"Perry, ; io ; \ ; and id: EAN 8. 8 Ne . 5, Reach, 402; directions for preparing and using the same which they will find Cure 'or Con & R} 'Manilla; 398; Hattie | yamption. Anh Bronetit, he. [ 3 U G AR Sf No. "R 894 ;| Parties wishing the Prescription, will plense |' | 3 widress, I have Jatt vousivod, an unusually large order, which I bought when prices | tio etl were LOWEST, and will give you as many Rotinds fore oa Eh 0 ADVICE om. CALL AND £5 Shur AE TO MOTHERS, PE rw Hi 10 11d i. Ch REV. E. A. WILSON, 194 Penn St., Williamsburgh, N. Y. 'Are you disturbed al night and broken of # ah extensive your rest id suffering and crying With pain_ of entiing teeth? If so. send nf once and get a bottle of Mrs WINSLOW'S Bo0THING BYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEFTWING Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the little suffe odlately. Depend composed of f China Tea a Sota, Colored Tea Sets, Colored ree gg bo about Hand ny quantity of WHITE G Pory 160. Arthur Cove, Manilla, So Ma, RS No 3, Tho 40 James Bray, 8.8. No. 9, E. Whitby, 344; Nellie Hassard, Manchester, 343 ; Hannah Ferguson. Manilla, 342; Mary the stomach and bowels, cures will be LOW colly, softens the gums, reduces inflamma- lst oui GROCERIES AND PROVI lle, B42 ater? Ta a ot of ae 0F th Jy will agp {his sok fully 338 ; Duncan oldest and best female nurses and physicians JU nd W A 3 in the United States, and is for sale by all. 3 gills, 337; Maud Brown, |dmesists hronghont the world. Price % 7.0 wid Cannington, 332; James O'Boyle, 8.8. |" * | F R No. 9, E. Whitby, 330; Alma Horne, a. Widmer Olver, Port Perty, | Victoria Derby, Port Perry, 315; Edward Sanderson, Hyse 315 ; Sarah Evans, Claremont, Geo, McKercher, 8. 8. No. 5, oS 299'; Maggie MoBrien, Myrtle, 289: Maggio Platten, 8. 8. No. 2, Scu- £08, 288 ; Frank Fister, Ashburn, 285. UNDERS RSOL ot elias D FEED. Pf equal for relieving pain, both internal 'and, QUALITY and SELL AT THB LOWEST Blew, 1 have always on hand lots external. Itcures Pain in the Side, Back and Flour--which T urnntes. Outs, Peas, Bowels, Sore Throat, Rheumatism, Toothache feed, Cattle Spice, &o.. Lumbagoand any kind of Pain or Ache. "It as {ts acting power Is wonderful." # Brown's Good: Goods: and Household Panacea," being acknowledged as the great Pain Rellever,and of doublestrengtn $7" Cash or Trade for all ly ht Produce. of any other Elixir or Liniment in the world, wanted, "as it is really the best remedy in Port Perry, July 23, 1884. TX cures dyseritery and aE a the, different, articles ei for housekeeping. The prices of the goods With | most everything necessary S. LD. a "Brown's Memsehold Panacea" has no MY trade in this line is constantly increasing because 1 keep: 'only' the Best Chop, Bran, Shorts: Peameal, Chicken- will most surely quicken the Blood and Hea). Business is still til Booming sd]. ny rt iv ® if" Goad /Btock, should be inevery family handy for ise when WM. TUMMOIN DF. of the world for Cramps in the and Pains and Aches of all kinds," and is on by all Druaias oem es 25 cents a bottle. --_ ree te 5 List of Officers of the Masonic The following is a list of the officers elected at the meeting of the Grand Leld in Toronto on the second | All, of either sex, si grist pedi th ent We oe ort Grand Master, Ne Murray, Ham. | Maine. | Hundreds of Yards of Handsome --iiin Grand Master, Harry Robert-| Dear Sirs. I have been a son, ood. Grand Senior Warden, G.R. Van- sant, Markham. always tired, so that life was a burden Grand Juilior Warden, W. A Green, {and all sepined dark to me. I have § Walkerton. had medical attendance and have tried Grand Secretary, J. J. Mason, all the advertised remedies but with- Hamilton. out effect. A number of my neighbors Grand Treasurer, E. Mitchell Ham ilton, . Roti Rev. George Ory- pep tenn det Pound |! Found ! tles of which made me feel like a new was very large, the MRS. BELL, total vote cast being 1,081. District Deputy Grand Masters-- Toronto, T. F. Blackwood; Huron, D. 8. Rupert; Wellington, D. 8. Dewar; St. Clair, W. F. Miller ; Ontario, Hy. Turner, M. D.; Prince. Edward, A. 4 Londén, W. G. Lumley; vin: Ste Georgian, Qtaear Wn Smith ; Not a partical of éalomel or any tO give satisfaction. GENTS FURNISHINGS, &c. other deleterious substance enters inte } hes the composition of Ayers Cathartic 1 WO doors West of