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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 16 Jan 1890, p. 4

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ted with the wasa ss, so that time and : where wandering "voting themselves to their preparation night, also en dishabille, riding, for the warket. The speaker coun- horse, when his was a black. io and somnambulism got Big 'salled either the establishment of a into several of these scrapes, workingmen's company, with 500 grinding stones and a capital of 500, t his back up, and in offler to florins. or the transfer of the trade to { London, where the dealers in raw bly it vas carried to excess, or thew diamonds and the owners of the dia- overshoes might have been too mond fields we ¢ occasioned talk, and some people ak to him about it. It was then 'spinal curvature some acquaint- this suspension method. "again, #houvy. Anyhow, when a man went back hee day or two afterwards to ask George 1f the draught was too strong for him, or if his hend scomed to be high enough, he was shocked tw find that B. N. George was no People who make scientific experiments that way cannot be too careful. Big Nosed George 'left a wife and four small children. Also n wifeand two still smaller children. He left them about two years before his death.-- Bill Nye in New York World. A Distinct Decline. 4 N firs. B.--The Browning cult has rather subsided in your city, has it not? an exaggeration to say that Browning is al- ready in the soup.--Life. Left. Geprge, if you can get papa's consent." G1 will," he answered, passionately. "YWhere is het He shall give his consent. I would seek the utmost, heights of heaven or | Tnfueiiza is very bad in Montreal. ar onlled Luwmbering operations in the woodsin | ., Motschul- goof Eu- | Frontenac are blackgd: by the abs hci spinal t of suow, n : Se Lewis, ® There are. o. obesdtul mn ctéd as b ful, gn i, the the those who suffer this wa attributed the want of work chiefly to} 3 as Big Nosed | the high prices of raw diamonds, and 8 and bad | DEXt tO the tendency of the jewelers to somnambulist and troubled trade in raw diamouds instead of ge- Are you disturbed at nightand broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and ery- ing with pain of cutting teeth? If so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW'S SoorHING SYrur FOR CuiLpreN TEETHING. Its value is incalgplable. It will relieve the poor little sufferer in:mediately. d |: upon it, mothers, there is no mistake about it. It cures dysenfry and diarrhea, - ates the stomach an bowsls, Sur wind colic, softens uces ami tion, and giteutong po tothe whole system. roRCHILDRENT EETHINGispleasantto the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, andis for saleby all druggists | throughout the world. Pri 3 | bottle. Be sure and ask for [rans SoorHise SYRGP," and take no taer kind, Turoven Tickers--The public will be pleased to learn that Mr. W. H. McCaw, the obliging and reliable ticket agent, is the authorized agent for the sale of through tickets by the Grand Trunk and other | through lines of railways. He also supplies Mrs. L. (from Chicago)-- Yes, indeed! Now | tickets to parties wishing to take the that we bave got on to his curves it is scarcely | Canadian Pacific to the North West. It | is of mueh importance to the public that they purchase their tickets from reliable agents who supply them at the lowest + figures, and give all necessar, information "Phe ardent lover had just asked her to be | to guide the travelcron his way. his bride, for she had given him cause to | ---- hopo, and she had answered simply: "Yes, | | sight TEsTED, improved or RESTORED, | by buying your SPECTACLES at Digs- FELD'S. We sell Spectacles which wiLL a ion § oR Ea oN 000 diamond cutters out cork in Amste alone. Atal nz of more thaik a° 'thousand: of "recently held thers M. Van Prang living. ADVICE TO MOTHERS. rs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYRUP cents