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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 2 Oct 1890, p. 2

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A er NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER URL PERRY. OCT. 3, 15%. |, The Close of the Tragedy. "During the past week the Province, the Dominion, the 'reading world in fact, has been on tiptoe of anxiety as 10 the issue of the Birchall trial, and day after day as the accumulating testimony stretched its weary length the interest gradually increased 'until the ase was given to the jury, when the community held their breath awsit- ing the verdict. - The suspense was comparatively brief, for ere the noon of, Monday night the jury brought in She awbuly tersibl verdict Guilty! 4 Be 20 lea on hich commutation 'either be asked or granted if it th "think that a Cnn es hich no ve Bod t_ farther should so | which of 'the navies he is in love with. terprising peoplo of Li "Annexation with its many pleasing to appreciate so desi and profitable aspects is at present un- tion to their town.' As palatable", "Continuous tion * *' * 'will not suit." one sentence, yet in the mext, under Imperial = Federation, it is just the| Dr. Bangster rendered Ls thing, Then there are free schools | one of his patient as to pursue and a free religion mixed up in this who has suffered a millesium of his. Under Tmperial | illness but bas now 2 | have the satisfaction of knowing, how- The sentence of the court upon you, John Reginald Birchall, is that you be taken hence to the place whence you same, and that there : within the walls of the prision, be the hours of 8 o'clock in the Borie and 6 in the afternoon on Friday, November 14th next, yoy be hanged by the neck until you are dead, and may. the Lord have mérey on your soul. in the dock while the terrible sentence was being passed upon him, but with downcast'eyes, only once daring to logk at his Lordship. 'When the judge bad concluded, the prisoner sat down. A: glance showed that his legs and hands were uncon- trollable and twitching nervously. All present looked with = pitying eyes at the unfortunate young man as he sat there with a dazed, huuted look. A number who have made his acquaint. ance since he bas been confined in jail and others who: knew him as. * Somerset" pressed round him and shook hands with hind in a sympathetic way, while not a few who saw the bold front that he was trying to feign felt their throat thicken and their eyes moisten, ever, that we aré not alone in this, it fis past man's understanding. Mark Twain writiflg of his first meeting with Artemas Ward was entertained 'by Ward with a long lingo of big words and high sounding phrases which he could pot understand, and attributed his failure to the effects of a cock-tail taken early in the day. It dawned on him at length that Ward was stuffing him with meaningless sentences. It may be that Mr. Adams is aping Artemas Ward.: If this be so we accept the joke and acknowledge the sell. rr ints The Fairat Whitby in point of at- tendance was, 'we believe, a success, though we do mot believe there were 10,000 or even 7,000. people on the ground on the big-day as telegraphed to the Toronto papers ; 5,000 will in- clude every man, woman and child on the ground. = The public did their duty in patronizing the Show, but we don't admit the exhibitors or Directors did their's, The displays of Ladies' Work, Art, and Fruit were good, as, indeed, were the Live Stock exhibits, but the floral display was very poor. The west side of the hall was:empty if we except a portion of the Manitoba Exhibit-- Br pro most eucossefal yet. held in the County | during the present year, The grounds are all that could be desired for com- fort and accommodation and the horse track is just the thing for splendid speeding and spectators have a fine view of track. "The hall js most suitable ag well for'extent and first- "class arrangement with abundance of space for all exhibitors. The energy and intelligence of the officers and directors are a sufficient guarantee for general satisfaction with the-orderand |. management. There will doubtless be & grand display of really. first-class stock, horses, cattle, sheep swine, An extensive shag of choice grain, roots and fruit is Swiys as attractive 2:48, The three year-old colt rRoe was "High | hay few superiors. Tariffs are unbearable" we aredold inf : g w. members. of the ngland; Benevolent 'Society, our duty to acknowledge your services in some tangible manner. | P 'on have buen Treasurer of our ge fora number of years, an earnest gealous worker for our ey aoconnts have slways been found ect by our Auditors. ¢ oan assure you that your kind ays, your industry and your unblem: ter, have made you many friends. - We wish to express our con: t hope "that the same honorable ciples which have stood by you to p present time will 'continue to re- nain with you, In token of your past valuable ser- we therefore beg you to accept his Treasurer'sJewel and this address, they will awaken in your nd pleasant memories of our happy ations together. igned on behalf of Old England Thy No. 9, 8.0.E.BS. Wu. Epxzrr, - Sh to pi Pr splendid Silver Cup, donated: enterprising residents of thi was 'not favored 'with : weather, - either were there