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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 24 Jan 1884, p. 3

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PORT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO, THURSDAY, J AN. A, 1884, THAN Ra Out MITAKES i Family Newspap Ty: 18 PUBLISHED AT PORT PRREY, ONT. EAgASDAT MORNING, | BAIRD 2 & "PARSONS, 1 tun, if id in advance; Terus. --§ ; anata 3 iy = ' thers ©: when addiessed" br , deed registred will bo ab our visk. Advortiseme and chargd @ cupy. isons eopeivel for Jubid without speciic instru stions. wil until forbid Laut dried accordingly 39 ad ill be, taken out wail paid case ad he Ni puis be theyide tio for. A liberal discoant allowed to Merchuits and others who. advertise by the year or half-year These terms will in all cases be strictly ad- hered to. 'J0B DEPARTMENT. Pamphlets. Hand Bills, Posters, Programs, Dill Heads, Blank Forms, Receipt Books, Checks, Books, Circulars,- Business Cards, Ball Cards, &c. of every'style-and color executed promptly and at lower rates than any other estab- lishment in the County. #5 Pariies from a distance getting hand bills. &c. Printed can have them done to take home with them. HB PARSONS. R. C ENS, successor to J.D. And- erson, M, D., Physician, Surgeon and Accounchaur. Office over Corrigan's Store. Residence--Cne door east of M. E. Church, Port Perry. . 4 «1 3 ; ums payab ook had Tha arice i Ring 1 PREPARED BY gently, "you make me ashamed of my I'll give youu g Port P ry, Jan 4, 1883. nuaber oy ars. A nd win ut Paice y .p rience ia daudling ea : Phi ih oo 2 4 Labiesy | pa u attle : ood re don eo, be- io distance of three miles --_-- - payabic aba L-.tuin dbo, or on pr ate, ah as L als, Dr.J.C.Ayer&Co., Lowell, Mass. girlhood, I have done nothing, be . : : x nee o ee miles RS. JONS & OLV:R, Physicians, | §5th Aceident fusurince coverins death ot pt Al ? come nothing but yi rm "You'll give mea team to drive 1 the great house, or Surgeons, &e., Port Perry* i d a Reibis vey wing Sold by all Drugglst ) Bing hus yours ; i . : J R by ac:ident, and weekly md munity wm co: of Es old by ugglats, «Mi no IN a at. A ted I drive 'my But there was one R JONES, M.D., J.B ov R, M.D... | 3, (ata wiury. whe my e ting Mine, mine ;" he reiterated. "Shall out. A tain |] ean drive mysel But there was one pi Reng, Q ere Macy gar Mannan: LicuSses Dau a : xr oe ¥ il Loup posine fo I tell you, dear, of the rose you gave send ba row." vr only to be doue--to i +, Queen S % "SES Lato. BR 8 3 § ia: . i ' i Fort Dorey: Dec 19, 155: bs {and Tic ets 'or age to and .rom tir'at aa Re i ; i REN LELAND me a year ago tonight 7 It has never It ended in his thing the i 7d man to Lis home. He, rir A een be x » i) x ME i VIE IE i : i S 2. WARE, Ciron'r for : the County of | Britain soid at lowest rates. Ne UNE mad She Nous. Suriisuns lien 1 J left me ; it lies upon my heart though | horse that Robert had dri e ly whom those Port P: | Doni Physician, Surgeon and Ac- Port Perry, April 20, 1881. | Fir ors at tC . Lo bhmws: diel aneesst RIS is only stlico--usltes of roses, seal th evening. And Robort, with . Office and residence, King Strest, Prince | MONE vy 7 0 70 y ZO4N fare ee ir Ts wid ree ive Wb Ok Lue ed from the air even." still hidden in the newspaper, chuckled | self upon hein wi ith unex; 4] ang tii > ' » lity : . A the Albert, Ont, we git Chucg go i si Hotel Enterprises "Yon cared for me so one? rudibly. The old scoun would find And could! 1 ML M. D., Physician, Sur- | yp fubsorib ris repared 9 1on 1 money y i \ (while 4 passenger from + I always caved for you re {1% rare fun polding Littish beast ate alone ! 