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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Sep 1884, p. 1

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a eh Dict ote mi Surgeon and | ivfe me doar' sush of the M. E. Church, Port Ton. 4, 1888. . ee nS mem McCLINTON, M. D., Physician, Sur- & geon and Accoucheur. R. WAR er for the County of ol ario, Surgeon and 'Ac: TE aan Street, Prince | G PEE ANT ASoueHETRY f 8, "PARK, M. MOPS, FT.M.8. Seated, Juse 14 199 MF. MCBRIEN, M.D. .M.R. C8, EE iB ee i J Bogie) L 1. B. ST toruey Burrister, unty risitor, da. i Nowy ancer. th wing Court House,, Whitby, a '_A. HURD, Attorney and Solicitor.-- Ofer Fey St Streel, Port Perry. and re fo RANCE COMPAN The Mere nix, TL i The Sovereign, The Us = nd The Travel . Fran Pouictus tums all of in : aaralile property shortest notice = pt Squital rien Life Policies with til death, or for a tod me ¥ of yoars. Budowment Pol icies: ydbleat » certain dade, 08 on provi. cccident Insurance cov death by accident, and Weakly indemnity in case of non-fatal injury. MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. wa and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold at lowest rates. "Port Perry, April 20, 1881, . PORT PERRY LIVERY STABLES C. M°'KENZIE, FROPRIETOR: ; pe Subloriber having now fully ed his new and extensive Livery § with a & supply of suporion Horses and Carri- ages, is prepared to urnish first-class RIGS- ox pet TERMS, McKENZIE. Ww. B. McGaw's Stables, Queen St. ay i or Pa 8, 187 MONEY TO Lo HE Subsoriber. Ja 3 ANY AMO UNT on Tht "UAT 6} "PER CENT. i Also on Village Property ab aiigher Rate. 43" MORTGAGES BOUGHT.&} . HUBERT I. EBBELS, at Post. Office. SADDLE OR CARRIAGE. Stallion, 1st prim by James Dewart Stallion, 2 years. old, 2nd prize 3 John Ralph, Halter, v valde at having a foal in 1884 1st prize Ly Johnstone & bbs, Whi value. . Spi yn | Saddle x 1st prize by LH. Hurd Span of. Carriage Horses, geld- ingsor nae, over 15} hands * 1st prize Wm. Foy, Span Carriage Horses, 154 'hands alu under, 1st prize by John Rudd Single Driving Horse, over 16} Janda, Jat pris by Wm. Foy Single Driving Horse,154 han ap] undet, 1st oo L H. Hurd, 2nd prizeby Laing & Meharry, Whip, value $2 . Stallion, any age can ROADSTER. 5 Foals of 1884, sired Ly one Stallion, prize by Mr. John Ralph, Reach DRAFT-- IMPORTED. _ Stallion, 1s prize by J. V. Hon 2 yor oli Jud | pre Stallion, ears old, 2n by W. T. Parrish, Whip, value $2.00 . Stallion, 1 year old ' Mare with foal at foot, or evi- dence of havi ving a foal in 1884 2nd prize by Humphrey, DeShane & Co., Neck Yoks, value $3 acing | Filly, 2 years old g| Filly, 1 Tour old CANADIAN BRED. Stalion, 1st prize :by John Ruddy PE Stallion, 2 years old + Stallion, one year old Spring Colt Mare with foal at foot or evi. dence of having a foal in 1884 Stallion, any age Foal of 1884, sired Soottish mpion, prizes by Mr. 8. Graham, 4 | Spring Colt, sired by Never 00 aboase Spring Filly, sired by Never Late, prizes by Bell & Gould, 'Uxbridge Late, prizes by Bell & Could, Stallion Stallion, 1st prize by Janie Dewart Stallion, 2 years old on foaleat foot, oF evi- hoviugo tout in 1884 CRA R BORD RO 4 ed ed 8 | Onts common, 2 bus. 9 2 Diploma. 3 ek bt pd BD pipe to _ | Bronze Turkeys, one pair . =3l Proeditg Bo with evidence of havi in 1884 "rw Boar Pig of 1884 Sow Pig of 1884 SUFFOLK. Boar © Breeding Sow, with evidenee of having pigs in 1884 Boar Pig of 1884 Sow Pig of 1884 "ANY OTHER BREED, DR © Boar, Breeding Sow, with "evidence of having pigs in 1884 ve Boar Pig of 1884 Sow Pig of 1884 CLASS 5--GRAIN & SEEDS. Red Fall Wheat, 2 bus. White Fall Wheat, 2 bus. .. Spring Wheat, Fife, 2 bus. lst 2nd prizes by A. Ress. . Spring Wheat, Club, 2bus. .. White foassian Wheat, 2 bus Ist prize . Downey , .. Barley, yD 2 bus, lst prize by D. 0. Downey Barley, Prowl, 2 bus. Oats, large white, 2 bus. Rw -- bp Oats, pure black, 2 bus Peas, small, 2 bus. Peas, large 2, bus. Peas, blue, bus. Indian Corn 12 ears Beans, 1 peck Swede Turnip Seed, 5 a. Flax Seed, half bushel Tares, 1 bushel Clover Seed, 1 bus, Timothy Seed, 1 bus. CLASS e-BOOTS. Turnips, 6 Mangel Wourtzels,long red, 6 i Mafigel Wurtzels, long yellows 1 Mangel Wurtzels, Globe, 6 1 Red Carrots, 6 vari ¥ White Carrots 6 wiv] Beets, 6 HE 1 1 BO LD BI BD BO BO RO BO » 2 Rw um Ta SS 2BBTT irre rie Onions, half bus. wy Early Rose Potatoes, 1 bag. 