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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Oct 1884, p. 1

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Er El ea kero SMoTLINTON, jn, , Physician, Sur- R. WARE, Coroner fo the County of Jr ry Physician, S Jurges urgoon and Ac- ow residence, King Street, Princo | 'Albert, Ont. RAILROAD TICKETS. Tasued to all parts of Canadas and the United |! « | States. i EF. CLEMENS, Physion; Socgeon and | ices i EE oe years. ot pol CLEMEN! cian, Surgeon i ID iccouchenr. "Office and Restdence--| ous he & -- "cast of the M. 7B. 'Chueh, Port yable at a certain date, or on previ oy ig] Insurance covering acc and weekly indemnit; ip A 3% non-fatal injury. 2 sr MARRIAGE LICENSES ISSUED. = and Tickets for passage to and from Great Britain sold at lowest rates. - Port Perry, April 20, 1881. 3 PORT PERRY LIVERY SHES ages is 1% | ON MODERATE TERMS, C. McKENZIE. "Ww 'McGaw's Stables, Queen 8 ng i 1873. Ts 8 po pind iy | Also on Village Property at a Higher = A HUBERT L. EBBELS, Parties intending to Lravel w wil find it to their advantage to purchase tickets from LW = 'McCAW. Port Perry, May 24, 1883, ! AUCTION NEER ersigned takes this opportunity » OR CARRIAGE Saltion, 1st 'prize by James wart | maon 2 years old," 2nd prize 2 John Rolph, Halter, value are for the very liberal in has received as Ave. ; Mohan [ard 8 residence, Union Avenue, Port Perry. C. DAWES, Auctioneer, Port Perry, Aug. 17, 1883, WM. GORDON, Tdcensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. R the Ti of Brock, Uxbridge, Rama, Mariposa trusting their Sales to. me may rely on the utmost attention being given to their interests. 'WM. GORDON, Sunderland. E. MAJOR, ICENSED AUCTIONEER, Allparties wishing his services can call at the Os- servER Office, and arrange for days of ir Port Perry, Jan. 10, 1879. mM, HBZEEIWOOD, Licensed Auctioneer. a HE wnlirsignod. Ba having taken out a License as Auctioneer is now |e attend all Sales entrusted to him. Hav. had much e: ence in handling Real te, Live Stock such as Horses, Cattle, Sheep, &c., also Farming Tements of all 'kinds. Farm Produce, &c., Parties placing their Sales in my hairy rely on getting all for the property that t is possible to "~All orders {ly attended to sale bill ade out - furnished: EE lea their orders at. the OBSER- vER Office, Port Perry, will receive immedi- ate and careful attention. Charges Moderate. M. HEZZELWOOD, "Raglan. [Raglan sept. 103878. | NGLO-AMERICAN HOTEL. PRINCE ALBERT. * /W. H. PARK, . opto: situated he situated Hotel. I und thd shite Sl : | and renovated the entire pre wa psi ie |the Sheds. The BE ec) in first-class style and stocked with the best : Ligaors and Cigars. attention paid to the. cemfort of | - denceof red foal in x 1884 1st prize by Johnstone & 'Hobbs, Whiffletrees; valees X.! Filly, 2 yearsold. hands Filly, 1 year old Hurd Span of Carriage Horses, gelds ings or mares, OF r 1564 hands lst prize Wi Ys * Horses, * 15} hands and under, 1st prize by John Ruddy 3 Single Driving Horse, over 15} hands, 1st prize by Wm. Foy Single Driving Horse, 15} hands and under, 1st prize by L.'H. Hurd, 2nd prize by Laing & Meharry, Whip, value 0. Stallion, any = . 0ADSTER. 