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North Ontario Observer (Port Perry), 18 May 1893, p. 2

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tractions or side shows varies from twenty- five to fifty cents each, and the reason for this extra chat that they are conceé: sions let by the of directors to private individuals, who furnish their own capital to ran them, Of eourse there is a charge i) the grounds for the use-of the boats, ro! lin chairs, ete., but the the general admission of fifuy cents gives you license to go where you will inside the gronnds and buildings, and to remain from eight in the morning 'man, Last winter I 'of lu grippe. I took and they cured we, We | up the amount of money 'expended in trying to bo cured | o resorting to Dr. William's Pink | and the figures reached $825. 1 y tell you my story aud wy ite corroborates every vor 3 say, in to vem i "the hope that any one who is ns un- jung EXO ; RR fortunate as have been may atta --. ey niidings us relief by employing the sate remcd¥.| gen at night, when myriad of electric Putt in The News, sole of my old | lights are endeavoring to turn darkness into fellow-workmen will see it and it may | day. benefit them as it has done me.' When The News representative 'drove up to Mr. Daluque's pretty Iittle farm house he beheld that gentle St ou m in, NORTH ONTARIO OBSERVER. H --. Bruce, son of our worthy townsuian, marked, for Lis noble and generous bearing, was loved by his schoolfellows and esteemed by his veachers. His advance he advanced with increased rapidity and in a comparatively short time came out on top a Gold Medalist. -- M. D. has been rapidly onward and upward towards the top of the pro: astening to the: Top of the, Professional Ladder. The extraordinary success of Dr. H. ewnrt Bruce, Esq. has been very Young Bruce as a pupil of r excellent schools here was noted ent was marked and rapid and hpv- g passed on from school to college is course since securing his degree it was worked. Special special privilege was obts people of the country have no more of it. to all classes and to every . | A Day With the Sunday School: ~The Bethel Sunday School Anniver ary services are to be held in the church, on Sunday and Wednesday, 91st and 24th May." We need'not re-| wind our readers, at least those who have attended the anniversaries of this school in the past that the entertain- wents got up by this school are always interesting and attractive. On Sunday sermons will be preached, at 10.30 a.m. and 6.30 p.m, by the Rev. W. Thornley, lof Greenbank. On Wednesday, 24th, the chair will be taken at 2 o'clock. The staff of speakers is complete and the children of the school are prepar- ing Recitations, &c., under the tuition their might and say that If i extend privileges to any result of this kind of leg that there was a moveme the people to exclude pro from membership in the classessshould be repre house, the legal And mi sions. among the rest, bu should show. the people th trying to build up any combines at the expense community and that it to put a stop to this sort of twelvemonth from the 1st of April, A Milking Record. Red Rose, a Dexter cow, seven yeats old, the property of Mr. Martin Sutton, a farmer of Reading, England, has just made record at the milking stool. She gained the first prize in her class nt the last Royal Agricultural show. She calved at the end of March last year, and since then, during the 1892, to the 1st of April, 1893, shel has given a supply of milk which has amounted in the uggregate to a weight of 4 tons, 9 owt, 3 qrs, 20 ibs, or, mensured in the usual way, 983 gallons. Red Rose is a small cow, as all her breed are, and herself weighs just 9 ewt., so that during the year she bas BOOKMAKER, Jr.--The ST. LEDGER, Jr.--The hropert, of , will y ote, We to Guoen's He : Fe Tor vant Saturday, to Saintfield, 1 nderian or 3 noon, then to his own stable by way of rank James and John inne, Soni wil at his own Stable, lot 28, con, 2, Brock. Saintfield. Mond stable roceed by way of ve to John Houldershaw's, ariposa, noon, then to Jenkins Britain, for night ; Tuesday, Cocl for noon, then to Maunder's Hotel, Lindsay, night ; Wednesday, to Molntyre's Hotel, Cambray, noon, then to Birmingham's Hotel, Woodville, for night; Thursday, to Sys. oung's, Po road, noon, then to Gumbridge, for night; Friday, to Dorryville, noon, then to his on stable ; Saturday, Hotel, Little kling's tained in a certain Mortgage, den will be produced at the time of sale, there will be offered ia gels. by Public Auction, At the St, Charles Hotel, URSUANT td the power of sale IX THE TOWN OF PORT PERRY, ON TUESDAY, MAY 30, 1893, afternoon, to Grednbaiik and Saintfield, then to his own stable. 