d-| sible, FI ' a, pemaining | a to join, it ; apd |= " " "| onch dep fan eT nr of Mr. Humfrey--for this was. the first effor,and had » meal off somebody. gv by the wan wh ton OUE TE L Nomprl Pg a ERE |7"tmne wme--that, he was 8|yourficnds must have 'rejoiced to tifotly. ¢ Her I halted to. resover | souvenir of her dungerous evening to bo rather a pronliar prt, he thoght, yo Ad 3 Beugal civilian of long. standing, only find themshlves well out of the jungle, | breath, and to let them come with me;| walk. he had better obtain permission to keep Inte'y retuaned from India. Hespoke | 0 obo ie hotter of a comfortable] When suddenly in tho perfect stillness |" [Some further conversation and one | it before ent ring on the purchase. i ; i with' great approbation of the Prince's| gst 4 of the evening, 1 heard a slight rustl-jor two other anecdotes followed. It| 'He never dr-amed of mystifying the be. pi = ve J. ADAMS, Absolutely Pure. . Bleck ng onjasnes in Jui * ok No doit of it said Mr. Humfrey ing and crackling in the bushes just | was now getting late, and some of the colonel, A his hrs was en Ghent allowed to Merchibnth{ {yoy aE fprieny. strength and Wholesomenoss,-- | ©. tla Super ap a nourred | ling: fand yet incideuts of that kind | beyond the rook ; and glancing round | guests glanced at their watches. * Be- misunderstood: ~The cub duly arrived, and others who. advertise by the year or PORT PERRY. Kors conomical ) lla the etinary iva: Ren ho ria . ion i soon from memory. 1 could re- to ascertain the cause, I saw what| fore we finish this discussion, 1 must | --a 'well grown young animul, and for, has ts ill in 11 cases be atrictl ads BANKER multitude of low test, short weight alum or i e iy aie icer:to the incident of a), dozens of hair-breadth escapes ; made every rierve in my body quiver | tell you a tiger story myself,' said the time being was consigned to a, ite " a y AND BROKER. BR powders. Sold only in cans. -- | tiger having sprung on the elephant on | | 4 "ot probably my friend Dr. violently, and. seemed to bring my | Colonel Darley, the commanding officer | spare stall, to the unrestrained terror ---- Lauepspn could do the same. Tigers heart into my mouth, as the saying is. | of the 188th, ¢Itis rather different | of the horses, who smelt the tiger and * joB 'DEPARTMENT. ; vAL Bakixa Powper Co., 106 Wall St. | which he Frince int ; when 3 ep Bills, Posters, Programs, Good Notes Discounted. | ---- = Royal Hig ness without APIoRtY and snakes are always unpleasant At this juncture a huge Bengal |from these we have heard, but I dare- | became (excited, and when he began to, the least discomposure at the near possibilities when one travels in India; ptiger, one of thelargest I had ever seen, | say it will amuse some of the young: growl, dashed madly about, burst their Blank Forms, Receipt ns ards Bin Coie Has any amount of Money to Loan vicinity of the savage beast, had taken |, \ pagrengon 7 emerged from among the shrubs not |sters. A good many years ago 1| fastenings and got out into the yard, &c. of ev style Bl, color % . X00! romptly and At 61 per cent. ; s at ed rater aa b pe t - on good Mortgages "| stdady aim from the howdah, and shot The worthy surgeon thus appealed forty paces from me, and with a swing- served in the same regiment with a| where they made the commation that the tiger as he clung behind. to gave a few vigorous whiffs at his ing deliberate movement began to |young fellow of the name of Waldron. | had disturbed us. The. tiger -wag ET Siher cata 'A pretty x Sate : Khas ust cigar, and then removing it from his | Cross an open space bordering the path | He was a pleasant sort of a fellow in speedily removed and order again re. - ' Wiig IN STURANCHE Photos taken aid finished in have bess for ee iv Yo "A 8 | Jips and beginning leisurely to knock that led to the water-full. I neither | his way, but rather extravagant ; and | stored, und