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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1884, p. 1

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Lg |] * A. HURD. TF Te rouT PERY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THORSD. AY, JAN. 24, 1884. "BAIRD & I 8: it paid in ance; wm annum, n a i: Av 1 5 aod no natil arrears ar ¢ paid up. 8 di ig m er per pam Fotis or Tie poney, when "adidpessed to this Oil bo ak our wisk. % Advurtize sinenits measur d by and charged Wdiiy 43 thie Speed they capy: {rely paris 1, Advertisements coastal {or publication, : 8 CHAS. HOLLA: pd sid egistored will} fIBAD OFFICE, TRONTO. RI ee ie om PID OP, §1,00000060 es, wuss, 000,00. ahi DIRECTORS. BIR Ww. 'P. HOWLAND,' President ¥. FRAZEL. § ik ND, NX r Bie Ly EPORT. 2 SAVEAGS BAta ula front day oi depuait to day of wits drawal. No notice of wilh drawal required. roa font rust Allowed at he TNE best Gurion rat | ¢ tru stions, will be inserted \ : hi eT ant chred accordingly. No| INTEREST ADDLD 1'U PRINCIPAL advertisement. will. be, taken out uutil'paid un let Vovamoer of each year. for. W. J. McMURTRY. Manager, A liberal d t allowed fo M haunt HS and others whe advertise y the year or ye 3 ~ = balt.year. H. GORDO, Thase terms will} in all cascs be strictly ad- SRE hered to. Notary Pysric, CoMMIssiOSER IN B. R. JOB. DEPARTMENT. BARD LOAN AND Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Representing the following first-class Bi H Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt IR, oe Pil He Checks, 'Books, Circalars,- .; LIYE, Z : Business Cards, Ball Cards, ACCIDENT, &e. of every'style and color executed promptiy and at lower rates than any ather estab- lishment in . theCounty. #a Pariies from a distance getting hand bills, &c. Printed can have them done to take home with them. J. BAIRD. H. PARSONS. R. CLEMENS, successor to J.D, And: D erzon, M. D., Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Office over Corrigan's Store. Jisidune-Oue door east of M. E. Church, rt Perry. Port b ry, Jan 4, 1883. RS. JON & OLVER, Physicians, | Surgeons, &eo., Port Perr er R. JONES, M.D., J. B. OLVI'R, M.D. Corner; Residence, Mary St. Residenc:, Queen St. Port Perry, Dec 9, 1383, R. WARE, Ciron-r for the. Connty of | Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and Ac- coucheur, Office and residence, King Strect, Prince INSU ANC... COMPANILS The Royal, The Phenix, 'The Imperial, The Queen, "I'he Citizens, The Canada Fire and Marine, The Sovereign, The Union, and The Travelers. call Glugens H insur Fre PoLicixs insuri now iatal wjury. a3 Magia: and Tic els "or prssage to and .ron Britain soi at lowest rates. Port Perry, April 20, 1381. LicuSses [ssuan. 2a Albert, Ont. nahenr. Harness Shop. Present; "Resic ence--Bigelow St. Perry. . qeon and Acen "of Port M. I. MGBRIBN, M. D., R. C: 8., HL, Usha The Eye FF PACER N.Q OC Bywistr and N Attorny - at - licitor in Ch Y Netacy Pu'lic, &. "ry, XE Office over Brown's St OHN'B'LLINGS. Barristeran LAE 05 at-Law, &e. Solicitor for the Bank: Office over Ross & Son's stoce, Quen St., Port ?edy, Unt. Port Perry, Sopt. 6, 1552. Conv yan. P. FAR WE 4. L LB, County Also on Vilas Pru 7 «ta Hi hor Rate. e) , Crown Attorny Barcist, Conpty* x "40 : [TL ERE Soli.iter X Notary Padi anid © Convby- L Spat. win wrt Hows, i Pict Poy Vag: 3 i WAN L. ENGLISH. LL 3, Satisitor yi in Chancery, Actornoy, Jon ryan. r, Le. LW se, Barrister, in Cl un LL. B, ok, Ero 4 Strat, Having Punk orry, has arrang.d for the investment good improv 150 $his County for intending | Uffice. over W. Block, Port Peery, . Port ort Perry, Jan, 4, 1883 "3A MURRL v. ae Patte & Fenton, Sur eon | wd Bo Corrigan's got done in th Guy's Haspital, London, England, -- Outrio ry r-sumsd the ractice of his profession at Law in te oe mortgages Intercst and Sharges cash. cCaw's Towers Stors--in his New Brick | MONEY 70 LOAN MCCLINTON, M. D., Physician, Sur-| - yyy subserih 1 is rapred $0 lanl money I on improved prip-rty for t.rms ro I'8. geN