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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 7 May 1891, p. 2

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|" Mr. Bassano stands deserved : | a8 an honorable and enterprising owner of choice stock and a prominent agri- culturist, he farms 400 acres and is minent as a leading man in forward- 3 "all wool ing the best interests of the country. es, thot ate being sold else: - jo had, that aes hel Fire at the Ospital. § ($10) Ten Dollars The peace and quiet of the good an_All-Wool, Canadian Tweed Suit, | folks of Manchester and its surround- ade to Order and a FIT GUARANTEED. | j;,p4 were somewhat roughly disturbed about three o'clock on the morning of | THE PLACE IS AT Tuesday last, by the wild announce- BROCK'S BARGAIN SHOP, nr i' re "Sesyer wes i PORT PERRY. Port Perry, April 21, 1891, TTT NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER PORT PERRY, MAY 7, 1891. * "The Close of 'the Session. The Ontario Legislature wound up the business of a short, soft and un- interesting session on Saturday last, o 'but the closing scene was deferred till the fourth inst.' A good spread was work in Mr. Lane's blacksmithing establishment. At the first note of alarm the villagers were on the spot with determination to save the pro- perty or at least. to confine the de- vourer to the premises 'where it origin- ated. The premises could not be saved but no further damage was done. The origin of the fire is shrouded in mystery as no fire was in the shop from four o'clock p.m., of the previous day. The destruction of the building and its contents will cause a loss of $500, There was no insurance on the property. nade at the closing but the work of | + Mr. Lane, the proprietor, is an the session was really a simple affair. |active, industrious young man, and he One hundred and; thirteen Bills, as | has much sympathy in this to him, the. output of the session, received the | heavy loss. royal assent. None of the Bills are of pe " 'much importanee; and mot one in| A Handsome, New Outfit. twenty was of any public interest. Wail i time 'oooupied Was 'exceedingly | 'We commend the enterprise and and no measure was ever hinted | liberality of our townsman Mr. Purdy might be. supposed likely ; handsome i him that recompense woved that Mr. Mowat's indemnity | which iness tact and fair dealing _ be raised from $5,000 to $7,000 and | never fail to secure, !' a8 a sngar-coating to the pill so that f ------ all might swallow it, 'it was also moved | Fire.--We regret to state that the that the indemnity of the leader of | barn together with the contents, the the Opposition be raised from $600 to | property of Mr. Jas. Munro, 11th eon. |; $2,00. The motion passed in both | of Reach were completely destroyed on «cases and hon. members were jubilant, | the evening of Wednesday last. Cause Hot at what had passed but in antici- | of fire unknown. ' Insured in the Peel pation of what was yet to come. Here | Farmer's Mutual Insurance Oo., for wu liberal woul (liberal with the peoples' | $725, $225 on the building and $500 éncy) rose in bis place snd moved! 55 "contents. Loss on building $400 that all members (good, bad and io-|and on contents 214, different) have their indemnity raised = from $600 to $800. This capped the High School Entrance. climax and tho burlédsgue was sow- oe _ plete, Hon. members, cighty in| Following. is she High School En- 'number, were receiving $600 for four | trance Examination Amended Act :-- weeks , so that $150 8 week | (1) A uniform Entrance Amended 8 not but the modest, | Act examination for the admission of 'and other members to get $200 | annually in every High School district a of the increase wanted | pupils to High Schools shall be held a In Pod conscience, the pro-(according to such regulations as may y for its legis- | be perscribed by the Education De it pays eighty five thou- | partment. Examinations may be held a session for. members' |at such other places in every county . But had the raid on [as shall be recommended Ly the chest succeeded nearly | County Council, of which notice sha 'thousand dollars would have | be given to the inspector by the county ed to cost of the session. | clerk. Such places shall be affiliated 3 a igh School aided by the |; County in ih their reside; den have the to | ol. of the some other occasion. ' It was through | from the tone of the Opposition press that the fight would a warm right up to the division, and that the calling in of the members would have demonstrated that the Government is doomed to speedy death, but the grand opportunity has been lost, and men who are anxious for the first division for more reasons than one will have to crub their impatience until the Opposi: tion gets its second wind, for it is evi- dent - that it lost its wind in the liminary canter. It was at first thought that Sir Richard Cartwright ani his fellow stumpers would have made it 80 hot for the Government on the trade question that there would be no peace; but judging by the first assult, which was a very feeble affair indeed, subsequent effort cannot be very spirited. 