1 SADDLE AND CARRIAGE, SUNSHINE--The property of 8 Graham, Port Perry. Monday, leave his own stable and to Jol Watson's; lot 23, con. 11,noon, then: to Broa otal, Seagrave, night; Tuesday, to Newton's Hotel, Saintfield, noon, then to Greenbank, for night'; Wednesday, to Manchester for noon, the: to Jumes: Coates, Rhirley, for night ; Thursd Purple Hill, noon, then to Holts Hotel, Blac! " for night ; Friday, to 8 T. Ferguson's, noon, then to Thos. Hope's, Scugog, for night ; Saturday, to Wii. Redman's, noon, then to his own stable. HACKNEY YOUNG SOUTHAMPTON ~ The property of 8. Graham, Port Perry. Monday, leave his own stable and ve for noon, then to Little Britain for night ; Tuesday, to for noon, produced more than ten times her own weight, Left a Fortune fo Her Afflanced. of Miss Scenes, which cannot fail in proving entertaining, Tea from 5 to 6. The Greenbank Orchestra will supply ap abundance of choice music. They wind up their runiversary by a Lecture to be delivered by Rev. Li W. Hill, B.A., subject "Six Thousand Mi'es by Land and Sea." Give them a large turnout at their services, they deserve it. (See posters). belief that they were in : seer eee al interests, They were nob 0 Gola, Day at Blackstock give special priveleges nckstock is preparing a geueros interested in the bi "WL of 4 tion of fessional ladder. And now he has re- ceived the highly important and lacra tive appointment of Surgeon on hoard that magnificent steamship " Empress of Indiw"' owned by the 0. P. R. Com- pany and plys between Vancouver und All conratulate the young PGRT PERRY, MAY 18, 1898. followin, 3. At Twelve o'clock, noon, the fi 8 Property t The northerly 61} acres, inore or less, of Lot No. 22, in the 9th Concession, and the south-helfof the east half of Lot No.20, in the. 10th Concession, containing by admeasure: ment 50 acres, be the same more or less, in the Township of Reach, more particularly described in said mort: gage, and known as Eas The John LambFarm, farm is in an. --{ Applause.) MORE OPPOSITION. Dr. Meacham and Me™ lowed in opposition to latter urging that the line - drawn before it was too Waters also opposed it. ] The attorney-general said$ various acts that bad been | that direction had been p man chopping wood, and' looking ® strong robust man. A year ago his * neighbors thought him a doomed man "--to-duy they consider bis cure as little short of thiraculous. The voice of the people when proper: Messrs, Wright & Co., old and reli- | ly directed is all powerful, an apt illus- blo druggists of this town, Rssuge us| tration of this fact is now being given | China, | ra l that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have av {5 Germany, The German Emperor wan on this additional proof of his enormous sale, which is an additional superior ability and well directed proof that that they are really what talent as & medical man: the manufacturers claim for them. wid Dr. Willfame' Pink Pills are a per: fect blood builder and nerve restorer, ch disease Vox Populi. Chicago, May 12.--Lewis 8. Perry, a Chicago lawyer, and Mrs. Outharine Ryder-Marrell, widow and daughter of the late Unitarian clergyman, Dr. Ryder, were to have been married in a fow weeks but she died last Saturday. Her will was opened today. It gives $100,000 to Mr. Perry, leaving the| then tothe Maunder House, Lindsay, } 3 ildren, a, De and his worshippers have made up their minds tolargelyadd to the burdens of the taxpayers of that country by large and costly additions to the Army. Every Th pian in the empire is -- More Combines Wanted. a = 1 d clot] g cou! ed sir w B quality may well be left in the hands of the several committees who have the matter in charge, The fol- Jowing is the program of games and sports. (See posters.) Laciossk. -- (Purse $15). --Port Perry va. Bowmanville, Foor BAx vs. Port Perry sg BALL --(Purse $10). --Blackstock vs. e London " 3 : | premises is a g d ge plentiful supply of water. "and | Te property will be first offered [for sale Ash- | in one lot whon, if not sold, each property will be offered for sale separately, Terms. --Ten per cent of the purchasé Toney to be paid in cash at the time of salé and the balance within 30 days; or at thé option of the purchaser, a proportion of thé purchase money ray remain of mortgage for 5 years with interest at 6 per cent. payable yearly. : For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to ~ New York, May 14.-- cable to The Sun says: The Board of Agriculture las refused to grant a | P icense of the slaughter of Canadian bum, noon, lisense of Whe o ight ; Satirday, to Seberts' Hotel, Brooklin, noon, cattle at the port of Aberdeen, but the then, byway of Afyrile, to his own Stable. lord provost of that city, who had af |SIR ROGER TICHBORNE-The property of A. : : : ; scoraof th Ballagh, Orono, Monday, leave his own stable and interview with the chief officers of the | STIR 607, Baker's Darlington, for noon, then to ed 1 A 5 le erstand . Doolittle's, pear Columbus, for night ; Tuesday, boned in Loudov, was led to underst to Win. Steel's, Reach, for noon, then to Whitney's that "the prospect was that possibly i within one mouth the present restric. tions on the Canadian cattle trade community genera ly. feature of the bill was the ment of a school of embalny this, be it remembered, could bes lished without any special Jagislati Under all circumstances he woul port the amendment of the hon. m ber. A After Mr. Whitney had epg practically in favor of the Lilly t measure was declared "lost on di a e point when even the undertakers are sneaking after them. Surely the life of combines must be drawing to close when the undertakers are gathering round, not as undertakers,if you please, but under the guise of embalmers.-- But the rose wouldn't work, the trick was too thin and the Patrons of In- dustry detected and exposed the fraud asked the Legislature not to Fi n fold ' but when the emperor seeks to puta second soldier on the toiler's back he ; after of la grippe, diseases © depending on humors in the Ulgod such as scrofula, chronic erysipelas, ete.-- Pink Pills give n healthy glow to paleand the toiling ones would do well if sallow complexions and are a specific |each one of them would throw off the for troubles peculiar to the female |goldier he already carries, and let the system, and. Au the case of men they | emperor and aristocracy themselves do effect a radical cure in all onses arising any fighting they may wish. "Let from wental worry, overwork, or ex-|those who make the quarrels be the is carrying the farce 'a little too far --(Purse $10).