0 rr es Shop. fd Iopoved PEIpUty er rms rom i Refan opt | « And now," sh , after a mo 4 we on the lonely road beyond less, unconscious, m the Present dence--Bigelow St., Port ons Twsat y Foun, 5 hi 3 i ment, "I must retu i The traversed Perry. Agent for Westen Caxapa Loax axv Vel i > i add es a ai ag Ar pi SAVINGS COMPANY. L i Me held Ler ve close and ww ud rv with aid ? 3. a PF. McBRIBN, MM , He has also been instructod to invest a * | mure 1 his tends rues. for whom he mit stand te manese 10 they pr--- " , AL Wd large a ib of private o --_---- b s 1 1 The Ly Th > Ushaws. he | ne mounbd hii ii . OR th: T of Brock AJ Gavan ariila. | "My darling, myangel! My brave ut by the side 5 loved, t who had brought * Inter tb light por cent. No Conn nigsh on. Ha Fri ae ool apa i * \ BA nd Ny PA i ats Tar wa, amy, Ered | sweet! reart.' LH tlioine! But suppo A PA TERS ) oa » Land oa. BLAND LRS nen 1 aly . + a rath . 4 Attorn y-ab-faw Solicitor in | Parties eatru «their S:los to me may Lea in many similar | He vert not let Ler sce ounsht of reoived at the ied without speak 4 Chanoory, Conveyan Notary Pu'lic, ed bacloon ut iteution being given 1 tthe Litierness of Lis mood t she bells as the old man drove aw It would have an ugly look. No, eir inter: 5 4 > 0 | wd aR Ago one of Mr. LELAXD'S fam | Were back to the music and He veturued to his room and found > was but one w Let them put ! oa | Sunder laburory bruised his leg. Owing tothe bad | yno while he must r eto He wondered if Row- tie meanest cout P) OHN BLL! NGS. Barristeran ran | Atforn ay- as i ugh: serefuious swelling id : them think what ey at-Law, &e. Solicitor for the Ontario - | LE ved on the injured Timb, Mor | town and see Ler no more for weary come to any | them thnk wha Bank. Offi + over Ross & Son's store, Quen 4 wan arsd to : of the skin, with burning and. | gp ya \ eseap- | NOL shirk his duty. St., Port riy, Unt, m farm Security Qurthun paiis through the lump, wade life ' a aaa 3 1 ey He Port Perry, Sept. 6, 1552. | * 'OBNT. + ! almost intol rable. 'Tlie leg became enor "You will write me, Clarice ig ole ana be gard of 2 an % ot or days ol mously cuiarged an 1 runing ulcers formed, ay Bie n. Robert, and long for i Low shocked | arms, ¢ F. FAR.WE 4. L LB, Comaty, dbo gusta HO for Rate discharging great quantiies of exwemely | GY Smyiniory i a gets ej, Crown Attorny Bisristar, Connty® 0 FORD, 0 offensive matte o treatuent was of amy | YOU 3 3 even Clarice, jerry him slowly o Solicitor de" Notary Pati ind Conrigs L : a aval unt »'s direes | moment in Lis arms then Ho. st dv. Te lmd gosiyonder, : £0 ¥4 y { va He ARSAPA- | : > : 11 The snow crackled beneath his fe pin id L cl the oe aud | "Good-night," sh still gro . Ho yn nt, and | c the Jib to use. a i ise - I' "Dw Jing ithe V | o dh sed | by. sey [pervar 8] | v ALLY YNE ! i He the horse a , that Rowland Chan errr Pie 5 on oH al NiaaadbN 4 ) . " : a ; YOUN@ SMITH, Sn y+ Porloan am gand ty cromt interest. AY Ly of Ayer 8 Sar saparilla | cish, from which he leaned for o cruelest foe. LR no Attor: t-Law, = in Chungory {MAN ENGLLsH, by Samuel Brethour. This | | + " : 1 ' ine and nn ould Notary Priblic, &e. Barrist r, &e., ie opp tunity to any ove Rhcumatism, with entire success; ad, | 1 Well, it, $00, site Baw; ue i : 3 vat 3 ijlan's Block, ro k stro t at i Ushiwa. > business oF invest in a r careful obgervation, declares that, in «(od bless you, Clarice, and male no money to hire a 1 . prog As he tolled onward he felt Nov. 21, 1834. ty 1 yield a good return for belief. there is uo wediciue in the world Las : i ; 2 CUT indifferent to their ih! ! 