© JOB DEPARTMENT. Pam Y Posters, i Boo ecks, A A hy s, ; * &c. of evi style solor execu romptly an at rad iy than. any other estab- 1 i in 1 theCounty:s - Pa) from a distance getting hand eS vol can have Mom 'done to H, 'PARSONS, CLEMENS, Physician, Surgeon and cooucheur. co and Residence TORN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary of Fibne Conveyancer, &o. Solicitor the Ontario Tat #a Offic over the Ontario Baul, Port Perry. Jan. 20, 1087 i al E. FAREWELL, L. L. B, County « Crown Attorney Jifisister, County Sol- &c., Notary Pu and Conveyancer , uth wing Court House, Whitby, ¥ { YOUNG SMITH, L L, B., Barrister, (3 Attomey-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery ov, Publie, &e. Mian' Brock inserted on all the Jntest princi: g.of the art," anil 'as' cheap, prin and as good as the best. with Gold andSilver. Teethextracted or producing local anmsthesia. Cowan's new block, Atkinson' * J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, ng in Upper and Lower Sets of 84.10 875 Phow SET. I cén suit you both as to quality ice? Come and see. Rooms over ns Store. : J. D. GOTTINGHAM, ivi. DENTIST, NB OLDEST ESTABLISHED PRACTITIONER IN THIS PART OF CANADA, F you want a sot of Teeth that are heuistful, durable, comfortabl pet tooth. v Mr, Ralph's Harness Shop. , Oct. 12, 1887. nary Surgeon. i Vv Good Notes Discounted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per Tent. on goods Mortgages. INSURANCE effected at the Lowest Rutes in Good English Companies. =F Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. . Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, HE Subscriber is prepared to LEND TANT AMOUNT on Security AT 8 PER OENT. && Also on Village Property. && MORTGAGES BOUGHT. HUBERT L. EBBELS, Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885. 0 Teeth | . Representing the following - First Class Companies : FIRE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. NorTHERN AssuRANce Co'y. Pa®yix Assurance Co'v. Crrizess® Insnmrancr Co'y. "Grasgow & LoNpox INsuraxck Co'y Port Perry, April 26, 1889. WILCOX & HOLT Licensed Auctioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT Valuators, &c, &o. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. 'Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes furnished free of charge, Satisfaction guar- "| antee or no pay. Terms liberal. A Sale Register will be kept at HrNRY GORDON'S oe, Port Perry, and at the office of Wa. Seexce, Township Clerk, Manchester, where parties can make ar- rangements for sales. Acall is solicited. WM. W Perse Hobm, Manchester. brother, in England, was, for a nable to attend to his occu ids 'while, he was' cured, and is now a well man, working' in a sugar mill censland, Australia.' -- harbot Lake, Ontario. Ayer's Sarsaparilla, PREPARED BY Dr. «. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Price $1; six bottles, $5. Worth $6 a bottle. y . . : Ayer's Hair Vigor 8 the "ideal" Hairdressing. It re- stores the color to gray hair ; promotes s Beh and vigorous growth ; prevents the formation of paration as the '--T. Munday, Sharon Grove, Ky. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given me satisfaction. Itisan excellent prevents the hair from turnk its vi wi, an ol Lt! -- Mass. "QS have used Ayer's Hair r for [fomoting she growth of Hie y and un . For restor! 0 hair to its ee nal color, and for Ta ing, it cannot i d.""--Mrs. Geo. La Peover, "Ayers Half Vigor lent preparation for the hair. I speak of it from my own experience; Its use promotes the growth of new hair and and soff. The Vigor ia also a cure for dandruff."'--J. W. Bowen, Editor * Enquirer," McArthur, Ohio. "1 have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past two years, and found it all it is ted to be. It restores the natu- color to y hair, causes the hair freely, and keeps it soft and 3. V. Day, Cohoes, N. Y. is a most excel- 'are as powerful as a bird's 'one primal form of matter, we must contifiue to believe 'that they are un- changeable. When, however, "we turn to the different forms of force and energy by which, with 3 the universe reveals itself to our sen- ses, we find a very different state ¢ affairs. Heat, light, electricity, chen: ical action, magnetism; force or work, are all readily changed from one to the othér with the greatest ease. pound of coal or pure carbon when oxidized or burnt, always pro- duce exactly so many units of hedt. From this heat just so much powee or | q work can be obtained and no moreg | > this power will produce an invariable number of units of electricity or mag- nel ; and the electricity, when transformed into chemical action, will decompose a definite weight of a chemical compound.. Every pound of coal, every ounce of food, repré- sents a certain amount of energy, and by no possibility gan a greater amount be obtained from it. It is thé legi mate field of the inventor to endeavor to utilize all this energy in the form in which it is desired and prevent the enormous waste by its transformation into undesired forms, which at present occurs even with our best and most economical maehinery. Any attempt to.do more is as sure to end in failure as would an attempt to prove that two and two added ther make five.