e of this Sopa, vill bo Ly ¥ snes 4 possible PY ; mod i 1 ¢ sit OF Tam, 4 : nd complete -stock of goods «for TRADE: mar 4 ; oe rémind thew | Ty know where of Diy eir earliest con- you can get the greatest | quantity « 11 wGoods for, the least money. TO BE SOLD IN THE NEXT Sixty Days. And in order to accomplish it, I purpose. to give my customers and all ot who may vor me with their patronage: y Cents on the Dollar ES (of ONE DOLLAR "and svar) of Dry Millinery, Ready-made Clothing, &c. | Fs | lowing lines of Goods : : Goat Skin Robes $6. The Stock is of the Newest and most Fashionable" Po vil be acid ak Cloaritg Pris, which will soon extensivé Stock of lighter goods for the coming season. i Ladies and Gents will find it to their sdvaniage to make an sarly a amine the closed a most successful business year. - The trade LEARN the PRICES jt year has been notably an advance on the business| ous season, and while the profits from individual| A have been moderate, I have reason to congratu- late myself on the result of the year's operations. At which they can be Bought. GENTS SUITS made up ji a stgte which cannot be excelled: A yoru To thosé customers who have dealt with me F tender my guaranteed, Cheap, Cheap, Cheap most hearty. thanks for their valued atronage. "To others who have been induced by the reasonable prices, the quality of my goods and' the stylish, skillfully made Suits, to transfer their trade to me, thanks are due, and I can assure them of my best sérvices:in the future. GROCERIES in abundance, Fresh and Cheap. Lfind it neeessary to clear out some of my WINTER STOCK !Winter, 1883-4 Winter. to make room for snch Iam Dar Out at Panic Prices ! is your time to oot a good Suit from $12 up, and Over m $10 up---made to order and a Fit guaranteed or nt"s Furnishings! in AlLWool Underclothing, White and Colored Shirts, Ties, - | Collaws, Cuffs, Hosiery. &c., and a fine line of Hats and Caps. 2%. Call Early and Secure Bargains at YW. ISA RCS? CLOTHING: HOUSE. SLAUGHTER n and after the 1st of February to continue for Prepare for Winter by buying a good SCOTCH or CANADIAN TWEED SUIT or OVERCOAT at BROCK'S ! (A Fit Guaranteed). UNDERSHIRTS sud DRAWERS at Bottom Price. LADIES" and GENT'S FUR CAPS in great variety. FLANNELS away down as Cheap as Woel. CLOUDS at your own prices. woo SQUARES at your own prices. LADIES' CLOTH JACKETS ALmosT Given AWAY He 1 do this in order to reduce my| > and well selected... ry Ditjses Seba made: tospat 100 piscssns follows: vered Dishes. Plates make.