Mr. Waldron was request- : ar P # distance gettin hand bo . . C yonng officer who had 'been listening. | jo pe aelies, he ol ved : 'Well moved nor spoke, but gazed with stup-| he was a little eccentric and queer ; ed to confine his acquisitions for thi - ht on have No i to apetey at 118 Towgtvisites iu Good all the Latest Styles, at 'In such a case the danger is really Be ashes, i ot, Pp g 3 P y : 9 0%. Tor 119 English Companies. ' i , daresay 1 could tell you of one or two ified horror atthe savage beast, un- had a 'bee inhis bonnes,' ns our friends future to less alarming kind of animals. H. PARSONS. | g~ Agent Allan Line of Steam- LE ONARD S much Jee then you Wight SUPPOSE,' | o orising experiences in that Tine, | able for the moment to decide on any | across the Border would say. He was For many a day, however, 'Waldron's = | ships. replied Mr, Humfrey. The Bg You, sir, he continued, addressing | plan of action. The tiger immediately continually picking up odd pets of | tiger' was a standing joke in the regi- \R. CLEMENS, Ph iat, Surgeon and | Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1880. NEW GALLERY, rarely m)kes a second spring when his |, Je 0 me, 'made the remark that perceived me and stopped ; for one or various kinds, more like a school-boy | ment, the colonel enjoying the joke as, Accoucheur first bas failed in his object : he ap those travellers would be glad to tind | two scconds only, though they seemed than a full grown man; and we were much as any one. 'No more tigers opp be She, Sows Hall, Port. i Reo pears to be disappointed and cowed, vs April Eo k I Perry St, -ie Port Perry. Hv sital themselves salf and sound beneath n|8n age to me, I do assure you, we always laughing at him about his col- here my dear fellows ; well take lions * LLIN 8, Solicitor, N MON EY T0 LOAN Prices always as low as any other Gallery and if permitted will generally slink | 06 © py) ¢01] you of an occasion when | Razed fixedly at each other, when to lection of birds and animals, owls, | instead--when in action, BI G8, Solicitor, Notary in the County back to the jungle without attempting your humble servant felt that gratify- [my unutterable relief, he lazily closed | white wice, squirrels, foxes, monkeys, We all laughed heartily at Colonel e OR Gonveyancer, &c. Solicitor . 3 ' fr she Dyin Bask. 89 Office over the|lJVHE Subscriber fs ro proprad WLEND Satisfaction Guaranteed [*y further attack. Instances to the ing sensation in no ordinary degree ;| his fierce yellow eyes once or twice, | and soon. But he tobk it very good [Darley's anecdote, and de clared it was 0, 1897. i CE! not for myself alone, Iam bound to|guvea slight wave of his tail --I think | naturedly, and went on adding to his | capital. on Port Perry. ANY AMOUNT on Pictures Enlarged to any desired size and contrary are of course known ; but an. , AT 6 i } 5 ) ) Eh EWE ow men PER CENT. finished in Crayon, Indian Ink, Oil or | this is thew usual habit, and 1 have say, but for others also, who were in I see hii now I--and without taking | managerie, as we termed it, whenever| 'And a positive fact,' said the oh some measure under my protection.' [any further notice of me, went slowly he came across any specimen that hit onel. 'It really happened.' #2 Also on Village Property. Water Colors, : Ti o Le Ba rrister, County Sol or £5 MORTGAGES BOUGHT. Constantly on hand a fine assortment of hoard of ioarevlone ep oad » or, &c. Notary ublie an: eyancer consequence of it, o gentlemen, He saw we wore all listening atten- off in the direction of the water-fall.