4 HURD. ! = the money. Terms easy. Apply to equnl 10 it for the eure of Liver Disorders, | your Ch vistmas happy. Good-nig to speak t» the lier wa Suns ye Tent mathe po § A. URD. -- Having resumsd the | 1A * - SMAMULL BIXSTHOUR, Gout, the eficets of high living, Salt . 341 11 id Bail inion, et thom cavil as t 1 ractice of his profession at Law in | Phi LISERY 5: doit | Uxbridge ; | Rheum, Sores, Eruptions, end all the He kiow that she preferred ts t he uy oe ov £ Jey 5 a He was doi his dut > Port Perry, has arran;d for the investment a or ALEX. J. ROBERTSON, Torinto. various forms of blood diseases. | leave her here. He might have driven | what cared he for tho i ais t : 1s oi i } : aby : Onbrchl satety security, mortgages A Ci" Y VAT Y Uxbridge, Dec. 26, 1883. We lave Mr, LELAND'S permissiou to invite site hey but a fancied | Sut Clarice ! . tardi y it was true, Lut his duty. : hi snd oo ~ Intercst and Sarges C. M iA i N 71k ! x all who may desire further evidence in gegard her to fnew own gate, but he fancied : : oo oa | There were in the drawing 'Also wanted a few good improv ' MANCHESTER to the extraordinary curative powers of |she wiuted to go back leisurly and | It annoyed him ; he could not ¢ 3 2 Taras ih this County for intending | PROPRIETOR. | HAL Hh : s AYER'S SARSAPARILLA to geo Lim person- | oo Loninosed ere facing the gi d!miss the reproachful voice th room, warm H ing through the Pian r cach. Office over W. H. | tte (3 ally citer at bis mammoth Cccau Hatel, | 810% oa og Biv +1) hoary 'curt . 5 welry Storo--in. his New Brick Long Branch, or at the popular leland Hotel, | COMPLY. emcd dinning in his ears: "An ol VY HY g Block, Port Pecry, © i Port P TY, Ja 1 ; A, MURRAY. ATE on & Fenton, Surgeon vo an 'over Corrzars yon) For iii fant a sty] and a warrant od to give | | ) 5 -- a bi EETH inserted on all the latest p A plea of th wrt, and + good as with it and silver: Tecth t pain or producing local anesth 'Rooms--in Cowan's new ok, SrA' Drag Stora, King 3 mi A Way potitical, Agricultural and| LT-COL. C. 5. GZOWakl, Vice-President. HON. C. F. FRA ein the. very! TRAVELERS. > GUIDE. } IMPORTANT 10 "10 TRAVELERS Bp Qa, ae or ful | Ww. H. . Me cCAW f LS TICKET AGENT for the follwing ular lines of Ucean Steamers. « WHITE STAR" from New York. ~« "MONARCH" from New York. "BEAVER" from Quebec and Montreal. i y , pe bi. Kuh abi oe, - HE and ¥: iY on' = CHAS. HOLLAND,-G vio Meni 2. Liverpool and return $75 > BN rR rp y P i SPORT PLRRY Bald ir | rage rom Livirpuol to Port Porry | §AVEGS Bhd x ubirhi lowed ab the i+ laghest su: Io | THE OTA OAK Emo 0 res TRONTO, © api a) > UP, $1,600,000.00 anid {Re §335,000,00. sm Ww. 'P. HOWLAND, President. ER. CALM. SMITH, 2. int rest from day of deposit 10 diy of wits tt e United drawal, No notice 'oi wilh i drawal required. | Lartics intending to travel will find it to INTEREST ADDLD LU PR:NCIPAL un slat Vecemoer of each year. W. J. MeMURTRY. Manager. then advantage to Br Lickcts irom H. McCAW. Port Perry, May 24, hy FOR THE USE OF +S sii =3 + piLi3 els gently, "% Pros are invaluable, sud a sure cure. Stomach, Liatule and cured by AYEL'S PILLS. liver and bowels PiLLs are uuequalieds aduiiuNuug. ee H. GORDO, Notary Pusnric, ComMissioNER 18 B. R. LAND, LUAN AND VHE undersigned takes this opportunity | of re turnimyg thanks ier the very liberal patronege which he ha. ceceived as Auc- wer in the past. 