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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 13 Apr 1893, p. 1

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PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY. : gui YEAR, NO. A XT PERRY, PROVINCE OF ONE Sv am "It is Easier to Mistal Peulessional Cards ician, Surgeon and © and Residence Port Perry. opposite Cubic anil 2 tals Lif CEsSoL To DE AAMILL, © Supgery; Victorian Uni- eo df Nipdl Usilege ing, Metilogr of Col Lid A Surgeons, utd, -- +* Soho Hospital for Diseases Geest Urmond Hospital rildren, Loudon, Eng. wrgeon, <r¢., wida wm, l'tod p.m, esidence, Dr. Humill's old Gudnt, Sty Port Perry. SILLINGS, Sottéttsf; Notar! ouveyancer, &&: Solicitor rio Bank. a Office dver the io Bank, Port Perry, i. 29, 1857, iLL, L. L: B., County ' oy, Barrister; County Sol. % Cubic and Conveyancer, wing Court House, Whitby, UNG SMITH, L L; B.; Birrister; stro yout- Law, Solief In Chancery iotacy Public, &e tock, Brock Street; ~'TIST, i ario [am v9 to quality Baas bdhe Sure bomen d Sau's ir hae "o- rsonal in the harge, HAM ifice and residence two niles south of practice, Fele- "ntarioUb server, enltural and I5 TUSLISHED AT PELE PEERY, ONT. THURSDAY MORNING, Lo AY ©. PARSONS, S84 par annum, if paid in advantee; ERY. 30 will be eharyed' No éabivrlp for less than six monthy ; att eu until arrears até paid up, VERY © Sits Buk Depot | Deposits receivad at the yo rates. Interest caloldted a each depositor semi-annually. 'W. McGILL, Port Perty, April 4, 1888, fdr? PERRY BANKER AND BROKER Hds any amount of Money to Loan TIAL BE par cent. on good Mortgages affected at thé Evweit Hates i Good Enjjlish Compatiics: £7 Agent Atlafi Line of Steam slips. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889. MONEY TO LOAN ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security AT 6 PER CENT. £2 Also on Village Property. 44 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, ®} HUBERT L. EBBELS, Bittister. Office next to Ontario Bunk Port Perry, May 10; 1885, Insurance and Gieral Agen Comparien i URE, LIFE AND ACCIDENT. NORTHERN Assurance Co'y. Prexix Assurance Co'v. 'iTizens' Isstranck Co'v, LA 'erry, April 26, 1889, WILLCOY FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO AND TOWNSHIP OF CARTWRIGHT, Valuators, &6., &é. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY. futnishied ffée of charge. Satisfaction gur- autee or no pay. Terms liberal, W. M. WitLeox, Port Perry. Aug. 22, 1887. "WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Yaluator &e. "E the Townshi Scott; Thorah, and Kldon Partiés entrusting théir Sales to mé may ely on the utmsot attention béing given to heir intfésts -® Peres Hour, Manchester. of Brock, Uxbridge, ara, Rama; Mariposa WM, GORDON, Sunderland. F{oARTLY thanking the publie for the liberal patronage received during the many years Prave kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, I have much pleasure in announcing that I' have removed MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES ighest eftrrent ne credited to MANAGER. DAVID J.ADAMS, INSURANCE WM. EDMETT, ow & Loxpox Insokinéxk Co'y LLCOX & HOLT Licensed Auotioneers Sale Bills made out and Blank Notes To the Anglers of Oanada. 1 have favented Trolling apparatiis hich which was patented in the Ubited Stn on the 8rd duy of January, 1893, and which |is patented in the Dominion of Canada and m Newfoundland, England, Fravee, and other foreign countri This Bait possesses following mier 1 By means of a transparent tube o ccptacle, live bait, including rable; irogs, angle worms, sl like, while pres din a m t i LS eriod of tine. aday's fishing g one to two dollars a day for R oriod bait the a for bait, rio IIL. By means of this device, millions of small fish #111 be saved yelily, besides avoid: itig thie cruel practice of itfipalling little fish on a barbed hook. The minnow pail, th changing of water, and the disagreeable Py of ¥ ot the teh mor titne and 1 the game water than any device knowh in history or practice. No that ous Thus n, bered -*1, '2, '3. No, I, the largest size, in malt water is used for cod fish ; No. 2. for blue fich, black fish ; and No. 3, for mack- erel. In fresh water, No. 1 is used for catching maskinonge Abd salmon trout ; No, for pike find pickerel ; Nu. 8 for black and Oswego bass, VI This device