of women, and of ke IT undersiohed having Col SUCCESSOR To DR. IAMILL, ' D,, Muster of Surgery. Victoria Uni- . versity; Licentiate of Royal College Physians, London, 2. Metiiber of Col- lege of Physicians & Surgeons, Ontario. -- Late atteitdant of Soho Hospital for Diseases Great ond Hospital _ for Diseases of Children, London, Eng. Physician; Sutgeon, &c., Office hours--8 to 10 a. m., 1 to 4 p. m., and evenings. Office and residence, Dr. Hamill's old ktand, § * " Queen St, - - Port Perry. ma JOHN BILLINGS, Solicitor, Notary Public, Conveyancer, &c. olicitor or the Outario Bank. #2 Office over the tario , Port Perry. Jan. 20, 1887. x E. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Count . Crown Attorney, Barrister, County Sol- citor, &c:, Notary Public and Conveyancer, Jffice--South wing Court House, Whithy, nt. ¥ re a A laid itb aay opt YOUNG SMITH, L L. B., Barrister, Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor in Chancery and Insolvency, Notars Paik &e Office --McMian's k, Brock Street, Whitby. > "J. A. MURRAY, DENTIST, now putting in Upper and Lower Sets of Teeth at from $4 T0 $75 EACH SET. Having just purchased the largest stock of testh ever brought into North Ontatio Tam atisfied I oan sift you both as to quaMty price. me and see. Rooms in the g Block, over Messrs, Forman & Son's Perry, Oct, 28, 1891. : HIB Veterinary Surgeon. leted his full Course at the Provincial Veterinary lege and obtained a Diploma as Veterin- AFy Surgeon, would aunotince that he has opened an office for the praetice of his pro- essionat Port Perry, wliereall callspersonal yf letter or telegram, by day or by nigh will be promptly attended to. All diseases of animals treated in the « latest and best known system 4 Telephone connection--free of charge. ORR GRAHAM. Port Perry, April 8, 1884. Bl £8) : G L RUBSON.V.S. RADUATE Ontario Veterinary Col- lege, Toronto, Office and residence EveroreeN CorTaGE, two miles south of Manohester. 14 years practice. Tole. phone in the house--free communication with Port Perry, Manchester, and elevator. Telegraph calls to Manchester will be for- warded by tslephone. All Veterinary Wndiciies in stock, vergreen Cottage, Jan. 2, Tos } North Ontario Observer. A Weekly Political, Agricultural and Family Newspaper; 5 1S PUBLISHED AT FORT PERRY, ONT. ! EVERY THURSDAY MORNING L| Port Perry, April 4, 1858. DAVID J.ADAMS, ORT PERRY. BANKER AND BROKER. Good Note Discoiinted. Has any amount of Money to Loan At 65 per cent. on good Mortgages. TNS URANCHE MANAGER. 8. P. 8xrrm, of Towanda, Pa., whose constitution was completely 'broken down, is cured by Ayer's Sarsaparilla, Ie writes: " For eight yoars, I was, most of the time, a great sufferer from constipa« tion, kidney trouble, and indiges _ tion, so that my constitution seemed to be completely broken down. I was induced to try Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and took nearly seven bottles, with such excellent results that my stomach, bowels, and kidneys are in perfect cone dition, and, ifi all their functions, as regular as clock-work. At the time I began taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla, my weight was only 129 pounds; I now ean effected at' the Lowest Radss in Good | bra# of 109 pounds, 454 yds never in 50 English Companies: EZ Agent Allan Line of Steam- ships. Port Perry, Oct. 17, 1889, MONEY T0 LOAN TE Subséiiber is prepared to LEND ANY AMOUNT on Farm Security * AT 6 PER CENT. #a Also on Village Property. #4 MORTGAGES BOUGHT, BA HUBERT L. EBBELS, Barrister, Office next to Ontario Bunk. Port Perry, May 10, 1885. WILCOX & HOLT Licensed Juotioneers FOR THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO SAND TOWNSHIP. OF CARTWRIGHT, Valu furnished free of charge. Satisfaction guar- antee or no pay. Terms lbefal. W. M. WiLLbox, Prrer Horr, 3 Port Perry, Matichester. Aug. 22, 1887. » WM, GORDON, Licensed Auctioneer, Valuator &c. for the Townships of Brock, Uxbridge, Scott, Thorah, Mara, Rama, Mariposa and Kldon Parties cutrusting their Sales to me may rely on the utmsot attention being given to their intrests. = WM. GORDON, Sunderland LIVERY STABLES. EARTILY thanking the public for the liberal patronage received during the many years ie kept a Livery Establish- ment in Port Perry, Ihave much pleasure in announcing that I have removed : 7 10 MY LIVERY! TO MY NEW PREMISES Opposite the Railway Station where from largely extended premises and increased facilities for business the public can be nccommodated with safe and desirable RIGS AT MODERATE CHARGES. R. VANSICKLER. Port Perry, July 21, 1886. H. McCAW, A ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, Port Perry Ont. Port Perry, Dec. 19, 1883. Scientific American Agency for _ "Scientific diy quantity of Money | iy at & and 7 per | good health. If you could see me be- fore and after using, yon would w: me for a traveling advertiseme 1 believe this preparation of Sarsaparilla to be the best in the market to-day." