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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 25 Sep 1884, p. 2

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| too will soon Sk new displays its the location isn one and the hand- isis block, which joins the : n fine aste; it . The Bedford block is progressing finely and the rapidly advancing sea- son makes people anxious to séothe work advance. The McCay Hook is being hastened fle. f _. | forward in good y,| Blong's law we said 'that the Were it not. for the 50 to, pubmit such igent eo who Rn of \ Faw against than they would of age the * future. pros- - Tusurance yi sale , pyerchants, the progress and stability' out the greatér part of this are "witching with some ynobwith auy misgivings as to w. being carried, but watching were possibic that cven one the corporhition of Poit "be polled against a by-law ing "of which is-absolutely nec- 4 rity of the town. hops 0 fact that under stances were it' possible for % of Port 'Perry to "vote sichwbydaw the town would be #0 public scorn and an intel EOP Misht well ask, " What s electors of Port Perry mean " "relish the idea of continuing oft the! brink of a volcano infants, against fire. = The shandsome, new town the ashes of a late the liberal aid of standing looking wily on and saying "We don't fire extinguisher we got few times already and we : & again " Perhaps so but i wo to make 'a' Bargain and jit likely - the: Insurance Companies | bs thing to say in it. The 'of the apparatus (£6,000) 'any ordinary householder, pty is assessed at not more J, more than §12 in twelve end all. Surely the fire extinguisher is worth more dollar « year for twelve years at is all that §1000 assessment work of our new town hasten- completion while the several buildings is rs arg, fairly swarming in ings and they too will town will then structure lis sell advanced will soon be ready for its ocoupants, The Diesfeld' to completion: + "The McGaw Block is also being com- block is also hastening Mr. Allison's fine brick block was somewhat late in being started Dut it is now being pushed for- ward in fine style. " The Thompson House will soon be ®1 prepared to throw open its doors for the accommodation of the public and the entertainment of guests within a few days or at least in two or three weeks tho Thompsen Honse will be in full blast. When the County Agricultural Show . takes place on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct 15th and 16th, this 1 and several of the new stores will be in full blast, our streets will be rid up and visitors will enjoy"the com- forts of the town as well as * the plea- sure of the show. i fe A Noble Frateral F , At the Undertakers' Covention held in Toronto last week a unanimous resclu- tion was passed heartily sympathizing with Mr. John Nott and Mr. J. W. Davis in their heavy loss by the late disstrous fire in Port Perry. Such a resolution speaks well for the heads and hearts of the sympathisers. 'Welcome Home.--The numerous customers and friends of Mr. J. W. Isaacs the popular Clothier, Port Perry, are much pleased at his return from a short but active and profitable business trip to New York, where he bas secured a thorough knowledge of all the most recent and most improved methods of Cutting and has obtained his Diploma from that grand centre of fashion, as a thoroughly qualified first- class Cutter. See his advertisement is this issue. He has got something grand to offer his patrons as well in the quality of the goods as in their make and style. Read the advertise- ment. Promotion in the Army.-- Lieutenant Etta Rush has Leen pro- moted from the Port Perry division of the Saved Army to the Lieutentancy of the Poterboro division of the Army. The young Lieutenant is quite a favor- ite in Port Perry and its surroundings and oll regret her romoval. She has proved herself an amiable and ex- amplary young lady and an active] officer of the Saved Army. A Chance for Contractors.-- See the advertisement of the commis- sioners for the building of 600 feet of the Scugog Bridge. Suow Cases Por ALL--Now that the recent fire has cleaned 'out "our Show Cases parties will be pleased to know that the Dominion Show Case Manufacturing Company is prepared to supply all wants on short notice, of the best quality and styles and at the lowest possible figures. Mr. John Nott is agent for the establishment. -- Soe advertisement. . Personal --E. Worthington, Esq, 18 in town ona short visit, he looks hale, hearty and eheerful and expresses. wich satistection with the rapid. pro- ts | gress of the town, "his many friends in) town gavé him a hearty welcome. He 81 will remain over till tomorrow und cof cast his vote'in favor of the by-law. more t ¥ 143,484 people passed through the gates and paid their quarter. - " ONTARIO CarriaGE Works, PORT Bee je & Hobbs' New Show will be held on th | Williamsburg, on Th features were kept in the back ground. We were pleased to see our friend Mr R, Howsam, figuring. prominently among the exhibitors of cheese, his stilton cheese took 8rd , prize from a a whole host of competitors. This establishes Mr. Howsam's reputation ds a frat class cheese maker, and 