--Boomington Hotel, Port Perry, for night; Wednesday, to John Swoetiian's, Scugog, noon, then to Geo. Crozier's, Sougog, for night; Thursday, to Chas. Martin's, Ciesaren, noon, then to Holts Hotel, Blackstock, and cessos of any nature, only ones to ficht." The German [sanction it. 1t may be ones misfor- | '!%%%C Mr. Bishop" ond mert 9 100 Yard Race--1st $2, 2nd $1. | id Le Fi I altogether." Tor wight. Friday, to Moyer's Hotel, Tyrone, noon, These Pills are manufactured by | Emperor through his representative | tune to be harassed Ly combines No r. Bishop's amendmen Les Suck Race--Ist $1.25, 2ud 750. Three. | Would be removed & together. then to Orono, for night Saturday, to T.'J. Bal BRUCE, BURTON & BRUCE, the Dr. Williams® Medicine Company, | placed. before the parliament of that |through 1 fe but fir pity sake don't withdrawn. Legged Hace 3st § The Obstrne oe g ELLAND As Vendors' Solicitors, ee EO Boe Ba ot Ror] Washington Letter. ST. HUBERT--The property of Donald Carmichael, Canada Life Chambers, Hainilton, deliver the dead to a pitiless combine, The bill was scornfully rejected by the of Brockville, Ont, and Schenectady, | country a bill demanding a great in Ist 750, 2nd 50c, 3rd 250, Girls' Race--1st Gone Monday, leave bia own stable, lot 18, con. | Dated 28th April, 18 75¢, 2nd 50c, 3rd Boot Race, for boys {From Our Regular Correspondent.) 14, each, and proceed to_G, Webber's, Valentia, Shipment of Fat Cattle s N.Y., and are sold only in boxes|crease in the strength and cost of the : ) Val ap bearing the firms trade mark (printed | German army. The people's represen- legislature as shown by the following Tl 4 is S tact » muder 15--1st 75¢, 2nd 50c¢, 3rd 25¢. i ; : ? for noun thet to Jenks Hotel Lists Brin, for mE in red ink) and wrapper, at BO cents | tatives wisoly refused to sanction this | report of the proceedings. hursday anc SN AS wie fa Birra The Oupital of the Nation is again | noon, then to" Goniis Hotel, Lindsay, for niht : I t I . ng r 3 ¢ . ), ~rR ITRDRRT RE were two more delivery days in p chi aC ? abrir 3 s Cant Wednesday, to Cawbray for noon, then to Queen's - TT 1 vox, or six boxes for §2.50. Bear in | gruel increase of the toiler's burdens THE UNDERTAKERS' BILL. Dr tr Tincde 3 no rat Doms Professor Archibald M Mechrn of at W ashington, that is if the Onpital | educa, bo oo amavie or 0 . Al mind that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills | und voted against the bill. © This so en- Dr. McMahon in moving the second | Ley, the purc EO ; I SerSs i Dalhousie College, Hallfax, N. 8, |is peripatetic, and can bie carried about for non then to' Point Miya for night : Frid to . g A § y alt oo ills AS . ; . . : . . we g , selor and Mr, Elliott arom How > " lie President 1 3 a ep yerryville for noon, then fo {Brock House, Sunder- ¥ are never sold in bulk, or by the | raged the emperor that he at once dis- | reading of his bill respecting embalm- gard & Wheelgr antl i i A ho stall Fullow and F h. D. of Johns Hopkins | by the President iu lis tronsers pocket. | ang tor night ; Saturday, to Saiutfleld for noon, | yHR undersigned keeps for service at his 4 dozen or hundred, and any dealer who | solved the Reichstag or Parliament and | ing, weil it was a harmless but desir- | this and were delivered at the SLXSEHE University, Baltimore, is visitiug bis | This used to be the theory of the Re-| then tohis own stable. a fersigne] foots fu a offers substitutes in this form is trying [sent the representatives home. The able measure. It would be in the in-| here on these days. T erg wh : li 28 pareuts end the family this week at | publicans in the days of Grant, when I a Swi Shortshorh bull--adjudged by compet: nf : : | time i y FET! ced d * » Por ~ . LR : N--The property of J Fylie, Bowman: | : to defraud you and should be avoided. | representatives who voted against the | terest of the undertakers and of thé | time in town, farmers tod i 8 : (he Old Manse," Port Perry. | 'wo heard of the Summer Cupital at Monday, leave his own stable, Utica, avd {indges, one of the best anywhere to be The public are also cautioned against | bill are the best friends both of the | public, too. Objection might be taken | and contended, prices wera highly satis Srp Long Branch; and both at Cape May EL Bosnia To i| found. Service, Bis NCGULLOCH all other so-called blood builders and | empire and the people and deserve to | to it because it might be considered as { factory and large roll of ils els er Owing to the denth of Bro. Geo, | point, when Mr. Harrison was in office, dn dan to Pofferlaw for night ; Fh S to Prince Albert, May 10, 1893. eo : 3 i g ¢ ils | © "he rice the e a A Yorvice = ie entire Oabi § i Fi 1 Sunderland, for noon and Saintfield J s ' he nerve tonics, no matter what name | be honored by all lovers of freedom and | coming within that catagory of bills |ed away, The Lh Wi L d Pound, the Anoual Service of Sons of | The entire Oabinet is with us ag 1) Right; to. besktave for noon, and Or > $d may be given them They are all im- | good government. If fepresentatives creating trusts and combines, and | brought in would reach a very BaBER gland Beney olent Society to be held | and no longer does the anxious ofiice- fontal Hotel, Port Perry, for nigh Saturday, Mai: . a ; s fioure- The cattle