'Lhe increased experi. ence and extensive practice which 1 nave { bad wilt be tuned to advantage of patrons | Representing the following first-class FIR, LIVE, t [and putics avoring 1s Wich tur sues may AUCIDLNT, rely on tucir inter wie ully potect d ald wrU2ikA Ldy | No citort widl be spared wo make it pr or bp riics to piace their Suds in my haads. | diy Register wil be found ut Lag « | | Meharry's cardware Store and at my own residence, Uniou Avenue, Port Perry. C. DAW. 8. Aucti ucer. Aug. 17, 1803. WM. HEZZLLW 00D, Licen.el Auciicneer. INSUANC.. COMPANIL.S: The Royal, The Pheenix, The Imperial, The Queen, The Uitizens, Thee Canada Fire and Marine, The Sovereign, The Union, and The Travelers. A Port. Per 4 Fire Poricixs insuring all HE und rd ing property, upon the "shorts Thich = ab equitable x Lice Policies wi = ty abbiad die Shas cul ust d © hun, bay uit death, or ier a arbi UL Subseriber having now fully equipp- od his new and extensive Liv Habis nds Carri Had RIGS HEARD'S Carriage Works! AND {with a supply 0 sup Ta fries; is pr phred to urnish tirst- ON MODERATE TEINS, . MCKENZIE. Port Perry, Aug. 6, 187. Skin cured by the use of AVLR'S PILLS. Yor Colds, tako AVER'S PILLS to open tho pores, remove fuflammatory secretions, and allay the fover. Yor Diarrhea and Dysentery, caused by sudlen colds, indigestible food, ete., AYER'S i118 are the true remedy. Theumatism, Gout, company each package. much valuable information. PREPARED BY Doge, -- 70 more the bows Z fo 4 Pilisy thorougll'y, 4 to 6 Pills. Experience will decide the proper ose in euch case. Lor Constipation, or Costiveness, no remy is so cifeetivé as AVER'S PILLS, They insuro regn.ar daily action, and re store the bowels to a henitliy condition. Yor Indigestion, or Dyspepela, AVER'S Feari-Lnrn, Loss of Appetite, Foul vy Dizziness, Icads ache, Numbness, Nnusen, aro il roiieved In Liver Complaint, Billous Disorders, and Jaundice, AVEK'S Pints shoukl ba given fn doses large enough to excite the ind remove conetipation. Asa cleansing medicine in the Spring, these' 'Worms, caused by a morbid condition of the bowels, are expelled Ly these PILLs. and Piles, the result of Indigestion or Constipation, are Neuralgia, and Sclatica, often result from digestive derange- ment, or colds, and disappear on removing the cause by the use of AYER'S PILLS. Tumors, Dropsy, Kidney Complaints, and otlicr disorders caused by debility or obstruction, arc cured by AVER'S PILLS, Suppression, and Painful Renstruoa- tion, have a safo and ready Seely: in AYER'S PILLS. Pull diractions, in various languages, ac. Broadway, 27th and 28th Streets, New York. Mr. LELARD'S extensive knowledge of tho goo: done by this unequalled cradicator of blood polsons enables Lim to give inquirers Dr.J.C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. ASHES OF ROSES. A Cunernas Story. otra he stoped © hold upon a beam, slipped bin the = st even be shut out from the light aud love of her darling face." " Cra No! he would nob grow hitter.-- ! Contirtd 5 {ho loved him ; she would be faithful. But she has been good to me--|He wonld win or die for her sake.-- wohderfally good--for 1 am no kin of | He would go buck to the city in the hers ; it would be heartless, wicked, mor ning ; hisiroturn ticket was already were i speak against her or deceive | purchased, and after paying his hotel by his hards. within his heart, "Clzrica §" The crashing thunder cbove him lasted but a brief moment; her. T could not doso. But should T|bill n few pennies would remain. He stinging in crept from his middle fear?" f wus just that poverty-stricken at the finger up the muscles of his arm, as if a a conl of fire had fallen upon bis hand. He looked up into the moonlit sky again, it could Lave been but a Toco- motive, he thought, "us Te drew" up with ho great trouble, streng el, athletic fellow that he was. lie went on, thinking only of hisown late danger, even the pain of his hand # Ah, why I" he echoed dreamily.