is con best mitterial, viz: THe thbes of aunealed flint glass, the tHifiming of annealed steel bands. The hooks are Limrick make, and all silver plated, VIL Without antagonizing any one's inethod of doiug btsiness, we have sonoludl. * | to atid are manufacturing this device, and | shall not, for the present At least, put' the { bueipess into tlic band of the jobber or | Wholesdld houses, thus saving two profits to the cdnsumer, who can avail himself of this divice on the following terms. |; By sending hy wail to the owner of this + 1 device, Calvin Graves, at Natural - Bridge, Jeff. Co, N.Y., for No. 1 bait, $1.50; No. 2 bait, $1 ; No. 3 bait, $1. All orders must be accompanied by P. 0, Mouey Order in order to secure wtfention. We cannot supply the demand already made for this buit, as wé can s#M all for salt water. But we intend to fill a limited number of orders in northern New Yark and Canada this season, for the purposo of tutrodiicing this device, All goods warranted as to quality and utility. If the bait is not as rcpreseiited after ten days from receipt thereof if retern? ed in good order, woney will bagefunded: References © age National bauk of Ofirthage, the National bank of Lots ville, &nd the National bank of Boouville, N.Y: The wndersigned have enteted the field competitors against the world in a Fishing Divice, and have Leen assigned thirty-foar square feet of space in the fisheries building, group 40, class 265, section Q., of the World's Colombian exposition, to be held at Chica, 8. A, which opens Muy Ist aad closes. whete wes ot. 30th, 1693, whefe we will VY, Ont. Ny aw v po First Clase N anada, the lands of the world NOTICE. No Bait is genuine unless thé same of Welch & Graves is blown on tne tube with date of patent: Piratical infringements will be vigorously prosecuted, WeLen & Graves; Owners, U.S.A., and other countries. H. J; WeLen, Patentee, Carthage, Feb,, 1803. BURDOCK ever tried. 1 Headache a fretion where stipation, Sick r ey will kill yor ls Pr, Low's Worm Syrup Is the best Werm killer, Great Weekly Competition of The Ladies Home Magazine. Which Ward in this advertisement spell the same Backward as Forward? Thixisu rare opportuniLy for ever: Falher and Son 10 secure a splendid Prize, WEERLY Prizes --Every week throughout this great com petition prizes will be distribut- od ux follows: The first correct answer recefv- ed (Lhe postmark date on each letter to be taken us Lhe date received) at the -oMoe of the LADIES HOME MAGAZINE (each and every week during 1892) will get 8200; the second cor. rect answer, §100; the third $0; fourth, a beautiful silver servfoe; fifth, five o'clock sliver service, and the next 50 correct answers will yet prizes ranging irom $25 down to $2. Every fh correct nnxwer, irrespective of whether prize winner or not, will get a special prize, Competitors residing in the Southern States, ax well ns other distant points, have an equal chance with those nearer home, as the post- mark will be our authority in every cose, RuLks,--Each lst of answers must be ac. companied by $1 to pay «ix months subserf tion to oue of the best Home Magazines fs America. NoTE.--We want half a millfon subseribers, and Lo se¢lire them we propose to give away in rewards one half our Income. Therefore, in cane. le half Lhe total receipts during un week éxceed Lire oaeh value of the prizes, ei 4 coast will be added pro rata to th REFERENCES. -- 'The Ladies Home Magnzine well able to carry out its promises Peter: rongh (Canada) Times, "A splendid paper, and financially strong." Hasting (CAnada) MARRIAGE L Perry, Déé. ETT-------- 18SURR OF ol Pord Ont, a, Todt Petty Out us pon IRE i Be . : a Jus e is en "Norwood Opposite the Railway Station |Epifnds wis iaier-ieilss here from extended premises and | Ae Ladies Home . r norgased acti for business the pubdfic a = cant be accommodated 'with safe saddésirable - : Rios At uopeea¥i cmarezs| P AT ENT S, R. VANSICKLER. ' [Cavers awp Ru-isauss secured, Traps-Mazks 3 : * i) Topitered andl} other patent causes in the Patent Port Perry, July 21, 1886, y snd before the Courts promptly and carefully x) ; H. MoCAW, Br EE CL dr NR pS EIR u the sanfe | V. The Bait is tnade in three siz nufi. | stricted of the very | Madam and Mies, every | | but | The Tramp Musician. | The household goods of a {millionaire were being sold by a {and a