lously simple, too Feo to the fly < of hi | they do the traitors who offered to sell pe ud and the jolting lumber wagon. -- their Chief and their party for a paltry | 1] change is in 0, 5 sudden and | Gountry' Bi ard th y. Some ecu of tho Grit per shasion. a) inclined to dl the bribers with as much of the guilt as istasteful, but the move is in the Feige direction, open He the, season's campaign, -- up the yards, bringing out their implements .and putting all in order for the season's work. The active clatter of the workman's hammer is being heard in alldirections, blackest portion of the crime rests on the heads of the political traitors who tb betray their little master Si. and doubtless would have ed him over to the tender mercies of the political headsman but for a tion. There can be le ry Lut in a having EEE Supoetanat id fraud, | guilty muddle ling to * "We care not who the party may whitéver his position in society or party leaning whoever can be found of sueh infamous acts of con- oy. as those brought home to a im, a] r,etc., with t!.e seeming of a r, a. Pardee of * ild be driven from society. and oi 0 selves with: the Soha dy political outcasts. -- iniquity brought to the notice of & Ontario ature on Monday 'last'could not fail to bring a blush of shame ito the counteninces of ery . Smid of libaral institutions; that pas Tio had been elected by the v Re the people to legitlate for the good o the country should waste their time in -plots, in es and abominable 'conspiraci & ean be said of a ) ing to hold up his head as of the Ontario Legislature and | supporter of the Grit Gov- ariment what we would ask, could be said of such a one creeping and whin- ifig around the recruiting sergeants of the Tory ranks and offering to enlist in | the service of the enemy for a consid * eration. It would be almost uuhimah tocharge any man with such # depth of egiion and we would not dare parties with such a crime had t oath deliberately charg- Te aud sworn themselves "traitors, The moral tregedians in this ey play are all members of the ng. The price first set by McKim on Mowat's TP oficial head was as sworn to by himself, $5,000; but his anxiety to make the thinga "little +20 sire by refusing to give the kiss of ""sismyal until the endorsation on the #66 ~was doubly sure did away with thes $5,000 claim. His villainous thirst fora five-thousand-dollar-promise ave way bafore the "bird in the hand worth two in the bush" principle and | 'he rl at the idea of get-| he sage HA ry betrayal of his maser prey. Eisten to the traitor's own statements made under oath : by Dr. McMichael--Q. SEER Wilkinson inthis matter ! A. Tove approached him ; he approach- ..pd me. /Q. What is the largest price you put on d your conversations with t $1,000. was it not? EE Bat/the traitor did not refuse $1,000 » . when offered to him, doubtless expect- | ing the sum to be raised to his full but , wastly over-estimated price §2,000. . Pr. McMichael prosseded ~~ © Which vie You ubderston to be, a spy or au in- A. 1 was neither. $ Why, you signed that paper. ab a hae intend to break faith A Fo sevtaial Q: 2 then? 1 certainly intended to break faith with RL GD yout sa Wilkirson that 20 had-not. received a big enough sum? to secure a case of have been as good 2 "AT jut 3 i they would LL sll Qo ntowhen you 'were offered £2,000 you accepted it our | Outsiders a. Mi no manner of doubt that McKim & Co. The, are the 'sinners in the matter, the most - di dyed culprits, the willy would-be-betrayers of their me | EY and party. The country held special claims on the allegiance of McKim & Co. they are the Shesa reseptatives of the peeple in the ae of the province and as suck are morally, socially and legally bound to legislate for the best interests of the of vast amount of work will 4 done here in the present ing and comin Jenne and fall. In addition to ge ber: of hand bo Secobed on Queon. 