'gives the Utica Cheese Factory a lift. "In the show of matched "horses we find that A.J. Wells of the Mansion House Uxbridge, 'showed his handsome matched team and carried off 3rd prize, John Dryden, M. P. P. for South Ontario was an extensive and success-| ful exhibitor of Durham Cattle. His two year old bull took first prize from a lot of fine ones ; his bull calf took third prize ; his cow took third prize ; his herd of one bull and four females took second prize. z Mr. L. Burnett's yégrling bull took third prize he is a beauty. In Ayreshire Cattle, T. Guy & Son showed some beauties, their three year old bull took second prize ; their two year old bull took second prize ; their yearling bulls took first and second prizes ; their bull calf took first ; their bulls of any age took second and third; their cows took first and second ; their three year old cows took first and sgeond ; their two year old heifer took first ; their yearling heifer took second; their heifer calf took third ; they also took first prize for thebest milking cow. Well done Oshawa. For General Purpose Matched Team Mr. H. J. Gould, Uxbridge, took 1st rize. For Heavy Draught Strllion, Jeffrey Bros., Whitby, took 3rd prize. John Miller & Son's 2 year old heavy draught Stallion took 2nd prize, The two year old heavy draught Filly owned by John Dryden, M. P, P., took 1st prize and John Miller & Son's Filly took 2nd prize. Jeflrey Bros pair of Ponies in harness took 1st prize. Mr. Dryden made a dash in the Shropshire Downs. His shearling ram took 1st, his ram lamb took 2nd, his twe ewes,two shears and over, took 3rd, his two shearling ewes took 1st, his two ewe lambs took 2nd, his pen of Shropshires took 2nd. In the show of field grains &e. T. & J. Manderson came in for a large share of the prizes. The Mandersons took prizes as follows : 1st on 6 bus. spring wheat ; 1st on 2 bus. of bald spring wheat ; 1st on six- rowed barley ; 3rd on small peas ; 3rd on marrowfat peas ; 3rd on any other variety of peas ; 2nd on timothy seed. Mr. A. E. Claughton's Saddle Horse took 3rd prize from a crowd of beauties. Mr. A. E. Claughton's runner took 2nd prize in the race for the Farmer's Premium. Well done for Utica. BE hh A The Burglarizing Fraternity. Port Perry, had a flying visit from two or more professional burglars some time between Thursday night and Friday morning, last. Itappears they visited Humphrey, Deshane & Co's, Cavwriage Factory and selecting such tools as was considered nccessary for the nights practice. Theyhad then gone to the office of ti station master at the railway station and by some means or other found easy axeess into the office and by the aid of a drill and other implsments went through the safe carrying off what ever little money was in it some $100in all, a very small sum for so much labour and so great a risk. It appears that they next found their way to the Ontario Bank but| the vigilant messenger D. Ledingham, was as usual keeping watch and ward and burglars will have a good time in catching him napping ; he bad his faithful dog with him and so soon, as the visitors approached the door' his dogship demanded in forcible tones what they wanted 1 They then slipped away but returned in a short time, his dogship was again prepaired to receive doen 3 Mr. Lod arose and let the dog out to interview the strang- 1 pute stop to any further wesits. Mr. ingham saw the two parties and could recognize them if he | saw them again and so could the dog. Such gentry had bejter stdy away from Port Berry, ea the ch wo have got to carry us through, * honorable thief would under. th dare to steal fn day, Oct. ® and 10. : i o The Township of Brock Fall Show will be held at Sunerland, on Monday and Tuesday, Oct. 13and 14. © The North Ontario County Show will be held on the 'Show 'Grounds, Port Perry, on Wednesday and Thurs- day; Oct. 15 and 16: © 5 Now ladies, the attractions: in ie on your enterprise and skill dis in your handy work. On Saturday morning of last week the body of a man about 60 years. age was found floating onthe Toronto y. The Evening News published the fact and gave a general description 'of: 'the body, The parties around Pmedale who saw the description and knowing that Wm. Anderson a farmer on lot 15 in the 3 con. of Brock had gene to the show and had not returned snd finding that the description correspond- ed with that of Anderson, Mr. Donald Carmichael, telegraphed on Sunday last ~ to his brother Peter Car michael, who resides in Toronto, instructing him to go to the morgue and see whether the body was that of Wm, Anderson. Carmichael went to the morgue and at once recognized the body. He then telegraphed the fact to his brother. The friends of the deceased arrived on Monday morning and took charge of the body, All sympathise with the afflicted ones in their sad calamity. He leaves a grown up family of four, a son and three daughters. About ten years ago two of the daughters, smart, intelligent girls while running on logs floating in the water fell into the watter and got drowned. The "Globe's " Blowing. The Toronto World says:--TIt is alk very well for the Globe to crow over the testimony of English scientific