were given hot tea for supper. P ; meeting was oat at §. olelock, » that hour until bed time we at home reading such. aril pathyze with those 20 snd com pare their miserable state with miue.? / | which is highly indorsed is : t § any more ¥ of bismuth, six drame ; pulve arabic, two drams, and hydyochlorate of morphis, twy grains. This is used as a snuff, creatos no patii,/ afi canses the entire disappesrasico of the symptoms in a few hours, Apply equal parts Jime water, olive oil and glycerine to burns. For burns make a paste of lard and "| flour and bind on the burn with soft linen, or stif lite water and sweet oil to a cream and apply. Equal parts of linseed oil and lime water mixed and pour over the burn. Ager, however; is due covering that greatest of e|--Ayer's Barsaparilla, t Are yot the head of 4 man with a sample pase; entering the establishment. 'No, sir, remarked the young man with great urbanitys ¢ I'm only the heir of the head. Queer things from the Orient. A favorite dish of the East Indians is an ant mash. The insects are caught in pits and mashed by handfuls like raisins. Thé Rajah of India, who likes showy * How long have yo egn nil i Adys; replied witnbsl, . { proudly. 'I've seen on water since I've been on earth. Seven Years' Suffering. = GeNTLEMEN,--I had suffered very much from inflammatory rheumatism, which through wrong Si Tesiuant ke left uj ay running fores on my hands suffered for seven nd! oO which time I lishl neithet shod br stocking on. I com menced using' B.B. B, externally and futer- nally, using the pills also, and 1 can sa: now that the sores are entirely ured, and have been for some time, believe the bitters were the means of saving my life. Mgs. AxNix Barr, Crewson's Corners, Action P,0., Ont. 't do any good, | A cotton or linen cloth wrung out of |. : : T : th has had made a furniture set all F dahip. The only hing Lott ; the mixture and iid upon the wound. pa ae and chairs, pv Tt was the second day oat. yo i I Set and Peroxide of hydrogen diluted with | huge glass sideboards and other articles Amicus--Friendship is a beautiful ; ee Deg ib 8% On the deck of the great ocean grey: bat an oir for his | ammonia will bleach the hair. of domestic use. thing. hound reclined, pale and exhausted, in|' LED a p : a steamer chur, ' sweet young girl rum Scorched rpots may be removed from | 'Tne Emperor of China doed tot. stir Cynicus-- Humbug, / aky ODT fr who lias gone aboard the stately vessel, cotton or linen by rubbing well with Amicus--Just like you to say 80, chlorine water. Bat a friend is a friend, all the' same. s'pose,' he out much in wet weather. This is due in part to the fact that it takes ten AT 8 PER CENT. ral on Village Property. 8 2 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, SA HUBERT Li FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO o KD. TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT. Valuators, &¢; &c. | REAL ESTATE 4 SPECIALTY. |. 4 Sale Bills made out and Blonk Notes furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Tarms liberal, eriich, Scranton, Pa. have used Ayer's Pills Jor! jhe past full of hope and happiress, without presentiaient of coming evil. And now life was a hideous mockery. coldly, i \ With dull, world-weary, aching eyes, sho looked out over the billowy' deepii and longed for. death. passed her, * And the Ureeze waft her ears these words, uttered in to of the deepest sympathy : * Poor That's the only thing she's got left x raise, . Brains the Thing. "Thackery was not a vain man, he disliked vanity in others and it tho subject of his: ridicule and casm. After long pleading his fi induced him to bave his portrait pa ed, and Lawrence, a famous artist, gladly undertook the fas! after the picture wa Thackery chanced to be dining at club, when a pompous officer of guards "stepped 'beside the table said : hear Lawrence has been painting y portrait? 'So 'he has,' was. the sponse, 'Full length? length portraits are for 'soldie we muy see their spurs. Bi other end of man-is the principal with authors,' said J y Marseillaise ' SO) fIronside--'Sprinkledt Never! hiptural.' dway's Pills.--The greatest 'of Modern Times.--They cor- prevent flatulency, cleanse fF, and purify the sytsem, re- he debilitated, strenghten ach, iucrease the appetite, in- f the nerves, promote health, state the weak to an ardour, jg never before expected, The f these Pills throughout the Ronis everybody, convino- post sceptical that there is no ¢ equal to Holloway's Pills ving the complaints which are al to the hummn race. The, ped» blessing to the afflict to those who suffer from ternal or external, Thoa- jpersons have testified that by alone they have been restor- Ith after other remedies have essful. : Acids, wine or fruits may be extract- * | ed by first being moistened with am- } | monia, then washed in chlorine water. To remove brown spots from black fabrics, pour spirits of ammonia on the spot, drop by drop, and rub gently | round and round with the finger. 