CANADA Loax aN ts { SaviNGs COMPANY. | He has als been instructed to invest large amount of private ound. LT-COL. C. 8. GZOWskl, Vice ent, HON. C. ope MR alid Gel Sat dak by accident, and weekly md munity wm ct of Gr at TRAVELERS "GUIDE, J IMPORTANT 10 16 TR A Bp Qa, La or egy ! W. H. McCAW 8 TICKET AGENT for the follewing lar lines of Ucean Steamers. "WHITE STAR" from New York. "MONARCH" from New York. «BEAVER from Quebec and Montreal. ; PRICE OF TICKET. from Now York to Loudon and Liverpool amd return $75. seragze ron Livirpool to Port Porry 1 Partics intending to rave } will find it to then advantage to purchase tickets irom © W. 'H. McCAW. Port Peri, May 24, 1853. _ #toce the bowels to a heaitly condition. # Prrrsare invaluable, snd a sure cure, and cured by AYEL'S PILLS. A FEW HINTS | FOR THE USE OF oS Dog. To more the tow LY us els gently, % to 4 Dlilish ~ thorougl'y, 4 to 6 ills. 7 Lis Experience will decide the proper dose in euch case. For Constipation, or Costiveness, no remy is so cifectivd ms AYER'S PILLS. They insure regwar daily action, and re. Tor Indigestion, or Dyspepsia, AVER'S Heari-Lnvs, Loss of Appetite, Foul Stomach, IU Latuicney, Dizziness, Ilcad- ache, Numbness, Nausea, aro all roiieved In Liver Complaint, Billous Disorders, and Jaundice, AVEK'S PiLis shoul ba given in doses large enough to excite the liver and Lowels, and remove conetipation. Asa cleansing medicine in the Spring, these' PILLS ave uncqualieds 'Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled Ly tliese PILLS. Erup Skin and Piles, aduiivNLLi. I'L Hil undersigned takes this opportunity | of returning a nis (or the very liberal | pawronage which he ha. | on er in the past. 'Lhe increased experi- {ence and extensive practice which 1 have | had will be turned to advantage of patrons | and patie, avoring ae Wii Laci saes may | rely on tue inter ts veing wily potect d. ct will be spared to mike 1b profitable s to pace their Sos mn my hands. Regist er wil be found utLung « rey's cuardware Store and at my own | residence, Union Avenue, Port Perry. C. DAW. 8. Aucti ncer. Port. Perry, Aug 17, 1868. WM. HEZZELWOOD, | Licen.el Auctioneer." | | | HE und ri having taken ut ing Property, upon th 1 EOE EW cer is wow pr pared at squiiabl' rows. Lice Policies Witu po a- od ustod tr him. | Have wns puyab ct wkd death, or or a nated a rience in baudling Hea puaber Oy an, Lindow nt Poaacies s. such us Howes, Cattle, payabie ata oc 3, 1g § 'mp ) Li ath. Accel Ho lcath smy rel ail for tae popaty teat it is possire to to ring. nde ne tndd tos ws furuisued s prom and su gtiir ood rs at the ( - vt Pry, wid reg ive imnedi- | toni un, de rat ' Wai. | vER Gis {and ear: Ch AR an sp 1] Lizused Lit received as Auc- | Trtrotl No Commission. OR th: T. sf Broek, Uxbrid i Seott, Ta aa, Ramey, slacip | jad don. Partics eatrusting their Silus to me may | Part Po ti vey rely on t st atteation being piven to y A their inter sts. 3 Er 9 1 | WM 4URTON | * Sunder m Sarm Security : CENT. . Ts loan on good farms, at 8 LYMAN | Barrist r, &e., Osh wa. Nov. 21, 1834, is or proparid to LEXND i +nt interest. | NGLISH, ab Lin Part Perry, Jan, 10, 1679. 17 y i Pad 4 Js VK 2 3A iy 4 Gay b ms of pam ut, th 3 Dwuiling inthe Villag VALLENIYNE, upplyie oce tiple by Samuel Brethour. wi mee blisines ! propecty w y ms easy. A Hib LY basin M KENZIE, PROPRIETOR. | cd his new and extensive with a supply ¢. sup: rior Ho! | ages ia prepared to urnish firs | ON MODERATE TERS. C. McKENZIE. Port Perry, Are 6, 1878. LE Subsrthor Tovins now fully equipp- very Dubie Hy = the money. ply to = SAMULL BRE oun, xbridge ; or ALEX, J. ROBERTSON, Torcnto. Uxbridge, Dec. 26, 1883. MAN CHESTER. HEARD'S Gar riage Works! AND. Hines he the' art,' os Ee PS * 3: as ghe 8 per 2004 as' thes "Pecth ith Gold' 1d and silv 12) in or producing local ia, pun nba ght Coats ie lock, 's Deug stor, King 3 ao $800, C00, carr fi A vith} Power to brosss to $1, 000,000. ) All par- or days of This | ¢ oppartuuity to any one or invest in a