visitors to the Guelph' agricultural college. Nobody disputes the fact that much is to be seen there, for much. public money of Ontario has leen spent there. Every good farmer would buy good aattle if he had the money to do it, and he would put up good buildings too if the Province paid the bill. What is of more moment to know is, whether, for the money spent by Ontario, this province gets any re- turn, and if so, what ? Has ody ever met a Guelph college graduate yet, who is working en ordinary farm, and who beats his neighbor at it because he once learned the chemical analysis | of the manure pile 1 Are not most of; the scholars young men from England | who mean to farm in the North-West? We can all ses the mousy go, but where comes in the practical good to] Ontatio I Among the exhibitors at} the approaching fair, how many will have been scholars at Gulph 1. : ate elf etre The License Battle. On the 23th inst., a pitched battle | was fought, or rather commenced fore the Supreme Court on the con- stitutionality of the Dominion Liquor | License Act. The Province of Ontario | is represented by Mr. 8. H. Blake, ! Mr. A. ZA. Irving, and Mr. W.| Johnston. The Dominion will' be re-| presented Ly Mr. Bethune, Counsel will also be present on behalf of the | other Provinces. Most likely the losing side will erry the case from acourt where the Judges knowall about it tothe Privy: Conneil | in England where not a sonl of them can know any thing about it. Such is aristocracy. : etl W® APC A ree N General Gordon's Modest 4 Request. q It appears that General wants into the pockets - of the British taxpayers. He says: --"l am t- sing British forces in order to evacuate the Egyptian garrisons. Send me Zebehr., Pay him a yearly salam $15,000: I.shall surrender Sol the Sultan K troops arrive: Egyptians you ans or | bloodshed. 1 require' $1,500,000 poy, my soldiers, my daily 'ox ig $7,500." Within a fe shall take Berber; where Col. Btewart, "Col, Power, French Consul with troops Bazouks, who after Saying mn {will burn the town «uf config thick and staganty and does Ho of | 19.1 dyspeptic people." I always L men Who i pi The swindlers' mod rand to insert advertisements 'in daily papers calling for young men who! aro desirous of secur the sn of treasurer of a 'the 'company. at salary of $25 a week. In order to scoiire the, licant. w was obli 0 'equrity. Levitt, aged 83 years,' venue, ud Harry Rich, of No. 205 East Thirteenth t, New York, as swin They | said that they were actorsand' were locked up at_police uarters, This swindle has been practiced in nearly every city in the country, and yet dupes are to be found: to advance The Chinese formed the State De Department. that it will exhibit at the Worlds fo "Fair at 6 ri : New Orleans next; winter a silk 'Joom | me in practical operation. Chinamen will be kept at work weaving silk in order that the out side barbarians may see how the thing is done. To the Editor of Observer. Dear Sir,--In ahswer to W. 8. Lattimor's Challenge to match Fred T. Hunt of Port Perry, to run T. Fogg of Uxbridge, & hund- red yard race, the undersigned will accept said challenge on these conditions: one hundred yards to be run in Uxbridge six | weeks from signing' articles. , Pistol shot start, forno less than $500 a side. Will meet you W.S. Lattimor, at the Commercial Hotel, Uxbridge, at your earliest conveni- ence to put up forfeit and sign articles. -- Pay or play. Yours, &ec., 3 CHAS. DUSTY. Try, TrY AGAIN.-- A Boston despatch announces that Hanlan has cabled to Ruddick for two new boats. Does the carsman mean to try and regain his lost laurels ere he returns { A SKILLFUL SURGICAL OPERA- . TION. The American Ambassador at Vienna, Mr, Kasson, has lately forwarded to his Govern- ment an interesting account of a remarkable surgical operation lately performed by Pro- fessor Billroth, or Vienna, whieh, wondeful to tell, consisted In the removal of a portion of the human stomach, involving nearly one- third of the orgau--and, strange 10 say, th patient recovered--the only successful opera: tion ever performed. The disease for which this operation was performed was cancer of the stomach, attended with the following symptoms: The appetite was gi poor,-- There is a peculiar, indescribable distress in she stomach, a feellog that has been describ. d as a fulnt "all gone" sensation ; a stloky slime collects about the teeth, especially in thé morning,accom panied by an unpleasant taste. Food falls to satisfy thi peculiar faint sensa- tion; but, on the contrary, it appears; to ag" gravate the feeling. The eyes are sunken' tinged with yellow ; the bands aud feet be- come coid and sticky--a cold perspiration.