shi 3 : : | > | chester for noon, and then home C1 ttations whose makers hope to reap a |are to be the tools of tyrauts and vote | because the Patrons of Industry are [Some figure" The onttle shipped Onli the Methodist Church, on Sunda; | seeker have to paraphrase the senti- eBlar Jo Tr ep U ION SALE He did not think these Saturday were.as fing cattle 4s Sever May 21st at 7 p.m. will partake of the | merit of tlie late Senator Sumon D--The property of Messrs. Allin, --OF-- "x LINEWOOD LA Burns, Leask leave his ¢ 11, Reaen, and § opposed to it. objections were . : ' . | . x nature of a Memorial Service. | Cameron who, coming here once during T. J. WipDEN, | General Grant's second term, found | according to their dictation such repre- pecuniary advantage from the wonder- sentatives would be a curse to ary ful reputation achieved by Dr. Wil- k and Watson, Greenbank, Monday, 1 stable af Mr. Jas. Leask's, lot 17, con. i fo the Oriental Hotel, Po well founded. y For | passed over the line, left Port Pity on this occasion ; they were high Valuable Property 1° iams' Pink Pills. Ask your dealer | people. When another reichstag shall | some time past there had been a school . 3 ; : ; ork i NE ue Pink Pile for Pale oy been electedhthe everlasting army | of Eros in Toronto, and the creditable to the liberal buyers, cieit Secretary. | Pr le nt and Onbinet all awny. Berets Jor night SOIT) a Eo poet N THE TOWN OF PORT PERRY People and refuse all imitations and | Bill will be presented to them and if object of the bill was to give ita legal ails: to.the county = Ld arly mr 3 is a h--of a time, said. the exas- Uxbridge, { th Thureds g) fo Greenbank fof I s gubstitutes, they vote against it they too wil! be status. The bill referred to those whe [ereditable to the successful feederss § ih Auction Rades, one | porated Oameron. And so it was. Hay turday, to lis own stable. HERE will be sold ob SATURDAY, ¥ Dr. Williamg' Pink Pills may be { sent home, the tyrant says he will have {were now engaged in the business of | NUMBER OF WEIGHT Bin De Se I ee ia Now that they are all back I, hear| AN JTIO! Mr. John Adam, MAY 20H, 1808, at Two o'clock in the had of all druggists or direct by mail| the bill passed in any event Fven | embalming without doing any harm R. Walker. mitt, merehant tailor, Blackstock, vo sell all} wuch talk of reforms to be inaugurat- | forgo, ; he Beason of h afternoon; from the Dr. Williams' Medicine | emperors may blunder, suppose the em. | to any person who might be engaged | Jas. McCulloch. . . his household furniture, &c. at his residence ed in all the Departments. It is re MoUAMO ~ The property of 8 At Sehert's Hotel Port Perry. Company from either addre The | peror should decide to rule without the in the business hereafter, or who | Wel Sommerville on Monday, May 25, gr Gromit being ported upon good authority that Mr. atoms, Tot 9, on W 1 J) price at which these pills are sold | people and the people should decide to | might decline = to register "under Geo, Franklin... re Se palo yp he: 80id: Clevel wnd's policy of Laissez Aller in 1, now 1 sausrave, for | Village Lot number 119, on the west side | The Dili did not in any | Robt. Town Wa . 2 poslere. | bis first term, is to be changed 'at once. Berta Tor eG Man | of Cochrane Street in the said Village of en ake: » of treatment compar- its provisions. et ) BE hirley, for | Port Perry; containing one quarter of an acie ng Mr. In the States where elections are to be { | ignore the emperor how long w ould the . s y 3) whe reler ho Dusinassiof the lor jeo, Lee... Posters have been issued authorizin chester for nc 100 hl atively inexpensive as compared with | struggle last, and where would it end 1| way refer to t se Husiness o : he under : Willcox to sell by auction on lot 9, con. 12, held tiie fall alk the BR bli ¢ night : Thursday, to Purple Hill for noén, then to | of land more or less, upou which are erected i . adic of 3 The car i an iberty 5 ake 3 nce # id - SoU C0; : - (I'riday) 18 NE > eld 1s fa a ie Hepublicanus in Hlolt's Hotel, Hl took, for night ; Friday, to 8. T, : other remedies or medical treatment. The car of enlightened liberty has ad- | taker, but to the science of embalm Sougog, to-morrow (Friday) 18th fust., the 1€ s , , for night ; : £ y : A Pp hattols , a off X a gifte Ferguson's, noon, then to Thos Ho og, for m Dwellin -- vanced too far to have its progress now |ing. 020° Goods and Chattels of Mr. Geo. Dowson, | post-offices will be sifted out, no matter | Je en, Redman, noon, then 0 A Good Fra ©. s x herses, tw i abot 20x22 feet with addition about 16x20. The fist eutbrs 8 | pres) e head of | what their grade is, Mr. Cleveland is cattle, farm machines, imp eme. ts, graiu, Veaid to regard one thing as a very es: &e. besides 131 acres of growing crops. | y n i 3 | sentin] truth-- that the best way to} Tt will be seen by the advertisemen | } / conserve an encourage the Democratic itt another column, that Mr. Johu s : 13 mnothe unin, th ! Joh party is not to entrast the execution reversed as the will ot any despot or combination of despots. Let the brave German freemen stand by the toilers regardless of official threats and victory JAADDO chester, will sion House, © MANILLA BOY Gordon, Phiedale. gable, fot 16, con. 4, Brock, and proceed to Cress. Th 1 i Property of H. Janb, Jun The premises is planted with ovnamentdl brid a. Prosent, SSmon and fruit trees. ; The property of Robert and J. L. This property is convenient to school and Monday, will Jevve his own | churches andis