yield a good return for a Blocksmithing Establishment. fi the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are cured by the use of AVER'S PILLS. For Colds, take AYER'S PILLS to open hie pores, remove inflammatory secretions, and allay the fover. Yor Diarrhea and Dysentery, caused by sud len colds, indigestible food, ete., AYER'S I's are the true remedy. Theumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Compisintr, and other disorders caused by debility or obstruction, arc cured by AYER'S PILLS. Suppreesion, and Painful Mcnstruae tion, have a safo and ready remedy in AYER'S PILLS, Tall t in various lang company each package. PREPARED BY pr.J.C.Ayer&Co.,Loweli, Mass. Sold by all Drugglsts. ane TARREN LELAND, ue : he i y kuows as the successful Largsat Hatel Enterprises Aptis wobderfally good--for I am no kin of hers ; it would be heartless, wicked, = "Ty ups d done me good to be with you, | 'me | vapturously. "Clarice, [ will win nome | quaver. 3 | ASHES OF ROSES. A Cnemas Story, must even be shut out from the light and love of hier darling face." - No! he would nob growt bitter.-- | 2he loved him ; she would be faithful. He wonld Win or die for her sake.-- He would go back to the city in the morning ; Lis roturn ticket was already purchased, and after paying his hotel bill a few pennies 'would femain: He { was just that poverty-stricken at the present moment. But Clarice should fever: kpow what an effort he had made in coming to see her. He lay | musing thus until the late train came. in, B little past 11, aud reminded him to go down and examine the time-table as to his morning departare. A lounger ov two remained in the warmth of 'the otherwise office. The landlord himself had been | ~ man. . Continued But she has ad to me-- were I to speak against her or deceive her. I could not do so. But should I fear?" % Ah, why ? he echoed dreamily. -- The a new energy came into Lis voice Clarice, great good. You have g given me courage, the swoetest Christmas gift. And. Clarice if ever there comes a day when I dare to speak, dare to tell you all that you have been and are to cheerless | The moonlight fell like peace upon « Clarice !" voice Me-| " Robert !" "Oh, my glarling, my own wife ht Can you love me--is it true?" His arm encircled her and Leld her | have sent me the carri safe, while slow tears of le appiness | led the newly arrived. gathered in her eyes and fi 3 ectful set |" shoulder. face, "New hope! { man, at whose | Clure started and buried Lis face in» quer uLous country newspaper. « A nice--a nice set of folks not to 0 complain- "A nice, care- | cll upon his | and clean-shaven His ve less token of age, than hi thin New life ! real he cried | § His brizht eyss scanning the and honor for your sake. The thought | room, sav ouly the back of Robert's of you is like the thought of the angels in heaven, lifting me up out of my | meaner self. 1 tread new heights; there is keen, sweet strength within ' pleaded. me !" & Oh, hush, Lush)" gently, "you make me ashamed of my | girlhood, I have done nothing, come nothing but yours !" «Mine, mine |" he reiterated. "Shall | out. I tell you, dear, send 1 me & year ago to-night 7 It has never Ite left me ; it lies upon my heart though | hors head. to-night, Mr, Channing," the landlord | wat do you know about it 7 was she whispered 1 © you a goed room for the 1 Ie be Digub me a team to drive of the rose you gave row, getting the identical that Robert had driven early in ening. And Robert, with bis face 1b is only ashies- ; seal lt ed from the air even, sof roses,' still hidden in the newspaper, chuck " You cared for me so long! The old scoundrel would find skittish b 1 road beyond 1 rare «I always cared fgr you I fun holding « And now," she said, after a mo ¢ on the of emgantion to Cal- if svind that one of tie oflicers of thove «uot caved Li uri the voys | ax. Jasin discuss by the use of A prey \ TAT & aps Ayers Sarzapariiia. Since then Mr. Av Letaxp Las recommended 'S SARSAPARILLA in many