8t., there will " numbers put u the town, additions will be made to other build- ingsand a general repair will be the order of the day. Already an import people and are handsomely paid for | Th aididon is, prade to then #uch services, and in selling their in- ort Perry orks by ft fluence and becomin: tors erection of a commodious building te ig conspire agaiust their party, their friends and their country they are recreant to their trust and unworthy of any posi- tion in the gift of the people, should | be driven from the rank of men and made to eat grass with political oxen. The encouragement either by . counsel or rward of treachery politica] Jor other- wise, is despicable in the extrecm and should Le frowned down by society at large. But the position of the bribers and the bribed are entirely, tine blessing belived | present buildings for the fun of build- country if not to mankind in general | ing them 2p again. if the Mowat Ring could be driven, US" &1iC Progress are now the order from power,and knowing that the ring | anre was held tegether by bribes, gifts and | promises tried to fight them with their ra. own weapons and buy up a few of their| Wwe have had presented to us by the most impecunious supporters, Wilkin- Ir el son & Co. whether from a desire to! a es Insutange Company of Hart- ord, Conn, a handsome, skillfully exe benefit the country by the removal of | outed picture, 36x26, of Bartholdys the Hows ring or ™ ni Pecuniary | oot jorench Statue of Liberty, a gift advantags to himself an partners we, yo 4) city of New York and for the don't stop to enquire, but in GIthET) reception of which the greaiful reci- case they are guilty - darkly guilty | pients are erecting a suitable Pedestal in doing evil that good may come, in {in the harbor of that great city. This sppesing det. the tities thy * | magnificent Statue when mounted on means, ul! he coun no special Ped tal claiih on Wilkinson & Co. they are not [oe 2s worthy bf 3 Wilf d figure representatives of the people, they hold ! a Hig en rg Rr a no position of trust from the province flaming torch to and when they countenance or reward | ing toro gaide'the sips of am th til f th apostacy political or otherwise they do jShle various nations of. the, World 4s | they sail into the harbor of this mart 80 in the capacity of political adventur- | ¢ 11 will ers who are looking after No.1 and of nations; sll will regard 'this binin torch a) 1 comparatively innocent when compared | orch as aptly symbolical of the acing be used as a paint shop and show room. Mr. W. . Parrish, Hardware { Merchant, is having his residence en- {larged and improve Mr. Robbins is about to expend five hundred dollars or so in enlarg- ing and improving his residence. Mr. Tummonds, Merchant, has de- cided on building on his lot west of his store. In fact, so strong is the rage for new -buildings that there are not a few | who would almost fake down their -------- A Gift Worthy of the Generous Givers | their friends. and tell them to' {nefarious plots with the view if possible to the men who offered to sell LL the light of the gloriugs principles | of civil and religious liberty, the per- | parliamentary influence and betray | anance and ultimate universal spread | of frce Government. pita SH 1 FI : Claims, | The Press of the entire continent is Biiby Pleigs, |indebted to the enlightened liberality Asa rule loud-nouthed nobodies of the Travelers Insurance Company with wide pockets and doubtful alle-| of Hartford, Conn., for a free copy giance are the recipients of nearly all to each office, of that splendid en- the crumbs 'which fall 'from Govern-!graving; a liberality which cost that mental tables. McKim's weal, totter- Company $1,700. One of our greatest ing and at no time reliable support |poets has said, **'Tis the mind that had to have its backbone braced up by | makes the body rich," and the great the Mowat ring appointing his son to {prosperity and still increasing popu-|Y the registrarship of Dufferin County. | larity of this Company is easily trace- Oh, no! Mowat & Ce. were no bribers. | able to the upright, honorable and Neither were they bribing when the generous manner in which the busi- position of Sheriff of Elgen was placed | ness is conducted. under. control of Dr. Cascaden, a blood | Our active and reliable townsman, and thunder supporter of the Mowat, { H. Gordon, Esq. is agent for the above ring. Such is life. | Company. awit se LS The Close of the Farcs. Brock's mew Advertisement. The The ol lature of Ontario lias, best quality of goods, the newest and bloat the Bio & oon. most desirable styles, and prices away abrupt ter mination ; a cursory retros- Y dows, down as far a8 they Gan possibly pect will convifice any man that we fail for have paid vastly too dear for our | Et never fail to prove good news to fing the | Puyers and cause a rush in the business. whistle. We have bok sta ug de While oly pocuring all. that 3 .pochets of 88 men with $600 e: or bby. RE Eh ai nl bot --- --_---- lao Goop News From Houe.