represented, Port Perry and being the only clubs presen Perry had an easy victory. bridge players played for all worth but it was evident commencement of tho play. bridge club in order to © be played. The cup is no perty of the Port Perry clot be seen at the store of the i: A man The "Harvest Home" Entertain. the Club. 3 © hield at Manchester, on Thursday evening last, under the auspices of the § Method: Church of that place, was a ery particular. Rey. Mr. 1, -- worthy pastor. of the circuit, The addresses deliver- jogged in 2:10 for the half mile: The|' merchants of Whitby might learn a. lesson from our merchants and help to' decorate. the Hall,' and the Directors might have given something in return for the IO oceuts oliarge to the grand stand, Home, Sweet Home! Mr. Alfred Walling, son of our esteemed townsman Mr. Geo. Walling, is now on a visit to his comfortable and happy home here, Not feeling quite well he got leave of absence for a few weeks from his. employers at e | Cincinnati, U. 8; and like the weary mdance and of choice quality and n Are he al 'visitors | ) the exhi- and wounded bird, - which flutters to its nest he fondly sought his bappy home for peace and health and rest. Alfred is quite a favorite here and all are 'pleased to have him come | amongst us, though his stay will be 'parents that he should' visit his home a8 often as an spyostusity. presents ital. / Committee of the Con tion of South Ontario, h ou Tharsday last, it was oppose Mr. Dryden's re Rev. Mr. Mills, of 8 occupy the pulpit of St, in this place, morning Sunday next, in the worthy Pastor--Rev, --who, is visiting his 80 Mechen, at Halifa: Mr. H. McKenvie's | - : en © Voters' List Court. to he court for the Boal revision of the Voters' List r the township of 'Manchester, on Thursday. Jast, His ty 'Honor Judge Burnham presiding. The te | proceedings resulted in adding sixteen hen | Conservatives to' the list and striking Jot ons victorious. He won, might bo developed on . | its literary miscellany. ly trai indeed a feat of which any paper 1m Oanads, or for that matter on the sontinent, may be pardoned for feeling proud. eo Empire was the only paper to give yesterday morning the full report of the address of the crown counsel and the judge's charge, and: and Boy's. Overcouts to be Cost: Dyase is inadequate to enumerate foie it to say that 97.--The Oan- hibition held hers | the public seem to appreciate it, for; [i notwithstanding a large extra issue being printed, it was exhausted 'early in the day.-- Empire, pins Mr. Dryden Re-Elected with- out Opposition, Wairey, Sept. - 30, -- Hon. Dryden met with no opposition here to-day dt the nomination for this rid- ing owing to his appointment to the B agricultural portfolio of the provincial |} cabinet, Dr. R.J. Gunn, F, Howard Anves, J. A, Long, and Robert Miller were nominated, but all retired and allowed Mr. Dryden to be elected by acclamation, Mr. Millér who so pluck ily opposed Mr. Dryden and reduced his majority last June, in withdrawing, lost none of the high esteem in which | © he is held throughout South Ontario, by the manly style in which he delivered himself. i Mr, Dryden addressed the meeting for some - time, 'and amongst other}! agricultural * topies referred to: the' butter industry. which he thought |¥: the sme lines, -- The FamiLy HeArALD AND WEEKLY Star, Montreal, has its enormous circu- |! lation because it does not engreach upon the local country paper's 'work: People every-where find they need the Famiy Herarp aANa WEEELY Stak, Montreal, in addition to their ownlocal weekly. The FamiLy HERALD AND WERELY STAR has an enormous | up! staff of high-salaried editors, 'and bs spenda Jarge sums in gathering general news of the world at large, besides employing mohey. freely in adding to TL at pL 'West Durham Fair. : Sept. 26.--The West | i Durham Agricultural Society's annual |i fall show Fi held on the exhibition here yesterday and to-day. re over 2,000 entries, and Mr: this grain must have put a large getting good any previous year. can't, get ie else. ta at follows ; Stallion trot bletonan George first, Mid: y Black Diamond thirds [ Yr) 2.45. ; met ple ds anata in oth on ¢ ae poe an scum can ure ly stage of 8 hn rant us in neglecting to hy at the ah time, Use it now. ; 0 'Money to Loan.-- t| Yarnold, iio has i money 'to loan at lowest rates of Prest, in sums to suit borrow, Office over Forman Broa' nore; Perry. by those thoroughly -acquais thi facts that theend of last week the bulk of the barléy crop of this sea- son shipped and across the lines. The has undoubtedly proven short of la year by from eight bushels to the acte, 80 that the clearance made since, Y the shipping season opened has largely By exhausted the supply. The scale of a Equal Rights. All have qual rights in life and li and the uit of happiness, but A LE er ors. AvpiN--In Port Perry, on the 20th ult, the wife of Mr. 'Arthur Allin, ofa daughter. anjount of money in farmers' hands, which will no doubt soon" go into géneral circulation, ithah p Diobably | Ronrxson--In Port Perry, the 25th Ann. wife of pid Geo. Robinson years, 4 months, and 20 days. Port Perry Markess. 3 q58 Opava: Conn, oat Pee | area sEaguesgEes SizsssEasszeziziasyiaisan" EL wore fh

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