr. Water Farm, Seagog, as fine a three year old = thoroagh-bred Durham Bull us one cotld see in the Province, The price paid was away. ap among the three figures hat he was well worth the high price, Mr. 'Watson will not regret his purchase. Afewdaysago Mr HPI bought from Me] Jd Ambleside ficent Spring Dra with Heady '| Lnweot Ockioky Mr. Andrew G. ---- Aun eldest daughter a + All of Mayo. James Graham, Spring | Ee Ariing at Wick ie Ee Bem wd a hund om the station where hel "belles" could a te comfortable' and " . gay TE LL ageuts are rand preparations. from t the tf; yon Rebattpot ri; Tia' 'E. Pin x TG DIE A eld. A le! The Galt Reporter * Brive :--* TS | Sager; a farmer pear | Branchton, -- this spring, two ounces of a new variety of. ontes, and has threshed out fifty-eight pounds of magnificent | Josking grain this the gowing -) a ph. bpm ue by. by when"some grain yielded - bonded fold" it was considered grand but what 15 that compared to 464 ke, ag above. We would like to'see the oats, nl A -- Cartwright Council. Tows rg C Oct, 1st, 1883. Council met pursuant to adjournment + members all psesent, the Reeve in the chair Then {nutes of last meeting were read: and confirmed, Mr. Spinks compla'ned tha the bridge opposite Jot 20 in the 8th con. sina very bad state and Tequires 1 immediate repair for safety of public travel: Moved by Mr Mcl Bradburn, that the the movér bea comm 1 v smsonded by Ms Mr Spi hr ety power to examine tl and 22 in the 8th make such: as the said com- mittee may deem mecessary . --Cnrried On motion the Reeve signed orders on the Treasurer as follows: Wm Spence, indigent [nid, $4 ; Robert Wilson, indigent aid, $4; Mrs Loughead, indigent aid, $3; Hart & Co., 6 omy of the Con, Mus. Ack, and two books of "orders on Treasurer, $10 On motionof Mr. McKee, seconded by Mr Spinks, the Council adjouraed until the tirst Mouday in Ruvemues next at 1 o'elock, p mn W. LUCAS, Tp. Clerk. : BIRTHS. In East Whitby, on Saturday, 29th ult, the wife of Mr. Wm. Harper, of twin cons, In East Whithy: 2 on Monday, Ist inst, the wife of Mr Johg' Vi , of a ron Tn Part Perry, on WMiny, Tet ina, wileof Mr, G. H. Abbs of a son; , ---- MARRIED. At the residence of the bride's father, on Tuesday "18th 5 pt, 1888, uw the Rev, R, rc-- In Part Perry, on Monday, 1st fost, Amanda M, beloved wite of W 8. Sexton, Esq, in her 86th year, Deceased hus been a resident of Port Perry for very many years and was thoroughly identified with every movement where woman's gentle {nflasnces were most requir- ed, where they were most becoming and where they would effect the most good, Her counsel, her efforts, her example and her purse were ever exerted to their utmost limits in doing good, her unostentacigus but truly noble decds were. twice blessed and many, very many have with 'raton ber blessed, | Frogal, Todustrious 'and éxemplary, she discharged in the most satisfactory manner, where they were w will do most | ! grotecting the, b.inproving: ita apward of Otiursh' ander' its pr wont 4 07 Ci vy ots pi. found out their nike | i happy. on a YR TT of gop & hie Sy --rn 5 4 tse ities for Seren SE ArT we Qure; Jui powertoh oy ;,| | produce ohh cn composed wholl pels | -, A : 1b anyone else Jt the' urs We J have now is in Stores goodly p portion 'of |. | which Stocks were bought by us far | ittee he Panahis the | till the end of the year; we advise you the important duties of a wife; mother and | Ti ment Be rr years. iw oi wh a ty Ae thé Stare building] TRE ILC the Wightman. , Stock and the Splendid ; ke WSU below their vale and._in. these wat ST (SAL 'DR-R. JONES ER i give you gross basgains fom now any ios Sn will of new and very despite goods which we/' 'have put Th along with the above : Stocks, and in order to eneourage irade | 80d satisfy you, that we are here to do you good, we have marked these new goods at the same low prices as the others. Remeber this cannot last al- ways but these special prices will rule to consult your own interest by buying all the goods you possibly can this fall. In making our new purchases we are putting nothing into our Stock but the very best goods ; those that we can re¢mmend with entire con- fidence. All our pics ars marked in plain figures, shat. avgEgana; may see ° fx themseives 'Yhat they pay no he moreStor. the same. article than their neighbors, and in order lo insure jer- oct satisfaction with all our customers we shall adhere strictly to the one price system, selling only at the prices marked on the goods Which you will isi 'remarkably. low. In order to do this we must do business ona strictly cash basis and we are sure | datesat low prices for goods a¥e much pay the mersbant who carries you on his Books from "year to year. We you will find upon trial, that short }:} better for you than long "credit with] | {ho necsasarily higher prices you must | tresses Child's Crib Dozen Cancamind ON BR i a | 5 z £2 2 se Si, plat Ein au. Beich, 'alnat, Dining TR oa . a tables hd ya 2228 irs oF Ered Hi eben Chairs, Book m po to commence at Ove o'clock, sharp. RE CL YE endo proved HEZBLEW OOD, Auctioneer. Port Perry, septs 28.1883. AUCTION SALE FARM PBOBRTY ! URSUANT 10 the Power of Sale con. tained in a certain Mortgage, which will prodnced at the time of sale, and upon which defanit in payment has there will be ge rel a aru, y A the a Land pat ne S,