-- | present moment. But Clarice should The a new energy came into Lis voice | iever: know What an effort Le liad "Ty ups d done me good to be with you, | | made in coming to see her. He lay Clarice, great good. You have given ! | wusing thus until the late train came, me courage, the sweetest Christmas | in, & little past 11, and reminded hi 0} gift. And. Clarice if ever there comes to go down and examine the time table a day when I dare to speak, dare to tell {as to his morning departure. you all that you have been and are to A lounger ov two remained in | - the He went slowly. towards it, dreading | to f i : | >a . «Oh, my darling, my own wife !-- { oungEy I apr. Can you love me--is it true?" | "A nice--e nice set of folks not to | Tis arm encircled her and held her | have sent me the carriage I" complain-| vented. | - safe, while slow tears of happiness | led the newly arrived, "A nice, care-| Still he could not delay too long. gathered in her eyes and fell upon his | less neglectful set! | Heaven knew where horse and cutte | shoulder. | His », thin and clean-shaven had bought up! "New hope! New life!" he cried | gave less token of age, than his vocal Iie bent and examined the dark 1 vapturously. "Clarice, I will win nome, His bright eyes scanning the ; he hac and honor for your sake. The thought quaver, of Robert's room, saw ouly the back of you is like the thought of the angels | head. not como following after. It in heaven, lifting me up out of ny RS they were not expecting you seems a tural. meaner self. 1 tread new 3 'to-night, Mr. Channing," the landlord 1 come neither soon nor late. ple sadaed. iu time, perhaps and fis « Was the It there is keen, sweet me |" Oh, Lush, lush" strength within | old an w " What do you! know about it 7 wa i the sharp rejoi tunned ? tian she whispered ered | rouse him, he could not room for the st the side 4 Ti 1 upon | man !" It bothered him so that he paced heavily, | dream, his 1 3 -- »orch and kno dinner hour when she entered the the room . for a quarter of an hour. 2 } 1 hi ,! Presently drawing-room, apparently cheerful.-- | He then threw off his coat and went 1 te tly She strove to do her part, and let none | to draw the curtain. ~ How white and | 324 suspieiously. "1 have brought Mr read her heart : none should know how I still the night! The wind was down | | home" was all he remembered say 1t was half-past seven, their usual gowe one peered forth Ye.n | "si? nce Company. Gonerel Blacksmithing Establishment. Sold by all Druggists; 61, six bottles orgs, | S0rely she missed the absent. Not and it was growing colder. Fancy the! 0 SE Liat dling a F¥ Oh rd HE Sab criber or. hus much in x 5 A one. oid mutilying senseless or erippled ont} with Miss C1 ie a 7 evi * ESCORRIIATLD 1. he ant dl in| rR OT | Ath cing progres che core bd uh tnd rE eat nT ws a hell CAPITAL, ~ $800,000, -- by b tter Fa n & x BA 6 : house sono to brim with joy. Here juste daylight. Y hue: a Clnistmas hesaid, 'and learned that they had ro) orders for CUTTERS, 'SURIGH BOB- | For 1854 is an Elegant Book of 150 Pages, 8 | were swinging footsteps to slow waltz | giit to be carried in through the fair h RTH ey & (With power to} increase to $1, 000,000. ) AGE with dispatch, HEAD OFFICE, E, TORONTO." eats ine 4 at the lowest current erchandise ad uther a t HR Rh by ue bork nd with neatuess and on short notice. Customers may rely on mal oma attention EY SHOE ig and the work fone