fashionable assembly of bi were preseiit. Tlia aoctioneere a hahdsome grand squate as ho opened it he obsety ap taldgiie firle of i "\Pléase come forward and play. thing, eomeoue, anyone, he wiged, Pnoticing that nobody sepmed inclined | to accept the invitation, At this second call there wes a stie { near the door, and then d tidy advang-| | ed--n man who seefiiéd &trangely out {of place dtidiig the clegantly atcired [prople assembled in thay grand parlor, {Jt was a raged, soiled tramp, on | whose face hardship; and dissifition { had lefe their impriptd. | gust ran around the room, A murmitir of astonishment and dis- How came such a creature there! What right had he in the room = 1th decent people! | How did he gnin admittance, The faultlessly attired men fell back as the tramp approached, and the women drew aside their skirts, as if the touch of such a being were con: Some looked around for the auvctioneer's and one man half-lifted his cane as if to strike the vagahond. {Put hitn out I' The ,wotds were uttered by more than one puir of lips. tamination. assistants, Hevdless of the looks or words of those around, the tramp walked--or rather 'staggrred--to®drd the piano. | His step was that of a drunken man | | {as if hanger gnawed at his vitals, and but his cheeks were sunken and pallid his eyes gleamed with a wild; fatorf] light--a light that cadsed the auctioneer to shiver and full back with a hattd half dpraised, Without a word, the vagrant seafad himself at the piano, and his fingers. touched the ivory keys. , For a sin moment bh edt FETta te; fingers wandering aimlessly, yet pro a few soft and harmonious 1a ducing notes. Then, of a sudden, a burst of welody came from the pianp--a flood of music that thrilled the souls of all It Béethoven's grandest march, who "heard. was and it was rendered Never in that magnificent parlor was such Could it be the ragged tramp who was playing! Anazed, stricken dumb and motion- less by what they saw and heard, the sople who had gathered there stared their breath by a faster musieian, before music heard. and listefied, holding while their ears drauk in the soulan. toxicating strains conjured from) the faultless instrument by the wizard musician in rags, The march ended, the flood of musi: still poured from the piano. Beethoven, Mozart, Wagner, Liszt-- the strauge man knew them all, and their best work he render ed with a master's touch. ¢ Wonderful! Amazing I' The enthralled listeners lookéd into each other's faces and- whispered the words : 'Who is he? No éné could answer, but one thought he must be somé great musician mas Guerading. Listen! He is improvising now. How sweet is the strain! Soft wnd iow, yet full of joy and sunshine, it fiows on and on like a laughing, danc: ing brook. Slowly a touch of sadness cieeps into the melody. It is like the gentle fall of sumuder ruin on A new- ade grave--it it Jike , the faintly- heard sobbing ¢f & moter as shé bends abave the dead face of her first born. Tt moves the heart of tany a women as she listens, and niore than one pair of eyes are dim with unbidden tears. At length comes the sweetest, sad- | dest, grdndest tune ever composed-- 'Home, Bweet Hoffie." All else is forgottén now. One of the women is sobbing softly in the depths of her bandkerchief. Softer aud softer, slower and slower the strain is sinking --dying. It 1s like the last effort of a eos | soul passing from earth, Finally it ceases, and then the tramp musician | sinks forward on the instrument and | remains miotionless. A sigh rons roend the réom. THe | austiorieer touches the tramp 6n the shoulder. The vagaborid does rit stir. They Ii%t hiv nerveless body and look ito BW face, : He lias gots Hone. : Re a Oool. Judge--Ah, you have secn me more | more than-onoe already, haven't you! . Prisoner--1I have that hynor. ~ And, ns we know each other 80 well, permit | me t0.ask how your charming wife is } A ii A un | rat 8 { yer --'What would you eall demonstration 1 Btudent--* What kind, English or rican ¥ awyer (stumpeld(--*'What do you n 1 There ix but onns kind.' Btudetit--{ I beg your pardon, | but | nd American is binocular. fr friend For Over Fifty Years. Irs. Winsiow's Soomuixe Syrur has used by millions of mothers for their | hilren while teething igt and broken of your rest by a sick ohd suffering and erying with pain of Cut- tind Teeth send at once and get a bottle of ** fra. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Chidren Teething. It will relieve the poor litle sufferer immediately. Depend pot | it, 'miothets, thefe is no mistake dLout it. | {dtotres Disirlioea; fegulates ths Stomach #0 | Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the | Gus, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone au energy to the whole system. ** Mrs. | Wanlow's" Soothing Syrup" for children | teching is pleasant to the taste aud is the | pracription of one of the oldest and best | fesale physiciuns and nurses in United Stes, Price twenty-five cents a bottle. | 84d by ll druggists throughout the world. Bi sure and ask for *' Mrs. WixsLow's SarriNg Syrur." Useless. { Yout money or your life," whisper | cl uw | 60, the robber honrsely, as he conftroit- eda pedestrain at midnight. {Take my life,' responded the | edes- | triin calmly, *I have no use for it, for I lave no money.' icine A Natural Suggestion. ' Have you heard that the municipal acthorities of this town ifitedd to build a gymnasium for ybung girls * 'Really t Well, in that case the step they should take would San ashen) fog ore Av's PiLps.--Impurities of | ne or OLLOW t! alwolutely neccesary that the fivids and salids of the hothan body. should be | kapt free from those fmpurities which | - continually getting admission to info the system by erroneous living, | unwholesome atmosphere or disordered | stomach. The only safe and certain way to expel all impurities is to take Holloway's Pills, which have the power of cleansing the blood from all noxious matters, and at thé same time | 1 removing any irregulafifies which | their pesence may bave already pro-| duged in any organ. Holloway's Pills | expel all humors which taint or im- poverish the blood, which they purify and invigorate and give general tone. They are applicable to all alike-- young or old, robust or delicate. -- The Major's Idea. Miss Longwaite: Do you think it possible, Major, for a man to love two women at once} Major Rohand : Well*Nardly so few a8 that ; hardly so few as that, i | Badinage vs. Bad in Age: | $The good die young,' renvarked the | funny man seriously, to the managing editor. +1 don't know about that," contend- od the editor. 'I notice that most of | the good jokes are old ones.' 'Just What He Désired. Y 4 Gotnix (sadly)--I saw a sign 5 the street that exactly described tie What was it 1 Cash girl wanted:" st Ohance for Poets | 8i Verse Poem on this g Device, 1 will pay $100 to second And $25 to third, in the devices, as statdd in wy circular. (Slang, chestauts and fish stories ruled out... : el Grave or gay; Welch. watery and witty ; booked, pointed; ve, it t, brief and a corker. "Lifa'in short." Give me something like the device,--new, original dnd catéhy. Time until June I, 1893. ©. OaLviN V. Graves, Natural Bridge, N. Y. . He Explained. Mrs. Stimson--Pret! ty cold weather, fan't it, 1 d LL sell much liquor" among those tribes no, yet, tere are two; English is dionocular | you should marry, Capt. @Sparks! If; you'd get a better half you'd have Letter quarters, too I' of the world, de you consider the most If disturbed it | desperate | ance, a small fee will be charged. were | to take it there! Traveler-- O, | They ware very little civilized as 'Sorry I've no Letter quarters to in: | vite you all tb, Mrs. Qiiiverfull £ Ab, | Hopeful Spinster-- What; &s a man form of gdmibling.--The Bacheltir-- Murtiagé: | Good hntiire is like good butter, it bear deep probing. Ménsidte a man by the size of the hole he is willing {8 ttawl out of when in difficulty. A lictle learning is a good deal like | « will pond; the shallower it is, the | greater splirge a man wakes in it, There is this cohidolation for the | fellow at the bottom of the ladder, be |she wis gone: cannot tumble far enough down to| hurt him, The size of & man's feet do not count | anything in his 'foot prints on the | sands of tite' ; it is the Yunlity of the | man's head. If all men wre equal in the sight of | God, some of them must think He is | not looking, when they swell up so in | the sight of their neighbors. | ret A Man Who Will Sucteed. 'Now, "if you will show me where be [the burglars get into your store,' $d |y mush have & [the detective, 'I will see if I can find| 0 0» some clew." 'I a minute' said the proprietor. Blood.