ocenpied at present by Mr. L. Savage. Mr. Bishop said the Patrons of To- dustry knew perfectly well that the house would never pass such a bill as Thos. Dewey Chas. Rose Wes, Penhall. Jos. Stone Our Chicago Letter. MR. BISHOP OBJE 8. Nor Bum oRLD'S FA ¥. D. Bovce's CORRESP ADMINIETRATION BUILDIX f Grouxps, MAY 10th, 1898. J % te Me Paivots Yosk : 111 | Jos. Stone..... h shall crown their efforts. this. The Patrons looked on this bill es : a6 i is Selici r : ) \ ¢ 3 oceed ¥ R Up to the present time the World's ule + Freedoom's battle once begun as providing for one of the biggest 2. Houldershaw Luks TRI RT of its policy to its enemies. Ha is ex- asda to i: rainy hon Cha La FL of or Da : bias heen comparatively a failure, and there | Though passed from bleeding sire to son | comb i this | plex La oH TRO Du rit ri eR aap dor ghia sdpprdaindit so ENT PSE Tafinoe terms will be made known gone out that so much remains to be finish [Out of the book of the Belgian sons of | : every | Jus Reanic .. 2 tard 290th i neberts Hotel OUT is fall, wherever they hinve a chance, | Kidre Tort hts Tra ie hobute | AL the male, Vit ed that those whose time aud money arc an | toil, they demanded what they had a other class of the community have sim- | 5. "pio (bull) 1 9 Saturday 20th inst., ab twoo'elook. "J oll tC iat the Demooratio| ore man to lis ows sie For furfher particulars, apply to John object with them will delay their "coming | perfeot right to universal suffrage; the ||) lation! Who was asking for | Jas. Leask... .. us 8 EZ An important Mortgage Sule | naey shill be defented if § § of Donald, Carmichael, | Mick, or £0 until some of the promises made early in the | = 3) this bill # Had there been a single : te Tr EE hy auction, is advertised in our adver. party shall be defeated if it can be pre. T4, anid prod 0 * ey bond JOHN BILLINGS) The weight of Mr, Jas. Leask's : Ah ol th Prankers i HANI, ROOT Solicitor for Vendor: spring, that everyching would be complete May 1, are liable to be fulfilled. & one strolls through the different build- ings, notably that of the Manufacturers and Liberal Arts, and sees that many packing cases in all shapes and sizes, the thonght naturally arises, *'what is donc with them ? are they destroyed?' No. In many in stances they have cost much time and money some have been made s ally to order, a number in foreign lands. Come with we to the south end of Jackson Park, and there ou will see several large temporary storage houses, ull divided into compartments, and where at the rate of 4} cents per cubic foot these outside coverin re stored during government refused to grant it and the toilers very properly, apply the screws | by ceasing to labor for the support of iuler who withhold from them their | right as freemen, Their mode of war- | fare was successful, the rulers were | forced to yield, the toilers secured their | rights and returned quietly to, work. | Let the German toilers to a man, | follow the example of their Belgian | brethren, let them return opponents | to the army bill. = In the Reichstag or | parliament just dissolved the Lill was petition presented in favor of the bill, or a single demand for it from the people or press of the country? No it was just a few undertakers, and he doubted very much if the undertakers of the country really wanted it.. The country had got its eyes open to that kind of legislation, and it must come toan end. (Here, here). The bill was so drawn that after the council of fine provided for were appoiutel by the lieutenant-governor ip council it would be a difficult thing to put it out animals is not given owing to the fact they were sold en block, they wope beauties, thirteen very fine animals for which he obtained a handsome figure; Mr. Jas. Rennie of Broek delivered six --a bull weighing 2660 1bs bringing $146.30; 2 two-year-olds which weigh- | ed 2890 lbs, § 55 and 3 three-year | olds averaging 1300 lbs for which he | obtained § 14,50--in all $619.35 they | were all prime animals, and Mr. Rennie received more for his six animals than tising columrs of this issue, that fine property known as the "John amb Farm", in the Oth and 10th cons, Reach, will be sold and parties wiil do well to rend the advertisement. The sale takes place on Tuesday, May 30th, at the St. Charles Hotel, Port Perry. Mr. Willcox is auctioneer, Make a note of it. Prince Albert. Our contented and bappy, villnge vented by party work. The cleaning- out will be done with great thorough= ness and regard to political esigenciee, and, so far as the offices go, one stone of the Republican political temple will not be left standing up on another, Those who should know say. that in Ohio the Brice inflgence, and in Pen- nsylvania that of Mr. Hamity will be paramount. New York will be taraed over. to the fostering cere of Mr. Secre' tary Lamount, under the advice of the President biwself. "The winter of our discontent" 1 to Brunker's a, noon, then to ednesday, ofel, ¥, to Derryville, noon, underland, for night : ble. ty of Donald Carmichael, wn stable, Dunbar House, Statiol incon, th his own stable. One Shot Killed Both. ight : Tues: | poy Perry, May 10; 1898. | 3 Entrance Examination! HE Annual High School Entrance Ex- amination will be held at 5 OT TORRY AND CANNINGTON On the 28th, 20th & 30th June; Beginning each day, at 8.45 a.m, ibe castinssnes of the I xposition, and so | Tt jected y a majority of 48 vote By let| f office, Its will was absolute, and | *"Y other party did for an equal| which is admitted, by all who know 2 Hs 4 at{ Warren, Mass, May 11.