a Mrs. WiN- --_-- a Life is Short |--Get your eye- darkest depths of hades to get it" be | give comfort and strength to your Eye "] ghess you'll have to, George," she an- swered, quietly; "pa's dead." | anespreserve it. NO glimmering diz | ziness, or any distressing sensat.on And, with an awful realization that all \ with the so called "Boss" SPECTACLES, was over, George went home, and, putting | the Bows of which are stamped In gold with the name "Boss" and the number of spectacle. . No letter spec. tacles made, Forty dozen of spectacles to select from, from 25 cents up to §6, AT DIESFELD'S on his little brother's copper toed boots, kicked himself.--Harvard Lampoon. Too Thin. My son, now apd then you will come across a news item in the paper, which begins some- thing this way: "During the summer of 18-- 1 was crossing the ocean in the steamer of the -- line, when a young officer, since married to the daughter of a well known merchant of this city," etc. Don't read it. Read 'a patent medicine advertisement, | rather. There will be quite as much informa- | tion and about 500 times more truth in the ad. than In the narrative that spells the very things you most want to know in meaning- less blanks and dashes. -- Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle. me Her Mistress Was Out. A lady on Mount Vernon street told her newly acquired Irish maid the other day to say sho was not at home incase any ono called. One wisitor did come, and she is re- ble for the story. "Js Mrs. Blank inf" she said, when the door was opened in response to her ring. "Xo, ma'am," replied Bridget, stonily "She's not at home, and may God forgive the awful lie I'm tellin' ye." 'Whereupon she slammed the door in the visitor's face, and that was the end of it.-- Chicago Tribune. Wasted Opportunities. A correspondent writes: "Do you ever en- gage men to write poems for your paper?" 'We have not for some years had a y Jormanent poet attached to the staff, We ve, however, made a standing offer to print unobjectionable poems at thé rate of fifty cents per line, nonpareil. The fact that but Tittle advantage has been taken of this offer leads us to believe that there is not much bope of building up a poetic literature in this country.--Toronto Globe. He Took the Hint. "Yes, Jennie," sail the young lady's beau 'as be clasped her small hand in is and gazed lovingly into ber melting eyes, "'al- though Pm in comfortable circumstances now, Fve seen the day when I've been hard »" "Indeed" she said. "Yes, indeed, pretty hard pressed." "I don't remember," she said with a shy » Jook, "of ever having been hard pressed." She was a moment after.--Boston Courier. A Rising Ball Player. "How did you come out, Johnny, with your game with the Hustlers?" Johnny (captain of a boys' ball club)--They beat us, pa--19 t0.0. "Umph! You haven't won a game this year, have you!" "No, and I just want to club myself, too." "Don't get d my boy. Why, if In kee on this way the first thing you rr you will be as big a man as Anson."-- Chicago Herald. Mr. They've got so now that they can i Highlive (glancing at his poser--1 - my dear, you'd better get your picture taken before the old process is abandoned.-- New York Week], appointed Ticket Agent for the Clyde line of Steamships plying between New York and Florida, and is in a position to furnish all necessary information pertaining to this popular line. MosEY 10 LOAN. --Mr. Paterson has alarge amount of Private Funds at his disposal for investment on Mortgage Security. Interest at current retes. No commission. No valuation fee. