fers are coming in fast. S ie ma Fung, which is one of the Largest in the Count DON'T FORGET THE PIAN( Wha will be the Come in and see "that is 8 fot ev: Ticket, go lucky one. -- one what a Beautiful Instrument it is, "Due Bills go the same as Cagl . BROWN WAITE CURRIE BLOCK, REMOVAL IIL CARN HE Subscriber expresses hin sincere thauks to the generous public for the liberal patronage bestowed upon him in the it, and takes pleasare in announcing that has removed bis busizicss to tha Store: EBBELS' BLOCK (Two Doors East of the Westetn Bank) where he will be pleased to cater for his numerous and still increasing patrons. {A FULL STOCK 0 our fmany trionds. and! customers we would 5ay We pre HEC DOW going ahead Again With a : od 3 as we will take it vorj Kindly if they| would immediately hand in amount of their accounts'to en- able us 510 start afresh. TQ FORMAN & SON 2% anmiscy ACER OFRICE. {mend to you as a physician of high rank, of everything in his line will bé kept on hand, 'and the pablic will meet with. the same treatment at my haods as heretofore, The steady increase of my business affords 'the most convincing proof of the perfect satisfaction of - purchasers. My route through Port Perry and vicinity | - will anti 10 Il farther extend [ sincere thaiks for the large m stowed on him sind commencing OYSTERS! and all Other Delicacies in Season. aa A Call Solicited, '\ J. Je FERGUSON. Port Perry. Aug. 12, 1801 TO THE PUBLIC | Expeditiously and in a manne faction to my patrons. The Trade supplied with "THE PLANI in full operation and ¢ Dressed Lumber, also Lumber, es, Stangles, Posts, Bannisters ane DESIRE after six ye years of pisasant business association among you, to re- turn. my sincere thanks for your patronuge and friendship in the past, and to intimate that" I purpose moving to Toronto at once, Raviog ed of ny property and practice to Dr. well, "whom I 'warmiy com- and whos card appears sew in this Lam anxious to wind up my business here within a week, and kindly ask and expect ail those indebted to me to call and suttle their ncoontiit before I go away™-about "| the 24 of this wonthi--as after I leave all y without further £7 BILL LUMBER A od -acbouia will bu placed in court 3 All kinds of TURNING and SOR notige. - With beat wishes to all, ! Yours Cordially, W. EB. HAMILL, Fon Perry Sept. 14th, 1891, Port Perry, Oct. 1, 1891. i op situated In the 16th con T waship of peace: