dischaage of their pluigh; ¢ low 1 Mis sop Mowat gave | i Overcoatings forgive Mowat for pa 3 er and insult he has given Spell and HA tone wid * 11s & cunning fox and Wi "than the Oheapest!|a very small hole if i a fi t of DRESS | The battle wi ih Trimet So matoh. oy wil with the purchase m : WM BROCK. | gighes" 1f such bs Post Perry, Nov. 13, 1880. cry and followed up ee ] : Mowat will have RR. HAMIL, oh sind being elected than § * [sucoEssoR To DE. JO) s ho PORT PERRY, - ONTARIO, | Pentance will stoned Office and Residenoo--Opposite Tum. | political sins. But 8 Queen and 'John oy tho fox, let the Office hours--9 to 118. m. ; 2405 p. Mm. | gti and combined Moti so feat is certain and i WORTH ONTARIO (OBSERVER other rulers that it § : -------- the birthright of a his numerous king won't un- "The Ontario Gove PGRT PERRY, MAY 1, 1890. a the aid of true suppd Equal Rights, 1 ; Bed d Death | Repentence. tad Equal Rights, J Oliver Mowat, the foxy Premier of fismed and fia b Ontario, finding 'that his political ex- the whole people _ | clique or sect, N istence is fast drawing to a close is| qu ooo 00 pala E drying the virtue of denth-hed Tepen-| moron, globe of but Tike most such repentances | yy fq) that the Mp now too Inte, itis only an exhibi- has got into the ] i, 0, MA minorities in order to secure 'support legislation it is the for the Mowat ring was most disgust-| ; oq of hypoorisy ev p ing, and persistent complaints Were |, ;uicjligent comm The old made to Premier Mowat but ll to 10} go or orics the dodged all it is worth purpose, Boss was bringing political |, pooyre votes winlehe other mem- - to Mowat and the little fox|, ~ oo uo Govermnt manipulate considered . that the end justified the the liquor trafic to ébroe the support means, and Ross was patted onthe| po fouor men. isan insult to Hack and allowed to proceed with his | yp oi lligence of trommunity for d; whatdid Mowat care for pub, gop, to mmert mt the Mowat P, is ull right, but if the J" fail the | Darke "P" is a' mockery, and the title J. P. is a fravd. "A Committee consisti 'terday; at the residence of the latter, to prepare a. programme for the meet- ing of the Whitby and Lindsay Asso- ciation to be held in June. Further particulars of this' convention, to be held in Port Perry, will be given later on, EZ" Mr. F. B. Lindsay's fleet of boats have 'all been thoroughly over- hauled, caulked and re-painted, and parties patronizing bis boat house may always rely on being supplied with a safe craft and all necessary appliances. ES. All who failed to hear the Rev Mr. Lucas' lecture on the "Greatness and Glory of the British Empire", in the Town Hall, on Tuesday evening, missed a treat. The audience was not but it, was a highly intelligent appregiative one, and that the rev. gentleman did his subject ample of | justice and that all'present were edi. fied and pleased was fully demon- strated by the continuous applause with whichthe lecture was greeted throughout. Rev. Mr. MoEwen, was in Toronto the beginning of this week attending the funeral services of the late Rev. D. A. McGregor, Principal of Toronto Baptist Oollege. Some three years ago & Qo., are desirous of presenting some one of their numerous customers with do so they propose to give purchasers of the "Charm" Baking Powder and Tea an opportunity of securing so splendid and desirable a present. ho will be the fortunate one?! Look for he important announcement next week. y of Revds J. | w. . | E Trotter, of Qlaremont, W, »3 | Sunderland, and J. McEwen met yes- state, is & frightful general unsoundness tic ;and to sll w ob fost moral sensibil of that annexation selfish men are advo me oul Port Perry, April 30 Spring Show at The Township of O Society held their Wednesday, 23rd ul weather and roads. nothing better could notwithstanding the season the numbers. the classes 'Ontario Sprague" W. Hender's "Olear Mr. 8. Graham's "8 cally expressed he should have Tang Draft Graham's "The Brigh 's e t" "Lord Norton". January and polling on the} i ow supporters, and they recogize the work of secaring a majority the next parliament will be' not difficult but doubtful. Mr. dith's party must not be deceived + | They must ze that the first they enter the contest tholics against' them, and this vote will exept its utmost to retain Mr. Mowat in power. is 'element in the géntest is 'nothing Since the bafgain was made by and the late Arch: hat for favors the Rould be given to that y ily carried out its of thf agreement, as heartily way say 8s Mr. Mowat has carried his. Still we do not think the 'ever 80 thoroughly aroused when extra privileges y have enjoyed. 