--Warrin| Writing and Drawing books must be po! ect is ie system ot rage, that any | the majority against the bill be increas- He whit. was jaw; 'He: ofpos d Rr | vumber, {avything of it, to be one of the most last is at an end, "Finals" bas been |G. Butterworth. nged 70. a well tot o handed to the presiding examiver on. the ox or crate can be found iv a few moments. | ed and if the reichstag be again dissolv- || 5% asjuw, 2 opposed the | . : : ratte April Ly |. ye a : | morning of the 28tb. Just to the north of mavufacturers build- | : chstag be again dissolv- |i" BEC Mo iue it created one of| On Saturday next; 20th inst, | be otitel and bealthfal villages any-| %ritten upon the month of April Ly fwewber of au old family, while sufftr: Cs who ited to-terite: at Can ) dldatel V i V A - | ed let the toiling ones cease to labor fng, as if to warn us that we could not get along without his help, stands the structure {for the support of rulers who deny The sons of toil should crocted hy "Uncle Saw" "Tis said by some that taken in its entirety, it is one of the | them justice. very worst combives that could be devised. The bill nonsense, was the Leight of {| where to be found, is still pressing another shipment of fat eattle will | forward, the well directed: hand of in- leave our station, and itis expected He moved the six wonths' Mr. Savage of Scugog will deliver Lis | dustry is every where visible and peace the shriveled old finger of Time. April, { that once was such a lovely maiden, all smiles und tears, has been metamorp Liosed this year into a regular witch of ing from insanity, killed himself and his daughter Emma, aged 23, to-day. The daughter wus trying to prevent ington, with: please notify J. MoBriexs, Ksq., Prince Albert; others will notify the Principal "of the Port Perry High School. Le too intelligent to have re sé 3 a . : + best, if not the best exhibit within the tl ove 0 gt 3 gre 4: Sar se hoist. mammoth ox to the buyers here on that and plenty crown the ¢fiorts of the oe hi* 1 : him - from carrying out his declared | "oT grounds, Only a hasty visit was made here- | he y on Li pone he; i an CLASS LEGISLATION. day. It is stated on good auihouty people. Real estate is increasing in the; antiqlia. order. Bus «now the purpose to take his own life, when he } ; im, but we must briefly mention the showing | the sword which prove disastrous to all Mr. Balfour said. that if the mem~ that this is the largest animiul of thi value and sales are touching bigher flowers are gaily flaunting their . bril- placed the nivzzle of a short rifle in his of the postoffice department. It is highly | concerned. Let the Belgians bLlood- : . [Novine ki rons : SECS TRERE | foures, the Dr sity he | Mant corollus under the stern eye of ; ER Stora ti ae 4 zhly | ] "eR bers of the house went. out to the | bovine kind ever in this locality ; itig | UgUres, the Drown property on the as : mouth and pulled. the trigger, The i uteresting and instructive, as it portrays | Jess victory Le an object lesson to the | 3 p 5 oh a ¢ ) northern -boundey of the. village. has the Nation's Capital; and are every day | slapd OF the workings of the postoffice, displayiig | gong of toil for all time, let the toilers'| meetings of the farmers throughout expected he Bi tip the bennrut meats). y io village 3 | wing brighter, © That ellous bullet wet: through the. roof of his pip, i d P the improvements in the service from its| = ' eri the country they would hear expres-|'Y one-and-a-half ton, just been sold and taken possession of. & $3 ail at marvellous |, guih and risht temple and entered Primary, "Junior Leaving, a ast earliest stages to its present state of seeming | weapon be a stoppage of the supplies. 3 -- -- et Mr. Field, who recently purchased the enchantment of Natore, full of subtle] gq, 1g eye of his duughter, penetrat- Hetriculation sions similar to those uttered by Mr. Poet Laureate. vagueness and tender greenness,--the perfection. Here can be seen a real ive | ------ a, . % Solle 'tv: Rere. has . % i 3 . y : pA postoffice and postal car, with all its ramifi- | H Rul Jishop. They heard a great deal : i gi property here, Jas Purchased for early spring, 1s nowhere so apparent as ing Wee brain. She died within an| will be held on the JULY 41a and fal: gations in full operation. | ome .Lule. about the salt combine, the binder i R A 43 #Eming purposes, f fine threg:nere in Washi gton Phere is" hnrdl hour. lowing days, commencing at 8458. m., | "The terminal facilities os used by the | = twine combine, and other combines It is said that the position of poet plot within 'the cosporntion of Port |! Ashitigron, re as hardly wl yh keonville, May 12. -- Celonel y a | different lives of railroads centering at the When England, Ireland, Scotland | created Ly the Dominion parlinment laureate has Leen offered to Mr. Rusk: | Perry. The Messrs. Balfour who re- place IR America that £20 rival the Louis J. Brumby, aged 21, editor of Rud the Senior Leaving and Honor Fait, would seem te lease Bothing to bede- | and Wales are all run on the Howe hut naw the people of the countr ' lin, and, according to Dr. McConnell, side here but occupy a stall in the Oupital in beauty in the APringtinie. | he Marvin Free Pres s, and Colonel Matriculation \ sired. Arrangements have been made, 80 Ryle principle the Imperial machiner ire turn i jon 7 J. I. Hughes, Publje School Inspector, | Port Perry Market buildings have sold The grounds about the public buildings | pions Hani 