--See Mr. work which a score of sharp men could the uts are no less promptly 42 Infinitely besser ay =f . pest of lied with the best the market affords as'well for quality style and taste. Don't fail to read the adver tisement elsewhere in this issue. few last days prove to a demonstration that a large portion of what should be the Ft time of the session was worse than wasted in running an under current of the most abominable conspir- acy ever engaged in by any Govern is and their rs. Here we find a M + a Balfour et al SuouLp BE Cnockep Orr. -- All will be ready to admit that Wilkinson who agreed to recompense the political conspirators McKim & Co., has for feited all claim to public p and activity and: thrift are the order of the | the prospects for the workmen oud their Perry are decidedly bright, thus is being suoobeded | occasion > din he hubs in of the Sours he 3 and Jouwen for Se She acuve the way for Shiaige of shoe 's work, Ne all over| educati promote e education: community and fire the able ambition to excel fathers m of the locality in he progres intel g a to and encourage the : l) of the echool; bind pic per occasion worth and ce of the locality the schools and lt ki word when an Oppel tun half of the c § ; : Northumberland, and Simeone, York imooe, i Durham. Ontario, most encouraging in very seventy or eighty smart, in countenance, an value of the educational advantages enjoy. Sa Sofie thirty or forty ladies, friends of the pupi a turn out a ntlemen, and added much to the interest of the amination by their presence. Messrs, Christian and Dobson two of Trustoes were present, alsd several Teac froin other sections. In the examination of the several classes the Teacher was assisted b of the visitors among others a Teacher from Scugog, Mr. Teacher, but we did not learn i Hy what sect he teaches, by Mr. Christian one of Trustees, and others. The several classes three or of careful and thorough training. AL important subjects of reading ti he writing was sepecially good \aking the age of the pupils into consid tion we believe that few % any particular ; uniform, not the exception, a larly good. up at some'le proved s: The Sn was a deci since last examination. Cullough, as an active and efficient tach The Teo le of the Manchester School Seetion t eyes showed oo mind was in the work and that they had at least some realization of the they with quite « the fathers and friends of the cl dren di aid themselves honor ve a good account of themselves showingthe satsfactory results their due proportion of attend- of the public schools in the county excel hey in that t| ood writing is the rule | much of it is particu- Ba ph and arithm:tic were | acto! success and the Trustees and several other visitors expressed much satisfaction with the stand- ing of the school and with the progress made All spoke highly of the Teacher Mr. Mo- No. 2. |i read; the ex- | follow,--Eb, the hers House of R it, a muy Princa Edward. Lambton, Frontenac, Leeds, Grenville, Ren- frew, Lavark, Carleton, Stormont 5 Glebguy, 1a Leuno: Norfolk, Ji re ruse: Haron aad Perth, Rnb on the vig ah said that the counties mentioned for the Actand BE hau be able to carry it in all of them. How would it do first to provoke | Seti an invasion of all these divisions by | for the Salvation Army and if they nuh | Cnn due the divisions Jet the Scott men fru would EF CE, The Banded Whisky Bill. On Saturday last in the United States tion the and and era. fr er. be lost had ey. nce." The p d on the in on town. Appointed if not in the county, od are elurther to be congratulated on bi seized ard Br splendid value for the investment. on the of the apis of their School Section. ------ ein Spring fhow. The Reach, Port Perry, and Scu, Agricultural Society will hold their el Spring id for 1884 at illage of Manchester on Tues Apsii 22nd. The coming show like all others, will