--To ensure health it is|'T am working at something a httle more important than hunting for a | clew just now. Take a séat.' | Aud while the detective waited the | merchant wrote as follows af his desk : | The man who broke in Katzenhefter's store on th® night of the 15th carried away a silk hat, a pair of French and calfskin boots; a fur-trimed overcoat, a black broadcloth suit, and two suits of | silk underwear was a black-hearted villian and scoundrel, but a man whose judgment cannot be 'called in question. He knew where to go when he wanted the finest clothing the market affords. * Jucobis,' bé said to the bookkeeper, 'send a copy of this to &ll the papers in town, and tell "em I want it printed in big black type t&morrow. Now, Mr, Hawkshaw; I ati' at your service.' A World's Fair Statement. Ohicago, April 1.--The following ad- dress to the public has been issued by President Higinbotham of the World's Columbian exposition :-- "Because of many misrepresentations and misstatements relative to exposi- tion management and affairs being m circulation through the press and other wise; both in this country and abroad, and in reply to many letters of inquiry or complaint touching the same matters, it seems advisable that some official statement regafding theni shodld be made to the public. Therefore I re- spectfully ask that the widest publicity be given to the following facts : "(1) The exposition will be opened in readiness for visitors on May. 1. (2) An abundande of drinking water, at: ied to any great city in the world, will be provided free to all. The report that a charge would be made for drinking watér probably arose from the fuct that Hygeia water can also be had by those who desire it at one conf & glass. (3) Ample provision for seating will be niade without charge. (4) About 1,500 toilet rooms and closets will be situated at convenient points in the buildidgs and about the grodnds, and they will be absolutely free to the public. This is as large a fumber in ion to the estimated attendance as has ever been provided im any exposition. In addition to tligse there will also Le nearly an equal niinber of lavatories amd toilet rooms of a éoatly and handsome character, as exhibits, for the use of which a charge of five cents will be made. : (8) The admission fee of 50 cents will entitle the visitor to see and enfer all the exposition buildings, inspect the exhibits, and, in short, to sce every: t within the exposition grounds i the Esquimau village and the of the Coloradocliffs dwell- ings. these, «8 well 'as for the special attractions on Midway Plais- 6) Imposition or extortion of Eo any land the rest in thires's." | proper proportions.' u Hide "There's a dollar," she said ; 'give me four times ns many twos as ones | | '1 beg your pardoil;' he stammered. She repeated ber request. y Certainly,' he said, und began to Iny out the stamps, | He worked at it ten minutes with- | out success, she waited patiently the wenn while, 'He wasn't biisy with anyone else and she didn't seem to wind watching hith cilate, five s0 she gave him another minutes, Then a customer cathe in. *Just keep the dollar, she said sweetly, 'and I'll come around in the | morning and get the stamps in the He thought she was becoming war castic and turned to wait on the next | customer, but when he looked again for the girl of the mathematical turn That evening he visited the news paper offices for counsel and « Ivice, and the next day when she called he awore theré wasn't a three-cent dtamp iu the office, Now why did | thie clerk lie 1 lf i If a great lawyer is a legal light, is a great electrician an electric light! It appears to us that these. meeting between debtors and largely over dun, creditors are Snooper-- "I'd have you know ] come of a good family." Ricketts-- raveled a long dis nN - He--* What makes you think this is the wilk train? She-- Because it has stopped so often for water,' Dingle-- 'By George, I have just got out of « bad scrape I" Dangle-- Attack- ed Uy a hibodlum ¥ 'No, by a barber.' | ' You must have perseverance,' said the young physician's friend. 