5 Foals of 1884, sired by one Stallion, prize by Mr. John Ralph, Reach e DRAFT--INMPORTED. Stallion, 1st prize by J Staton Lie by W 0 value $2.00 Stallion, 1 year old Mare with foal at foot, o dence of having a foal in 1884 2nd prize or Humphrey, DeShane & Co., Neck- Toke value $3 Filly, 2 years old Filly, 1 year old DRAFT---CANADIAN BRED. Stallion, 1st prize by John Rudd . old; 2nd. Stallion, 2 years old 3 Stallion, one your old Vie Spring Colt Mare with foal at hy ore vi denice of having a foal in 1884 Filly, 2 years old Filly, 1 year old Stallion, any age . Foal of 1884, sired by Champion, -prizes by Mr. oy Grains Spring Colt, si Ds orb by * Uxbridge Il & | Spring Filly, sired by Never pia Late, prizes by Bell & Could i 8 all the could be desired: Pirst- Class Hotel. The conven and oom. nets car af : Uxbridge \ wr "PERCHERON, Stallion sve GENERAL PURPOSE. bt prize Parrish, Whip, 4 Diploma. i Perry ie Gout, Stallion, 1st 'prize by James DW [CREECH PRE nb aR Ewes, with evidence of -| Two | * having lambs 1884 Two Ewe Lambs RI ¥ CLASS 4 SWINE. BERKSHIRE. Boar: 0 Breeding. Sow, with evidence of having pigs in 1884 » Pig of 1884 Sow Pig of 1884 'ANY OTHER BRERD., Breeding Sow, with 'evidence of having pigs in 1884 Boar f 1884 Spriug t Fife, 2 bus, 1st and 2nd prizes by A. Ress. . Spring Wheat, Olub, 2 bus. .. White Russian Wheat, 2'bus 1st prize by D. C. Downey A 2 Berets 6-rowed, 2 bus, lst prize b D. 0. Downey Barley, @-rowed, 2 bus. Oats, large white, 2 bus. Oats common, 2 bus. 0 Oats, pure black, 2 bus Peas, small, 2 bus. Pens, large 2, bus. 3 Peas, hlue,2 bus; | Indian Corn. 12 ears Beans, 1 peck. 9 Sede Turnip Seed, 5 De. Flax Seed, half bushel + Tares, 1 bushel A Clover Seed, 1 bus. i Timothy Seed, 1 bus. vs 3 CLASS 6---ROOTS. 5 | Turnips, 6 Mange! Wrtzels,long red, 6 Mange Wurtzels long yellows | Mangel Wurtzels, Globe, 6 Red Carrots, 6 * . e Carrots 6 ets, 6 Onions, half bus, Early Rose Potatoes, 1 bag. Beauty of Hebron Potatoes, 1 bag Potatrss any other variety, correctly named, 1 bag.. 1 |OLASS 7 DAIRY PRODUCE. | Butter, 10. lbs. in 1b. rolls, '1st prize by T.8,Corrigen, "Chamber Set, $5, the 3| butter to be the property Loof he donor ; 2nd prize by W. McCaw, Silvan |. ware, $2.50 | Butter, in firkin, not Yea than 40 lbs, 1st W. M. Currie, or gies by Davenport & : a of Dishes value $5 rize by T. Courtice, a I pri ' Satchel value $2 7 heese, 1st prise y w. M. Currie oe ee : | Twa Bliculing wes we BO BO BO BO BO BO BO BD SSE BEET me 5 2 GLASS 3-POULTRY. Turkeys, one Tavers any other ays. 3 , large e, small -3 okt kd pd dk fd pd od $d Plate Plate Boru Tass a * I'Plate Peck's Pleasant. 1 nty Plate Baldwins Plate Rhode ' Island 'Greenings re Plate Grime's Golden .. Plate Ben Davis, . Plate Yellow Bell- Flower Plate King of Tomkin's Count: SH Plate any other variety Plate Crab, Apples, large Plate Orab Apples, small Plate Plums Plate Pears Avy pes, 3 bunches .... lion of tropes 'xp Tomatoes, 6 .... Dn 6... Oabbage; 3 heads Greatest Variety of Gar- den Vegetables .... Bouquet of Flowers. . .. Collection of Greenhouse Plants, not lessthan 6 . | Citrons, 2 ER $5 $2} $1 g)|ra0ys, Collection | Fancy Knitting Musk Melons, 2 Water Melons, 2 Squashes, 2 Punpkins, 2 Cauliflowers, 2 A Qelery, 6 roots aed Table Carrots, 10 Parsnips, 10 Collection of Fruits. Collection of Winter Ap- ples, not less than 6 varieties and Gof each $2 $1 OLASS11.--DOMESTIC MAN- UFACTURES. HOME MADE. . Fulled Cloth, 10 yards. § $ Colored Flanhel, 10 yds White Flannel, 10 yds. Woollen Blankets, 1 pair Coverlet + ' Knitting Yarn, 2 skeins Counterpane, white. Woollen Mitts . Woollen Gloves Woollen Socks Woollen Stockings PE =8888888 LR 1 1 1 1 1 1 yy =3 or Cotton Stockings Rag Rug Coie Yarn Rug Rag Carpet, cotton warp i iL warp All-wool Carpet, not less than 10 yds > (Gentleman's Plaid .... Assortment of Factory- made Woolen Goods. Best made Suit of Gentle- man's Clothing .... 