-- Popular Séience News. : Monster Spiders. Far spin the mountains of Ceylor | 5, and India there is a spider that spins a web like bright yellow silk; the cen- | tral net of which is five feet in diam- eter, while the. suppor Jinks; OF ys, as they are ) ten twel has woven it takes up his position in {i the middle, he generally. catches youd right on the nose, and though he dom bites or strings, the con large body and long legs is anythin but pleasant. If you forget y and to catch" him, bite he w and, though not venomous, his jaws}: beak, andi" you are not likely to forget the em- counter. . The bodies of these spiders are very I) handsomely Soren being bri gold or scarlet underneath, while upper part is covered with the delicate slate colored fur, So strong are the webs that birds the size | lavks are frequently caught the; and even the s but powerfull scaled lizard falls a victim. ten have I sat and watched the yellow op scarlet monster, measuring, Ww waiting for his prey with his 1 stretched out, fully six inches, ing across the middle of the nef noted the rapid manner in whi winds his stout threads around the un=i fortunate captive. Hie usually OW the coils ut the h wretched vietim is first blinded then choked. In many unfrequented dark nooks of the jungle you com across most perfect skeletons of small birds, caught in these tercible sn 1 the strong folds of which prevent th delicate bones from f: J und after the wind and weal Re disperse) the flesh and feath a] its. y The Cobra's Revenge. It is commonly believed among tl Hindoos that -- animal is mo than the cobra, and tate ¥ low gt ; airdei Do the the of His | 8 ; . 'made | eis while the next one to 1¥is down to 5 comfortable L . Bir hors ix Fasque and = hich extend to 91.000 ores his father; and in 1856 he and Glendye from 2 000. is es sxtends to. $6,000 acres of for £70 ROO C gam © preserver for many p iatterly his tenants had no icultural affairs. 8 Gladstone was for some | ie to the British embassy mder Lord Stuart de Roth- the reign of Charles X, many good stories to re- _the curious customs of the n court. He sat in the was defeated by the late Nicol of Balloge, who was Liberal ever returned from ny, as the late Bir Hugh Ar- plhad then represented it as a ondon World. to the Natural History Soclety. ot evening, however, Willie got Jack to go, just beca thin, to 8CO ow; Kkcopes present, and Jack deter- look through , The scales of different sorts of fishes were on view. Of course, but 'would think that each kind has Bn pattern of scale, and that you 3 ies of fish by its a paper showed that.the scales of posed of the same ma- li, chitine, as the feathers of birds, hair and nails of animals--a found in the never in the t these scales are devel n little pockets in the fish's skin, our- hey ranged all over the fish's body the tiles covering a roof, partly to have a eales are common enough; Bp were com of substance onl al kingdom, an it ble; you can plainly see for fwhen a herring is sealed. flapping each other, as is seen the scale being often from the other. uisitely chased and lines, en the bs which run along the middle of the fish were shown him, and ducts perforating' them, out of oh the mucus flows to enoint the body, and thus reduce the fric- id movement through e lad was half bewild- ibility of the new e markin, and other peculiarities! Th hie at 'the be 'Could any mn in this or any other espach) he was a most popular 'took a deep and intelligent live for thirty-nine years, ich period iM only onoe h was 6 to | Black bass choose attention, therefore a bet- ibject could not have been select- gage his notice. Besides, Jack o yet even looked through a He felt a bit ashamed of body get to these things?" he asked a told him of course he i ould only take a little 'D. Taylor in Popular a point where it would be for at Eskimo." HAE «2. You'do not seem to know how to have a free ciroulation; a plenty of fresh sir, and = not have any droft sny- where. maka all the drafts skip the pews where rheumatic antl bald-headed people sit. You have not yét acquired the art of having the church flooded with light while all the blinds are shut at the same time. This should be attended to at ofice, and you should not offer -an auch poor excuse as that:it is jmpossic ble. a sexton nothing should be im- ble. "4, You must find out some way of giving everybody the best seat, right n the center of the house, no matter whether the pews are already full or not. You must learn how to fill all the pews with SESEOr without making anybody 'mad' about it, and at the same time have plenty of room left for regular bew:hojgers. 