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. Cures others,willcureyou Ey Lockport, N. Y., says: "Over thirty years ago, I remember hearing my father describe the wonder- ful curative effects of Ayew's Cherry Pectoral. During a recent attack of La Grippe, which assumed the form of a eatarth, soreness of the lungs, accom- panied by an' aggravating cough, I used various remedies and prescriptions. 'While some of these medicines partially alleviated the coughing during the day, none of them afforded mé any relief from that spasmodic action of the lungs which tvould seize me the moment I attempted to lie down at night. After ten or twelve such nights, I was Nearly in Despair, and had about decided to sit up all night in my easy chair, and procure what sleep I could in that way. It then oc- curred to me that I had a bottle of Ayér's Cherry Pectoral. I took a spoonful of this preparation in a little water, and was able to lie down without coughing. In a few moments, I fell asleep, and awoke in the mdrning greatly refreshed and feeling fchH better. I took a teaspoonful of the Pec- toral every night for a week, then grad- ually decreased the dose, and in two Weeks my cough was cured." Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Prepared by Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass, Promptto act, sureto cure STORYET TES: Grave and Gay, Epigrammatio and Others wise. An English youth, recently converted | from the established church to Catholicism, went down oun his kiees in a Protestant drawi m, and asked a cardinal who entered for his blessing. The. magnificent old man looked ruffled, und said, in impatient tones, and without any punctuation, "God- bless-you-get-up-sir," and passed away. The French Government once. was need- a wit suggested then e: the Wl esen pb R RIR A SERVICEABLE FARM GATE. gate is wood put together in the usual manner, with P long brace (b) placed as shown in the sketch, and nailed in position. Holes are bored in the end pieces through which are passed and firmly secured anueal- ed No. 7 dnd 8 wire; seven or eight single sttands may be used to each gate, If the gate can be hinged to a building or a high post, a wire Aspnort (a) eun be used to pre- vent sagging. If a fow links of chain are attdclied to one end of the wire it may be always kept tight by hooking up another link. -- American Agriculturist. Table for Sorting Beans. All beans before they go into the tiands of the consumer are supposed to have been hand-picked ; that is, carefully looked over and all the spotted, injured and slit ones removed. This o ration is usually dons while in the hands of the grower. It is & slow, tedious operation, as, some years, the beans are'so badly damaged in the field that.it takes a very active person to care- fully hand-pick four bushels in ten hours' time ; while with a crop secured in good condition, four times that amount is fitted for market in the time mentioned. "In either case it is very tiresome work, es- pecially with the plan usnally followed, whereas, by the use of a sorting table, the A GONVENIENT BEAN TABLE. labor is greatly lessened. The contrivance ghown in the engraving is from a sketch by L. D. Snook. It consists of two boards on foot in width and three feet in length, ed together aud provided with four leg railing, two inches hig] the edge and brought to nearly a poi front as shown in the sketch. Al place a hole is cut through the board, the marketable beans, as fast as they looked over, are allowed to fall throu, this opening into the spout, and th into a pail, basket, or other receptacle. The damaged beans, of course, are remove from the good ones and placed in separa baskets, which should be Conveniently : cated, one upon each side of the table, an expert always picks with both hands. American Agriculturist. ROMANCE IN SOUTHERN AFRICA« Miss Olive Schreiner's Poetical Desorips tion of Her Desert Home, Majesfontein, the home of Olive Schrein- er, the popular author, is a railway statio 195 miles out from Cape Town on the dri est waste of the great Karoo plain. h Karor is very near to Miss Schrein heart. "It was amid such scenes as th amid motionless, immeasurable silens she says, "that the Oriental mind framed the noblest conception of the seen, and 'I am that I am' of the Not less wonderful is the Karooat ni) when the stars of the Milky Way band across the sky. You stand alone side, you see the velvet blue-blavk rising spiiy on one side of the great hi zon a king on the other ; the eart so motionless, the silence is so intense, almost seem to hear the stars move. less wonderful are the moonlight when you sit alone on a fools the moon has risen across the . and the soft light is over eve even the stones are beautiful j = what you have dreamed abont hum and fellowship, and never grasped, lieve in them, Hardly less beau! sunrise when the hills which v purple turn to gold, and suddenly | of light shoot fifty miles across and make every drop on the ice sparkle. Nor less lovely are the you go out in the evening; the of the day is over; as you walk breath touches your cheek ; you and all the L:lls are turned piuk ai and a curious light lies on the Karoo btishes ; they are gilded ; vanishes, and all along the west ul HURSDAY, JUNE 1, 1833, one? This iifight be done n this, my saffering brother-- the tongue id or sung, n Were Wise and loved each other, ~--Charles Mackey. - It's Curiotis. 