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6:30. Week Evening Service. Thursday 7:30. Strangers welcome and conducted to seats. Sunday Services, 10:30 and 6:30. any nmount of money to lend angood security atsix per cent. Interest pay able yearly. Two Splendid Boars. THE undersigned keeps for service at his plac Yorkshire White Boars, onea yearling and the other six months ojd, bred from the celebrated Featherston Stock, Cartwright, Nov. 15, 1839. Highlive' --Well, well! Wonders will never cease! photograph --~---------- Mr. W. H McCaw has just bgen Methodist Church. REV. H. M. MANNING, Paston. Church of the Ascension. REV. DR. CARRY, INCUMBENT, Week Evening Bervice, Wednesday, 7:80. St. John's Church. (PRESBYTERTAN,) REV. J. McMECHAN, PASTOR. Sabbath Services, 10:30 and 6: Week Evening Service, Thursd Baptist Church. REV. J. MGEWEN, Pastor. Sabbath Services, 10:80 and 6:30. Week Evening Service; Thursday, 7:30. Money to Lend. --Mr. Ebbels has e, 10t 4, con. 2,Cartwright, twopure-Lred Terms. --$1 cash: if booked $1.50. = $k0. STEEL. | { | { | { 1 A NEW DEPARTURE IN MEDICINE. nes ATARS) [7] AL tres Ne ofits London, Fart yd and Vienna. These cities ave immense hospitals teemin LE i { » a L Crows NO. 3--COUGHS, COL i o 0 wards | judying under the cough, but eradicates | doa od p si- | strengthens the lungs and restores | ians of the world teach and prac- giving a new lease of life. $1.00. 1 ce here, and the institutions are knowledge NO. 3--RHEUMATISN--A distinguished ith & view known 8, ecialist In t1.is disease in nothing else, built kis reputation is to the public the Hospital Remed ny, i Tap % Co. at secured the | NO, 4--LIVER AND KI| prescriptions of these hospital ION, CNS: st from to the attention si Sanctioned in high piases. $1.00, uf hy » 3 thele pared NO. B--FEVER AND AGUE, DUMB AUGE, hl Sond at price 0 une quack NEURALGIA=Few ac 2 ef patent medicines that fi the | the Sys.mj it Is treated to bre Jor market nda Shih claim to cure | a remedy eradicates it. $1.00. 3 ra ors: Jolt @ FEMALE WEAKNESS, IRR bali fot | witha ben they reglect t diseases until chronic Use No. 6 and regain heulth ad strength. NO. 7--HEALTH, F"RM AND FUL blood and lots of it, If weak, ij if scrawny, use this perfect tonic. 1.00. ¥ NO. 8--NERVOUS DEBILITY, LOSS OF POWER--A ach cure-ridden public wil h il a genuine edgy r an unfortua e condition. No. 8 1 Gold:n, w'lc 0) one tri for temale ess--a gel who ehal tonic and bl drug blood and gives Jos | and fulness, utterly L ad A Destiny: ay fof business. Use No. 8 and li ain. $1. ONE DOLLAR EACH. TO BE HAD OF ALL DR JC GISTS. x r---- ind we will ship to direct, Now listen! Ti tou and en dls Houpita Remedies "Avoid high Cd dihonest quacks tho p ble, Jo hat there sho medic roid ig ysician will toll ha medicine for female weakness and ne doi ral ry to il tient. oP aroputable Dosinass, for their promises he trusting male of the coving Svat ee Puy of a reputs able ble frm es ee name and not under some foreign alias. We guaran Dottie of any of our Or ee genuine benefit than a dozen of any special or patent medicine i th world. ond stamp for Deserip- | J(OSPITAL REMEDY 0.,Toronto,Can. { # #4" go veto: ----HAS THE---- Best and Cheapest Flour ' IN TOWN. DAT FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAD Of Roll'd and Stone Flour, Meals of all kinds, Bran, Oats, Chop, Shorts, Hay, Barrel and Dairy Salt, Bacon, Flax, Beans and all kinds of Seeds. Highest Price paid in Cash for Fresh Bggs, Oats, &c A large quantity of Sound Beach and Maple Wood for E. H. PURDY. sale Cheap. Port Perry, Aug. 28, 1889, Diesteld's Diamond Hall JUST OPENED OUT A Fine Jewelry--Latest Styles and Patterns. FINE GOLD WATCHES--Latest Styles in Cases. f Forty dozen SPECTACLES and EYE-GLASSES, from 25 cts to $6. 'REGULATORS and CLOCKS in great veriety. " Everything Warranted as Represented. REPAIRING in first-class Workmanlike manner at ~ DIESFELD NEW. WARE-ROO New Go St., one of the best arranged and most commodions in Outario. We iow ¢ TA ] Sid Jot~ ~4mnom ¢- bow to ad {well assed stock or iw here ean always be found'alarge & and Burial Cases and tie best. baphi fT a at HE Subscribers beg. they are now ee man | DOORS, | STAIR. BAN : | Scroll Sawing, Band 'Sawing 'and of Great Britain and Europe : | Turning done with neatness and dis- TAREH, WAY. | | | patch, y FANOY FENCE PICKETS Tanks and Cistern Tubs made to order. Flooring and Siding constantly on hand. Planing done to Order : The tronage 'of the public is respect- ally. a Factory on Lilla st ust south of th To yon] reet, just south of the pa pon recetpt of model or ak © and for attending to all business entrusted care, in the shortest je time. FrES MODERATE, and exclusive attention given to patentbusiness. Information, advice and special | teferences sent of plication. 