the Post Office. special service to those who have used medicines, and feel their injurious ___ A PRize SEES 10ST! 0ST INTHE FIRE. suffered Tom opps or many years: toe T W BEDS & WORSTEDS! stal, Av. NOIAR. « = By wi pst a "Large Stock equally Hands ; some, Stylish and New. I am prepared to give yon 574, King street, Toronto. Outfit in Ordered or Ready-made Clothing which cannot fail Pills. On the contrary they prove of " 3 J. W. ISAACS y ; K - 2 calomel and other ' mineral poisons as 'Clothier and Dealer in Gent's Furnishings, Port PERRY PINE AND CEDAR SCANTLING, SHINGLES, pop: 40, ac. of Good Quality atid ab)" | 1} MODERATE PRICES Parties wishing good Lumber, Shingles, &c. CHEAP, will do well Joni al my yard, Port Perry, Nov. , 12 and St. Lawrence, Jno. Minish. It was decided that the place of meeting next year should be Hamilton. effects. In such cases Ayer's Pills are < invaluable. ------ >. +0 Excited Thousands. Squaring up with the Union. NOW FOR AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY OF THE BEST QUALITY The following are the numbers of the several sections which entered the Methodist Union at the time of its consumation. The Canada Methodists were the largest body 930 Ministers of of that (denomination entered the union ; of Methodist Episcopal Minist- ers 214 5, of * Primitive Methodist Minilers 82: of Bible Christian [free at 8. E. Allison's Drug Store. Ministers 64, making tal of 1,290 Large size $1.00. i Fopmmenats p | LOWEST. FIGURES, OD te era ti fund on bat Mr. Geo. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., which divided by 930, shows that each Oanada Methodist Minister brought | turn over inbed alone. She used twoBottles Boots and Shoes as will give satisfaction for Quality, Style and Price. of Electric Bitters, is h ed, $129 into the union, consequently each | 4}..¢ ¢he in able win do or own rk ¥ other secti Electric bitters that £% Minister of the = Of muy Poni Hundreds of textimarials attest i 4 bring $120 for superanuation fund Vhorfent S Aliso powers. Only fifty cents k All over the land are going into ecstasy over Dr. King's New Dis- covery for consumption. Their causing them to go nearly mad in its praise. It is guaranteed to positively cure Severe Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, Colds, Hoarse- ; i ness, Loss of Voice, or any affection of --------AT. THE the Throat and Lungs. Trial Bottles 2 into the union. Hence 114 multiplied | 8 bottle at 8. Allison's, = | Come to HUMPHREY, DESHANE & CO'S. Carriage Shop, ; by 129 gives $27,612, the amount i . which the Episcopal Methodists must Ve bring in. Again 82 multiplied by 129 gives'$10,580, the amount which the Primitive Methodists must bring in. Then 64 multiplied by 129 gives $8,258, ew the - Bible Christians must iL, Farm for Sale. £ OPPOSITE THE POST EFC Tee PROPERTY ( OF THE Late Benjamin Tripp, where I will do business for a few days till my building is completed. 3 Parr res Boots 5 & Shoes writes : 'My wife has been almost helpless Just returned from Montreal with 8S 000 worth of Boots and Shoes for five years, so helpless that she could not of every variety. Ladies, Gents an Ofildren, Come along and secure such oF being composed of the West 56 wie of ot, in. Henos thie total' amount ed 13th concesssion of f . WR REACH. £ . 5 we, which being is Farm ie situsted a few rods West 0 | Port Porry, July 17, 1884. i vested per annum ve tions nd is choice There = Gs yield 4a annual interest of $0,087. | ¥° ad frm or pirame Bart es a La oll feneed and free from stumps. This very desirable roperty | by Private. tract until SATURDAY NTH svover A at which time, if {og proviouly sold it - + Mm, himself with a fresh suj t importance of MATRIMONY, hots ly of T Secure Unprecedented BARGAINS In Eyerything. a Sert to sal. A a a FROMTHE FIRE. HE SU Tp. in Retuiuion thanks for a re rs a er rom te esires a the public that she has RE-COMMENGED. BUSINESS in. the premise fouiery'ocule 5 Dr. EAST OF THE THE POST OFFIGE where she will scl the whole of her stock 6f WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY AND SILVERWARE. ar AND UNDER COST till all is dis, Parties wishing to buy will be a gd Agricultural Machinery Machines, Implements, Repairs, &e, The undersigned would take this opportun- 1ty of returning thanks for the liberal patron age bestowed