similar and Lie has never yet heard of iis fails a radienl cure, Some years ago one of Mr. LELAND'S farm laborers braised his lege Owing to the bad state of Lis b.ood, an ugl, rerofuious swelling or lun appeared on the injured Yimb, lor. i of the skin, with Lurning and through tie lump, made life 'Iie leg becaine cnor- «an 1 ravafng ulcers forined, t quantities of extremely No trentirent was of any r. Li »'s direes ARSAVA- yin and irrita d the swelling, aud we Jib to use. Aver o J Ud 3] 8a ---- for iid sumatism, with entire success ; and, a eful observation, declares that, in Lis belief. there is uo wedicine in the world equal to it for the eure of Liver Disorders, Gout, the effcets of high living, Salt Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, and all the various foros of blood diseases. We have Mr. LELAND'S permission to invite all who may desire further evidence in gegard to tho extraordinary curative powers of AVYER'S SARSAPARILLA to see Lim person- ally either at his mammoth Ocean Hotel, Long Branch, or at the popular Leland Hotel, Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. Mr, LELAKD'S extensive knowledge of tho good done by this unequalled cradieator of blood poisons ennbles him to give inquirers much valuable information, PREPARED BY Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists; §1, six bottles for $5. pu Sub eriber has To mid | of the best wood- workers jin in and is now b tter fitted than io! GE with dispatch. with neatness and on short notice, i HORSE SHOEI and the work done and comfort of the in traveling, 5 os nos | pirh stating that secured the. we of one ay | all orders for CUTTERS, SLEIGHS, BOB- LEIGHS, or any description of. CARRI- All repairs in Wood or Iron executed . Customers may yely on getting the ost latest ir Fa as to secure 3 case es Moderate and all wark VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE. For 1854 is an Elegant Book of 1 Pages, 3 Colored Plates of Por and Vi les, and more than 1000 Illustrations ofthe choic- est Flowers, Plants and Vegetables, wk 3 and enough i» the y Centte Table or a » Holiday Present. Send your name and address, with ten uta and I vill se send kgou paid Thisie not a ot. a quarts rinted dish 5 you rh the 10 cents. Viek's Seeds are the pst in the World! The FroraL Guine will tell how to get and them. Eee Flower and Soptatie O i 11s Colored Plates, 500 : For 50 cents in paper overs; Fin In German or 1 re ustrated MiSaly BM gsi 13 2 an a year ; fumbers soot for ofp loved Plate in exer Gory gid rice in you SE Ye s for $5. a you, -- 10 cents ; 3 3 trial sapien) fn 25 So iS VICK, iment, "I must return." y cross old hod climte for whom he mil N 1 and wu lie held Ler very | mure1 bis tenderness close } sweet id bu +My darling, myangel! My Lrave nig sweetheart. Cla is loved, hit by the side of He would not let Ler see o old ngan be injured or Ju will write me, Clarice I" here how sl ven Clarice, He liad not or shock tha: tats hidd Rowiu cruelest foe. | Well, it wa 10 money what he had the vest, that too to hive a Lo | your Christinas happy. to speak to the landlord would be IIe kuow that she preferred that he surd, he would be laughed Besid wat cared he for tho old wiser ? Sut Clarice ! It annoyed hi joss the reproachiul i seemed dinning in his ears: "An ol | nan 1" It bothered him so that he ped | the room . for a quarter leave her here. He might have driven her to her own gate, but he fancict [she wanted to go back leisurly aud | i that {mow composed ere facing the gin ud | voice | company. 