I am enjoying my best nap in the morning, the man who owns a horse is a wet stable, laying Why, when I think of the ngs of the horse owner I feel like singing for joy. Why, look you, while 'perambelating in. a stock, of pneumonia and perfumes and ranning momentary dangerof being "bitten or kicked by his noble property. When meal time arrives, I feed myself; who owns a liorse must cater to the b PARTIES TO PURCHASE beast's stomach first. The horse must be nursed wore carefully than a baby. He must have his bed clothing aired in the morning. and his bed made at night. He must be given so much to cat, and no more, and at stated inter- vals, He must be scraped and rubbed and washed. He must be blanketed and unblanketed as the mercury goes up ordown. He is a care anda burden from the time he is born until he drops dead and you have to pay some- body for carrying off his remains. And what good is he? When the weather © i warm the horse can't go out. Ifyou have any where to go you must mount shank's mare. The horse might have the blind staggers. If it be very cold it is proper for thehorse owner to freeze 'himself, but his horse must be kept in the stable. The man who owns a horse, his wife, and his son's wife, and the neighbor that is within his gates, male and female, must wade through the knee-deep snow ; but the horse Thight strain himself. No, the horse must be excused. Horses were not madeto wadethrough snowdrifts. No, thank you, T don't keep a horse! er A cage containing a number of con- vict laborers fell 201 feet in a mine at Birmingham, Ale., recently, killing and wounding nearly all its occupants. ----p Itis alleged in New York that Villard hes lost five millions by the depreciation of Lis stocks, and that he has mortgaged his Madison-avenue palace and Hudson River lands. "m The Jumping Kind. There was to fave been a suit for assault and battery before one of the Justices i in the temple yesterday. A { Samer down in Springwells was charg- ed with having slapped the jaw of Lis neighbor, and two waggon-loads 'of witnesses were on hand to swear to this and that, Both plaintiff and de- fendant seemed to be determined men, and their respective sat and glared at each other like two old cats. Nome of the necessary formalities were being worked up, when,all of a sudden, the wife of the complainant was taken with the toothache. It wasn't the kind that growls and mutters and fools around, but the old-fashioned jumping ache, and in two: wives minutes she was Her tears at once affected the and after a little she slid over and whispe ed : "Poor thi crying, wife of the defendant, --1'm parry ache !" ibed the A. the first as she produced the pl "What's al as he came up. asked the plaintiff "Why your poor wife is suffering terriblywith the tooth ache. I pity her from the bottom of my heart." "Who's got the toothache ¥' inquired the defendant as he joined the group. "My wife." ; "George | but thats too bad | Shan't Igo to the drug store for you?" At this the plaintiff turned about, held out his hand and replied : ~ "Bay, George, 1 was a fool to bring thissuit. I called you a liar and you * hit me, and that was right." "But I'm sorry, Jim." ** "Then let's drop the whole business and ride 'home together aud have a chicken dinner. Molly, git your cloak on" i, © And in spite of the lawyers and firs and the queer expression on' his Hl Lonior's face the plaintiff' paid ~ allicosts, slapped the defendant on the and headed in pay out doors some peppermint, $10,000 2. Cheaper than Ever Sold before IN THIS COUNTY. | . Barley, Wheat, Peas, Oats, and all @ Farmers' Produce For which the Highest Price will be paid. | FOR HOLIDAY PRESENTS GO TO W. H. McCAW'S. The largest, and best selected Stock ever shown i in the County. fh Comper of the Season. W. H McCAW. 