8 kind pf woather when you come ke it ot ; ate wind is blowin' all the blossotn dabout, ine's lue and pei skies, woman's byes. * when all is lovely, an' the wind music| floats ; "the birds are makin' merry an' a' 'strain of their throats ; Aw sunsbine's like a picnic in the blos- 3 pink un' white, A ey + "lows all in sight. It's enrions kind o' weather--jes' the worst 'you ever felt ; You don't half git through froezin' "fore tho ler cones to melt | * An you can't quite say it's winter, an' you ain't half sure it's spring ; So, keep on Yih the whistlin' an' thank God for eyery thing 1 \ --Atlanta Constitution. -- "Sitting Upon" a Debtor. The Persipn creditor having once determined fo get his money, calls for it early in the worning; and cannot be persuaded to go away until it is paid. He brings his carpets with him and sits down in his debtor's bedroom, eating, drinking and sleeping there till he is bought off. Some years ago a Persian had, or fancied 'he lad, a claim on the Hnglish Foreign Office ; one day he traveled away from Teheran, and after many strange ad- res arrived in 'London, bringing im, ahd fully prepar- . ord. Palmerston was retary of State for Foreign Affairs t that time, took the thing good-hum- oredly ; but Mr. Hammond, the Under {{Becreiary of State, a sharp-tempered Hlgentleman was for calling a policeman. 4 The practice of 'sitting upon a mun,' as it is called, universally prevails in Persia, and itis not easy to deal with Still, it way be dealt with, and Sir John McNeill, a shrewd old Scotch liplomntist, who was once accredited to the Persian court, contrived to ge divice. kept asa festival in Persia, religion ing for alms as insisting upon a flxed sum. They generally tax a foreign i{ ambassador highly, and one of them a dervish, demanded an extravagant sum from Sir John McNeill. The Scotch diplomatist offered to compromise with him for any reasonable amount, hut his offer was refused, and as he would not give more the dervish proceeded He established him- elf in Sir John's garden, just before study windows, and now and then during the day and when he woke at night, this dervish set up a hornd hollabaloo, and blew a cracked trum- pet. Sir John who did not like to to sit upon him, , | his rest disturbed in that way, deter- mined to put a stop to the dervish's t | tricks. eject him by force ; but he was solemnly warned by the Persian auth- bars of gold against a pale emeral - thing begius to turn K | oo paper. i The Way Miss Jewett Writes. Miss Sarah Orne Jewett is said to plete stories mentally before put! 2 She always writes in tho | hands upon him, id of him if you enn,' they ig, 'but do not touch him." | well, said Sir John dryly, sent for a bricklayer. me a wall arodiid this how!- r in my garden,' said Si to the bricklayer, 'and then roof Fs' a-streaming from the -a dreamin'--like the light one strikes the country an' jes' swal- Washington Letter. [From uf Regular Correspondent.] It has been generally supposed that the patronage of the present adminis tration in the ship-building line would be confied to the three ganboats and sub-marine torpedo boats authorized by the last Congress. Secretary Herbert has, however, authority for the construction of nine new vessels of war. They are all small, Lut they help to move us along a peg or two in the | i Thee with Spulsttor sixth place | '* u i net of 1886. Secretary decision on the plans for the three new gunboats is expected inn few days, The outlines of five different ships have been prepared. One of these calls for the old-fashioned paddle wheel for special service in the shallow waters of Chinese rivers, another calls for a cothposite shaft, and the others are patterned after the Machias type. President Oleveland said a goo thing lately. "1do not know any one who could stand more rest than I just now." Tt is said that he looks wearily out of his south window every morning at the broad Potomac, #niffs the odors of the woods and hankers for a little sport with rod and reel. Gen. Wade Hampron and Congressman Amos Oummings have been recently whisper- ing alluring tales into lis ears--fish tales, oii An occasional bottle of Ayers Sarsa- parilla does more to correct the ten- dency of the blood to accumulate humors, and keep the organs sound and healthy, than any other treatment we know of. "Prevention is better than cure." Try it this month. The editor of that excellent paper the Galt Reporter is going fishing and thus describes his preparations :--We