4 "6. And, finally, you will spend your leisure time in inventing a patent church that shall be just warm enoligh and not too warm; not too draughty, but with just draught enough; where all the ple, whatever their mental, moral or physical condition; will be perfectly comfortable; and--crowning achieve- ment of all--that shall have all the seata in the middle. ' "What is a sexton for, anyhow, if he can't please everybody at the same time"! rp Arr Food Fishes of Lake Hrle, In a paper read before the Buffalo Naturalists' Field Club it is stated thas Lake Erie and the Niagara River furn ish thiggy-seven marketable varieties of fish. But their numbers are bocom- ing rapidly reduced in those waters, owing in great measure to so many fish being taken when thoy are full of roe. Sore fish spawn late in the fall; the mon, salmon-trout, white- place for their spswn-beds where the water is shallow and the bottom is sandy gravel. They leave their winter quarters in deep water a mon.h or six weeks previous to spawning. The eggs hatch in from one to'two wecks, according to the temperature. Bass are very prolific, yielding fully one-fourth their weight of spawn. The bass and the muska- lionge are the recognized game-fish of the Jakes. Whitefish do not take the bait readily, but are caught in gill- nets, and can be taken in great num- bers just at the time thdy are Tends to spawn. They average three and a half pounds in weight; though some are taken weighing ten to eighteen pounds. Sturgeon average fifty pounds, but oc- casionally one is caught that weighs a hundred pounds or over. Fish differ greatly in rapidity of growth. Some grow in one, two or three years tos definite sige, and then growth seems to be arrested. Such fish are short-lived. Other kinds, which slowly and steadily increase in size, atiain a great age. Pike have been known to bé overs bundred years old. Ww . The market price of buleen is excesd- ingly variable, depending on the fash- fon of the day. It is not so valuable now as used to be the case some years ago, steel having superseded it for many purposes. The price may rangé from £500 to £850 per ton, and a good whale ought to produce about two tons. In 1814 s single vessel sold her eargo of baleen and oil for £9,568, but such times aré not likely to return: Miner- al oils have-now supplanted train oils for many purposes,and perpettal bunt: ing has diminished the numbers as well as the size of the whales, no animal having a chance of attaining its full di- mensions before it is harpooned. Of- ten, nowadays, a whaling ship réturns isolean," i. 6., without having captured & single whale, so that, what with the lessened prices and diminished num bers and dimensions of the animals, has become almost 3 lott bone: th wims and forward h the shoals of the Clio, which mostly are found near the surface. The water es- capes freely between the horny plates and lining fri 'while the animals are detained within the cage: Whed it wishes to swallow the prey which it has caught it employs its longue, which is oy remarkable than the rest of the whale's structure. The tongue is not free except at the base, as with mam- mals generally, so that it is impossible to protrade ita tongue » | from its mouth. e tongue is by nearly the whole of its edge, 80 that Thee ain 'once aa 0) un g ton n all baleen whale . the grain crops. Oats lmve turned || ou must invént some Way to | cush- | stunted and yellow: Ins beep Sich tab' Me} - 'Btitith Government will:never again, it is-smd, trust tg good-will to avoid exasperating medsures. As we are not disposed to fight there is nothing left to do but to arbitrate; 'That is the exact position of 'the Behering sca controversy--arbitrate or fi ht. BAR Hairsor, Me., July 95. --The publication of the:Behering sea corres- pondence caused agreat sensation here especially i the immediate citle of the secretary of atate's friends and doquaintances, none of whom, however, have succeeded in getting him to say anything definite, Mr. Blaine is man- ifestly: disturbed and worried, and his face shows distinctly great anxiety. --het et The Treacherous Turks. Loxpox, July 26.--The News gives the following details of the recent riots at Erzeroum : The soldiery were order- ed to disperse the Armenians who were holding a meeting in a church- yard. The soldiers. Began a massacre of the Armenians; 'and the Turkish populace joined in the attick.