'remove Freckles, Pimples Ihe "Blotches, hes, leaving the Akin sts clone and beautiful ; Aso instruction for producing a luxoriant wowth of hinir on w oald head or smooth face. Adduress/iusiofiy 3c . Yau Lo, 5 | hy | i WORTH OF GOODS PROI S. HH. CHRISTIAN. The. time has come' 3 ) what to give to friends fora. TO THER I.ADIES |T would say I can help them out of their dilema by request-| ¥ Ho them to call on display of Xmag (Lived Kid Glove fact, every. thing joe husbands, s v | J! Scarfs, Bowes, Sie Handkerchiefs, Mis, California' Buck Gloves, &c., in t will adorn and add to the comfort of h earts and gentlemen friends. Ww. ISAACS Clothing House. D. C. DOWNEY, (Successor to J Wright) Is prepared to pay the Highest Price for all kinds of @w=mID \ | All kinds of Coal, Salt and Plaster for Sale. Port Perey, Ang, 13, 1583. M. O'DONOVAN, NCuSE Carriage Works, Whitby, Ont. Offers to the public a inrge and covered Phaetons, Y Piano Box, Side The stock of TINE CARRIAGES, consisting of open , Surrey Wagons, Dexcter Queens, Whitechapel, Eleptie Springs, Bareka and Thukin Buggies. above stock is manufactured from © The Pest Material in the Market, and will he gold atlow prices, for cash ap on time to suit purchasers, Call and Examine fore purchasing elsewhe ¢ 865" PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO PAINTING & REPAIRING. abv s 8 A strievo 10 0'1 Machines taken in ex Phe best Sewing Maehine Oil; Attachments kept conntantiy on Land ew Lo. 8 Wachine Tiberel reduction for Cash «(or all the lending Maclines, and Sewing Machin 15. HIGAT Wada -d Also for gale a numiv 35 cach. Hand Machines from me, and not approved of upon hange, and Clocks" ond re; N.B.--Al Kinds of Sawing Michine SKM AN agd WANZER MAC WIN Jit 7 se to remember fiat & any machine ch ased fi month's trial, will be chee iy exchanged. Sunchester, March 13, 1881. ape Announcement. : Ere NEW CABINET SHOP ! o E atria u8 opened but a good and well gelocted Stock of Furniture, con= siating of Buresux, Sideboards, Bedstends, Muttousses, Cribs; Cradles, Sofas, Couches, Looking Glasses. Achim of all kinds, wood, cane and spring seats. cents up. Mottoex Framed complete for 23 cents up. 4 surge Juantity | Picture Frames, © Mouldivgs very cheap, Grent' Barguing will be given ;undersold by any in the trade. Frames, prices low. Everything in the Undertaking line. Giveme a call and I will give vou Burg Nore tae Puace--Queen Street, one door Goods delivered Foes in Town Chairs from 34 f e, where they will find a magnificient | Pictures Hamed and as nie and Walnut | rt Perry Manilla Station Wick Junclivn xbrid, s ry Perry Prince Albert Manchester Harvy, on PUR ALL KINDS oF All parties wantin dealing andreas able IR. ord or, Also any quaniity exchnoge Tor Lana ber Port Perry Jn TORT hand and for Sale quantitivs of PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING of Good Quality and at x. &c Cheap, will do well to call at m Poit Periy, Nov 21, 1882, r Fis Undersigned besides Choice Plain and Fauey ay Teen the Best quality tions yke. ec, the 8 and other Supplicd on the shortest netics, agp bh Ljoi Le supplicd and at moderate charges, 'The best quality of CF ORY Supplicd by measure to the public, sii Handsowely fitted np are supplied refreshments and duinties so healthful and retreshing in hot wen waking cooling drinks, C. HI Port Perry, May 21,1879, nt FRVHE nndersignid wo tunity of thank patrons for the exten on wim nthe pasty a ie Anction Sales avd ally other promptly and emefully attended to. of Hardwood Hemlock Sah Wood 12 inches long for Hate Wanted, Forty Tous of Hay for Cash or in v Mill« in the Township of § Pigeon Lake, i fil opera. tion 1 aw prepared to furtish at my yaid in PiuRRIY! PINE, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOCD Inmber wil find square: 1 by gettin their wants sapplied from "5 x gril | fl LOCK, all Sizes and' Leng. NE MAPBE " " ~ BEECH " " BIRCH " " ELEM " "" BASWOOD " " ASH " " Auy Lumber not ia stock will be cut to JOSEPH EIGELOW. DYER S LUNBER YARD. . NEAR THE RAILWAY STATION, PERRY. FIRE undersigned keeps constantly on T at his Yad Inge LUMBER, ..SHINGL!S, POSTS, 0s &C RETEPRICES Partivs wishing good Lumber, shingles &e v yard. N. DYER, BAKERY, CONFECTIONARY, &C. would remind his customers and the publ ¢ generally that Breads of f Co fee establishments Port Perry ang Prince Albat, alien ns And other social entertainments promptly BOSTON SYS. . PARIOR® For the convenience of the public, where of the best quality, ther, One of the best Fountaing ow in nse for Childrens' Toys, goud and cheap. SCOX. DAWES Toma Acain, and Ready for "plensure in informing the public that he is prepared | to go into nn active Business Campaign -- business] C.DAWES. | and 4 REA quality aiid most improved on haus or groves on short chives, Implements, Repaire, Portable Steam Engines, ibe' Fanuing Horse Powers, Mil © Sylvester Plows, te & Co's Gaug Plows, warranted to give satisfaction or no sale, A BI Seagrave, 0 Oct. 10. 