gone T and comfort of the in traveling, . | Warranted. SLEIGHS, or any SSseription of. "GARR All repairs in Wood or Tron executed feting the best us Jute 3tyls and superior worlk- to secure $a case Colored Plates of fl and more than 1000 Illustrations oft est Flowers, Plants and vo directions for growing: Present. Send your name and a copy, postage paid. This is not a | of its ar or fi 1s printed in both and oan you afterwards owers and Vomtalie un tables, and enough 'for the Centre Table or a Holiday d Post Office address, with ten cents and I will send kyon to Clarice, who had reverence for her melodies, and choruses songs of. col- | sunlit morning lege life, and shining eyes and crimson such a tender lips under the glitter and warmth of elders ! luxury, while only a few miles off, at| * Pehaw | what silly thoughts! An the little town, a lonely soul would | upsettal would not injure the old miser 'wage fierce war in an hour's short | (though the bones of the old are brit- space, tle) unless he was dragged or stunned. | choic- ie order ing? Three wiles?" trestlowork and Lung suspended only | came swiftly forward, One word was on Lis lips ; one name | Victor told me. Victor knew but' then a! Miss Ch Then | | He! 'me --" warmth of the otherwise ¢ where the red coal Lad burnt. The moonlight fell like peace upon |o fice. The landlord himself had Tos ni | went on unshaken, after leaving the her face. {across to take iu any traveler w | bridge, and so coming at length to the, « Are you afraid of me?" she said | | might Lalt om his way. and was even er softly. | now returning with one, a little old * ¥ weve * i « Clarice !" {man, at whose queruious voice Mc-| By the roadside, beyond, lay some- " Robert !" | Clure started and buried Lis face in a | thing dark, uncanny ! That was all. we a death he_ might have pre- | vould | - he whined petulantly, and sent for Rohert to come to her clown tment when he should have . break ed. Channing him a skittish horse that I myself had | driven carlier in thé evening. I fear-| ed an accident and followed on foot.-- I found him at the railroad crossing.-- it took a good while to carry him up." "You carried him up from thecross- said Diss Chan: | " You did that! To hr never did, how you were wronged I" E ! Hor ories Ia Viel * How did you ie to be in Cat- Itling 7" Miss Channing asked after » moment, "I had come on business," he an- swered aku, "I was telegraphed to come, 1 "Aht 1 And Rowland was yourene- 'my! You consider that he defrauded youl" | "I have always known it," said be unhesitatingly, "And you brought him home," she mused aloud. "Will you tell me why u took the trouble to think of his afety 7 Robert waited a moment, then an- swered with a softened voice, '1thought of Clarice." "You i Geonit of Clarice. You love Cl "I love Clarice," he repeated with infinite tenderness, s very plainly to be seen,' said ;, drily, "We will discuss it Good-night." And she nun the room. # : came back tohim and led him Lis chamber, but he had grown faint and could scarcely see her face. Dr. Keene came in and dressed the wound, a Robert fell asleep and OW, to awakened the sun was 5 shining sweetly on dear familiar walls, and there was strange peace in the "young man's heart, towland Channing had come to him- was soeking an explanation of "1 funey that begoar of a McClure was mixed up somehow in the matter," Miss Channing gave him a swift re- buke : * Rowland, the young man carried vou in Lis arms for three miles-----and saved your life." There was a moment of silence, then the little miser sneered as usual : «Ah, did beso?" s Channing