be just what it's patrons make it ; there are intelligence, en prisd and available stock sufficient secure a really first-class attractive | show, but such cannot be secured w i of their g:nerous liberality in provid- ing funds for the erutiol, of one of the finest Public School Houses rompt action of the Trtistees | favorable opportunity, struck | the iron while hot, invested in the best ible manner the funds placed at their dinpos, pushed the work to completion with tho utmost promptitude aud : resured e possession of -an active faithful and exemp- ary Teacher, is no lessa matter of congratu- lation, and above all are they to be con- and activity and the Invaribly merchant said : my trade mast and i -- Put on Airs.--A good story is told ofa Sting on who was engaged ri convey two Englishmen to the environs of Boston, including of course Bunker Hill, After going he Ei in the of the bonded spirits bill Mr. Thompson said the question of temperance was not involved in ths measure, but if cranks in the House ai vote for the it would result in keeping the Beil lond and out of consumption. . Mr. Milliken denied being a 'temperance crank," but enquired whether, even if the bill passed, whiskey would nok be taken out of bond in the coursé of time Mr, Thompson replied that i ina consumption wi a few tem) bill would pass en called out by some mperance cranks, for he never seen one of that class who before making a speech would nok step behind the door and wet his Findiay, | subject, contended that proper one and in ths ieterests of tem, hots would be made as cheap, as gin 'was in London, a i were displayed assert- ing that "a man can get drunk for a dead drunk two- that the bill woul of cheapening whisk: the sam2 the 'measure ea 4 ih iction the effect Prohibition,--Woopsrock, Ont., March 20.---The Scott Act was curried in Oxford to-day. The majority will re about 800; 0 True.--A wealthy London "I always feel I am advertising, for then I waking or sleeping, I have a strong tho silent orator working for me; one who never makes mistakes, and who is certain to enter the households from which, ifetall come." Ez, g the Mi happy when ow id gog | the day ter- driver, says 'one Lg is the place where we Yankees a dem'd Aide about 80 years since." "Well," says the driver, ont know as I ever herd tell about that; but who owns the land now Ly! men returned 1 dat the hack, oh the er ir gave you to| Pindish if True --CHATTAN00GA, March ith- The woman has | 22, --While Handy Singleton was escorting a woman home from a last night, Calvin You 1g shot and killed him. The murderer out an effort. Every one at all .inter- | escaped. been It ested in the improvement of our stock | is believed that the muxder was the result of --and whois not interested, should || conspiracy on the pat of the woman and interest tl ung. Ives in the such shows. = Let them come out th selves, bring what they lave got to show and induce others to do likewi Let there be a thorough Shed on 'lield on [1 for the coming show to Tuesday April 22nd. po Broxe A Brooo V. horse, valued at $120, ha passing | | been done iu from Manchsster to Port Perry the other day, broke through the. SNOW, and rolled over, and in doi sured a blood vessel and di minutes. A NNOUSCEMENT. --Mr. ; rigan's announcement hy playing 'at intrigue and latent conspiracy with politically irresponsible a Kirkland, a Wilk- inson ef al; andwith shame be it mid; of the. Gover t, a Pardec et al so. - countenance disgrace that : pat the backs of the would-be traito.s go on with their emolument at the hands of any Govern- ment and should be dismissed forth- 'with. MK See Mr. CurisTiaw's New owas pability of the | in the p be read with interest b merited and thoroughly Cor-| of | ¥ em | 1se. | has an effort | minority to the majority and drive an from power by bribay, Mr. ro fine | admistration A Srturd fell | | Townsend left been attem pe Ze a Compliment.