1882. GREENBANK. . |, HE undersi aXe would inform the pub-" lic that he has rented for a term of years the premises formerly known as the Cottage EIotel, Greenbank, and having thoroughly reno- vated the same he is now Pr pared to ree ceive guests GOOD OPENING. There is arplendid opeuing in Greenlank for an enterprising man to open the Furni- ture and Undertaking Business. A first class Shoemaker wonld find Greenbank a good opening for his business. The village in| situated on the Center Road, about 7 miles from Port Perry and about the same distance | from Uxbride village, and 9 miles fiom Sunderland. It ix in the centre of a Splen= did Agricultural district J. V. THOMPSON. Greenbank, May 3d, 1880 T= andersigned is nuthorized Agent of WESTERN SANADA joAY. ARD SAV- and ix now | nd o 3 Loans of muy mmount ot money, large on I, on mori= rity or on rlinble paper vient and pte ot interest such suit the borrower, Farm, Town aud Village properties | for sie by private bwgaing and | wish | ee to sell sneh may fiud at to their advant, {me to place the same in my ana, C.D WES, nx enunot Port Perey, Ang. 22, 1882. "Secure tha hactw «¢ if Substance Face," -- AT -- McKENZIES GALILT.EI{Y, PORT PERRY, AT THE TOLLOWING LOW PRICES FOR 230 {$A YS ONLY. Cabinet Phots, per duz, o,iiea,.. $3 00 Card Protos ..00.. 1 50 A 1 for awh a we AFB 1 and finmed . see 1 50 H. M KENZIE thoxel = pleasant, TIMOTHY RED CLOVER WHITE hUTCH Sroreg han CLOVIR REY ruCKY BLUE CRASS MILLET ikon All Implements, Machines aud Belipera} £ Lory the : ALE Gt removing -al) obstruction es and. buils ett It henlzevery. kind of more ls yuusvelgus Jeueitating puwers rea it invaluable iu ul throat and | 'best Diseases, curing Bronchitis. Quinseys, and Asthma. re- Gucing Glandular Lumps, closing nnd healing Abscesses and Fistulas, vnd tor alleviating the excrucinting tortures of Rheumatiom Gout and Neuralgia it is unsurpnssed It never fuils to Kemovd Seurf. sud every Shecles of. TE f eh Naniatiured only nt Proessor HouLoway's Establis 533, OXFOI a 3 and sold at 1s Be, 2. 9d, 4s 6d: 11s, 228." aud 33s. ench Box and Pot. and in Canada at 306 cet 1s, 90 cents, and $1 50, and the larger 8izes in proportion. a |" BET CAUTION.--~1 have io. Agent in the | United States, nor are my Medicines sold there. Purchasers shoutd ergs look to h Lo che ge on the Pots and. Loxes: If hoy 538, Oxford Street, London, The Trade M ft Tn wistered fn ba a SOM AS HOLLOWAY 533, Oxford Street, London, Sept. 1st 1580. \ Aecture 10 Young Ken ON THE TOUR oF 3 wo have res com | blisbed 2 Aux edition of I Iver weil's etek Fanny on the radical and jermarent core (withor: medicine) of Nervous Debi'lty, Mental and Pnysical Incapacity, Impediments to Mare age, ete, resulting from excesses, er Pricey, in a sented envelope, only §eent: OF two Postage Stumps, The celehruted anthor, in thix admfrabl. Essny, clearly demonstrates, from thirty vears' sueeessful practice, that alarmirg con sequences may he radically enred withont the Fingerons tre of Internal medieire or the appidestion of the Knife; jon nrgout us mods or curest once simple certain and effeciua,, hy means of which every sufferer, no matter whit bis condition may be, may cure himsels FREY, Patel) and RADICALLY. © FE TOE LOE SIG Bo ih Tee bands ' very yorth and every msn the snd, Address Ho dll ROLL SE Bn 4 Ann AL, New J Post ties Box $80 rp Tumber. Lah, < hingles & ¥ ickets. Including a dwrge quantity of Building Lumber up to 45 tect iu length. Also 8 guutity of Cheap Bontds, Scant ing, Joists, CASTING RDN WER, * Trobe & CO stable on the premises, Apply nt Hie. Drion Mi office, W.J.T.& CO. PrePory, Nov. 1, 188Y; 0 , Uleer ound indy than any otlier know salve. . NB rent and Lat for Sale with a good