Ls Tn . ry throughout the province: with 'more amore than ordinary yecklessness ; the _ sword of an enlightened clectoragedrank deeply of the political life streams of 'alaoghtered aspirants. As tter of course the only criterion "with the electors was qualification for 'position, asked by aspireats and whoover did not come up the standard ys +. of perfection' measured out by an en- " Tightenad electorate bad his presswp- tuoits héad cut oft. The majority ef the electors of Reach hove as usual i penetration and acute / discernment in the election of repre- sentatives which have . distinguished * them' 'for several years past. The great activity 'and superior abilities of Cae Dobson have secured for him the position of Reeve. Mr. L. Durnett has been selected as lst d. reeve in preference to Mr. George St. John the Jatter did not really want the position and made no "effort to secure it. Mr. x : securing 16 votes Of ~ electors, Bi : as itis, no lector could reasonably ex- pect or even. wish to have candidates creping round. their-- the eloctor's-- | premises with Lat in hand and heart in mouth, craving a favorable vote. will please accept out thanks for the prompt, honorable d business like manner in_ which our claims and the claims of others--insured with said company--who like us suffered in the late disastrous conflagration which be too. i The electors of Reach ought to be 1a vl a at the Boat intelligent to suppose that abject begging is a necessary qualification in a municipal representative, no; the electors of Reach, as a body are inde- pendent, upright men and should regard | a manly independence ina candidate as at least no disqualification, they should much prefer in any officer | of ability and activity in the discharge of puplic duties to a facility in bowing, scraping and begging for position ; but if cringing and begging from door to deor be an indispensible requisite toa suceessful candidature, then we say, | God pity the candidate ! The Contest in Cartwright ended and Spinks, to the position of Councilor, so that the councifefthat Municipality for the present year . is James Parr, Reeve, J. McKee, D. Reeve and Messrs. Darcy, Devitt and Spinks. Councilors. In the towhship of Brock the contest in the election of Messrs, Darcy, Devitt | McFarlane was elected ns 2nd d, reeve | terminated in the return of Robert over Mr. Holman. Cunningham as Reeve, and Wm. 'On: second - thoughts the electorate will regret the absence of Mr. Holman from the Council board, "assert without the slightest fear of suc- cessful contradiction, that Mr. Holman was at least equal in intelligence, --activity and business tact to any one for we do Baird as 1st D. Reeve; so that the Council of the Municipality of Brock for the present year is R. Cunningham, Reeve ; Wm. Baird, 1st D. Reeve, James St. John, 2nd D. Reeve and Messrs. Glendinning ahd Walker Councilors. The contest in the township of Reach pecupying a seat at our council board " dgring 'the past year, while in point of capacity he was head and shoulders above some of his colleagues around that board. Messrs. Farchman and Cragg are left at home so that Messrs. Yang and Allin may enjoy seats at the Council _ board, = The house-to-house canvass has yielded fruit here also. For ourselves we have no fault to 2 find with the fact of our defeat for resulted in thegebyrn of J. Dobson Reeve ; L. Burnett, 1st D. Reeve, J. McFarlane, 2nd Ds Reeve, and J. Lang and R. Allin, Councilors. These will constitute the Council for the present year. : : The contest in Uxbridge townehip has resulted in thereturn of Mr. Parker Reeve ; The village of Baliye returned R. P. Harman, Reeve. Po * the reeveship, all must bow with sub- 'mission to the almighty majority, and rejected candidates will have to try and prolong their earthly existence for ia few days at least after the fearful martyrdom of their blighted aspirations inthe terrible calamity of rejection at the polls and being denied a seat at the council board. Our friends will please a cept our most hearty thaaks for their generous and toa large ex- tent unsolicited support, As to our " honorable opponents we have no com- . plaint to offer, they, like our friends were doubtless actuated by a sincere desire for the best interests of the municipality. © But we have no | patience with those moping sneaks who will invent and promulgate abominable with a view to defeating an opponcaty and of all slanderers the I coming hypocrite is the worst and _ most unsorupalous. A victory gained ; Cay is jon is ten times worse then a defeat. 