-- | his fancy. One morning our colonel NATIONS: ERT: . ; tively : so resigning himself to the loss Dnubtless, the creature was on -his|was writing in our business rocm, REJULIOES ills, &o. "take home HUBERT L. EBBELS, Oo uth wing Court House, Whithy, Barrister. FRAME Ss & ALBUMS. friends of mine were travelling togeth- Office next to Ontario Bunk. i ~ YOUNG SMITH, LL. B., Barrist Port Perry, May 10,1885. a i LE A on up any ome J a a ® 1 of his cigar, he reflected for a moment, | WARY thither to slack his thirst, an when a knock came to the dour, and VANQUISHED. ; a pormoy yr eb WM EDMETT Cheap Tor 2g or oun ais for Rf oi ; e : d | "| and then continued ; 'Some years ago object which was for the time of par. on his desiring whoever it was to euter, | The Triumphe of a Great Office--McMjan's Block, Brock Stree . Hh dl drawn by a pair.of very good ROISCH, | yjjq serving with the 300th in Ben.) amount importance to him. He had | Mr. Waldron walked in. Discovery. Whitby. ; with a native conchman and other gal, [ hada prett t touch of |ulso probably dined, to which fact| <I d ir ; Tr Whitby; 0 } pretty smart touch o Pp y ' of beg your pardon, sir; 1am per-! The magnetic influence of gold 0. N. VARS, LDS. Insurance and General Agent, A Handsome Residence servants. A little way from the roud fover ; and when able to move, I was might chiefly be attributed his indif- | haps interrupting you.' od DE: iusorted on ail the last princi : ; wasn Mie point of view, which ong of invalided for the time, and went fo ap ' : i to a | ference to food so very close at hand| ¢ Not at all, not at all lied th oa of ho a, ud sa cheap ta She Port Perry, Ont. FOR SALE ! a them ld not seen. His companion| , : ? Represe 'the a the hill as myself. As he disappeared f ci ' : ha Aue. Haat bing) following Firsh Class had lieen there hefore, and offered to Pa gf jou "the Wills to get Ep my I y ! ppeared from | colonel. Did Jou wish to speak to speaking all the languages of civiliza- Companies : iho so ? h again. The scenery aly [sight my assurance returned to me ;| to me about anything ¥ ti Yo. found pee UNDERSIGNED olfers, to sell hor take him to 6. Quiteing the carriage ion, are to be found congregated on, handsome Residence on Queen Street, | 41g desizing the servants to remmin oi d knowing that her was only a uti Gi . I Sosa, a block, | FIRE, LiFk AND ACCIDENT. id was Crema rlibly | pretty" --high [en ¥ ey) © Well, sie, 8d Mr Waldron, in riferiou fering King Nokruery Assurance Co'y, bills, many of them wooded to the | Way off, and might think better of it|gli htly I It & o% four uy plain: D) in-all PHENIX | ASSURANCE CO'Y. p 5 : 2 atid sort slightly hesitating manner, 'I have | other things in their customs, habits, FS LatEach Coy: very top ; yomantiosrass crowned with | at any Hg » And spring upon Us | just come across a nice little tiger ; but [and religion--yet there is one point' brushwood jutting out here and there ;| unexpectef ly, I felt most anxious to|[ thought before bringing him here I|{upon which their opinions concide. J A "MURR AY, Grasaow & Loxpox INsuraxce Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. ari hi get friend: d 1£ ah on gar For further particulars amply to + : and various high bungalows, as the get wy young friends and myself out|oyght to see whether you have any |Englisl d Ameri F D. J. ADAMS, to be obtained. Having seen all they . ¥ : : 3 y | Englishmen an mericans, French, . DENTIST, WILLC 0X & HOLT Broker, Port Perry. | wished, they returned to the spot Thdtot houses pe ig Je ro 3 he amelie nel loon: fe Swiss, Germans, Swecdes, Italians,and Jo nov putting in Upper ad Lower Sats of Port Perry, Aug. 21, 1889. i among he foliage, pl aced there tothe least possible delay They had ¢Oljections! Mr. Waldron ; not I,'| Chinese admit, without a Jissenting Teeth at a Ae on is whero the curriage had been left jbat| "oo cences for those who [now reached the spot where I stood ; Licensed Auotioneers| Cause and Effect. . lied the colonel, who, as it happen- ! hat tl i i not a trace of it or any of the servants| a A Cle Ls J repliecit § Wo, ppen- | voice, that the great remedies intro- 10 $75 EACH SET. re on onderirgawliat sought the hill station to try to re- and while Mrs. Hastings stopped | cd, had just been