8 most powerful 'how votes shall be do it now, or do 'it in the future, a legislature ario-will decide that all denomi. | '** 8 shall be on equal footing im} ince, and that fear or favor shown to none=-Galt raf0. E. Foy, D. Mrs. O PERRY: Lindsay, x _ Dancaster, , Bobt. M. Williams, © ght tears to they saw the- three ide by side. Great care had been taken in the arrangement of their little bed newly made upon the floor, the coverlid being thrown over them with- [date Ladies who are troubled with rongh- ness of the skin or cracked, should keep a bottle of Parsian Balm in the house. It is delightly . perfumed nnd #oftens, heals and beautifies the skin. amount of Private Funds at his disposal Second Whitby Collegiate Institute and. " Mozy 10 LOAN, --Mr. Paterson haa slarge Port Perry and Uxbridge ; whe investment on M Security. Interest out a wrinkle, and doubled back from | their ching adjourned the inquest until this even- ing. rt says : The triple tragedy ennot- ed this morning ab the Morrison home- stead is still the topic of conversation. Your reporter visited the scene this afternoon in company with Dr. Nor- ton. Tt is a difficult matter to give a pen sketoh of that stricken household. Until to-day their appeared no happier family in the Township of Melancthou. Morrison, thé poor, demented murder- er, is the possessor of a good farm, free from al] encumbrance, and was in fact very well off. ' He enjoyed the respect of all his neighbors and is well con- niooted: This evening he lies in a dark life front is Thomas James, five years {age, and between the two lies William | Edgar, aged two years. Larer--DMorrison died on Sunday a ------eieen-- On Wednesday morning while one of the freight delivery men was deposit- ing a box of goods in frout of Perry & Alyort's store, the noise.of the falling | box caused the horse drawing the Ex- ress wagon to run away. Mr. CO. % act of life ns the street was filled wi people at the time. Orillia Packet, A dry, heaking cough keeps the ruben i eR Of sonetank Irrtion; whieh; if not removed may The Coroner empanelled a jury, but 4 : i d by having the solid ots a April 24--A later} BF A 'fusgnificent stock _ of Room Paper, at. MoCaw's to select from. Home Seekers Excursions 1 leave Chicago and Milwaukee via i OB16AGO, MILWAUKEE & Sr. Pavn Rurswax for points in Northern Iowa, Minuésota, South and North Dakota, (ingluding the Sioux Indian Reserva in South Dakota), Colorado, Kan- Schools. EM i wm, I of Candidates should notify the ; > to vr tan ths J Me nd * Nebrasks, on April 22 and |1 11 20, 1890. Half-rate Excursion ets good for return passage within ays from date of sale. wl r further information, circulars ing rates of fare, maps, ete., ad-! 'A. N. H. CARPENTER Sea | tion of 'Ti have e ever nsed." Sold by all Druggialé, 60c and $1, #@~ Parties requiring Roox Paper should not fail to inspect Mr. McOaw's magnificent stock of that commodity ; or extent, variety, beauty of design and cheapness it is' unprecedented in this locality. Don't fail to examine it. &F + Stix. The strength this article is most ex- traordinary, = After being cemented most_ articles will break in another place rather than where cemented. -- Price 15 cents from druggists, EZ The noted Temperance 'Evan: galist, Jos Hess; has been engaged by The | the Women's Christian Temperance Union, of 'this place, for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday evenings, May _ | 4th, bth and 6th. Mr. W. H McOaw has just been appointed Ticket Agen ; for the | line of Steamships plying between d ide, and is in a position | Port Pe