® The stores and houses of the Armenians were pillaged. The sack lasted four hours, 'The British consulate, at which on the same night a4 fete was being given for th@ benefit of poor Armenians, was stoned and its gates and wiidows broken, The consul and the thembers of hig family took refuge rs of he builditg and the on the promises of Turks to escort them to places of safety were murder dered in the streets. Fifty bodies have been found, mostly of persons who were bayoneted ; 3060 persons wounded and 100 are missing. were ParersoN, N. J., July 24.--DBuild ings 34 and 36 North Third street were destroyed by fire this morning, the work of an incendiary. Mrs. Snape declared yesterday that she would butn her husband and attempt- od to put her threat into execution. fortunately the man awoke before be- ing cremated. Kerosene was freely used in causing the fire, and other tenants had narrow escapes. The Snape woman was gaoled this after noon. Children in Factories. The Knights of Labor; of Montreal, have pdssed strong resolutions de- nouncing tha proposal made by the Local Government a few days since for the reduction of the minimum age at which a ¢hild is allowed to work from fourteen to twelve. They de clare :--* Whereas the motive of this proposition is a desire on the part of a privileged section of the community, namely, the manufacturers, to obtain labor cheaper than they can obtain it : under present circumstances, while at the same time these manufacturers are protected at the expense of the | California is growing right shady groves, or pushing their oa up still Yivers, than to be talking thew selves blak in the fiice in the schools house of Section 8." The loafing? should, however, be by those rejected . politicians as private individuals, nels as responsible ministers, after they had. long ceased to be qualified, If Mr. Mowat's overgrown Cabinet were neo-« esssary he should provide himself with constitutional colleagues do the work.--Empire, 5 . -------- eee Mr. L. G. Desjardins, Conservative; was on Friday elested in Montmorency for the House of Commons. Thisis a. gain for the Conservatives, Mr. Chas; Langelier, having resigned the seat to enter the Mercier Cabinet: Pecan culture is being looked into . in the South. F. A. Swinden bas a, farm of 400 acres, near Brownwood, . Tex., upon which he has 11,000 trees planted. The trees are worth from $3 to $4 a bushel, and the trees at eight . years of age bear a bushel of nuts each; and at twelve or fourleen years old - about fourteen bushels each. In thé: the meantime the ground is cultivated in corn. stated that . Tulare Lake, in California, has ime creaned miles in width and dength thiss year. Californian--Shouldp't wander, ge Easterner--I see it erop it was that w at E Harvesting operations are now in full blast, both wheat and barley being ripe. The farmers were not allowed & breathing spell this year between times, The yield of both wheat and barley will be large.--Paris Tran: script. That Canada should in any way bs consulted in the Behring Sea matter is what appears to gall the American politicians and but as Qanada includes the better hulf of the continent, she should carry more weight with the imperial authorities - newspapers, than New York newspapers which are written for the wob. When any one in South Americd - wants an office he goes out into the - street, fires off a gun and shouts 'Down with the President" All the troops in the neighborhood, headed by - his Excellency, at once start for the woods on the dead run. The man with the gun elects himself President, and stays in office abouta week when somebobg else explodes a fire-cracker - and be starts after the troops. Thus are revolutions in South America ac- complished. Thirty-tight thousand English spar rows have been slaughtered during the past year in Branch Ccunty, Mich., © for which the county treasurer has paid boys and others 81,144. EZ" Exc ursionists for Manitobaand the North West, by direct routes-- North Bay, O.P.R. or by Ohicago-- should secure LOW RATE TICKETS of Wi H. McCaw, Port Perry. All neces- sary information furni +g rl ALSL J 0.5 : | Mrs. John (O'Meara, who wei human, out of hargiony with the pro- gressive spirit of the age and subver- sive to the children's moral and physicial welfare; and that in our opinion the men who have proposed this action are deserving the condem nation of every right thicking man for their aftempts to coin money out of the blood and sinews of helpless children: Frontenac farmters are puzzled over & blight that is destfo a good deal of red and stopped "growin g. Wheat is i Barley is begin- nitig to show the same tint. Some oats are infested with a small green louse. The crops on high land are equally affected with those on low ground. Wheat js past help. Ini Paris a 'y A {the table of a pounds, rolled upon - her twin dai ers whilo asleep and killed them both. The babies were three months old. Two men in Kentucky had a di w as to whether Russia could fick. in a onze of war, ant v has written to the Czar of ask him to decide the matter, ITE DIN Hr *Te)'\ AS FY 1s 4 ue