Is. made' Gut: and Blank Notes] free of charge. Satisfaction guar- +. Terms liberal, wha never been this medicine. I-am filty years 180 pounds, A ate nD over 'good health to the use of Pectoral."--G. W.Xouker, WM, GORDON, Ligensod 'Auctioneer, Valuator dc. 'What T want is a whole man sighed ; I never could take'up with | e these half made fellows. Bat it is not 50 easy. Even when I find a want! is temperate and intellectual, he tu) out to be selfish. What would I nol give for a whole man for a friend companiofi~a whole mau. He would not take up with Mart Belby, though Mart saw 'the young fellow" sorely needed a friond a helper, particularly" oné who would tong mn him., He kept on looking for hia bit vpon him, Few such men as was looking for are to be found. v a thousand miles of Lucin's; * In fae at Lucin's you wahld be at a loss. "I'to tako observations of Old "Ash cloth and paper eeiling 'through' bottom of a whisky glass, and if eard a voice, T will give you my Wo of honor it was not cherubs, One day the boys outdid [other Tittle meannesses to Robbins | [getting him. hopelessly drunk; course, it was no killing matter he bad never been drunk befo 4 of a man' with a p Syrup of Figs. : P from the laxative and nuth- tious juice of California figs, combined with the medicinal virtues of plants gnown to be most beneficial to the an system, acts gently ion the kidneys, liver and bowels, effeptually : cleansing the system, dispelling colds ¢ over. (lifted his hand to flame darted to- im on the palm tlesnake - struck another, at his the samo had he jt a piece of the flesh. d your land down and run free, while I tie this your arm.' ¥ i the stout cord until it { whisky," he gasped. Robbins, 'let me cut the f your wound.' Fstill a' moment while this § whisky--quick I cried fdid not look for the bring- he flask with any light of 768. urs,' he said, quietly. enough for ohe, and orgy lars 'ate Pthe worse bitten. i already beginning to swell. anigaish in the tong, as rajsm in the words; bat of the:weakly sort: - He A, P. Noakes, Matta and headaches, and curing habitoal constipation. Wanted to Be Seen. There was an. unimportant election some years ago in Alabama. A negro whose vote before had slways been in demand, stood at the polls all day long, evidently awaiting something. = Asthe sun went down his anxiety became in- tense. The polls were about to close. Suddenly he drew himself up with a deal of dignity, saying: 'Gentlemen, T's about to vote. Does any gentle man wish to speak to me en deena He -- There isn't enough on this breakfast table to feed a canary bird. B8he--I know it, my dear ; but there are several things I want you to order from the market, and I know you'll forget all about it unless you leave the house hungry. people any idea of the the sour, A pig sty; for instance, near the place where the planter stores his crop will impart a disagreeable flavor, which n6 care afterwards will divest it of. Among the many precautions taken to obtain a faultioss leaf for the "Myrtle Navy" brand, is to ascertain carefully the methods which every farmer adopts with his crops in the sections of Vir- ginia where the "Myrtle Navy" leaf is grown. +1 don't think Mr. Bunker is much of a conversationalist,' observed Miss 'Elder. + Well, he called on me last night,' repliel Miss Young, as she carelessly twitled a new ring on the third finger of her loft hand, 'and I found his con- versation quite engaging.' Boils, carbuncles, and eruptions of all kinds are nature's efforts to throw off poison from the blood. This result may be accomplished much more effectually, as well as agreeably, through 'the proper excretory chan- nels, bysthe use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Caller--Is your mistress in 1 Servant--No, ma'am. Oaller--When will she be in} - Servant--I conldn't say, wa'ma; I don't know when she is going out. "For rheumatism and sciatioa Dr. William's: Pink Pills have no equal. Ont.; writes : years with lio (indignantly) -- 1. am 'sure, sy, I never told what wasn't true ny lite. How can you be so. un- ¢ act like rt .. Fully one-half of o are mothers who use B fnan Syrup amon A li LRA De es little folks must be a the sudden and terrible hood, Whooping cough, theria and the dangeto tions of delicate throats What is Pluck? A BATCH OF DENINITIONS SENT T0 A BRITISH PAPER, This is the one that won 3 Fighting with the