1 the contest in Roach bas doneno jouer good A it has taken the ground + from under the Poor-House advocates ; electors' would wotld have nothing to do with any advooste of the Poor Hous and 0 ards we leg to pes. "The Council for the township of Scugoy is the same as that of last year, by acclan: tion. The" Coun. !l for Port Perry, for the present year is XL. Gordon, Reeve ; and Messrs. Parsons, EF vince, McKinley and Currie, Councilors' ai' by acclamation, i As It Should Re. We have our annual Mayo."sdinners, Reeves suppers, &¢., debut it x amained for the generous an exemplary c. rk of the corporation of Port Perry to esiab- lish a precedent of little less impori= ance than either of the foregoing, viz: the municipal Clerk's annual supper to the members of Cotificil and officers of the corporation. © N. F. Patersor§ Q. C., Clerk of the corporation of Pot: Perry, entertained | ¥ the members of Youncil and officers of the corporation t to a sumptuous and enjoyable supper; at his residence on the evening of i 8th instant. All time and that the: intellectual no less best ible style ; the generous enter- possi by tainers knew to secure the comfort of all their gu : ahh A =So The first week of the present year hus bool a temEer if the rest of the resemblance to may look out for Si the . Great North West 'have nothing better to give us than the faikgnds of their Bliz- they may knowing anything of the bearing of the host and hostBss" will be satisfied | that all present emjoyed a most pleasant than the sosaf Wigs' was richly pro- vided for. [Everything was in te righ a in Port Perry. This long established and thoroughly reliable Company is worthy of the general esteem in which they are held and of the 'most extensive and still in- patronage bestowed upori the: m. The Company may be oofigratulated on he activity, honor and. judgement ig staff of Officers 2 Agents. a s of this place i is an 3 efficient, prompt and honorable Agent, and while hezealously guards theinterest of the Company he is scrupulously just to | msurers. Our claims and the claims | of others for loss by the late fire, insur- ed with him, amounted in all to twelve or thirteen thousand dollars, have been promptly and honorably. adjusted. v lle A Grand Trotting Tournament. The Port Perry Trotting Club will hold a grand trotting tournament on the ice at Port Perry, on Thursday and Friday, January 24 and 25, 1884. The weather proving favorable an _in- teresting and exciting' time may be expected, arrangements are being per- fected so as to secure an unusually at- tractive time, If some of our flyers do not get up and skip making faster time than they usually dothey will get badly left ; something faster than com- mon may be expected and several ex- citing matches are being arranged: We would like to sce our local trotters put through a course of extra drill if they mean to hold their own in the coming races. The ugly gap left in our town by the late fire may lead parties to suppose that hotel accommodation may be deficient ; but a slight inspec- tion will show that the accommoda- tions are much better and more ex- tensive than people suppose. Mr. Blong in Lis new hotel opposite the railway station, can furnish much comfortable Ruddy in his new botel, nearly op- posite the Town Hall, on Queen St., can furnish lots of accommodation. Mr. Dewart still keeps the Railway Hotel and has all his fornrer accom- accommodation; Mr. modation, while the Mansion House, kept by Mr. McQuay, kas mcre than formerly, so that parties need have no fear on the score of accommedation ; it may not be all that could be desired but it is better than expected. Dominion License Law. Whatever may be