writing about a but |duced to the world forty years ago by $4 FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND Many persons wonder at the tired, worn | gould be the cause of their disappear Having just purchased the largest stock of TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. and weary feeling that oppresses them with- ance, they shouted loudly, and strolled , ' v establish their failing health. Tt suited | again and began fanning herself, for| ler or a man-servsnt for his sister, and | Holloway are better adapted to the teeth ever brought into North Ontario Iam Valuators &e &e out any apparent cause, It may be poverty ) " . me very well and I soon began to pick | the evening was very sultry, I affected | never doubted that the 'tiger' his sub- satisfied I can suit you both as to quality of the blood or a disordered stomach; in [in various directions through the wood - | cure of diseases in this climate than up ; indeed I felt so well that I was on | to show her husband something on the | ultern spoke of was a small boy for : d Rooms o 7. STATE SPE 1y | either case the stomach, blood and liver are Tun o and Price, Come and sce. ms over | REAL KSTATE A SPECIALTY. bis ran The Solu. trations, and [£0 look for any signs of them. Pre- the point of returning to my duty, rock beside me, and whispered hurri- | going errands or some such occupation | This appears, in fact, to be the ex- rived a let im: ¢ ¢ i i ii : ind i : « "Port Perry, Deo. 30, 1885, : Sele Tile made out and Blank Notes | with many persons. there will follow a dull, | gently they were hailed by some one when I received a letter from a young | edly to him : 'For any sake, get her| <q haveno right to interfere with | perience of mankind in all parts of the Ton ah arnished free of charge. Satisfaction gnar- | heavy headache, vausea and "many other from th branch of tree high above fellow, son of an old friemd in Eng-| home! Make some excuse; but get | matters of this kind antee or or pay. Terms liberal. symptoms that precede a well developed d ing that he was on his way | her back as quick] » 3 J. Toe 00T TINGHAM, A Sale Register will be kept at Henry yn of Dyspepsia. Purify the blood, | their heads ; and looking up they per lan ) saying nt 2 ns : ig" wa) ck as quickly as you can ! GornoN's of ce, Port Perry, and at the | cleanse the system of the clogged secretions oy to join his regiment with his bride, DENTIST. office of Wn. Spexce, Township Clerk, | by using ce sived one of the native seivants Manchester, where parties can make ar- lose to the trunk, maki "an bi ESTABLISHED PRACTITIONER IN rangements Tor AH "Acall is solicited. MEACHAM'S MANDRAKE MIXTURE, "cow ering close to the trun ng i HIS PART OF CANADA. prevarcd by. da FP. Meachan 133 Yonge gestures expressive of extreme terror. or Tosin a W. M. Stok, Peter Horr, o Nass a set of Teeth that are ort Perry. Manchester. 'What are you doing up | there FE you durable, comfortable and Aug. 22, 1857. street a chemist of 19 years' experience. , tl a ey: ¢ 4 'P Coie down directly,' said his master pon dori" comfortable tod | pug mir. T | TTTTATIATTT Ee Livery Removal | angrily; and wi ~ em axttae , by a new process, without WM. GORDON Beg ne a Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &c. of the domestic Hindu, the man "slid i a rapidly down, and with pressed pals «1, jOffice--Over Mr, Rol he Jinrness Shop. J tie Townent ips of k, Uxbridge, stood trembling Lefore the two Sitensly. attracts the people of every clime to our shores. Men of ull hatious, and' Port Perry. This is a splendid opportunity to secure Af luat, commodious and con- | with it under the trees of ajunglewood venient residence b hich tl > i th . y which they were pnssing, they MRS. M. HENDERSON. | 0 og to the place the prospect was objections to my keeping one.' any other preparations in existence. Unless, of | world, and hence the universal popu- course,' he