d [battle was repeated with nearly the have arranged for double-recover case- hardened breeches for the occasion, so that the more kicks we get the better we'll get on, and the more damage will he done the toes of the offenders against our personal dignity: may recognize us we will mention that shall on this auspicious wear n tall hat and lavendor kid gloves, and shall be fully open to receive the hospitality of all who will sit and dine us on the first convenient We shall carry full supplies when we rid of a dervish by a rather clever mendicants go about, not so much ask- sally forth in the morbing, and have a basket full of trout when we wabble 0 i creekum after troutum no wantum suckerum, our Latin motto. Those who keep their blood in a pure and healthy condition need have little fear of discase attacking them. Tt is the enfeebled, run-down system upon which disease fastens its fangs, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills have no equal as a blood builder, nerve tonic, and pre- ventative of disease. Thousands testify to the wonderful power of this remedy. Take no substitute. Of all dealers or Ly mul at 50c a box, sir boxes for $2.50. Dr. Williygus' Med. @o., Brock- ¢ | ville, Ont, J -- Suhbeams. At the New Year, which is -- s| When a man secs that he is being driven to despair he ought to get out and walk. HEADACHE and CONSTIPATION vanish when Burdock Pills are used. They cure where all others fail. There is no need to worry over an Just drop into some dentist's and it will come out all right. tooth. Ripans Tabules cure the blues. Ripans Tabules cure jaundice. When we don't spend our money, wa are economical ; when other people don't spend their money, orities that it would be dangerous to r | Both the method and results when Syrupof Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acta ntly yet yon the Kidneys, a Tom! o dervish looked on composedly | {iver ey Bowls, cleanses the sys- le the wall rose slowly around hi, SW shut him wp in a tomb alive, h mped over the lowest part of th and rushed away like a maniac. n was probably the only n who ever got the best of a the wil nde more noise than ever § but he saw that they really meant nd out of his sails-- oung matron with peram- Good morning, Mrs. Full- Are you taking the son out airing, or the heir out for a tem effectually, dispels colds, head- Sehed and foros andes Dabivol eo tion. Syrup of Fi i only oh of its kind - T= e | duced, pl g to the taste and ac- e | ceptable to the stomach, prompt in its action and sly banal fat in Ye effects, on e MO Plea agreeable substances, its manyexcellentqualities commend it to all and haye made it the most ular remedy known. + Ryu of Fp is for sale in Tho bottle Dy lea druggists, Any reliable t who may not have it on hand will procure it Sromptly for any ono who wishes to try it: Manufactured only by the ALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CC, SAN FRANCIS00, OAL. |rovmeviLLE XZ. NEW YORE N.¥ | least one or two pigs where the refuse Eo Fight, While two residents of Galena, Il, were driving through Southern Wis- | consin recently they Witnessed, near Arena, a fierce fight between a bald headed eagle and a large tomeat. The ""prond bird of the mpuntains" had at tacked the eat while hunting in the _ 6nd succeeded in fastening its nimal's back, when ly' began and was terrific yowls of The cut was too heavy for eagle fly with, but it succeeded in raising it several times inthe air,- 100 feet or more at each effort ; but the attempts to get away with its prey were futile, as the weight of the eat and its fierce struggle for life invariably brought the eagle to the ground agrin, «where the same result. In the final bout, which took place on terra firma, the eagle threw up the sponge and flew laborious- ly across the river, while the cat, much worried, made tracks as rapidly as possible away from the scene of battle. ee ee Scraped with a Rasp. YIRS-~I had such & severe cough that my throat felt as if scraped with a rasp. On taking Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup I found the first dose gave relief, and the second bottle completely cured me. diss A. A. Downey, Manotic, Ont. The Wrong Woman. Two well dressed women, whose kinship could 'be traced at a glance, entered a shop the other day and took seats at the silk counter. The dssis- tant had scarcely commenced his weather report when one of the women said : It is my duty to warn you that my sister is a confirmed 'kleptomaniac' and that you must watch her closely.' After a little while the 'kelp' moved along to another seat, dnd the assistant felt it his duty to give her his most vigilant attention. Twenty minutes time was consumed and no purchase made, and as the woman left the shop the dssistant flattered himself that the res had tried it nthe g : "What made you watch [that lady so closely ¥ quetied a lady who Hud observed most of the maneuvering. ¢Kletomania,' he whispered. *Isthat