the future of the Dominion License Act has yet to Pe | seen ; one thing however, is certain that there will be no conflict between that and the Local License Act till af- ter tire first of Muy at least when the the term of the local licenses expires ; there is 8 clause in the Dominion Act to that elect. Fhe late decision of the Privy Council endorsing the action of the License " Commissioners says nothing as to the proper authority for granting such" licenses, and parties drawing any consolation from the de- cisions of the Privy Council re H that said 'decision affirms right of the Local Legislature to con- trol the liquor licenses, must hang his faith on a very slender thread; the t of the Local Legislature to con- trol the liquor licenses was not treated of at all, and there is a very strong presumption that should a conflict arise between the two-Governments the Local will take to back water. el gt Ax InmporTANT INDUSTRY.--We are much pleased to see an additional and convenient and central spot the village preinises 'Mr. 8. H. Chris tian's store: This will be an important ee | down with Joseph Smith to the station.-- important industry established at that | return of Mr. Gould g for N, Ontario in the ture was regularly .@ Uxbridge, on Thursday of before Justices Burton and Osler-- Messrs. Dalton McCarthy, Q. C., and | ** N. F. Paterson, Q. C., appeared for the pstitioner and M. McLellan: and Wm. Johnston for the respondent. To at- tempt to plod though all the trash squeezed out of willing and | unwilling witnesses would be a ting of Pro- vidence, so that we will. selves 'with culling sol pointad statements. Mr. J. W. Powell, "of, early in the box and proved a Gis His amusing reply to a q as to whether he remembered what he told Mr. N. F. Paterson about this transaction. -- Witness said he might have told Mr. Pater- son things which would be quite different when he was giving evidence, When ye) ple were working up an election petition he liked to kecp thera working ° From Powell's exid:nce it was sought to show that Mr. J, H. Paterson had sought to have Powell leave the locality se asto pro- vent him--Powell--from voting for Madill. Mrs Kyle's evidence was straight and above board, as follows ; Mrs. Kyle gave evidence as to her hus- band's whereabouts, ail stated that Mr. J. H. Paterson asked her to use her influence with her husband to get him to vote for Gould. I told my husband about it, and after the election I went to Paterson's shop and HE MADE IT RIGHT. He told me to goand get the things. I went into the grocery part of the store. He said I could have five dollars, and I got four dollars and forty-nine cents' worth, which I thought enough. To Mr, MeLellan--We had been burnt out shortly beforeand gota lot of goods from Mr. Paterson on credit. The goods I got after the election were in one bill. Mr. McCarthy--The bill for the four doll ars and forty-nine cents was burnt by my husband. I tried to avoid being subpanaed 1 went to Whitby. To Mr. McLelland--Whon I got the bill for the four dollars and forty-nine cents I went down to the store and told Paterson's partner that that Lill was settled at election time, and it was struck off. I know this for we got a new bill with a law- yer's letter in which those Hs were omitted. SEARCHING THE SCRIPTURES Fon CONSOLA- TION. Wm. Kerr was then called, and on arriv- ing at the witness box proceeded to carefully open the Bible and announced that he was looking for Jacob's blessing, He then, with- out being sworn, kissed the book and drop- ped it on the floor. This closed ths proceedings for the fore- noon. THE VALUE OF MANABB'S POLITICS. Archibald MecNabb--I live in Cannington. On polling day I was around the village. I was in Wm. McMillan's tavern. I went Smith wanted me to vote for Gould, and although I am a Conservative I told him 1 would. We had a drink together at the hotel at the station. I hada drink of so at MecMillan's also. Smith was trying to coax me to vote for Gould while we were having the drink at the &tation tavern. - He. drove ane to the poll then. The only thing that ade me change from my Conservative