added, suddenly remember. | larity of these medicines. We com- ¢ He glanced at me--saw by the ex-| ing that the young officer was said to sider, however, that the boundless and if T could take them in for a few | pression of my face that something|be rather extravagant; 'I conclude | confidence placed in their efficacy by days, they would be very glad to give| was wrong--and turning at once to| you are quite able to afford the ex-|the represenaatives of so many nations' me acall in passing. Hospitality in | Lis wife who was unconsciously fan-|pnse at the mines, is a striking phenomenon' Tudin is one of the cardinal virtues ;| ning herself with her eyes closed, he| 'Oh! certainly, sir,' said Mr. Wald in medical history. Many of these less so now, perhaps, than it use to be; | said hastily : 'Eva, my darling, I am |ron, smiling ; 'that would be a mere | people in their youth, and even at but at that station we were very hos-| not well ; Ishould like to go back at| trifle, nothing to mentton.' maturity, were acoustomed to the use pitable, and besides, I was only too|once, Cowe quickly.' "Well, 1 should suppose so,' said |of drugs and nostrums peculiar to their happy to welcome the son of my old Port Perry, Oct. 12, : She opened her blue cyes very wide the colonel. several countries. = These remedies, : Noloriany Surgoon. Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rana, Mariposa pram thanking the public for the MY LIVERY 'When you gone, Sahib, tiger o came, replied the man, shivering at the very remembrance of his fright-- 'tiger came; | friend. In due time Captain and Mrs. [Any man could wish to call his wife ; fair hair, lovely blue eyes and a com- and looked tirst at him then at me, for thing. I am quite ready ; let us go at once,' 'Courageous little woman! not an- morning, sir.' ¢ Very good, sir ; you don't mind 1t 'Good-morning,' replied the colonel ; and as the door closed behind his were connected in their minds with and Eldon liberal patronage d during the | men. i ived ; a8 : : i i Hii sels Slee a may | many ras Phere toa very sal ish-| What js the meaning ot thist Whore I a 2 ne many she said very quietly : ¢ What is it! o 0 Thess all right. 1 only | associations of home, and indorsed, as msot attention ven to | ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in sold Fred is not ill. Y y _| thought I had better ask you. Good |it were, by thei i judi their intrests, announcing that I have removed is the carrlage ¥ . 4 Fareatore, of Watcemior twenty,' that is il ou have secn some: g y it were, by their national prejudices. Yet they buve been thrown aside and utterly repudiated, while Holloway's Pills and Ointment have been adopted TO MY NEW PREMISES plexicn of lillies and roses, most re- other word did she utter: but with officer, the colonel resumed his pen, by a common impulse throughout the white face and set lips she walked half thinking to himself as he did so: entire gold regions. There is only one . firmly and rapidly down the path we 'Odd young fellow that ; 1 wonder why | WoY of accounting for this wovement «This lady sang sweetly to the inst ted. Her husband kept |he fancied I might not like his tiger.'| It is the result of convistion---canvie- | guitar ; and looked perfectly bewitch- close to her; I followed them a few | But he understood Mr. Waldron's | tion founded on personal observation $ ing as she sat in the veranda with a steps behind, my ears strained to the scruples, and admitted their propriety and experience. blue. ribbon round her neck, playing| ooo any rustle that should be-| most unhesitatingly, a few hours after-| The Ointment is used with suchwon tray the neighborhood of the tiger ;| Wards. derful success asa dressing far wounds and more than once my heart gavea| 'Evening came, and with it the uloers, and sore legs, and for all the bound as one of us stepped on a rot-| mess-hour. We were all assembled, external diseases and casunlities » ten twig and it cracked noisily across, [and halfway through dinner, when which the adventurous gold huuter or a stone touched by tho foot rolled | suddenly a terrific uproar arose outside peculiarly liable, that searoely 4 = down in front of and loosencd a Jittle | in the burrack-yard. Wild criss and ger's tent can be found within the' of the dry soil. We walked fast and | shouts, the sefeams of women and|'"S!