145, editor of LY i : that passengers from a distance can be land- | y Y | were turning their attention to this 1 : . * I \f th : s 8 ra tarrounded. by fing old trees: t} womas Hanis, aged 45, editor of the | on JULY 131m and following days, com: od divectly at the Fair, without the neces | will have to he vastly simplified and | house, There was a growing feeling oronto, is arrogating to hsmself tl 6 {out their entire business to Messrs, iy ink ees; the | New Oapital, of Ocala, are at outs, and | mencing at 1.30 p, m. Y ee i This ill | ; : ¢ y : B! 8 8 f laugh for the 3 arks "are gay with many-colored : £ ! sity of coming into the city frst. This will | very much diminished, a few Commis- | wit respect to the legal members of position of poet laughat for the ity | Cawker & Son, Port Perry. The Bal- | P ? By gy y-colored | 4 dyel is in prospect, a challenge having Candidates should notify the County In- of doubt bec very lar with th i i ; | esp ad YY y flowers; while fountains and st F prosp = 2 5 no doubt become very popular with those | siouers at the centre will be all that is | (he honse that | cig bel Tz of Toronto. This is how the "Dr. fours sre well known and much re 7 e fountains and statuary, | yo. gentiand accepted spector not later than the 20th. May of their ' wliecome on excursions, with the intention | : he lions that 'aw was Lemng maa 80 ; its x : . here and there, add the touch tk pied. i i i of only spending the oy at the Fair, Thi | DtCosary to regulate the machine. Of expensive that men would rather phrases it : % spected throughout this whole "section el . a h i oH he Songh ¥ at &p- i 5 intention to present themselves for examina- i railroad station erected for the reception of | COUTSE there will be Jess glitter about | submit to impositions than take the "Qur advice to you is: Attend to of country, and they have carried on pals 10 helen tured ye Washing: tdita Moxraeat, May 12,1863. Hot, Mc¢BRIEN, Ci Ir i i i i P! 5 : ; ; ; ton is set round with emerald hills and] Mr. Editar,--To promot: d JAS. McBRIEN, County Inspector. visitors is large and commodious, with a de- | the thing but there will bie vastly more | ghances of a law suit. your duty, spend less time in compl the butchering business in a fair and | 7 e b ag mils an al i rt Riou te and 5 Jutgor ne x : partment of information in charge of com- | justice and common sense. Mr eT : ing doggeral ditties--which you honorable manner, giving full satisfac- girded in with a ribbon of shimwering | Fie BEES B20 EEE0R 0 pond tl i ve \ petent railroad meu, where it has been said Mr. Conmee--The newspapers dre IN& COR 1ties ich You g > E water, made by the Potomac and An- intperted Jatge. quantities of Havana To. that up to date, no one has failed to rEORive -- not afraid of that. poems, and in your modesty tion as well to those from whom they es ho 4 ph ¢ b A bacco Seed which I will give away to any #3 § a correct answer to his question in respect Let Them Form a Ring. Mr. Balfour--No. Anybody can | the children to sing--and mo bought cattle as to those to whom a A £ th TS ng. together on each) one who wishes to. grow it. Same imay be a 5S to the movements of trains, rates; distunce, = bitch & messmaner. It is free toall | in cultivating' a' spirit of they sold the. meat. Their, mums|5de. of the tongue of the reclaimed | had either by calling or writing for it to OTICE is hereby given that the first | &e. In fact these men are walking encly- 3 P PARE. | Lk 18 ire A Sed i customers would fain have them flats. To the average 'eitizen of this Creme DELa Crime Ci6ar Factory, meeting of the Cours of Resision to in their department. Toronto milk dealers, Waterers | andethere are ne restrictions. Con-| ana € lucation you 80 niuch Cr i hy great country, the Oity of Magnificent + = J. M. FORTIER, revise the Assessment for the - { Ro . and all, iu a moment of weakness, | tinuing, he said that the people felt which is so essntial to the. un Lut the best wishes of all go | ' 8 149 tM rico St.; Moatioal. a many interesting and old- ~ Vander! There are ve! lsonght the assistance of the Ontario , ure to give them a chance n a milk ring and they went very slily about it. In their gushing gen- erosity they asked the legislature to pass an Act empowering cities to exact a license of $20 on every milk dealer within the corporation. Generous that they bad been oppressed by the they felt the Law Society was one of the greatest combines. Priveleges had not only been given to the Law Society but to the medical men of the country. They had not been satisfied with what them for their fa ture success and "8 Distances, named after Virginia's hero, "jg a thing of beauty and joy forever." spector employs his time; but th vince, if not the Dominion, h fect right to forbid Mr. Hughes a other man, from cramming the ¢ with awkward, doggerel plants, shrabs;and tr demand, and the active vil- are trying to wake up for the spring ; early morning finds n in their gardens and it is with ctance they leave them 'with the t! ceive no office-seckers at the White House has been issued. The text of the executive order says, "A due re- gard for public duty and an observance of the limitations placed upon human the Wall Paper you i liquid froit laxative, Syrup of Figs, under all conditions make it their favorite remedy, Tt is pleasing to the safety with which ladies niay use the : Township of Re: 3 g 302 at Two o'clock pain., of which ail ee a aie avy govern themselves aceorlunly, : WM. S2EN / time relics in building, such as ol