on him since coming to Sea- grave. He bas much pleasure In stating that he has entered his new premises (formerly occupled by Mr. P, Carr) wi he will in future carry on business and he will keep band and for sale everything that the Far wants in way of Implements, Machines, Reapers, &c., of the best quality and most Im- proved rankes, always ¢ on hand, or supplied on short notice' Portable Steam En. pr nes, 2 es ing Mills, Horse Powers, Turnip eapers, Wilkinson Plows, Mowers, Uxbri Plows, sulky Rakes, #7. Syl Plows. Seagrave, Oot. 10, 1882. a Five Sale * sua HS 'The undersigned keeps constantly on po and for Sale at his Yarg large quantities plements, Machines and Reapers rams 1 to giye satisfaction or no sale. i =Yopllata HOTEL N. DYER. A. BEATTIE. gol te ww TOR TOSS EEL Aural maar 30 al 'Y ean avoid using that part of the Leather i He Cx U M B R, hich ory hen rads sh oF Ham sand | ras a WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION mf te TRIES Mo Br, Py, [Trunks § Valises, Whips. Horse Blanka, ats, Cray Comb PORT PERRY, Fr USES. Ar The Bestin the World | A SPECIALTY! ar Maker, as a rhist Ped REE Rogar daslam ® j-- Would afounce to the public at , large, that remoting all dmtrucion, skin blemishes Fol dine oom. salve. Its marvel Jeuetia render' it Ni¥alnacio In ting Jowers Bronchitis, ee Sam and Astini, : 4 Fh Ea lewat.| © SHINGLES, ach ot Q ot as ich mh sow pic BE © exi radiating. tarvarem or ER Ream SE and you will be con by calling that | Gout and Newraligia Cd fe Tt ath KOKA NEE 2 GR ERATL -- at bp 2s 0d., 4s 6d, 11s, 22. gistered in Ottawa, and alse in Wasington. | Union Mills Office, 533 Oxford Se ond: Sept. 1 . FEMALE COMPLAINTS, Man any otter {bud rT = and. Chest Diseases. "| you 'can buy Yo your adviutags go fails to ' and PICKBTS, stn, nc BRAY (i Tn Ein, [lion o igh, Por Baling ootanes, 1 x gs be oF Cheap Boards, Scantling, Joists, 33s. exch box and Pot, and in Canada Blacksm ind i pap 2812, wd lager | (rigfing: and Chopping 8&7 CAUTION. --I have no Agent in the United States, nor are_my. Medicines sold | _ Done Daily at the Union Mills. i TPR "[thete. 'Prirchasers sho fore Look a at rE i 11. | the Lable on the' Pots, feos lo W. J. TROUNCE & CO. HE undersigned hav Jeting 3 bought the dress is not 533 Ozford Street, [Fg they enor are spurious, N.R P.--House and Lot for sale with a MR. S. GRAHAM, The trade marks of my Médicines are re- Mile Olen" Apply st the J. T. & CO. as S' HOLLOWAY, RoruPery. | Nov. 5 i f & he is now Prepared 2 Horseshoeing On the ag 0 rsidples a Charges Moderate. Remember the place, Mr. 8, ROBT. HENRY. Port Perry, May 1. 1884. GO TO J. Wakely', MANCHESTER, FORA GOOD - SUIT 7 CLOTHES = 1, 0f All-Wool, Tweed, FROM $10 UP. oA ef tv First-Class Style. Cheapest Place. in the County. Manchesteg, April 15, 1854, EE ' » FOR THEIR MACHINERY, McColl Bros. & Co's. FL iLardmods Amber Neatness and Dispatch Sitngs of to Din oar, Xe on { AU rte ty inte i mS yd Api 1, ay une 1, BLACKSMITHING LINE Bo et tir a Entrustéd to his care, | Duffs' re) Jar, 3, March TR 5 SUI Lb Nii Abe COUNTY op F ONTARIO er Perry--Jan. = Ma May 4, July 7, Sept. 22, Nov 1 Usxbridge--Jun 23, Mirch 4; May 6, July 8, 3 3 : Sept. 23, Now. 18. * ON THE LOSS OF Cannington--Jan. pr Horch 3, May 7, J " 9, Sept. 24, Nov. 19. 7, July Beav cn Nash May 8, July 10, Sept. 26, Nov. pars ar 7, May 9, July ll, Sept » We have recently publieked iow of adr Oul- TE -------- yorwits doh cure (wil BRICK HOUSE | Fb zd Knd Lot For Sale {7% Pree ised savlop, oly 6 conte ar two postage stam; oy IN PORT PERRY. |, Siiielihe, oe nich on ll prectice, that alarming con: HE und ned is for sale his valu- sequent may \p radically cured Ne able Dwelling. House and Lot in Port rous use of internal machine or Perry on The Nous if a he e story beiok, ou the ae of the knife; pointing out a The lot 'contains three quarters of an acre ode bf ba 3 ecm of simple Cartan ape + Shadi, Well, ah Young Oechars a | 2° aftehwlin bis-ctudition way bev tna y "Frais Trees. "er This hel cy ula Be i the hands of re 8! ° The_ proj vis Pleasantly situated an |, youth aud every man in the land, pi Poin if a "THE i COLYER ELL EDICAL 00, Oct. 16,1883, . : Post Offs Box 450. i) t af Sap HC But. a/ Genuine € Anrio uncemen t. Wr | The undersigned bigs Vo retu hanks o His numerous Customers for the No Conspinasy. No Forgery.