-- The sufferers feel tired all the time, and sleep |}, does ROL seem 10 give rest. After atime the patient becomes nervous and irritable,gloomy Lis wind filled with evil forebodings, 'When rising suddenly from a recumbent position there isa dizziness, u Whistling sensation, and he is obliged to grasp something firm to Keop him from falling. . The bowels. costly, the skun'dry and hot at es; the blood be u- late properly. After a lime the patient spits up food soon after eating, sometimes in a sour. on their orders 0 tastefully executed, resent | is too small to accommodate the inery Department but the accommoda- tions at my residence will be found sat- i to customers. T. 8. CORRIGAN. ee el rr. An End to Bone Scraping. | Edward Shepherd, of Harrisburg, IIL, says : * Having received so mu benefit from Electric. Bltters, I feel it my duty to let suffering humanity know it. Have had a running sore on my leg for eight years ; my doctors told me I would have to have the bone scraped or théleg amputated. I used, instead, three bottles of Electric Bitters, and seven boxes Bucklen's Arnica Salve, and my legis now sound and well," Electric Bitters are sold at fifty ceuts a bottle, and Bucklen's Arnica Salve at 25¢ per box by B, E. Allison. 4 a g ADVICE TO MOTHERS. Are you disturbed at night and broken of ur rest by a sick child suffering and ery- with pain of cutting teeth ? 80, vend at once and get a bottle of Mis. Winstow's SoorminG SYRUP POR CHILDREN TEETHING. Its value is incalculable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no niistake oid it. It cures dysentry and diarrhces, {ates the stomach and bowels, cures wi colic, softens the gums, reduces inflamma: tion, and girerune and energy to the whole system. Mgrs. WixsLow's SootHixe SYRoP FORCHILDRENTERTHINGispleasant tothe taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest apd best female nurses and physicians in the United States, andis for sale byall druggists throughout the world. Price 25 cents a ttle, Bucklen's Arnica Salve. The greatest medical wonder of the world. 'Warranted to s) ily cure Burns, Bruises, Cuts Ulsers, Salt Rheum, Fever §ores, Can- iles, Chilblains, Totter, Corns, Chap-| id eruptions, guaran. and fermented condition, sometinies sweotish | + to the taste. Oftentimes there is palpitation of the heart, and the patient fears he may have heart disease. Towards the Inst the patient is unabio to retain any food whatever, as the opening in the intestines becnmes closed or nearly so. Although the cCisease is indeed alarming, sufferers with the 'above-niméd symptoms shouid not feel nervous, for nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out ofa thou- sand have no.cancer. but simply dyspepsia, a disease easily removed if treated in a proper manner. The satestand best remedy for the disease 1s Scigel's Curative Syrup, avegelable. preparation sold by all €heriiists and rudicing | vendors throughout the world, and by the proprietors, A. J. White (Limited), 17, Far- ringdon voad, London, KE. GC. This Syrup strikes at the very foundation of the | disease and drives it, root aud braneb, out of the system, =A Pe! Be pa Sir,--It gives me great pleasure to inform you of the benefit I have received from | Beigel's Byrup. I had been troubled foryyears with dyspepsia; but aftera few doses of the] Syrup, 1 found relief, bottles of it. I feel quite 1 Mr. A. J./White. Dear 8ir,--1 find the sale of Beigel steadily increasing. 'All who have: tried' | speak very 'highly of its medicinal yirsoes; one cystomer describes It 8s i "Godsend to bd 14 with confidence. from Costiveness, Sick Headache, and Loss of Appetite for many years, felt always tired; so that life was & burden | / and all seemed dark to me. IT have had medical attendance and have tried 'all the advertised remedies but with- out effect. A number of my nei who had used your Fountain of urged me to give it a trial, three bot- tles of which made me feel like a new' 'Woman, i MRS. BELL, « B74, King street, Toronto. bors rr ore ---- . Canadian Pacific Railway. ONTARIO DIVISION: Trains will leave Myrtle ss follows: GOING WEST.-- am. worn and after WKing: two! Sin gonna | ealth| * d satisfactorily. isit the Works, examine our T0ENSTONE & H y. present store | + Since.comm 1 to cater not only for 'the stylish young men of this place and its surroundings: but for the patronage of all others. = With that object In view I have always kept tho most attractive and durable Goods I could find and at a reasonable figare. "1 have kept myself posted in the latest style of Gent's Clothing, The very liberal patron have received has been so. encouraging that I take this opportunity to my sincere thanks to my numerous customers and to state that 1'have improved the lull in business caused by the late destruc tive Fire, by goiug down to Where I studied under the best instructors in that leading city. Having takén m, Diplomas Fist Class Cutter ~~ I now feel myself competent to give my patrons just as good fit and style in every respect as they can get in any of our large cities. 1 also wish to inform. the Public that I have brought with me some very HANDSOME CLOTHS !! INL Cork-Screw Worsteds! 5th Aven Goa 'Trusting that my patrons and the public will show their appreciation of my efforts €o givo thet the very latest and most Stylish Outfits in the market for the very lowest possible cash price. " I am yours, &e., JJ. WW. ISAACS, Clothier and Dealer in Gent's Fuinishings, 'DOMINION SHOW CASE MFG 60. jo CASES of wood Store Fittings; encing business in Port Perry my aim has been x x ngs and Pantings |. Two doors West ef the Post Office, Port Perry.

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