prin- ¢.vles and promise to vote for Gould ws the glaw of whiskey. While I was in McMil- Jan's "with Smith, Mr. Hogh McMillan and anoth. v Conservative came in and accused Smith «¢ bribing me. He denied it. They tried to et me to go away with them, but | I woul not alghough they were my political | friends. The sec nd day' s proveadingu were not un- interesting. James Sutlift 17a first in the box. He was charged with J aving got Kerr tight and preventing hint fron) going to vote because he meant to vote Co. servative, But when Kerr was called he test. fled that he was not prevented from voming, he'. gone to Port Perry and voted for Madi. : othe charge fell through. The evidence of Joseph Gould, Esq., the father of the respondent, was - both interest- ing and instructive, contained. wamuch good s2nse and ought to put people i guard Mz. Gould on taking the 'he was president of the Reform of the riding ; had doubts a no.nina- tion, ashe never saw any money money made in against political knaves "| patitics ; on the 12th April, 1881, Higgins Sega with Me, os 0B, tire note e bankable of Manchester. * Mr. James Olackehas #27 1 bpened a stove and tinshop in the| 'convenience to that entire section of | ol ne of stoves, tinware di Towssnre- "Wioy esol Jofirey. UxBRIDGE Towssnip -- Parker, C. Gould, Todd. To Vitus Human. ahd CaNNINGTON--MoPherson. Osuawa--Larke, Smith; Murton, Scorr--S8mith, 'Wnirsy Easr--W. Sunith, PICKERING ~-- Monk Tuoran--Thom * MARA McRae, Rana--McPherson. Tue GuN.--Our Saintfield friends are arranging for a grand Pigeon Shooting Tournament in that village on Wednesday 16th inst. 'A special gathering . of sportsman are assured and a general brush. up of shooting ironsisgoingon. Even our bestshots will have to look sharp or they will get badly left in the contest. "Some rare exhibi- tions of straight shooting are expected and some interesting matches may be' relied on. 200 picked birds will afford |* all the shooting that may be required. See Bills. ee imenn! Waar 18 BerTer THAN Gorp:--See J. H. Lrown's advertisement in this paid, viz: +--James of contract for Printing, $29; E. Mundy advertising the $4,000 Fire by-, 81. 05 and §9.4 Births, Marriages y Richardson, for oak ae for culvert $1.15. $3t0J. Tunstall, the same to be charg: | Jed to the indigent fund. Mr. Parsons moves that|J. Wri ght, Esq. be relieved as surety for Treasurer, and that Chas, Marsh, be accepted as surety so soonas a bond approved of by the Reova shall have issue,. he a the question most satisfactorily. ~ $16,000 worth of choice Dry Goods must go within sixty days and the value given in goods-awill be better than gold. .See his Persian Lamb Caps and Goat Skin Robes and learn the prices at which he sells them. Don't fail to read Ins advertisement and mark the great basgates he is offering. AN IMPORTANT ANNIVERSARY.--See W. T. Parrish's new advertisement in this issue, he is celebrating his first anniversary after one years successful trial of the low price strictly cash sys- tem and is now giving his prices an- | other press downwards. Customers get all the advantage of the discount saved in cash payments. Don't fail to read his advertisement and go and see his stock and mark his prices. 'WeLcouE Back.--See Dr. McClin- tow's new advertisement. He has opened en office over Rolph's Harness shop. . nif Election of Officers. The Rescue Fire Company, Port Perry, met at their hall on the evening of Tuesday 8th iast. Amongst other business the election of officers for the present year was proceeded vith and resulted as follows + 'Wm. Kennedy, Chief Engineer. John Powers, Captain; Thos. Hardell, 1st Lieutenant, William Mills, 2nd Lieutenant. W. H. Park, Secretary, Jas. Humphrey, Assistant Secretary, Robert McKnight, Treasurer, James Wilson, 1st Branchman, 'Wm Irvin, 2nd Branchman, Thomas Platten, 3rd Branchman, 'Wm. Bond, Captain, Hose, Geo. DeShan 1st Lieutenant, Hose, John Clemense,2nd Lieutenant, Hose, Joseph Hardell, Engineer, Robert Buntjin, 2nd Enginee, Peter Lansing, 1st Axeman, John Mani, 2nd 2nd | Axemass) A Torible Bun Blunder. A party named Barber, conductor ofa special train from Hamiltonto Toronto | through fatal forgetfulness has been the cause of one of the greatest railway horrors ever {experienced in theProvince: Barber bad in his» posession an ex- plicit order not to. take the time of regular trains and that he know 'the suburban train 40 be a regular bub; but he neglected to give his driver been ted.