nea! receipts du ta ul to the pri mt. will § ring jue of the prizes, such be made, 1to. Wm Steels; Tot 8, thence to Lindsay's Perry, for night. -Propeed to John Sweetman's, , noon ; thence to'G. d; for night. ---Progeed to Charles. Martin's, ence to Holt's Hotel, ight. nish Moys' Hotel, Tyrone, | kin e to his own stable and re- the following Monday. Description, see Cards, [ces of the best Carriage hi dlsteics will it their best re a ROGER IONE 'before ©. J. HUGHSON, Proprietor. Tmp, Clydesdale Stallion . [878]0. 0.8. B, E PROPERTY OF WHITE & WHEELER, PortPerry. i: ---------------- for Mares this Season, 1802, ns follows: ay 9, will leave his own stable, hite's, lot 20, con. 9, Reach, d to Greenbank, fioon ; 'thence tfield for night. Proceed to = imap; 3s thence lentyne's Corners, for ni --Prooe Ag noon ; Victoria Boris for night. . f E) tion, wight | © by "way of om, to night i a Jon ei ss Prince man's, viating Ee excruciating tortures. RHUEUMATISM, GOUT, ' md NEURALGIA it isunsurpassed, Itnever| ils to remove Scwf snd every species off The and Ointment are Manufactured only at | en tte 83, Oxlod 8 Landon, = all Vendors of Medicines threughoat Fo gk § with directions for use fn re @& Purchasers should Look tn the Tahal on : the Fots and Boxes. If the address is ra. wastiny they Planing Mills : PORT PERRY. HE Subscribers bs beg to. announce the T they arc now prepared to manufactura DOORS, SASH, CASINGS, FRAMES, STAIRS, : STATR RATLS, STAIR BRACKETS, , BANNISTERS, ~~ NEUEL POSTS MOULDINGS, &C., PMERSON BROS; Port Pay, May 6, 1886. PATENTS, | CAVEATS, ARD Re-1SSUBS secured, Tri MARKS anepville A y noon, Blaekstock ; Saturday even- return howe, vl MoxiNos, Proprietor, | Sou Port Perry, May 9, 1802. | ht andall: otherpateit causcs in the Patent id foe and before the Courts. promptly and carefully Pn Ti of model or sketch of invention, I alo oarehd oF Charge: vise as to pater tent directly across from the Patent in personal wenganes there, it 8p- 6 superior facilities for Sat: for the wore. vigorons trusted Io onepe0 : stent tice,