'Taking this view, a short season may be looked for, unless the anti-French agitators consame time over the Manitoba School Act and other questions in that direction which the Government will be called upon to consider, * But the Opposition will fight clear of these complications. It is playing for office, and cannot afford to take any chances, aig Lon Dr, CraRkE, Medical Health Officer, Peterborough, writes the Review :-- When a case of smallpox appeared here some years ago the Board of Health roso to the occasion and soon stamped it out; but diphtheria is a to- tally different disease and cannot be. driven out: by so-alled vigorous measures, It is the result of many conditions 'slowly operating together, and all shat dan be dons is £3 sep the ip to aD all water or milk, I to say that our supply of either is im- pure, 'but 1t is best to be on the safe side. Avoid depressing inflaences. A child is glad tn get out in the early spring, and will play until he is fatigu- ed, inhaling at the same time a good deal of irritating dust. He then comes in and lies down in a cool place. It is in these moments of languor and depression that the germs of disease make beadway. At the same time everything about the house should be kept in good sdnitary order, and I would here call attention to the pro- visions of the Health Act which re- ire that all yards and premises be oroughly cleaned out hy the 15th of May. The inspectors will soon be no their - rounds and will show no mercy to offenders. Dominion Parliament: Tho first session of the Seventh Par- liament of the Dominion opened on on Wednesday. 4 After members had taken the neces sary oath, Sir John A. Macdonald nominated, seconded by Sir Hector Imngevin, Mr. Peter White, the mem- ber-for North Renfrew, as Speaker of the House, to the Exchequer | Act relating to trade yark Gentlemen of the Hounaf Cord The accounts of the past be submitted to ye : after providing for which you approp y surplus for the works which signed to be carried on by penditure, The estila coming year will be lai an early date. ~~ Hon. Gentlemen of the men of the House of Ota 1 pray that in the casi these matters, and in ' of all the labers pi 4) upon you, your deli divinely nided, and tha€tor and patriotism may. enk perity of the Dgminion fl | in every way the wel people. 4 An analysis of the pro ings of the members of { gives the following resul 58 ; farmers, 37 5 mes doctors; 21 gentlemen,13 9; millers, 2; coal mil 2; machinist, 1; d facturers, 7; lumb employee, 1; co 1; shipowner, 1; veyor, 1 ; notaries, prevalent. | don't mean given and cases d! let go on suspen one neglected to ap] and for his neglige bability bave The school board secute anyone, bub | carry out the laws, are only doing their A farmer was the other day for shade tree. This warning to all w follow this bad p Few persons ave 8 that next year is ficant selebrations fifth annive ation, the "btcieth establishment i Ea oa AD er ep ©. Li rodsat ey 2 th, Gi blog usfice of drain. ide. a i in, ru vat Hos odes) vote tt per tod a. Cini ETO AAT SR SU MER ONE, | OH Cxvavailng drain Jartiy hacer § rods a4 To oom be ¢ rowh 'This Brae! sea se oavo k brow ow foot cleat on enc sider + : ¥ih. Topload. chop and Jour A ER NG ie : "aru soe fret on Jopeae50 Dente 5 Excaval 64 rods, 8 feet wide on { average depth 4 foet at 75 cents SU a $e C3 - f : ERS Tika ahd shies bo ok soot aud fos frum sionen BPROIPICATIONS. at a a tr oe Er 0 Oo okeavated 1 the shogld try to be just|for the purpose of the examination) Hon, Mr. Laurier. spoke ironically, "are jgensrous (Sith other with a A Bohool in the me in- nok_happily, aa if rom by 5 éy suppose | spectoral division. R.8.0., c. 226, 8. 38, | Bi Cartwright. However he di ) their| (Af not divide the - House, and Mr. White their| (Amended, bad better z @) aH h School district shall eo 1 THURSD. 8 | be under one b rd of examiners. ai OA

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