so! Why, I should bave thought the other one needed your eyes most.' She had taken 30 yards of silk and £3 worth of fringe. --_-- For Frost Bites. {IRS,--For chapped hands, sore throat S and frost bites I tind nothing excels Hegyard's Yellow Oil. I had my feet frozen three years ago and obtained no relief until T used Hagyard's Yellow Oil, which soon healed up the frozen part. CHAS. LONOMUIR, Alameda, N.W.T. Quericas-- What did he mean by saying he would have to economize, as there was one more in his family to support 1 Cynicus--His married an English nobleman. daughter has just Do not allow pools of water around your trees. Bank up the earth around each tree, or make a drain. Water keeps the ground cold and retards growth. Soot from the chimney is an excel tent fertilizer for pot plants. Mix it with water and apply it around the roots. Sheep give three profits in one year a=wool, lamb and mutton. It may be added that the manure is also nearly as valuable as the wool on poor farms. Nothing should be wasted on the farm, It is an advantage to keep at can be given them. Such useless artizles as apple parings, leaves and tops of vegetables, weeds and whey are all readily nccepted hy pigs, and are more suitable for them at this season thall grain. Although it is not claimed that Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures every ill to which flesh is heir, yet, as a matter of fact, it comes nearer doing this than any other medicine evir compounded. In purifying the blood; it removes the source of nearly all disorders of the humau system. Papa rnly)---What waa that dish Wi Ai now { Robbie Please; sir, fell down stairs, but 1 didn't mean to, and mawima never told me not to, " Collector--Mr. Trager, will you sub: scribe toward the decoration of the soldier's graves 1 Mr: Frager-- No, sir; the men whose graves I want to de- lcorate ain't dead yet. sister was looking for me to night H Dickey, did you know that your|. An impecunious man stood at. corner of one of the Jerse ¥ streets during the recent-bad watching a brakeman as he hy shunt a car into one of the yards, The roofs of th slippery and wet, the br looked cold, the brakeman h nose, watery eyes and a general if he had been out all 1 At the Fair. Attendant--Two dollars, please, Visitor-- What buying a thing 1 ab? Attendant--No, sir bdt you add the Indy have been standing here just,' twenty minutes breathing and I have, % a mortgage on the air for ten feet in each direction; 9 I haven't been - His Normal Condition. The dade had been thrown from his horse and stunned ind whep he regain:; ed conscousness he was 'quite ow of his head for some days. The third, day after the accident « friend met his physician. * How's Charlie I' he asked. 'Very much better.' ¥ ' Have you got him where he shows signs ot intelligence x "2 Oh, no,' was the hopeful answer.--= 'We don't expect to restors him td more than his normal condition.' His Opportunity: 5 It sometimes happened during the era of 'reconstruction' in South Carol olina that the quondum slave was pro-, moted above his former master. So it happened that Pompy Smash, a coal. black negro, became a 'a tial justice.' It was not long before Pompey had case before him. When the jury arose and began moving [toward the adjoin-, ing room for consultation; tne &f thé, : lawyers interposed and said, * May it please your honor, you have not ed the jury." i ed up himself, and wi dignity said : 5 "Gen'men of dis jury, as dis fust tidie I have had yo' befd mi charge each one o' yo' one dollar and half.' : wees rst 10 ! Why He Didn't. 7 A Crass avenue man, with a wife who has her own ways about doing thins catches her now : fl thei. 5 ¢ My dear,' he said the other morn-, ing, 'I think you were right when you, told me last night that there were burglars in the house.' * Why ? he asked nervously. ' Because all the money that was ifr, my pockets when Iwent to bed is gone. ¢ Well, she said, with an I-told you: so air, 'if you had been brave and got up and shot the wretch, you would have had your money this morn ing. ai 'Possibly, my dear,' possibly, he said gingerly, 'but I would have been widower.'§ She laughed softly then and give half it back te him. . «Gly A Judge on a 'Treadmill' A good story is told of a Judge vise iting penal institution. Being'practie- ally disposed the learned judge phils. 2 apthropically trusted himself on the, 'treadmill, detiring the warden to start it in motion, The machine was accordingly adjusted, and Ins lordshi commenced to age hid feet. Tn a few minutes, however, the new hand had quite enough of it and called ' Plyase,my R It's set for twenty minutes. T the shortest time we can . So the judge was in durauce his 'term' expired. os Looking out for Mr. Eastside-- When I eo late, I always go to the "Kitchen and strike a match. wig Mr. McHarlem--What do thatfort °° © Be Mr, Eastside--To see is in its proper place in it isn't I know what sort is in store for me whi: -