°ret of the gold fields unprovided in perfect silence: but the way home { children and the noise of horses madly with & stock this. healing, seuthing, "only too happy to assist her in : : : ¥ | cooling preparation. The hard fare of tari seemed, twice the length it had done | tearing about the yard, caused us all | the digger, aud sometimes his habits 0, and never dreamt Of WATDING | 1 on we came: We saw nothing more | to rush from the table to find out the tend to vitiate the blood and develop . danger more serious than suu- of thé tiger and reached home safely. | cause of the unusual disturbance. We | running sores and purulent ulcers of To avoid this she went out ; i at A velo : the body and limbs. Bad I sketching. expeditions either in Wiien 1 saw the lovely bry ve girl and | found everything in confusion--all the ally, are very common at ph ly. morning before the heat had her young husband again under my [horses loose, galloping about in frantic | und seriously interfere with the la roof, aud realized the fearful danger] terror; and as several persons spoke |of the diggers. The vi eh to which they had been sxposed, must | at once and very excitedly, it was not | class are cared by the Ointment w say 1 was indeed truly thankful for | easy at first to ascertain what had hap- extraordinary. Sapidiey The 2 on "| their escape and my own. Mrs, Hast- | pened. The colonel's voice restored A i iy pk Eo ings was rather pale and nervous for | comparative order, 'Whatis it1-- b; an we the remainder of the ovening, and wil-| What is the meauing of this?' he stern- ; "then P ry bs ling acceded to my request that there|ly demanded. . ro given ought. | | wld 'be no more sketching expedi-| © It's the tiger, sir! thetiger : NA tions!while they were with me. The wis| * The tiger I' repeated the colonel in} "| dom of this resolve become more man- | amazement, "What tiger? fest, and our miraculous preservation| ¢Mr Waldron' s tiger, sir ; it's just D4 all the wore striking in a day or two. |come. We pati in beside the horses |%' A poor woman and her child were |in a spare stall; and it frightened of killed by the monster the very next|them, sir, very badly, sod they an dayand a native postman a day or| broke loose.' . two later ; and it was evident thatthe| 'A A tperamengthe Nowils T reiter- Bl 3 . QUEEN'S HOTEL +/PORT PERRY. . jumped, at horses ; all Kone way iw freshin ; . Pr : »shing to the eyes long accustomed Opposite the Railway Station jungle.' 4 to the pale cheeks of Indian 'beauties. ok! PR dersfgned } having Fad ad "That they were all gone vas, sult p Hotel, Port $ it | w her from rgly extended premises and : ehovated an for business the public | ciently evident--very unpleasantly Sed und nd he a accommodated vith said apd rable when they discovered; ly further e : | RIGS ay MODERATE CHARGES. awinatian Ly the servant, that a the HEE LR, VANSICKLER. | were quietly resting under, the shade of the b : the instrument she had brought thie s suddenly hoo I with her. - She was a very good 15,8 artisf too, and sketched cleverly from nature. She had a book of English ches with her, so I was able to her capabilities; and when said she would like to take some of the scenery near my bungalow tiger 'liad stolen from * among pau od for 8 uo wud then finde i on'one of the hor id ue) preseriation animals dash tion forward, and the. tiger { harmlessly to he groun {ly he was disgusted by his failuer, tr | he tried nothing. more; but. after one } i