300 100 Class 12.--Ladies' Department Best made Child's Dress $1 50 $1 00 Gentleman's Plain Shirt, hand-made Gentleman's Plain Shirt, Machine made .... Lady's Bonnett Piece-work Quilt Log Cabin il Top sewed Tot 'Quilt Knit Bed Cover Orochet-work Quil Fancy: Netting ' Lady's Dress ea of Lady's Under-clothing .... Display Millinery, home made - 1 50 bt pe pd pd fd fd pd pd bd Bd fd fd pd Seiten 0, 8 8333888888 8 Crochet Work , tt a tp tt a 0 » F31iTees 22232288333383388 «© 8838388383 Specimen © of ptistr not less than Specimen of Peni Olass 14-- Leal Side Upper Leather . i Baier Pair Men's Coarse Boots, cowhide, pegged Pair Ladies'. Fine Kid Boots Pair Ladies' Calf Boots, laced and pegged .. Oollection of Boots and Shoes in Showease; homemade ' Set Farm Harness .. Set of Carriage Harness Set of Single Harness. , Ladies' Side Saddle .. Gent's Saddle Farm Collar v 8 -- 2888 88888888 38 82 8888 388 8888888 Olass 15-4 Misoallnneos. 10 bs Maple Sugar Honey, strained, not less than 10 Ibs Honey in Comb, not loss than 5 Ibs .e 'Wheat Flour, 50 he Oatmeal, 50 Is *- Graining on Wood .. Collection Bent Stuff for Carriages and Sleighs Cook Stove Furniture, tin, homemade Cook Stove Furniture, copper Hot Air Drum, home- made Collection of "homemade Tinware Collection Metal Cast ings, not less than 10 pieces . Collection Minerals Collection Confectionery Assortment in Tiles Half thousand Shingles, sawed, to be open on the ground, and to be 16 inches long and § inch thick Collection Stuffed Birds Specimen Cooper'sWork not less than 4 pieces Quilting Frame in Parlor Set Furniture .. Bedroom Set Furniture Panel Door . RY, Sash hy Venetian Window Blinds Quart homemade Rasp- berry Wine Quart homemade Grape 'Wine Quart homemade Rhou- barb Wine QuarthomemadeCurrnt Quart thodlemade, Chery 'Wine Jar Strawberries, "pre- served in sugar Jar Strawberries, canned 3 ar Plums, preserved Jar Qurrants, preserved Jar Currants, canned. . Jar = Goseherrion, pre- Veen $1 00 100 8 8 8 8 BD BD BO 83888 g3888 2 3888888 88 8 88 8 8 2g 8 oo oo uccomplishment which : ought to feel pend 48 who can serve her husba prepared food, prepares 1 "Goodness |. what a very " idea ; and what a pity; aunty,%that ; never were married I" Gertrude with a cruel sneer, marring the b beauty of her somewhat vapid tenance. "We cannot all marry, Sidr ith a soft of her who propares it." #l sunt replied gently, "Then Tdo not want a man," the girl declared with ao pout of the pretty pink lip, glance of vanity at the mi her, that reflected a white rose pursued. i body whose tastes are more m quite superior to coarse, things." Mr, Willard's mind can 'ascend wit alacrity to partridge pie," the aunt. served with a smile. "And our nie is a marvelous cook." 5 Our Minnie has ridiculous notions! Gertrude retorted pettishly. "And I can imagine how Roy would be di verted if he could know the vast amount of flurry and discussion making of his favorite dish has envok~ ed. And he would be just as well pleased, doubtless, if mamma Minnie ignored the partridge pie altd- gether, and just made themselves and agreeable to receive him. . never indulge himina weakness this kind, if I happen to Jeetme | wife," she added with a fine i of importance. And fastening the last glittering braid with a jeweled shepberd's and with the last dainty adjustment the delicate lace and flowers. : ise, however, el had been ible to him throughthe closed &

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