--Carried. y for Freight on Fire Extinguisher Be Pied for stepladder ; E.' Mundy, balance, On motion of Mr.' Richardson, $4) nearly was ordered to be paid to Mrs. Kostér {4 aga) ed unpaid, for a week after it was | rendered, The experienceof Tux Post with Mr. Hubbard goes uniformly to }. | prove that he is-a sharp business | man, as he has a right, to be, but that he is also a gentleman who invariably per- petition Jos. 'Hickson, Esq, General Mx. Parsons moves that this Council his bills as often as they are presented. forms what he promises, and who pays This is the kind of "Agencies with which Tne Post likes to do business; Manager of the Grand Trunk Rly, so change the Tinie Card of the Mid- land Division that, passenger trains going north and south may connect with the passenger trains on the G. T R'y at Whitby, and that the Clerk be instructed to communidate with the Clerks of the several municipalities interested in the change of time, to | and we havea lingering suspicion most other" newspaper their preferences to run in pretty much the same direction. Hartford Post, th Por Pramy Races Thursday and Friday, | that | com publishers allow said object. Council adjourned sine die. I qt] asking the Councils of said muni- cipalities to co-operat: with this Coun- | Rev. Mr. Turd. Meck cil with a view to the attainment of Gi eldest of A. W. Rati A The Clerk now read the minutes, and on motion of Mr, Richardson, the {young couple enter on their married Dear Sirs. --1 have been a sufferer and prosperous future: They are gen- from Costiveness, 'Sick Headache, and Loss of Appetite for many years, felt always tired, so that life was a burden © |and all seemed dark to me. I have At the residence of | de's father, Manchester, on Tuesday, 5B fat, jones the Jo tis a "The. pore) intelligent and siimatle life under the' most favorable circum- stances with every prospect of a happy eral favorites with all acquainted with them and we only echo the sentiments of their numerous friends when we ex- press the wish that goodness 'and a copy of this order. . oe the driver 1 all the advertised remedies but with- out effect. A number of my neighbors wo had used your Fountain of Health urged me to give it a trial, three bot- tles of which made me feel like a new woman. : : MRS. BELL, AA ------------ Excited Thousands. All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Dis-|W covery for consumption. Their unlooked for recovery by the timely use of this great life saving remedy causing them to go nearly mad in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Colds, Hoarse- the Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottles free at 8. E. Allison's Drug, Store. A Lawyer's Oalon of THOR 10 AL. "J. A. Tawney, Esq.; a leading attorney of 'Winona, Minn., writes : « After using it for ih stating that 1 regard Dr. Now De | us covery for Consumption the" best remedy in the world for Coughs and Colds. It Fag, never failed to sury thisoh Sevire colds + Ve Fmercy may follow them tlrough a had medical attendance and have tried happy life to ber: At Prince Albert, on the. Oth iust., Eliza beth, relict of the late Myr. Jacob a aged 93 and 20 days. du Port Ferry, on pat inst, Mr, James | Purchase E 81; ths. on we, on. the 4th inst. Mr. PP, aged 66 years, 7 fonths may he wd ie, A) C. BRO Eee on the. '4th inst., Mr. Sai Port or on the the 7th inst., Thomas, homas. Hardell, aged 22 NY guantit; A' i years, 9 months and 15 days. The vendors' will uo be bo bow any title deeds other ein toy Sr Gn" 1 0Ye Cemetery Go. B ANNUAL MEETING of the above) named Company will be held in the © Town Hall, Port Perry, . Jan, 21st, 1884, 0 I, "for Election 'of Direc: ERkierak ness, Loss of Voice, or any affection of TJ" more than three years, I take great pleasure 310