--BurraLo, March ~The News to-day that | re struck a lower ebb in Canada ever sunk to in this country. that there have pts legislators in the United States, but never been the itics it | inst. It is true to bribe entitled fo one thon fon cigs Jolla Fifa oy ta Please give Je your views of my legal rights, and ob- lige, i F. W. Grew" The reply to the above I cannot find but I wrote Mr. Hartney again as fol- lows: + Oshawa, Jue 4, 1883. Henry Hartney, Bs Accountant, House oF Commons, Cttaets pit Dear Siz,--Yours of the 3lst ultimo came duly to Jani. an Lin reply beg to say-- a lawyer, a ive in os way me that I was bribe to my sessional allow- ance, less the number of days I was absent while the House actually was in session. I did not think this was the correct constrac- tion of the act, although I was not fully in- veply do mys please Jou 2 era STE [RTHS. by Gek di of AT Fl ot 'At Manilla, on the 20th inst, the wife of Mr. Henry Harper, of a daughter. At s Rev. the int nt, ths wi of Laidlaw, of ¢ dg . i MARRIED. bride's father, On the 12th inst., wile Rev. Geo. po James Medd, to Miss Alice 2, da Mr. Thomas Crosier, Reach. T, At Little Bri John Wesley Call 'days. A In Port Pi BE a DIED. , on the 23rd inet., James formed and therefore wrote Bat I d 1. aged 2 years, not make any ra LL : 4 bil sou of Mr. B. Porgeters 25 whether I i legally entitled to it or not i= -- Bi morally, 1 do zt thisk Phive The Markets. - and, therefore, beg to ut 1 de ---- an; whatever for it. ou for he trouble you have taken, am, Osserver Orrics, Mar. 27, 1884. car Sir, Fall W} 5 $0 95 @ $1 00 Yours very Srolys Spring Wheat ~~ . ..100@ 105 GLEN." | Goose Wheat . Span To-day when my attention was|Barley .. "i .. - 050@ 002 called to the article in the Vindicator, Go 3 : a 0 : 2 I immediately telegraphed Mr. Hart-| peas io L175@ 180 ney as follows: Hay per ton . 700@ 800 (Copy) Clover L680@ 700 Oshaw 7) nani, J004. Timothy Sced ING .1 3 To Henry Hartney. Accountant, House of Pork ~ .. - 10@ 72 Commons, Cltawe, Beef = . 650@ 625 Did I receive any indemnity, for session Batter. .. 2 die on eighteen-eighty-three! If so, how much ? ERA ne ie e 015 F. W. Ges." | potatoes 1. : sue 0 45 And received the following reply: |Hides .. . 500@ 550 " : 8 reepskins .050@ 065 PW. Glen, OSES March 0, 1684. | Clocbitins fk dE Traveling expenscs. ~ Only fifty dollars and twenty cents, Hryny Hartsey." * It is no secret that I have had occa- sion, the last two or three years, to use all the money which rightfully bé- longed to me, bat I have not found it Rin o eta). i) iny poli erids ha din me' for the sake of i five or six hundred dollars. Yours truly, F. W. GLEN, -- OsHAWA MAY YET Escape Her MERITED Doom. --The Salvation Army are having crowded houses every night she -- locat- ad neve. Converts are made gradu- ally. ~~ TT Prosbytory of Whitby, The Presbytery of | 'Whitby in St. Andress 3 Fhurgh bia ait , 21st amount of routine matter the oh items were considered. The committee on the tation Scheme re) that two tions h f low had Ivanoed these made to Joxei-- When the Knights of | finally discovered that | it as a joke. all. | The well | AX OWE BookED 2B. ed 'cashier af The friend | the joke so much when he ew. who had been hunting him able qualities in such Ne -- That * BRUCE'S are -- most desir- P ExTRACTOR" these qiialities above all other Stomp. Hee chines is attested liable qua To Wi on the 20th inst., Mr. , aged 26 years, and 3 to by the Srp. Ma re- tlemen who are jliorougily ae. with the working of the ¥ IT MAY CONCERN: It me ver t pleasure to tht pk SBruce s + Shun Extn " he screw mense salues in Brac Gros Onan } tol Sirms, "Corontd Siiiks, Black | AND °f| Covonzn Sam, Bune .Broc4pes, Orrouan Buocaoms, On OTTOMAN Corps, Vauyeriess, "Black. © CASHMERE, CraPE Cuorns, Coponns Custusnes, Jaw Cororep. Dress Goons of every deseription. In Phives wel ave the stock of Jobing Howse 88. Ber orga Prices. Our Lace and RY partments contain the Latest Nov- clties in Laces xD Lacs Nx ; Lines CoLLars, Esnomguits, Ixsze- TIONS; Epaixés, Fitungs Rurmxos, Consers, Rismons, Dass Borrows, Telnaes, Masmie Onansums, &c., the | Honwvcous Quis, Brows H Harsaos, \ | Givens, and the Most Magnificent Display of Smimrnvos, Ducss, Dyson, AND CoTTONADES ever offered for your inspection: We show a very Large ahd Beautiful Line of L jensrally been 1 but' one of the a goto st that oottd the ut nolwithstan with *'Bruce's Exf not be moved by "Bruce's Stump Extractor,' * combines iow reat owentinis, vis. rapidity of motion ed as the screw. J. W. MOORE, Layton, Pl0. | at Speci Values We et resides hog wclond Nonday Ek . EES ag A Ne