y far a rhile. inthe meat ria we senlly ought to A popular domestie journal for American will be sent POR ONE YEAR ¥RER tof lady who will seid 'ationce the --y and address of 10 married ladies, and » cents (no stamps taken.) Best or | paper | either Youxg or oLn housekeepers in. exist- pol This ofet "is made only to secure to"whom to send sample copies; as we « g-| know every lady who oneE sees Tur House- + Che to wit in' his porch, con- tented and comfortable, and return the + Kindly greeting of the flolk who passed ful JF alorie, oi would remind her husband of 'the magic ring and. suggest many plans, But be always answered that they had plenty . of time, and that the best thoughts-come; Just, she more and more . rarely mentioned the and at last the good woman ceased thinking of it famer looked at the it about as 'many as day ; but u very | ngver to After thirty ar forty years ; had pass- ol away, and the farmer and his wife bad "grown old and white-haived, and * - Ahigir wish was still unasked, then was God wery good to them, and on the (Shey died Stuy and 'wished to vemove the Ying from the sil) hand as & remembrance, the eldest won 84301: "Let dur father take his ring into the grave. - Thero was always a ystery about it ; perhaps it was some look at the ring--she |' in it "to him when they 89, the old farmer was buried "with engl been supposed to and was not ; yet it had much good. fortune into the will stibseribe fof jt. Regular price $1. 00 per year. Address at once Tae Housew! rey Rocusseen, N.Y. Bucklen's Arnica Salve. . The greatest medical 'wondui ot the world. Watranted to speedily cure Burns, Bruises, Cute, Ulcers, Balt Rheum, Foyer Sores, Can- cers, Piles, Chilblains, Corns Tetter, Chapp- | ed Hands, and all skin eruptions, puarastecd to cure in every instance of money refunded. 25 cunts per box. For sale by 8. E.'Aruisoxn » Mothers! Mothers ' btners i Are you disturbsd nj xigos and broken of | your rest by a sick ch ering and orying. with the excruciating pain of entiing teeth 7' 180, go at once and get a bottle of MRS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP, It will tplieve the poor little sufferer Immediately-- dépend upon it; there is no mistakeabout it. | There !snota mother on earth who has ev: er! used it, who willnot tell you at once that it wil regulate the bowels, and give resi to the mother, and relief and health to the child, sperating Tike magic. 18 98 perfectly safe to use in all cases, and pleasant to the taste, and | is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female nurses aud physicians in the United States. Soldeverymhere ats centea vottle a Rest and Comfort fo the Surering 4 Brown's HOUSEHOLD FANSACER" has no no 8qual for relieving pall both internuland extorinlé B ourcs Pain adhe Bide; Dack and Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache, Lumbago and any kind of Pain or Ache. "it will most surely quicken the Blood and Heal, as ite acting power is wonderful," "Brown's Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Reliever,and of doublestrength of any other Eiixix or Linlment in the world, should be inevery family handy for nse when wanted, "as it Ia really the best remedy in the world for Crump# In the Stomach, and Pains and Aches of Tuds," andor sale by ak Druggists at 25 cents a bottle, The Question has Often been Asked Can--Rupture={abdominnl hernia) be cur- ed? We most eas say, YES. That this part of the k those physiologien +, which govern the whole physical economy aud it makes not a partical of whether the age of the Ruptu.e js one yearior a hundred yems. For proof of Ahis send for a Free Book on Rupture 0 the Excelsior Rapture Cute M'f'g Co., Pres- cot, Ont. A OARD. "To all wha ate gaffer ing from the errors. und ifidenretions' of youth, nervous weak- nesw, early decay, lows of manhood, 1 will send 8: ruoipe that will cure: you, FREE OF CHARGE.) Thisgreat remedy was discov. ed by a missionary in South America. -- Sond a self addrensed envelope tothe Rsv Yosgra'L. InuaN. Station D, New York City. Twill ail {froe) in recipe fof that will remove; ot, : a a fu and: Blotches, lea¥ing the skin soft, clear and beautiful ; also instruction "a Sood al a growth ee on a : Address) Eacior Vu dor & -- 51 man A th 'Mocha to offer for Tots Collars prepared to which witl work perfectly safe, which is the| most important pertaining to Harness. Bnd as Iam dAnnnally Manufacturing 160 doz. Collars 1 can avoid using that part of She Leathet Harness which is soft and gy, which is very often made use of in manu- facturing Cheap Harness. 1 have always on hand a splendid assort- | ment of Trunks & Valises, . Horse Blankets, - Curry Combs and Brushes. All of which have been bought at low prices and you will be convinced by calling that you can buy to your advantage. . ACKERMAN, Port Perry, March 5, 1884. FROM THE FIRE. T= Subscriber, = Sy thanks for the efforts of Fricnds who assisted in saving her goods from the fire, desires to in- | form the public that she has RE-COMMENCED BUSINESS in the premises, Jurmerly ogtupied by Dr. 'ottingham, a 7 One Door West of Rolp's Harness Shop; where she Will sell the whole of her stock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, AND SILVERWARE. AT AND UNDER COST till all is of. Parties disposed to buy will be Af gc jo Sk and sk ar £2 NOW 8 THE TME 70 BUY. IN W.H] Port Parry, Feb. 20, 1684. + Noid 10 PY, requested to. 'pay up before the 15th April, as all accounts not then paid will be placed in other hands for Collection: . OC. TRICK. Port Perry, Mar. 26; 1884. Secure Unprecedented | BARGAINS In Everything. Be Site to call. od Again, al Ready for ¢ BUS INHSS. = underdgned woh wobld take this gppor- tunity of 'thanking his ~numerons patrons fort Ustensive patronage bestowed on him In past, and has mach plensure in inform a blic that he is ¥ to go mi ve: Business Cut . Auction Sales and all other busi promptly and carefully attended to. C. DAW. Port Perry, 8o 1 13, 1883. FOR: 3 SATE SIDEBOARDS. "WRITING DESK AND Onsar. ictare 7 Ren price will be fom Port Perry and abot Ushriden Pn