0 ISLE SOON The undersigned offers for Sale two Oomfortable Residences in Prince Albert. For particulars apply to Prince Albert, April 14, 1886. BEEF, IRON AND WINE. It you are lauguid and weak, and your appetite poor, My Beet, Iron and Wine is THE tonic, be sure. As an invigorating tonicit is recognized the Medical Profession as the best | Lassitude and General Dability qu strengthening medicine thus far produced. | to the potent force of these wel is invaluable as a blood-and-muscle | and they ave unrivaled in their efficacy in waker, In those cases where weakness it | all, the resnlt of imperfect or insufficient food of wasting fevevers or excess of any sort.-- It contains the nutriment of the Beef, the stimulant properties of 'Wine and the tonic P power of Iron and is admirably calculated o build p the emaciated system. prahds CASINGS, ~~ FRAMES, STAIRS, te le BRACKETS, ALL THY LATEST STYLES IN PATENTS, in oumn, on] te secured, TuaonManss | Everything im the line Cheap and Good. hd before wp ad rol | oe prey Sep. 9, 1888. oh Success the Best Test of Wo etch of careful examination, and advise as to patent. for ore vigorons applications for it ppl! poset J. LITTEL! Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Causes, * as! on. D.C. Opposite . Patent Office FOR SALE. J. BAIRD. MEACHANM'S a salve; ALESMEN to introduce and scll our fine stock in their own localities, Write for our special terms to salesmen during the | curin, présent season, Exclusive territory grant: | reducing Gland: Abscesses and Fistulas, he excruciating tortures of Bheumation t never fails to remove Scruff and every wd. Salary and expenses paid to good men. ing Address at once. ing t! 1 ATWOOD. + |Gout and Neuraligia it is unsurpassed. Nurserymen, Geneva, N.Y. species has its work to perfecti vely on an unlimited su; CHOICE BR "FANCY BREAD, CHOICE | RET | da? AATRAOE ne | GONFROTIONERY, &C. Have you tried tho RLRCTRIC| Ss am, 0 en i bay CG. s% SHOE DRESSING ? #% | If not don't fail to do so at once. It is not a polish but a wonderful leather preservative it will make the finest or coarsest shoe as soft and HM to the foot. It will make them absolutely water- rof, and if occasionally dressed with § this dressing will last more than twice as long as otherwise. We ican What We Say. It is the very Jife of leather. Ttcan No trouble-- § A © Bo cleared; soil be polished immediately $6 § 100 Tein loam, no stones, 'H THIS UNIVERSAL MEDICINE IS A HOUSEHOLD REQUISITE EVERYWHERE. Purify the Blood, impart System, and act most powerfully ingly on the Liver a Digestion and assimilation, the whole bodily frame with Strength an Nervous Headaches, Tremblin, - 108 15 Cents per Box. Sold by: all first-class stores. Sam- ples mailéd--Stamps taken. OLIVER CABANA Jr. SOLE MANUFACTURER, vigor. FEMALE COMPLAINTS, removing all i imples and boils hetter than any other mily medicine known. The Ointment HAS A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION W ANT BE D Wound more certainly than any other known Its marvelous penetrating powers render it invaluable in all Throat and Chest Diseases. Bronchitis, Quinseys, and Asthma, nlar Lumps, closing and beal- It heals every kind of Sore, Ulcer and c, Prepared scientifically Ji the Pure Pine Ts! y Wholesale Dealers and Driygists | - vainted with the composition of Reach, Dec. 9, 1889.; Fine Stock The Latest Styles in Ladies' and Gent's CHAINS, CHARMS, BUTTONE FBLD'S EE -- $1 ods As we. are now situated in our Fine New Furniture Wareroouis oh Queer STRAY LAMB TRAYED into lot 10, con. 7, Reach, directs. Tne sesTieaTR aco, Dwelling House a BAKING POWDER FACTORY SUPPLIES. + IS = NIRS GADE {Yoon Ginter ators, Dalry and Utensils. 