H : eat 4 Ss "ed TE DEEL our ey Bn" mony ot nd ome ak hed mor st, ben, 0 xl nO ref shen row 0A 016, 0 Ringoes it ; ¢ i a of ry. is to Mi h 4 ' : i 3 Te A 1 os ig en the rom ES «| the provincial treasury ; but the farce | more stringently against ia Fonsoro: ple have kd by the weping Ro ese Pluvia, as ae ne Al Persona) fur 2Rstan an aping onthe kiduye liver Manconter Me Bo =. Mey 5, Toe. -- : i tness" ou the W. &A. in, i i i of i : i i s were on Tuesday last, there w E 8 iy ; late unj ness" ou the was too thin, it was easily detested | who did not belong to their organiza- | sense to allow their children for it. all od os Lat Sg to office, except as I, on my own motion, COURT OF REVISION. A ne Atlanta, (ia., and Chat- that this was a glaring instance of the throw a sprat to catch a whale gener osity. The legislature could not be caught with such chaff and one of the consumers may thank their stars.-- tions. were rebelling. had a bill The people of the country his was one of the reasons that the Patrons of Industry excluded professional wen from mem- before the house to enact | patent medicines, 'This was the way J ¥ any such twaddla, --pte i. Patrons of Industry.-- F. Weir, of Prince Albert, the w that "the executive committee 19th inst. make the harvest pay. ef et. ish Literature in Class, Public may especially invite them, = Ap- plicants for office will only prejudice their prospects by remnining at Wash- ingron to await results. The very who hews to his own pre-determined EE ------ First Prize Coach Horse | Sir Roger Tichborne | : 87 Sf 3 f 1808, health and 'weuther permitting, ean! RRR T by all who see them. ree nd Levis, see oirds, NOE is hereby given that the first meeting of the Court of Revison to revise the Assessment Roll of the k. May Who would pay the §20 1 the consum- | that nobody who did not belong to | county have decided to-welcor 731: y } ! Mgnday, May 1st, will leave Dr. Dickey's "| ers, of course, but that is not all, milk | their association should call Niself grand officers in June by holdi 4] Sines BD ay. YS Si es Tol ba 841.80 pm. of which all persons interested vid, | denlers with only one or two cows, and [an architect even. The undertakers | grand picnics, one at Uxbndge if the issuance on ier anorder Taioolitew, ear Colimbue; nighl, "7" | are required to take notice and govern them =! | who do not draw on the resources of asked to be allowed to call themselves 2nd, and the other at Whitby "06 fhe way. that is with allel i re Hh atar rt Bare wert, | selves socordingly. the pump to increase the yield, could | "registered embalmers," but next ses- Totlowing day. Ontario Pat - 66] 4) AY hi is without a parallel in ednesday, John Wweetman's, lot, 5 Gon. 10, not afford to pay n license fee of $20 a |sion they would come to the house and | endeavor to make these gatheri Sesl amr ian, as familiar to the} i nie Stoners, S90 of fo Jeas and would have to give up the ask that nobody be allowed to call successful and with fine weath 3 oe Des De bind i pressure hoger Te pln Carnes, hoon: ; Bie siness, then the more aristocratic | himself an embalmer who does not he- | crowds are anticipated. Brass L590 in orl an politi Any inh robe Fryar, Moy's Hotel, Tyrone, oon POCKET BOOK LOST. . dealers would have the husiness to Jong to their combine, As an instance will enliven each picnic,» togeth B81 will never ba eh ~ But grind turday, T. Y, Ballagh's, Starkville, noon; 3 amr Lad themselves when they could form a of the way in which special conces. | local speakers. A vare treat is L551 aD he Fi One NER, hing to seonro thy | J OST on the evening of Saturday dod d t h J 2 i \ 54 | of the office-seeker at the White House, | gf lo seclire the in Port Perry, ot on the road be- ring and charge the consumers ring sions are got he cited the pharmacy | forall interested in the order." a a Mr Gtevalanatiis converued Sree Rest Conch Jorie traveling in this dis- Ton cen nash a Pockoy . If consumers had the will|bill, which when introduced was sid -- 58 fias ow Prssid and a Sunact of their re GR Thos Ls Book containing §% in bills, and a Due Bill Iready have the power to break | (0 be unobjectionable and which after EZ The last meeting of the 521 }i0pes was somewhat inglorious. "RoqER TICKBRNE'S stock 1s his best | 0% Eb ny faivehy Mostrs 3 Row ry combine in the country, and passin irough a committee of the | of the Literary Society of tl 2 Ai : : fobs recommendation. is colis are i» mney 8 is he 5 er wi esviiably rewisi: ; time is not far distant when rings | house would practically prohibit a! Perry High School will be | : i : eo Ty Som each, bu hee i ; a Je b 5 $he 0 ; ombines ) large number of people from selling | town hall, on the evening t they are beaufies es aL members told the milk men that the | bership in their organization. The and indefatigable - Secretary um value 1 : i + x thin edge of a milk combine was stick-| architects had come to the house and Uounty of Ontario Ass'n of Pu Campbell . 18 imiqeness oF this ofiete) - The Froperty of Township of Scugog, ing through the $20 license, 80 the{asked permission to call themselves | Industry announces in the Ross : Is qmd nimes and ay. a fegnrd A. BALLAGH. ORONO. ONT for the year 1893, will sit in te Town Hall, 5 regi 3 5 ¢ . 4 a . 43 X dodge wouldn't work and the wilk | "registered architects". = Now they Canada Farmers' Sun" of the 16t| 74 | the man in the White House as one | Will make the sean. of 1608, SCUGOG! on Suara, Hay Th 808,

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