'No,' was the reply, 'what I want is patients.' SBhe--Maudet Ob, she's one of the friends of my youth. He--'I didn't] take her to be a8 old ns that. | { A neglected cold in the head leads to Oatarrh, perhaps to consumption and death. Why neglect with such a safe, speedy remedy as Nasal Balto at hand 1 D. Derbyshire, president of the Oreamery Association, says:--Nasal Balm beats the world for Catarrh and cold in hesd. In my own case it effectad reliof from the first application. All dealers or by mail, post paid, at 20¢ small and $1 large size bottle. Address G, T. Fulford & Co., Brosk ville, Ont. ' Gentlemen,' said the captured train robber, 'I wckfiowledge I am in the wrong, but I am not entirely to Liame. My father was a car porter.' Hicke--' What do you think? Will it bon match? Wicks--'It ought to be. He isa regular stick and she's all fire and brimstone. * Poor Jack ! he never could spell and it ruined him,' 'How! 'He wrote a verse to an beiross he was in love with, and he wrote boney for nny.' Customer --Those are nice looking eggs. Grocer -- (enthusisstioally) -- 'Yes, indeed they arg birde? And then he wondered why she didn't buy any. 'Poor Bill! he's housekeeping and he tells me he has an awful time with his cook.! 'Why doesn't he discharge her I' 'Can't, you see he married ber! Young man--'L wish your opinion, sir, as to wheeher your dudiiter would make me a good wife 1' Tawyer--'No' sir, She would uot. Five dollars; please.' ; * Was there any special bit 6f acting that struck you as particaldly fine Inst night ¥ 'Yes, it way the lady who wat in front of me taking off her hat.' ' Tom, she whispered, nesting on his shoulder, 'Have you found your ideal 'Well, if I baven't, was his guarded answer, I've found a mighty good substitute. * Where's your wife I' 'Gone hunt ing 'Isn't that ratber masculine sport I 'No, it iwn't sport at all. She has gone hunting for a house. i i Lif ii FIFTEEN i my ) we will Year, ye with our magnificent PrRSITERE rk She-- 'Do humorists ever make jokes at their own expense I' Huworist-- 'The first few thousand are at their own expense, after that they are paid for or give it up.' 'You say your dddghter pinys hy, ear! daid the minister. * Yes, replied the mother proudly, * Excuse mé-- but--er--is your daughter at all hard of hearing ¥' . An English surgeon bias discovered that rocking chairs make people denf and nearsighted. Any married wo- man Entiws th¥ is correct, for when her husband gets on his slippers and falls into the rocking chair he is deaf and naer sighted. He never sees that her pocket-book is empty, and her spirit- ed conversation about a spring bon might as well be uitered to the moBH A saloon-keeper in Bangor, Me, played a mean joke ou the authorities of his town: He filled a keg with water, The thinions of the prohibition law came aloiig, Seized (he Beg aiid ar rested the proprietor. Thi trial pro- ceeded until an expert drinker was called upon to test the liquor, when he declured that it was something entirely but it did not have sufficient 1asp to induce intoxica new in the liquid line, tion. "If un persov' is talented I can al ways tell it from her face.' 'So can 1! one glance kt Miss Sol« show that sle ucion's face would prints.' 'I'm going fo be a postman when I grow who had heen chided by his father for Whistling! "Then I can go around ringing front loor bélls and whikthing all I please.' np,' said Bob, The devil has no anxiety about the man who is mean to his wife. A Pawtucket wonian bad 'a vision that she was to die at a certain hour of a certain day. All the arragements were made for the funeral, and-- she didn't die. It isn't often w "cose like that gets into the papers, but we ati to give all the news; She--This punch bow! wan heir loom in my family. During the, the revolution my ancestor was hid with it in « cliininey while the British' searched the house for two days. He--Tt mst have been one of theif most valued possessions if they fool all toot trouble to recover it: Beaver (jocoesly)--1 wonder why. you hiird-headed Western men weer such s6Ft hats? Slotch--And I wonder why you soft-headed eastern fellows wear had hats. Exasperated Tenant--See here unt. less you put the place in souté sort of I'll dof stop bers decent condi i another month: : ; ; Typical Landlord -- Well, Tenant--The bath leake dbe it, and the cellar is deep. ] Landlord--Then_ why ecan's you bathe iti the cellar a Benefactor --Héw is your h this winter, iy dear woman 1 Poor Wouan--T am sor s Toakeouo woos : i RB cme Ta EE § au Sai

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