4 John Smith wrote: ¢ Your Live Forever Pellets are doing me a great deal of good. Send me another box,' and I told you to give it a prominent place. «1 did--immediately preceding the death rates." "Yes; and the first death notice on the list was that of John Smith." Observations. The youth who is to marry an heiress finds life smooth sailing, and is pleased as he thinks of the rocks ahead. Bessie H. Bedloe, Burlington, Vt., bad a disease of the scalp, causing het hair to become very harsh and dry, and fo fall so freely that she scarcely dard to comb it. Ayer's Hair Vigor gave her a healthy scalp, removed the dandruff, and wade the hair thick and glossy. Fancied troubles sometimes trouble | CO us as much as real troubles, but they have this in their favor, that they are easier got over. , Toothache, every ache flees from Johnson's Anodyne Liniment as from a wrath to eome. The Phenix folding bed is adverts: od These beds should be excellent han for people Juflcriog from smallpox or measles, who look forward with hope to ristug from their rashes. + Why will you not gloge i » me? business men to carry his umbrella, and it is difficult to get them away from the fantan table all at once, Japanese auctions ave silent. Each bidder writes his name and bid upon a slip of paper, which he places in a box, The box is opened by the ictioneer and the goods detlared the enough by carry & double Tine of rails, A Japanese soldier has invented a gun which enables the possessor to send 'a cloud of blinding dust' into the eyes of a foe at a distance of twelve feet. It is said that the poor 'foe' is thereby absolutely deprived of sight and, therefore, of course at the mercy of his assailant. Missionaries have done a good work in old India, where the people. were kinder to brutes than to men. Lepers in India were treated with shocking inhumanity before Christianity enter- tered that country. Many of them were buried alive. The English rulers have put a stop to this custom, and for fourteen years there has been a special Christian mission to the 135,000 lepers in India. al ge. Dr. A. T. Blocum's EN EMULSION of PURE ER OIL. If you have a Cough op. it. For sale by all druggists cents per bottle, 'Now, my son,' said a stern West Walnnt street father, 'I have spent a great many thousand dollars on your education. 'What have you got to show forit ¥ Why, father, don't you know } I'm the leading lady in the college dramatic company and iny make up is so flue that you can't possibly tell me from a real girl' 'Ab,' said | the proud papa, 'noble boy.' familiar to the Atlantic and Pacil of the city in which Cowboy (with | my hair." And a friond in need isa friend indeed --you believe that ! Cynicus--It depends tn how much he needs; All the friends in need that I have met needed more than ¥ could spare. -- ni, No More Bother. GENTLEMEN, -- I have used ) Yellow Oil for my chilblains and §6 cured them. I-have never 'hotm bothered: "Bad blood d rina oct ith yey her ron an jotches, wit! ot! 8 arising from bad blood. ¥ Strange to say, it is the girl who is wrapped up in herself who is most anxious to have fine dresses. Milbarn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion' with Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites combines, the curative powers oI the ne] remedies. mentioned in the most perfect and d jalatable form, Price 50c. and $i There are moments er one wants to be alone. One them is when hé, gets up to make an extemporunebils speech and remembers that he has for- gotten it. AS AN AID to inf remediesffor, ski tras. De. Lows Baas 300 proves very valuable. There is but one pauper in the tows. of Whitneyville, Me., and that one iv a festive widow who looks out for hei: self ten months in the year. It -i evident that she will soon be entirely, independent, for her last request of the Overseers reads us follows : **Please send me ten yards of red ribbon and &; new dress, and let the dress by enough to wear as principal at « Wedd ing." Milburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Wild Cherry and Hypophosphites is surest and best cure for coughs, colds, hoarseness, bronchitis and asthma, Price 50c. and $100 per bottle. z In Norway all Christian sects, "ex cept Jesuits, are Keferniod, "and we free to exercise their fon _ within, the limits prescribed by the law sud. public o.der.