1t was half-past seven, their usual dinner hour when she entered the | drawing-room, apparently cheerful. -- | [He then threw off his eoat and wrt She strove to do her part, and let none | !to draw the curtain. How white and read her heart : none should know how | I stilt the night! The wind was down sorely she missed the absent. Not and it was growing colder. Fancy the one. old man' lying senseless or crippled out | As the evening progressed the old | there beyond the railroad crossing till | house seemed to brim with joy. Here lafter daylight. What a Christmas were swinging footsteps to slow waltz | gift to be carried in through the fair melodies, and choruses songs of col-| sunlit morning to Clarice, who had of an hour. elders ! « Pshaw ! what silly thoughts ! lips under the glitter and warmth of Oftive | luxury, while only a few miles off, at the little town, a lonely soul would wage flerco war inan hour's short "*'| space. An tle) unless he was dragged or stunned. SETS five minutes later he PART HL He drove back to the town--hol ding ol the reins carefully least the horse *1 would 'shy and plunge again down there "at the railway crossing; drove feeling mew strength and purpose in life, new desire. for life itself. His | heart fairly ached with excess of ambi- tion- Poor heart! So. 'downcast of late and warmed divi the rosebud | hotel. night. was sure.footed dn ork, 'havi ing vies pitied which he slacken- thero would be no escape. | up with fio great trouble, streng Yimb- that her aunt would be just. | her face. across to take iu any traveler who bridge, and so coming at length to the | , to conte." « Are you afraid of me?' she said | might Lalt on his way. and was even | fie ! "Ah? And Rowland was youreme- softly. {iow returning with one, a little old | * * * * * * * my! You consider that he defrauded + Dut they were not expecting you ' so A team I can drive myself and : kied robbed him, fa Y 3 the Litierness of Lis mood ells as the old man drove ould hava y look. No, buke: were g¢ back to the n coturtied to his room and found there was but ou Let them put * Rowland, the young man carried me! ut while he nus He wondered if Row- t lot you in Lis arms for three miles---and town and see her no more them thin At; he would | saved your life." Won at came at ongo. J & dow," she said; "I want to It must be 1d Le talk with you. You are very like 1 and wm v in your father. Did you knew I knew , progress. As he tolled onward he felt your father years agol Ab, ye, we ously indifferent to their possible vere good friends --the best of friends,' opinion. Let thom 3 She rose and unlocked a enbinet, {mizht. He was dois tdeep in the recess of which she sought | tardily it was trae, and found a tiny box. Then she came | he could not dis- lege life, and shining eyes and crimson such a tender reverence for her upsettal would not injure the old miser (though the bones of the old are brit- was buttoning hi§ coat about him and, leaving the "Tt might be folly; merest folly, but something urged him out into the He thought of how he might save distance by strikeing southward direct and ¢rossing the railroad bridge. The trestles would be slippery but he than once he named himself : , yet strode southward in the increasing coldness, Tt wis not to the railroad trestle- pace, stepping cautiously from beam to beam. He 'hoped no train was o, for the bridge was old and close- thought had scarcely entered when a low murmur ran | SE stooped and laying firm hold upon a beam, slipped through I trestlowork and Lung suspende only by Lis bards. | One word was on kis lips ; one name |' within his heart, "Clarica " The crashing thunder chove him lasted but a brief moment; then a 1 stinging pain crept from his middle finger up the mueles of his ann, as if a conl of fire had fallin upon bis hand. He looked up into the moonlit sky agnin, it could have been but a loco motive, he thought, "as Te drew Vimeo > ed, athletic Totton that he was. Then, 'How did you come to bein Cat- lie went on, thinking only of hisown | tling?' Miss Channing asked after » late danger, even the pain of his hand | moment. where the red coal had burnt. He "I had come on business," he an went on unshaken, after leaving the swered quictly. "I was telegraphed you 1" "I have alweys known it," said He went slowly towards it, dreading | he unhesitatingly, to face a death he wight have pre-| "And you brought him home," she mused aloud. "Will you tell me why you