536 CRAIG. STREET, | MONTREAL. CHADWICK'S|LEATHEROID SPOOL [Sabie Dr Culverwell's Celebrated Essay Perrin's Pine Tar Cordial, it as being the most effectual 1 emedy known to the medical faculty. P. PALMER BURROWS, M.D. M.C, N President Executive Boa: nly at Professor HoLLoway's Establishme and recommend 533, OXFORD STREET. LONDON, during the present month: A RAM | and sold at 1s 13d., 28 0d., 4s 6d., 11s,, 22s. AMB. The owner is requested to come prove property, pay charges and take it|at 36 cents, 90 cents and $1.50, and larger way, otherwise it will bo sold as the law | sizes in proportion. 2 CAUTION. --I have no Agent in the JOHN TUMMONDS. | Upited States, nor are my Medicines sola there. Purchasers should therefore look at the Lable on the Pots, and Boxes. . | dress is not 588 Oxford Street, London, they are spurious. The trade marks of my Medicines are re gistered in Ottawa, and i in Wasington. Signed, . THOMAS HOLLOWAY, 533 Oxford Street, London. and 33s. each box and Pot, and in Canada DSAY, rd of Health for Ontario. FOR SALE. ) i Jet Pumps, Farm Pumps, | The Subscriber offers for Sale his resi: Cook's Friend Wied Wi, Era Som dence nearly opposite the School Build- : PORT PERRY. There is half an acre of land planted with Apple, Pear, Plum and Ch, Trees; also an abundance of Small Fruits : including = Strawberries and Raspberries, It will ba sold Cheapand on Easy Terms of payment. STRARNS WIND MILL S20 Tie 0p Fiaitle Whetl Wind Wl] S0m Or, Sea iriey MANUFACTURED: opti pha mv flores, 4 plots in the entire con. ' Oe eat for simplicity, power and Tanks, Pumps 1nd Wiad Mill Supple £55 3,800. mE lcm oS Rear i Mvey s mie loam, 1, Ares town with mil 100 acres; Socleared, balance 84, 500. bush; soil good clay loam, no hills, stones or swamp; brick house; good barn; market town one mile. 71. 12 acres; go cleared, balance $4,500. : bush; io clay loam, no hills, sto swamps; good house and Boren with railway 4 miles. : acres; 130 cl 20 ly 1 ts il ost clay loam, good house; fine barns; way stations 4 miles: 2 3 and two barns; ; no finer 100 oe er A ee bu ; market town wi wa and ' hs station § miles; 1 81; y ; village near. 5 oH= 180 'acres; iv cieaied, sul £5,500. Heke} iam, no stones, "ills or swamp; good house; good barn; market own with railway 23 miles, 795 $7,900. "midi no stones, hills OF Swamp; wood; no stones, hills or swam, fing house 'ind large bank barn; adjoining od tow with rood market and railways. compl P t plait elie from iret $8,000. Staniabie Hasawood bash; <oil best clay loain, no stones, swamp or hills; new brick house; good barns; a miles from } market town with 2 railways; said to be "100 acres; So cl I Tot o "timber sol " clay loam, ny mi 100 acres; $3,000, "wire: loam, no stones, hills or swamp; Eo House and ATi Rharket with railway 1 mile; lrgetows § PERRIN'S PINE TAR CORDIAL CO.,|7 LINDSAY, ONTARIO. les. ( 00 126 acres; 120 cleared; Soi] 1 6,8! * best clay loam; no swi mp, stones or hills; brick house and lai barn; two market towns with $1, ihway stations with niles; great in; to close estate. 100 acres; go cleared, 10 a eo soil best clay loam; no hills, stones or swamp; large fresh water lake is boundry at back end; good hi d barn; ket th Taree Sra. ey town With railway mies. Bo) NS fd, ve $7,000. PRarawosd" "bush; no tones, ; good house barns; village 2 att town Sas And Herne 3 miles. = a. 4 3 200 100 acres; 2 Cleared; soil hills or th i tt hills or sw 3 barn; mark with raiway ¢ ed and ante market town with 4 railway 7 miles. 165° acres; ° OS artimod Bashs soil Sat clay loam; no stones, hills or swamp; good h 3 i Bans: market with railway Tale and an town 6 miles. __619. = $2,800. "STM Ry abi: ne ot ills or Swamp; good house snd barn; town and 2 fare bank bank; market town with railway 2 got Era

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