'Beauty of Hebron Potatoes, 1 bag Potaton, any other variety, correctly named, 1 bag.. 1 OLASS 7 DAIRY PRODUCE. Batter, 10 lbs. in 1b. rolls, 1st prize by T.8. Corrigan, Chamber Set, $5, the butter to be the property of the donor ; 2nd Prize by «W. Hy McCaw, Silver- ware, value $2.50 . $5 8 $1 Bufter, in firkin, not less than 40 lbs, 1st prize by W. M. Currie, $7; 2nd rize by Davenport & cs o i of Dishes, value $5 ;3! ize by T. Courtice, 8 Lidios 'Satshel value $2 : yo 1.5 Cheese, 1st prise "by WwW. M Currie 321 GLASS 8 POULTRY. urkeys, any other Yariaty. . 1 Geese, | "% 3 g32s2EsEEEEEEEELEE 2 evrn Display Millinery, home made s pixie Collection of Grapes . Red Tomatoes, 6 Yellow Tomatoes, 6 Cabbage, 3 heads. Greatest Variety of Gar- den Vegetables .... Bouquet of Flowers. . Collection of Greenhouse Plants, not lesaghan § 6 2- Citroas, 2 Musk Melons, 2 Water Melons, 2 Squashes, 2 Pumpkins, 2 Cauliflowers, 2 Celery, 6 roots Table Carrots, 10 Parsnips, 10 Collection of. Fruits. . Collection of Winter Ap ples, not less than 6 varietiesand 6of each $2 $1 50 CLASS11.---DOMESTIC MAN- UFAOTURES. TOME MADE. Fulled Cloth, 10 yards. § Colored Flannel, 10 yds White Flannel, 10 yds. Woollen Blankets, 1 pair Coverlet Knitting Yarn, 2 skeins Counterpane, white. ... Woollen Mitts 'Woollen Gloves Woollen Socks Woollen Stockings Cotton Stockings Rag Rug Yarn Rug Rag art, cotton warp Rag Carpet, woollen warp All-wool Carpet, not less than 10 yds ' Gentleman's Plaid .... Assortment of Factory® made Woolen Goods. Best made Suit of Gentle- man's Clothing Class 12.--Ladies' De) Best made Child's Dress § Gentleman's Plain Shirt, hand-made (Gentleman's Plain Shirt, Machine made Lady's Bonnett Piece-work Quilt Log Cabin Quilt Top sewed Quilt Taft Quilt 8 8 38 8888z3uz=n8888888 *» pt Bs 2 gz 2e22222883288888 -€» SitirE rary 8 8388388888 8 8a -- -- tl fk fd pk Dk id pd ok -- Fancy Euitting Ww g8383885583888888 3 2283888888 ¢ gasasgses cowhide, ou Pair whide; potied Kid Boots, sewed Pair * Ladies" Prunella Boots Pair Ladies' Calf Boots, Set of Siigle. Harness. Ladies' Side Saddle Gent's Saddle Farm Collar Clase 16--Misosllaneous. 10 bs Maple Sugar Honey, strained, not less than 10 Ds Honey in Comb, not less than 5 bs 'Wheat Flour, 50 Bs Oatmeal, 50 hs Graining on Wood .. Collection Bent Stuff for Carriages and Sleighs Cook Stove Furniture, tin, homemade Cook Stove Furniture, copper Hot Air Drum, home- made Collection'of 'homemade Tinware Collection Metal Cast- ings, not less than 10 picees : ' Collection Minerals Collection Confectionery Assortment Drain Tiles Half thousand Shingles, sawed, to be open on the ground, and to be 16 inches long and § inch thick Collection Stuffed Birds Specimen Cooper'sWork not less than 4 pieces Quilting Frame oS Parlor Set Furniture .. Bedroom Set Pygniture Panel Door . Sash Venetian Window Blinds Quart homemade Rasp- hone - Quart] omemade Grape Qe antaiade Rhen- barb Wine Quart homemede Currant » Quart homemade Cherry Jar Strawberries, pro- served in sugar .... Jar Strawberries, canned Jar Plums, preserved . . Jar Currants, preserved Jar Currants, canned, . Jar abies canned Jar Pears, Beserved Jelly 5 Tor Pit Sor kind i i $1 8 8888 8 8 8 8 8 n 8 "BO WD 0 g 88 8 8 3 8888888 88 -- Bd 2 et lt cn oe ggzs888 8888 sm 8 8 8888 1 00] doing up « stage, I can 1 0o| mind must be on things pi things prospective. . You was a hog. He wanted even that came his way, sud be took: 50 | them used to go over the route al very often. One time my : 50 sprang out in front of the stage" 501 ordered the driver to throw 59 | hands, which he did. Then my went around to the side of the 100 to interview the passougers, and found that 00! rugk WASN'T A SOUL ON THE Rid. 00| It made him mad, of course. So be went back to the horses, and, noticing 00 that the driver was smiling, he led: 'I've a notion to slice you | playing this trick upon me." # 'Why didn't you tell me thet 00 | hadn't anybody aboard ¥ : 00 « Because you didn't ask me' 50| «Well, what have you got? my friend to the driver, 'come,' shell out.' "The driver didu't have an; bat a little whiskey, and he gave agent some and took some himself.-- Them they got to talking, and awhile my friend got up on the and rode five or ten miles with the driver, just to keep him company, and to hear what he had to say. driver was one of those observing fel lows, and he gave the agent some good advice, Says he: : "You have ruined the this road, ruined yourself and, ruined the company. Nobody travels here any more, You have scared off. Now you might as self, too. There is no ni won't be till you restore You can't work a stage confidence any mote than you es banking institution. You must el out of here and stay out, and wl 82538888 88 o> i= g 8 8 sgsssssEsszEEsss g § 85EEE TE

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