took the trouble to think of his « safety Robert waited a moment, then an- swered with a softened voice, -1thought of Clarice." "You thonght of By the roadside, beyond, lay some- | thing dark, uncanny! That was all. | vented, still he could not de too long. and cutter Teaven knew where hors had brought He heap. He w up! d the dark he had bent and examine as not surprised ; be so, elsel Youlove Clarice. o following afer. t | Clarice? "I love Claric infinite tenderness. I tlt is very plainly to be seen,' said the lady, d "We will discuss it Good-night." And she tural, he repeated with me neither socn nor late. ne, perhupson d his ene Was the old man worse t It mattered little, yet s fect. tunned to-morrow, roin the room. rouse him, viz ce came back tohim and led him he esuld not There wa stance of three miles Datwiien them the great house, or @ Lis chamber, but he had grown habitat But there was onc faint and could scarcely see her face. only to be done--to! Dr. Keene came in and dressed the He, whom those | si man to his home, inst Robert fell asleep and n he awakened the sun was shining sweetly on dear familiar walls, old man end there was strange peace in the - | young man's heart. a' them with unexpected And could re alone! ywland Channing had come to him- nd was seeking an explanation of mange 50 who had bro Was mixed i up some ew} in the matter," ed petulantly, Lome! But suppos- | he w 1 without speakin Miss Channing gave him a swift re- not whirk his datv There was a moment of silence, then the little miser sneered as usual : "Ah, did beso? Miss Channing went suddenly out for Rohert to come to her ut when he should have ut w He must ¢ like a child, o is child, il i | arms, {carry him slowly | yonder, artme od. The snow still There were lig r- back to her rocking chair. "What do you suppose there is in this box I" Ske asked, smiling grim- Iy. After a moment's hesitation he ans- wered with reverent tenderness : room, warm lig {| heavy dream, his staggering upon the side [porch and knocking hee Presently half suspiciously. | "TI have brought Mr | home™ was all he remembered saying, i till he knew | with Miss Channing and striving to i tell her about it. 'I was at the hotel,' | Lis pocket the sealed packet held ever hesaid, 'and learned that they had given! precious, the dust of the rose that him a skittish horse that I myself had | Clarice had given him long before. o > driven earlier in the evening. I fear-| No words were spoken for a space-- «ed an accident and followed on foot.-- | nd sigh fell on the silence of the room ! 1 found him at the railroad erossing,~ | The sunlight came golden through the it took a good while to carry him up.' *| window lace ; the snow-birds cheeped « You carried him up from theeross- without. ing? Three miles?" said Miss Chan-| Then slowly arose Miss Channing ning sharply. "Why: are you stand-|and spoke with trembling voice. ing? on are exhausted? Sit down | "1 have made a mistake--a at once." | mistake ! I have wronged She turned and filled him a glass of | 3 pass and let us be friends. Fak wine. Dr. Keene was attending to Clarice will like to "with you: ip think she may e better. hve Rowland Channing in an upper chamb- So die er. All merriment was hushed and set saying she: left the fou, a moment later Clarice entered ; we aside. McClure sank into a chair and softly: looked about him dazedly. He wasin| "Aunt bas sent you a the long dining-room, where he had | gift. Will you take it? Bi often been before and this was Christ- mas-eve. J Miss Channing came back with the |. wine and stood regarding him with a curious expression. ; He lifted his hand, the warmth of| =" to pain terribly. -- Ho saw her note the action. - Tb i is a bar ihe ih a soiee one peered forth " Ashes of Roses!" Miss Channing sprang to her feet. " ilow could you know?" she cried With a touch as reverent as had heen hi Robert drew from Channing! himself standing alone speech, | | 1

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