Tweed at $5 that can not med out for, juspection and sale December, over 350 | ong and Boys' Suits ; also Mei's Youths' and Boy's: Over- pwards; also 100 Men's --_ Boys' Vests ; 50 Pairs 'Men's Pants; 100 Men's s single under Coats. r that these aré not Shoddy or Union Go ds but All Wool Canadian and Scoteh Tweed and Worsted Suits ts, and every garment will be sold at Less than the Wholesale Price. ag Big Bargains in Heavy Winter Dry Goods, viz : All Wool Shirts and Drawers for 5c each or $1 per Suit ( i at 66¢ each. nels 'Honest Goods at 15¢ per yard. Dress Goods in great variety sad at Rook Bowron Prices, ve Geese Feathers at 35: be aundersold in any line, Come and see the Bargains I will give you. | Men's Coon Coats and Ladies' Astrachan Mantles to be sold at a bareain, cle of Tweeds and Overcoatings that will be made up into Suits and Overcoats at nek és than regular | Cash, Butter, Eggs, and any quantity of dry Jicked, undrawn Poultry for which the: Highest Market willbe pad but they must be starved 24 hours before killing. 4 : ; W. BROCE. , all wool, Canadi I will Bave in in 'stock and o plo of th Hols lot, viz 50 Suits hea or less than $7.5 Suit. general that lie has i 4 on hand 'x MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF ok ¥ Bos i Shots in io) | The oe sie takes pleasure in informing his customers 'and the polis in {ih Be Shoes wo have again added. to our immense ince the fire and Baraans i is now the order of Wakehes handisewad and pe od wil oots at §3, equal any home made for which you wil have to pay $4.50. | for $3.50, worth £5. dewelry, : FANCY GOODS, &0C., WHIOH HE IS SELLING AT RECEDENTED BARCA Overshc also Boys' and Girls' do. : have Never been so Low! finest Stock of all kinds and 921bs Sue for 81; 18 an Granaated Sipe fr 1 bibs splendid Japan| ) t $1.50, it Fouage bestowed upon him in the i the publie will meet with the bh of purchasers. Bing la ty line Fresh; Cheap and earns LANG & jf Other Delicacies . in Beason! , 9; con. 10, Reach; a Pure- ; l Berksh ire Boar, wi er | TIN FULL BLAST i BERKSHIRE BOAR, Ba aa ror sor vio a his hI 1 Si undersighed takes this opportunity of returning his sincere thanks for the large measure of patronage be- stowed on hint since commencing business in Port Perry, Basin bu Fags Mo = F, EARCHMAN, 1801 and would beg to state that having, ata largd expenditure, tie DATE oy for the manufacture of Flour, is prepared to do GRISTING & CHOPPING EMOVAL Expeditiously and in a manner that cannot fail to give satis- faction to my patrons, 'The Trade supplied with Flour of the finest brands. ELS' BLOCK ~~ THE PLANING FACTORY brs East of the Western Bank) in full operation and can supply all kinds of li bo pleased to ater for bis | Dygssed Lumber, also Lumber, Joists, Scantling, Boards, Pick- sad still intreasing patrons. els, Shingles, Posts, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, ULL STOCK Bannisters and Newel Posts. fhing in his line will be kept on| EZ BILL LUMBER A SPECIALTY, All kinds of TURNING and SCROLL, SAWING done on short notice, JAMES CARNEGIE. Bibucriver « expiesss his sincere 8 to the generous public for the fakes pleasure in announcing that oved his business to the Store in the iment at ry hands: as heretofore, ly increase of my business affords 'eonvincing « proof of the perfect through Port Perry and vicinity Fort Perry, Oct. 1, 1891, poe and still further extended as | ly increaso of patronage may on i BREAD, MEHARRY CONFECTIONARY, Solloited, he 4 is forse byall sud the OR, weir Bo The Mexican Reboler. Larspo, Tex; Por 8. --Froii found in the saddle-bags of ri AS Munoz, one of the captured revolution' ists, it is proved that the clerical part is furnishing the money with ik the campaign is being conducted. the forage made by Garza he has - stolen or plandered the smallest article, On the other hand, he has paid cdsh at top prices for what he has needed. Where all this money was coming from" has been puzzling the American ? Mexican Authorities. It is now as certained that Montes de Oces, bishop of Mauterey, is the financial 'agent of the clerical party in supplying Cares with funds, Ev. Paso, Tex., Jun. 5:--It has been ascertained that the headquilrters of the Mexican revolutionists are now situated at New Orleans, but they con- template transferring them to El Pazd, which would be a better base of 0 tions. The scheme iu backed » large amount of money, and as soon as a foothold has been obtained in Mexico the revolution will begin in earnest, The iden of those o Basking the Winter Sports: winter season e: ind Fog sol coughs, hoars tight- Beat ot the chest, asthma, bronchitis, eto., h require a reliable remedy like Hog Thich Pectoral Balsam for relief and cure, Known as reliable for over thirty years. The besj cough cure, Two Untimely Deaths, Maxweit, Ont, Jan. 9 Last night during the absence Sf Hugh Thompson, about four miles from this' place, his house took fire, and his father, an aged and blind man, was burned to death. The house and every. thing in it was destroyed ; origin of fire not known. ; The three-year-old son of Siduey To Barnes, of Toronto Junction, died jon. Monday from an overdase of a German' syrup. He had been given it for a cold and by some means got hold: of the bottle and drank too much; or was given an overdose by some one. t little fellow went to Seep and never' awaken SE ert Sulphur Soap heals Tong the prediction's tathef risky; We may : They in way Vion apey Jobs whisky ith a scentless cigarette, Three thousand employes of. the. Eig Watch Co. are going to strike' against. a cut in ages,