scabbard when the sword is broken. The following are some. of the best difinitions sent in: Moral backbone. A . The power a man has 0 say * "mo" when he knows his wife wants him to Fearlessness free from foolhardiness. The chivalry of nature's knighthood. That which enables one, when fight- ing against adverse circumstances and knocked down, to rise and try another round. ' The heart of a lionsin the body of a man, The best remedy for despair, The foree that converts the ordinary man into a hero, ' Horiest dafing without caring 'momen! Irrepressible stoutheartedness, That which keeps & man. up when he is down, The offspring of courage and the mother of success. Moral grit. rhein If you desire a beautiful complexion, absolutely free from pimpleg, or blotches, purify your blood with the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Remove the cause of those disfigurments and the skin will take care of itself. Be sure you get Ayer's Sarsaparilla, emi The Epworth League: OmanA, May 22.--The M. E. Con: ference to-day took up the report upon the Epworth League. The report stat: ed that the Epworth League had at present 400 local leagues, with 400,000 members. The report presents an amendment to the discipline, providing far the proper recognition and govern- ment of the league. The amendment provides for a. Board of Control con- sisting of 16 members, one of whom shall be under supervision and guid- ance of the annual conferences with which they are connected. The amend ment also provides for the publication of Tho Epworth Herald as the official organ. The executive office of the league is located at "Ohicago. The re- port was adopted. The name of the organization. wan made "The Epworth Teague of the Methodist Episcopal Church. . Dr. Eaton, of Detroit, moved an amendment providing . for the re- organization of the 'Y.P.S.0.E. and other societies odist. bu the | 6ubing li 1 teeth. i Cr + foceans of human blood, he his thousands, and & among the poor sons and daughters : affliction by his wonderful Medicines : ' raise the dead," yet he has giver strength to the halt and soundness to - {the lame ; and if he has not "opened the eyes of tho blind," 'he has soothed the pain-worn, 'and comforted these oi the brink of the grave ; and id the foue quarters of the globe his preparations bave found their way--not by 'thé foroe of the sword, not with the aid of logions, but have been silently borne" on the bosom of old ocean in our mer: chant: ships to every corner of the civilized world where suffering man is to be found, : But to do all this gigantic work; to accomplish so wonderous a déed, res quired much thought and much energy , for . without these &ombined, this mighty work could not have been ad complished, And thus he did it.-- There is a wise saying, "Don't spard printer's ink?' and Holloway spared" £53 neither * printers' ink," nor vast piles of the precious metal, goldw. He ad: vertises in "all the languages spoken among civilized nations--and whether you go into' France, Belgium, Holland, loway's 'Pills I' "in .& thousand : ages they utter 'Holloway's Ointment e are filled with boundless wonder: and astonishment that. one man, ond. mind, one head; could plan and devise all this ; and we say that, if one man has really done so, there must be some wonderful curative properties about his Pills and Ointment.--Poet Olose's Historical Notices. i lie ed The man who thinks of putting off his flannel had better put it off. * The man who, strikes an attitude imagines that he is making & great hié: What is love? Two heads with buf a single thought, two fools that act like one. . The world is full of men who have things they want to sell for less than they paid for them. As long as a man puts all the big apples on the top of the measure he needs more religion. A man never knows what he cart do till he tries, and then he is often sorry that he found out. ¢Heals all cuts, burns and bruises like magic" That's Johnson's Amer ° dyne Liniment surely. Burglar (to promising young picks pocket)--Say, pal, bow are yer dgin'{ Pickpocket--Ob, I'm getting my band in. : . Oleverton--Old man, 1 should think you would wear a silk hat with a dress suit. Dashaway (sadly)--You can't hire a silk hat, Jolliboy-- What do women do in their clubs? Do they tell bear stori The young woman who dessipated young man to reform: is liable to have her hands full as