went suddenly out ¥ cot oneo, dow," she said; "I want to You are very like Did you know I knew col Ab, ye, we nds--the best of friends," and unlocked a cabinet, ss of which she sought iny box. Then she came seking chair. "What do you suppose there is in this box I" She asked, smiling grim- Ix. After a moment's hesitation he ans- wered with reverent tenderness : ¢ Ashes of Roses!" Miss Chanting sprang to her feet. «iow could you know?" she cried With a touch as reverent a: had Robert drew from | Lis pocket the sealed packet held ever precious, the dust of the rose that Clarice had given him long before. - > No words were spoken for » space-- | no sigh fell on the silence of the room ! | The sunlight came golden through the window lace ; the snow-birds cheeped without. with you. deep in the und foun back to 1 heen his speech, sr All Charges. Moderate and all work seeds deduct the 10 cents. grow. them. Vicks Flower an: Pages, 6 Colored Plates, 500 For 50 gents in paper covers ; German or 1. Fm cage vi 8 trial copies for 25 cents. JAMES Viek's Seeds are the gst in the World! The Frorar Guipe will tell how to get and id Vegetable 0 Garden, | 17s nglish. & Miusteated Monthly Magazie--32 Plate in every number and ngra: Price $1.25 a year; for §5. _Sipecimen Numbers sent PART IL He drove back to the town --holding | the reins carefully least the horse bl would shy and plunge again down there at the railway crossing; drove feeling mew strength and purpose in life, new desire. for life itself. His Verify hel Withar es 'of ambi- dream vidity. "Scoundrel 2 * Poor heart! So 'downcast of | was sure.footed y i hs ad warmed only hy the rosebud| More than once he named himself phe ug before and this was Christ- be had) x bea dust resting always above it. nplton, , yet, strode southward in the NO Ns took vith ae I Agents | His'room was cosy after "the: outer | x- | keeness ; he was glad to throw himself upon the bed: and ' cover his face, to of her by snatches. Would the 'ever conie when ho might call her to his arms? When the jewels. she gh his clenched teeth. no | five minutes later he was bustoning| hid coat about him and. leaving the hotel. Tt might be foliy, merest folly, but something urged him out into the night. He thought of how he might save distance by strikeing southward direct and erossing the railroad bridge. The trestles would be slippery but he wine. Then slowly arose Miss Channing ning sharply. "Why: are you stand-| and spoke with trembling voice. ing? You are exheusted? Sit down! "I have made a mistake---a . at once." | mistake! T have i = She i ned and filled him a glass of | it Pass and let us be pitiat Keene was attending to Clarice will like to 5 think she may e: a t yours a Chauningin an upper chamb-| go saying she left the room. And er. All merriment was hushed and set | a moment later Clarice entered saying aside. McClure sank into a chair and | softly : looked about him dazedly. He wasin| "Aunt bas sent you a ngs 1 the long dining-room, where he had | gift. Will you take it? It 8] Hh white i increasing coldness, Tt was not loug journey to the railroad trestle- work, having gained which he slacken- ed his pace, stepping cautiously from beam to beam. He 'thopedno train was due, for the bridge was old and close- ed ; thero would be no escape. thought had scarcely entered i 'mind 'when a low murmur van| "He turned to | wine and stood ain: him with curious expression. He lifted his hand, the waruth of the room caused tik pain oneilly, He saw her note the action. "Tt is bora ke uid faintly. 0

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